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1、学术英语社科听力原文及翻译学术英语(社科)听力原文及翻译1. Unit 1Businesses are structured in different ways to meet different needs.The simplest form of business is called an individual or sole proprietorship. The proprietor(经营者) owns all of the property of the business and is responsible for everything. For legal purposes, w

2、ith this kind of business, the owner and the company are the same. This means that the proprietor gets to keep all of the profits of the business, but also must pay any debts. Another kind of business is the partnership. Two or more people go into business together. An agreement is usually needed to

3、 decide how much of the partnership each person controls.One kind of partnership is called a limited liability partnership. These have full partners and limited partners. Limited partners may not share as much in the profits, but they also have less responsibilities for the business. Doctors, lawyer

4、s and accountants often form partnerships to share their risks and profits. A husband and wife can form a business partnership together.Partnerships exist only for as long as the owners remain alive. The same is true of individual proprietorships. But corporations are designed to have an unlimited l

5、ifetime. A corporation is the most complex kind of business organization. Corporations can sell stock as a way to raise money. Stock represents shares of ownership in a company. Investors who buy stock can trade their shares or keep them as long as the company is in business. A company might use som

6、e of its earnings to pay dividends(红利) as a reward to shareholders. Or the company might reinvest the money into the business.If shares lose value, investors can lose all of the money they paid for their stock. But shareholders are not responsible for the debts of the corporation. A corporation is r

7、ecognized as an entity(实体)its own legal being, separate from its owners.A board of directors control corporate policies. The directors appoint top company officers. The directors might or might not hold shares in the corporation.If shares lose value, investors can lose all of the money they paid for

8、 their stock.But not all corporations are traditional businesses that sell stock. Some nonprofit groups are also organized as corporations.2. Unit 2In the past three week I have introduced you to the ideas and methods of economics.In the next week, we will start learning more, in more detail the pri

9、nciples of economic behavior and economic policy.As you proceed through the whole semester, you will be asked to draw on many of your intellectual skills.在过去的三周里,我向你介绍了经济学的思想和方法。在接下来的一周内,我们将开始学习更多的,更详细的经济行为和经济政策的原则。当你进行整个学期,你会被要求画上许多你的知识技能。You might find it helpful to keep in mind some advice from t

10、he great economist John Maynard Keynes:你可能会发现它很有帮助,以保持在一些意见,从伟大的经济学家凯因斯梅纳德:The study of economics does not seem to require any specialized gifts of an unusually high order. Is it not a very easy subject compared with the higher branches of philosophy or pure science?经济学的研究似乎并不需要任何特殊的高阶的特殊的礼物。它不是一个很容

11、易的学科相比,更高的分支机构的哲学或纯科学?An easy subject, at which very few excel! The paradox finds its explanation, perhaps in that the master-economist must possess a rare combination of gifts. He must be mathematician, historian, statesman, philosopher- in some degree. He must understand symbols and speak in words

12、. He must contemplate the particular in terms of the general, and touch abstract and concrete in the same flight of thought. He must study the present in the light of the past for the purposes of the future. No part of mans nature or his institutions must lie entirely outside his regard. He must be

13、purposeful and disinterested in a simultaneous mood as aloof and incorruptible as an artist yet sometimes as near the earth as a politician.一个简单的主题,在其中非常少!悖论找到了它的解释,或许在那个大师的经济学家必须拥有一个罕见的组合的礼物。他一定是数学家、历史学家、政治家、哲学家-在某种程度上。他必须理解符号和用词说话。他必须考虑到这一特殊的方面,在同一飞行中的抽象和具体的思考。为了将来的目的,他必须根据过去,学习现在。任何人的本性或机构的一部分,都必

14、须完全在他的考虑之外。他必须在同时情绪冷漠和廉洁是有目的和公正作为一个艺术家,但有时像政治家一样脚踏实地。It is a tall order. But with practice, you will become more and more accustomed to thinking like an economist.这是一个高阶。但在实践中,你会变得越来越习惯于像经济学家一样思考。3. Unit 3 People differ in many ways. One difference is in how attractive they are. The actor Brad Pitt,

15、 for instance, is a handsome man. In part for this reason, his movies attract large audiences. Not surprisingly, the large audiences mean a large income for Mr. Pitt. 人们有许多不同的方式。一个区别是如何吸引人。例如,演员布拉德皮特是个英俊的男人。为了这个原因,他的电影吸引了大量的观众。毫不奇怪,大的观众意味着一个巨大的收入为皮特先生。How prevalent are the economic benefits of beaut

16、y? Labor economists Daniel Hamermesh and Jeff Biddle tried to answer this question in a study published in the December 1994 issue of The American Economic Review.美容的经济效益有多普遍?劳动经济学家哈莫米斯丹尼尔和比德尔杰夫试图在十二月1994期美国经济评论中发表的一项研究中回答这个问题。 Hammerers and Biddle examined data from surveys of individuals in the Un

17、ited States and Canada. The interviewers who conducted the survey were asked to rate each respondents physical appearance. Hammerers和比德尔研究的数据来自美国和加拿大的个人调查。进行调查的面试官被要求对每个答辩人的外貌进行评价。Hamermesh and Biddle then examined how much the wages of the respondents depended on the standard determinants - educati

18、on, experience, and so on- and how much they depended on physical appearance.哈莫米斯和比德尔然后检查了多少的受访者的工资取决于标准的决定因素-教育,经验,等等-和多少取决于物理外观。Hamermesh and Biddle found that beauty pays. People who are deemed to be more attractive than average earn five percent more than people of average looks. 哈莫米斯和比德尔发现,美的付出

19、。被认为是更具吸引力的人比一般人平均收入高百分之五。 People of average looks earn 5 to 10 percent more than people considered less attractive than average. Similar results were found for men and women.长相一般的人平均收入比人们认为吸引力低的人多五到百分之十。男性和女性都有类似的结果。What explains these differences in wages? There are several ways to interpret the “

20、beauty premium”.什么解释了这些差异的工资?有几个方法来解释“美容费”。One interpretation is that good looks are themselves a type of innate ability determining productivity and wages. Some people are born with the attributes of a movie star; other people are not. 一种解释是,良好的外表本身是一种天生的能力,决定着生产力和工资。有些人是天生的明星的属性,其他人不是。Good looks a

21、re useful in any job in which workers present themselves to the public- such as acting, sales, and waiting on tables. In this case, an attractive worker is more valuable to the firm than an unattractive worker. 在任何工人们向公众展示自己的工作,好的外表都是有用的。例如:在演员、销售员和服务员等。在这种情况下,一个有吸引力的工人比一个没有吸引力的工人更有价值。 The firms wil

22、lingness to pay more to attractive workers reflects its customers preferences.该公司愿意支付更多给吸引力的员工,反映出其客户的偏好。A second interpretation is that reported beauty is an indirect measure of other types of ability.另一种解释是,美是一种间接衡量其他类型的能力。 How attractive a person appears depends on more than just heredity. It als

23、o depends on dress, hairstyle, personal demeanor, and other attributes that a person can control.一个人的吸引力不只是取决于遗传。它还取决于着装、发型、个人举止和其他个人可以控制的因素。 Perhaps a person who successfully projects an attractive image in a survey interview is more likely to be an intelligent person who succeeds at other tasks as

24、 well. 也许一个人在调查面试中成功地表现出一个有吸引力的形象,他更可能是一个聪明的人,他在其他工作中也会成功。A third interpretation is that the beauty premium is a type of discrimination, a topic to which we return later.第三种解释是,美的溢价是一种区别,我们稍后返回这个主题。4. Unit 4The scientific study of population is known as demography. The word comes from the Greek for

25、“measuring people”. But counting heads is only a small part of what demographers do. 人口的科学研究被称为人口统计学。这个词来源于希腊的“测量人”。但统计数量只有人口统计学家做的一小部分。They also attempt to calculate the growth rate of a population and to assess the impact of such things as the marriage rate and life expectancy, the sex ratio, the

26、age structure on human behavior and the structure of society. 他们还试图计算人口的增长率,并评估如婚姻率和预期寿命,性别比例,年龄结构对人类行为和社会结构这些事物的影响,。They are interested in the distribution of population and in movements of people. Put another way, demographers study the effects of such numbers on social trends.他们感兴趣的是人口分布和人口流动。另一方

27、面,人口学家研究的这样的数字对于社会趋势的影响。Demographers use a number of standard measures in translating a localitys raw totals- births, deaths, and the number of those moving in and out- into general statistics that allow them to identify trends. 人口统计学家使用一些标准的措施在翻译当地的原料总量,出生,死亡,和一些迁入和输出-一般统计让他们以确定趋势。The birthrate is

28、the number of births per 1000 people in a given years. Suppose there were 900 births in a city of 50000 in a specific year. 出生率是每一年的出生人数1000人。假设有900个出生在一个有50000人城市的在特定的一年。Demographers calculate the birthrate for the city by dividing the number of births (900) by the population (50000) and multiplyin

29、g the result (0.018) by 1000 to get 18. The birthrate in developed countries is 1.6; in less developed countries it is 4.0. 人口统计学家计算城市人口出生率以出生人数(900)的除以总人口(50000)的结果(0.018)相乘1000得到18。发达国家的生育率为1.6;不发达国家是4。The death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 people in a given year. The fertility rate is th

30、e number of live births per 1000 women of the world.死亡人数为每1000人死亡人数一年。生育率是世界上每1000名妇女的活产数。As mentioned earlier, population and population growth rates are highest in developing nations and lower in Western nations. These rates are also complicated by mass movements of refugees to and from certain co

31、untries. 如前所述,发展中国家和西方国家的人口增长率是最高的。这些比率也很复杂,某些国家的难民群众运动也很复杂。By 1994 the population of refugees was over 23 million, up from about 10 million refugees worldwide in 1983. Mass movements of people into and out of Afghanistan, Somalia and Mozambique have contributed to this sharp increase. Famine and po

32、litical upheaval are usually behind these mass exoduses.1994的难民人数超过2300万,由在1983约1000万难民增长。从阿富汗、索马里和莫桑比克的群众运动对这一急剧增加做出了贡献。饥荒和政治动荡通常在这些群众大规模流亡后发生。5. Unit 5Ones cultural identity is an important aspect of being human. Cultural identity evolves from the shared beliefs, values, and attitudes of a group of people. 人的文化身份是人的一个重要方面。文化认同是一些人类从共同的信仰、价值观和态度发展演变而来的。It embodies standards of behavior and the ways in which beliefs, values, and attitudes are transmitted to the younger generation. 它体现了行为准则和信仰,价值观和态

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