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1、英语人教新目标七年级上册unit9单元基础知识测试含答【英语】人教新目标:七年级上册unit9单元基础知识测试含答案)七年级上册英语unit9单元基础知识测试I写出下列单词的相应形式.1physicaleducation(缩写) 2class(复数) 3why(对应词) 4Monday(缩写) 5Thursday(缩写) 6free(反义词) 7use(形容词) 8finish(第三人称单数形式) 9class(同义词) 10hour(复数) II汉译英1我最喜欢的科目 2一节英语课 3在上午八点 4在周四下午 5两节数学课 6无疑,肯定 7从到 8和我们一起玩游戏 9接下来的一天 10上两个

2、小时的美术课 单项填空( )1.-Whatisthethirddayofaweek?-Its .A.Wednesday B.Tuesday C.Thursday D.Monday( )2Bill,whatsyoursisters favorite ? B.color )3Englishis usefullanguage.Weshouldlearnitwell.A.a C.the D. /( )4.-Doyoulikemath?-Yes,itsdifficult interesting.A.a

3、nd B.or C.but D.because( )5.Wegotoschool Monday Friday.A.from;to B.for;at;from;at( )6. weekdayswegotoschool sevenoclock.A.In;at B.At;at C.On;at D.Of;at( )7.Mymotherletsmeplaycomputergames B.on D.for( )8.-Whydoyoulikemath?- itsinteresting.A.So B.But C.Or D.Because

4、IV对画线部分提问.1.WehavemusiconTuesday. doyou music?2.Kensfavoritesubjectisscience. Kensfavoritesubject?3.IhaveChineseandhistoryonTuesday. doyou onTuesday?4.Mylastclassfinishesat2.00. yourlastclass ?5.Ilikemymusicteacherbecausesheis kind. doyou musicteacher?V根据汉语意思完成句子.1你最喜欢的运动是什么?Whats sport?2王先生最喜欢绿色。Mr

5、.Wang green .3你最喜欢的老师是谁? isyour teacher?4我喜欢数学,因为它很有趣。Ilike , itsveryinteresting. 参考答案I. 1.P.E. 2.classes 3.because 4.Mon. 5.Thu. 6.busy 7.useful 8.finish 9.lesson 10.hoursII. favorite subject English test 8:00 in the morning 4.on the afternoon of Thursday 5.two math classes 6.for sur

6、e 7.fromto games with us 9.the next day 10.have an art lesson for two hoursIII. 1-4 BCAC 5-8 ACDDIV. 1.When, have 2.What is 3.What , have 4.When does, finish 5.Why , like yourV. 1.your favorite 2.likes, best 3.Who , favorite 4.math , because人教新目标英语:七年级上单元练习卷:Unit9(1)Unit 9. 单项选择(15分)( )1. Doe

7、s he want _ to the party? Yes, he does. A. come B. comesC. to come D. coming【解析】选C。考查固定搭配。want to do sth. “想做某事”。故选C。( )2. They have an art class _ 2: 00 p. m. _ Monday. A. on; on B. at; onC. from; to D. to; from【解析】选B。考查介词的用法。在“星期”之前用介词on; 在“具体几点”之前用介词at。故选B。( )3. He _ English on Friday afternoon.

8、A. have B. has C. is D. does【解析】选B。考查主谓一致。句意: 星期五下午他上英语课。have有上课的意思, 主语he是第三人称单数, 故用has。故选B。( )4. Can you finish _ these books before 10 oclock? Yes, I can. A. to read B. readC. reads D. reading【解析】选D。考查固定搭配。固定用法: finish doing sth. “做完某事”。故选D。( )5. Dont play _ fire. Its dangerous. A. about B. with C

9、. / D. for【解析】选B。考查固定搭配。句意: 不要玩火。它很危险。固定用法: play with“玩耍”, play with fire“玩火”。故选B。( )6. _ is your P. E. teacher? Mr Deng. A. What B. How C. Who D. Why【解析】选C。考查疑问词辨析。根据答语: 是邓老师。提问人要用who。故选C。( )7. _ favorite day is Tuesday because he _ P. E. . A. Toms; is B. Toms; hasC. Tom; has D. Tom; does【解析】选B。根据句

10、意: Tom最喜欢的一天是星期二, 因为在这天上体育。表示“某人最喜欢的是”用“名词所有格/形容词性物主代词+favorite”, have是“上课”的意思, 其第三人称单数形式是has。故选B。【拓展训练】Whats _ favorite subject? _ favorite subject is science. A. Bill; His B. Bills; HisC. Bill; He D. Bill; He【解析】选B。表示“某人最喜欢的是”用“名词所有格/形容词性物主代词+favorite”, 故选B。( )8. _ does he like blue? Because the c

11、olor makes him happy. A. What B. When C. Why D. How【解析】选C。考查疑问词辨析。根据答语“因为这个颜色让他高兴。”可知提问原因用why。故选C。( )9. What day is it today? Its _ . A. 12: 00 B. WednesdayC. September D. 2014【解析】选B。What day is it today? 是用来提问“星期几”的。故选B。( )10. The last day of a week is _ . A. Friday B. SaturdayC. Sunday D. Monday【解

12、析】选B。在西方国家中, 一周的最后一天是星期六。故选B。 ( )11. Math is _ useful subject. A. a B. an C. the D. /【解析】选A。考查冠词。句意: 数学是一门有用的学科。useful是以辅音音素开头的词, 所以其前不定冠词用a。故选A。【拓展训练】I think English is _ useful language(语言), and its also _ important language. A. an; a B. a; anC. an; the D. a; the【解析】选B。useful是以辅音音素开头, 所以用a; import

13、ant是以元音音素开头, 所以用an。故选B。( )12. After class, we play basketball _ two hours. A. to B. at C. for D. in【解析】选C。考查介词的用法。表示一段时间用介词for。故选C。( )13. Why do you like Friday? Because _ day is Saturday. A. first B. lastC. next D. the next【解析】选D。根据题意: 你为什么喜欢星期五? 因为第二天是星期六。first第一; last最后; next下一个; the next day第二天。

14、故选D。( )14. _ does your music teacher come? At nine oclock. A. When B. What C. Who D. Why【解析】选A。考查疑问词辨析。根据答语: 在九点。提问时间用when。故选A。( )15. They like history because they think it is _ . A. boring B. funC. beautiful D. well【解析】选B。根据题意: 他喜欢历史, 因为历史比较有趣。boring无聊的; fun有趣的; beautiful漂亮的; well很好的。故选B。. 完形填空(10

15、分)Dear Annie, Thank you for your letter. Im glad you like your school. I go to school from Monday to Friday. We have four16in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have17to do after class. 18Monday and Wednesday afternoon, we19sports. On Tuesday afternoon, 20of us have21singing class. And on Thur

16、sday afternoon, some have a22class. On Friday afternoon, we practise23English. My Chinese friends would like24with me in English. They think I am like an English teacher. Isnt it great? On Saturdays and Sundays, I dont go to school. Very often I go to the park and have a good time25my family there.

17、( )16. A. classes B. lesson C. class D. grade【解析】选A。句意: 我们上午上四节课, 下午二节课。“上四节课”“have four classes”。故选A。( )17. A. anything B. any thingC. many thing D. many things【解析】选D。被选四个答案中C和D符合肯定句要求, 但C中many后用了单数, 应排除。故选D。( )18. A. To B. In C. On D. At【解析】选C。在某一天的上下午, 介词用on。on Monday and Wednesday afternoon在星期一和

18、星期三的下午, 故选C。( )19. A. has B. haveC. having D. to have【解析】选B。have sports为固定短语, 意为“进行运动”。we是第一人称, 其后面的动词不能用第三人称单数, 所以A不能选, C和D不能直接作谓语, 故选B。( )20. A. any B. oneC. some D. the other one【解析】选C。some of us为固定用法, 意为“我们中的一些人”。any用于否定句, one of us意为“我们其中的一个”, 由后面的have可排除B项, D无此结构, 故选C。( )21. A. a B. an C. the

19、D. some【解析】选A。a singing class/lesson唱歌课, a用在辅音音素开头的单词前, 故选A。( )22. A. draw B. drawsC. to draw D. drawing【解析】选D。a drawing class/lesson绘画课, 固定表达。故选D。( )23. A. speak B. speakC. speaking D. to speak【解析】选C。固定用法practise doing sth. “练习做某事”, 故选C。( )24. A. talk B. talksC. to talk D. talking【解析】选C。would like后

20、加to do sth. 为固定结构, 意为“想要做某事”, 故选C。( )25. A. for B. with C. at D. in【解析】选B。with表示“和”、“与”之意, have a good time with sb. 意为“和某人一起玩得高兴”, 故选B。. 阅读理解(30分)AMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday8: 008: 45EnglishMathChineseEnglishMath8: 559: 40MathChineseEnglishChineseChinese10: 0010: 45P. E. GeographyBiologyH

21、istoryComputer10: 5511: 40HistoryEnglishP. E. ChemistryComputer14: 1014: 55ArtPhysicsMathPoliticsBiology15: 1015: 55ChineseChemistryPhysicsMathGeography16: 0516: 50MusicPoliticsClass meetingChineseEnglish(注: Physics物理Chemistry化学)( )26. You have an art class on _ . A. Monday B. TuesdayC. Wednesday D.

22、 Thursday【解析】选A。根据表格14: 1014: 55对应的art是在星期一, 故选A。( )27. You have _ Chinese classes every week. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6【解析】选D。根据表格Monday: 15: 1015: 55 Chinese; Tuesday: 8: 559: 40 Chinese; Wednesday: 8: 008: 45 Chinese; Thursday: 8: 559: 40 Chinese; 16: 0516: 50 Chinese; Friday: 8: 559: 40 Chinese, 一共六节,

23、 故选D。( )28. How long will you rest for the lunch break(午间休息)? _ . A. 100 minutes B. 90 minutesC. 110 minutes D. 150 minutes【解析】选D。由表格可知: 11: 4014: 10午休时间, 一共150分钟, 故选D。( )29. You have _ classes only on Monday and Wednesday. A. art B. music C. biology D. P. E. 【解析】选D。根据表格星期一和星期三都上的课是P. E. , 故选D。( )30

24、. You can send and receive emails from _ to _ in computer class on Friday. A. 8: 00; 9: 00 B. 10: 00; 11: 40C. 8: 45; 10: 40 D. 14: 10; 15: 45【解析】选B。本题的意思是: 在星期五的计算机课可以收发邮件的时间是从到, 也就是说“星期五的计算机课是什么时候”, 根据表格, 10: 0011: 40是计算机课的时间, 故选B。BHello! My name is Emma. My favorite day is Friday. Do you know why

25、? We have a music lesson on Friday morning. It is my favorite subject. I also like other three lessons in the morning. They are English, Chinese and math. In the afternoon we usually have three classes, but on that day there are only two classes, P. E. and oral English. Our P. E. teacher is my favor

26、ite teacher because her lessons are very interesting. I like the nice weekend. ( )31. Emmas favorite day is _ . A. Sunday B. SaturdayC. Friday D. Thursday【解析】选C。由文中第三句可知Emma最喜欢的是星期五。故选C。( )32. Emmas favorite subject is _ . A. English B. musicC. Chinese D. math【解析】选B。由文中We have a music lesson on Frid

27、ay morning. It is my favorite subject. 可知, Emma最喜欢的科目是音乐。故选B。( )33. Emma usually has _ lessons a day. A. two B. three C. six D. seven【解析】选D。由文中的I also like other three lessons in the morning. They are English, Chinese and math. In the afternoon we usually have three classes. . . 可知Emma通常上午有4节课, 下午有3

28、节课, 故选D。( )34. Emmas favorite teacher is _ teacher. A. music B. P. E. C. oral English D. Chinese【解析】选B。由文中Our P. E. teacher is my favorite teacher because her lessons are very interesting. 可知答案, 故选B。( )35. How many classes do they have on Friday afternoon? A. Only two classes. B. Three classes. C. Five classes. D. Six classes. 【解析】选A。由文中In the afternoon we usually have three classes, but on that day there are only two classes. 可知选A。CJoe: How are you? Sally: Im fine, but busy today. What about you? Joe: Im fine, too. Why are you busy toda

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