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1、最新整理高中英语选修6单元测试8分合集Unit 1?Art 单元同步测试I 单项选择 1. You have to be _* Anybody like you without any _ experience is not likely to be given a big salary even if you graduate from a famous university* * A* true; realistic B* realistic; practical C* practical; realistic D* real; realistic 2* Sculptures are so

2、mething _ but the concepts they demonstrate are _, which takes wisdom to understand A* real; subtract B* concrete; abstract C* realistic; subscribe D* specific; conventional 3* Have faith _ yourself, be faithful _your work and make every effort you can and then you are not far away from success* A*

3、of; of B* in; in C* to; in D* in; to 4* Plowing the field is the _ means to grow crops in China, typical _ the Chinese farming for thousands of years* A* controversial; with B* traditional; in C* conventional; of D* contemporary; to 5* Strict measures have to be _ to protect_ children from family ab

4、uses* A* adapted; adopted B* adopted; adopted C* adjusted; adjusted D* attached; adopted 6* Students are given a lot of exercises to do, _ to improve their grades* A* aimed B* aiming C* to be aimed D* to aim 7* Nobody knows for sure who possessed the ancient flower vase* In other words, nobody knows

5、 for sure who is _ of the flower vase* A* in possession B* in the possession C* of the possession D* with possession 8* The story is totally made up* If _ it happens to be _ anyones experience, we are here to apologize* A* by coincidence; similar to B* by accident; in coincidence with C* by chance;

6、by coincidence with D* X; in coincidence to9* Whether euthanasia(安乐死) should be made legal has been _ in the law circle for many years* A* conventional B* controversial C* potential D* experimental 10* It is ridiculous of you to be afraid of your own _, which follows everywhere you go when there is

7、light* A* shade B* shadow C* figure D* sculpture 11* I have heard of the famous scholar thousands of times but havent seen him _* A* in the flesh B* in personal C* in flesh D* in private 12* All visitors were amazed at the skills and _ the artist _ when carving the figure on the marble A* technologi

8、es; showed B* techniques; displayed C* technology; made D* technique; displayed 13* In such a _ situation, we have to be careful of what we say and what we do* A* delicate B* fragile C* weak D* flexible 14* It _ a superb mind to predict what will exactly happen in the future* A* takes B* costs C* sp

9、ends D* makes 15* It still remains a mystery why some people are _ certain flower fragrance while others are not* A* allergic to B* accustomed to C* addicted to D* appealing to 16* Egypt _ a high reputation of ancient civilization across the world A* likes B* appreciates C* enjoys D* is fond of 17*

10、_ of time and energy has been spent in making the earthquake-stricken areas a permanent museum to remind people how disastrous a natural disaster can be* A* Large quantities B* A great deal C* A good many D* A plenty 18* The girl _ to figure out what the boys attempt was _ by giving her a bunch of r

11、oses but without success * A* managed; X B* succeeded; on C* attempted; at D* tried; on 19* Visual teaching aids _ to students and help them learn better but _ they should not be overused in class* A* attract; on the other hand B* appeal; on the other hand C* hold interest; on other hand D* are inte

12、rested; on one hand 20* _ exhibits made of clay on exhibition have to be taken special care of _ them from being damaged * A* Delicate; preventing B* Fragile; to stop C* Weak; to keep D* Faint; keeping 21* The old man enjoys collecting signatures of cotemporary famous people _ famous paintings* A* w

13、ith preference of B* in preference to C* in preference for D* with preference to 22* The district committee _ having a big headache in _ with the aggressive boys who make trouble now and then in the area* A* is; dealing B* are; dealing C* is; doing D* are; doing 23* Please give us a _ explanation _

14、why you have done so _ in geometry in school* A* specific; to; well B* concrete; for; good C* general; to; wonderful D* specific; to; good 24* -I hear there is an art gallery around here and could you tell me how to get to it, sir? -It is _207 on the Fifth Avenue* Walk down this street and you _* A.

15、 on; cant miss it B* at; cant avoid it C* on; cant escape D* at; cant miss it 25. Students are burdened with too much exercises, _ their school grade* A* aiming to improve B* aiming at improving C* aimed to improve D* aimed to improving II* 完形填空Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre

16、listening to the music* Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her _26_ concert* She had been waiting for this _27_ for years and years* “Now it is here at last, ” she thought* “How beautiful her _28_ is*”The song made her _29_ to the days when she was Laurens _30_* As a young _31_, Dorothy wan

17、ted to be a concert singer* She studied _32_ in France, Italy and in the United States* “You can become a fine _33_ in the future, ” her teachers told her* “But you must be _34_to study hard and work for many years* There will be _35_time for anything but music in your life*”Dorothy was _36_ at that

18、 time and she was _37_ that music was all she wanted or needed to _38_ her life* For almost a year Dorothy _39_ of nothing else* Then she _40_ David, a young engineer travelling Europe* They soon fell in _41_* David asked her to be his _42_* Dorothy also wanted to marry David* But she loved _43_, to

19、o* She didnt know what to do* David was against her being a singer* He said, “If you want to be a singer, you must forget about getting married* You cant _44_ do both*” Thus her days were gone and would never return*Now Lauren became a singer instead of her, which was her _45_*26* A* sorry B* succes

20、sful C* first D* wonderful27* A* dance B* moment C* show D* party28* A* voice B* face C* dress D* life29* A* think of B* bring back C* go back D* come back30* A* age B* friend C* mother D* teacher31* A* musician B* pop star C* lady D* girl32* A* French B* music C* piano D* dance33* A* actress B* stu

21、dent C* singer D* dancer34* A* prepared B* learning C* driven D* waiting35* A* some B* any C* no D* enough36* A* eight B* eighteen C* eighty D* eighty-eight37* A* lucky B* sure C* afraid D* fond38* A* fill B* live C* lead D* take39* A* heard B* knew C* talked D* thought40* A* saw off B* learned from

22、 C* heard of D* met with41* A* love B* feeling C* music D* touch42* A* assistant B* teacher C* wife D* student43* A* him B* engineering C* herself D* music44* A* certainly B* possibly C* only D* mainly45* A* thought B* hope C* purpose D* willIII 阅读理解 第一节:阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。A Thirty-t

23、wo people watched Kitty Genovese being killed right below their windows* She was their neighbor* Yet none of the 32 helped her* Not one even called the police, Was this in gunman cruelty? Was it lack of feeling about ones fellowman? “Not so, ”say scientists John Barley and Bib Fatane* These men went

24、 beyond the headlines to research into the reasons why people didnt act* They found that a person has to go through two steps before he can help* First he has to notice that is an emergency(紧急情况)* Suppose you see a middle-aged man fall to the side-walk* Is he having a heart attack? Is he in a coma(昏

25、迷)from a headache? Or is he about to sleep off a drunk? Is the smoke coming into the room from a leak(漏洞)in the air conditioning? Is it“steam pipes”? Or is it really smoke from a fire? Its not always easy to tell if you are faced with a real emergency* Second, and more important, the person faced wi

26、th an emergency must feel personally responsible(负责任的)* He must feel that he must help, or the person wont get the help he needs* The researchers found that a lot depends on how many people are around* They had college students in to be“tested*” Some came alone* Some came with one or two others* And

27、 some came in large groups* The researchers started them off on the“tests*”Then they went into the next room* A curtain divided the“testing room”and the room into which they went* Soon the students heard a scream, the noise of book shelves falling and a cry for help* All of this had been prerecorded

28、 on a tape recorder* Eight out of ten of the students taking the test alone acted to help* Of the students in pairs, only two out of ten helped* Of the students in groups, none helped* In other words, in a group, Americans often fail to act* They feel that others will act* They, themselves, neednt*

29、They do not feel and direct responsibility* Are people bothered by situations where people are in trouble? Yes* Scientists found that the people were shocked, they sweated, and they had trembling hands* They felt the other persons trouble* But they did not act* They were in a group* Their actions we

30、re shaped by the actions of those they were with* 46* The purpose of this passage is *A*to explain why people fail to act in emergencies B*to explain when people will act in emergencies C*to explain what people will do in emergencies D*to explain how people feel in emergencies47* Which of the follow

31、ing is NOT true? A* When a person tries to help others, he must be clear that there is a real emergency* B* When a person tries to help others, he should know whether they are worth his help* C* A person must take the full responsibility for the safety of those in emergencies if wants to help* D* A person with a heart attack needs the most*48* The main reason why people fail to act when they stay together is that * A* they are afraid

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