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1、中英文对照说明书前 言Preface感谢您使用徐州燃烧控制研究院有限公司生产的就地点火控制柜装置。本公司的就地点火控制柜装置是徐州燃烧控制研究院有限公司自主开发生产的高品质就地控制装置,在使用系列本程控装置之前请您仔细阅读该手册以保证正确使用并充分发挥其优越性。本说明书对就地控制柜(以下简称控制柜)的操作和安装方法等做了详细的介绍。使用控制柜以前,在阅读本说明书的基础上,进行安全正确使用。Thank you for choosing the Local Ignition Control Cabinet designed by our company.The local ignition con

2、trol device is explored by our company for the ignition control of boiler.This manual describes installation and operation of the cabinet clearly, please read this manual before using.内容介绍Brief introduction本手册介绍了点火控制柜的组成、安装、配线、功能参数、日常使用维护及对故障的处理The manual includes the cabinets components, installati

3、on, wiring, data, maintenance, and troubleshooting.读者对象Applicable readers本书适合下列人员阅读This manual is applicable for 设备安装人员、维护人员、设计人员Installer, maintenance man, and designer本书约定 Stipulation符号约定Symbol stipulations说明提醒操作者需重点关注的地方Points operator should pay attention to 由于没有按要求操作可能造成死亡或重伤的场合危险!This symbol i

4、ndicates death or GBH that may occur as a result of improper operation 由于没有按要求操作可能造成中等程度伤害或轻伤或造成物质损害的场合注意!This symbol indicates secondary injury, flesh wound or object damage that may occur as a result of improper operation一、 序言Prologue 开箱检查Checking在开箱时请认真确认在运输中是否有破损现象控制柜内元器件与附图中的型号数量是否相符如发现有某种遗漏请速与

5、供货商或我司联系解决!Check if there is any damage.Ensure the model and quantity in chart are accordance with components in cabinet.If there is any mistake, please contact with supplier or our company. 安全注意事项Security不要安装在含有爆炸气体的环境里否则有引发爆炸的危险!必须由具有专业资格的人员进行配线作业否则有触电的危险!确认电源处于完全断开的情况下才能进行配线作业否则有触电危险!必须将控制柜的接地端子可

6、靠接地否则有触电的危险!通电情况下不要用手触摸控制端子否则有触电的危险!Do not install in explosive environment, or it may cause explosion.Do invite professionals for accompany when wiring, or it may cause electric shockDo shut off power before wiring.Do earth the cabinet ground terminal.Do not touch the control terminal when power is

7、 on. 安装条件Installation Requirement环境温度Temperature工作温度Working temperature:-10C+45C存储温度Storage temperature:-20C+65C环境湿度Humidity10%95%(不结露No Dew)大气环境Atmosphere必须避免下列情况:Avoid the following instance:腐蚀性气体 Corrosive gas 灰尘、盐份、铁粉集中之处Dust, salt, or iron powder水、油,其他化学品飞溅之处Splash range of water, oil, or other

8、 chemicals振动和冲击Vibration and Impact不能受到直接冲击和振动Avoid direct vibration or impact接地Earthing柜体应固定在平台上,保持良好的接地Place on flat plate, and keep well earthing 日常维护Maintenance定期检查柜内各种元器件,确认任一单元都没有松动的螺钉,所有电源和电线的连接都安全可靠;并保持外观完好。定期吹扫柜内,清除积下的灰尘、杂物,保持柜内卫生。定期检查控制柜内保险丝、继电器和其他可更换元件Check parts in cabinet, fasten bolts

9、and wires connection regularly.Purge the cabinet and keep its clean.Check fuse, relay and other replaceable instrument in cabinet regularly.二、 安装及接线Installation and Wiring控制箱的安装方法Installation of Cabinet Body (柜内与柜外接线请查阅共同提交的接线图纸)(Please read wiring diagram of inner and outer cabinet connection for r


11、接进电缆用防火泥封堵。Lug on top of cabinet is for ceil mounting. Do not break or scratch the cabinet paint (especially that on corner) Place and fasten the cabinet on the base.For principle comprehending or outer wiring, please read the wiring diagram. Each wire in wiring drawing is marked with unique code.In

12、sert the cable through wire inlet at cabinet bottom, and mark it. After the accomplishment of wiring, seal the cable with fire clay.调试Regulation在安装接线完成后,施工人员和调试人员应分别检查接线,若有错误须及时改正。检查完毕,可将电源接入,观察相应指示灯显示是否正确。例如外部设备的位置状态与指示灯显示的是否一致。如系统带电后工作正常,就可以通过操作面板进行试运行。调试方法是模拟实际操作,将实际运行所要进行的操作逐一试验,并观察相应的现象,判断与设计原理

13、是否一致。可能某些条件不具备而不能进行全部操作,此时可以做仿真信号,即在端子排上相应的输入点短接。DO check each wire, and ensure there is no error after wiring, then turn on power. Turn off each switch one by one from the chief switch, and check the correctness of indicator light, eg, if working state of outer equipment and light indication are ac

14、cordance. Cut off power and refer to drawing for cause if there is any mistake. Reset power meter if necessary. Make sure the system is running in order, then single step drive or stop boiler equipments and inspect their working state.After single step, change to remote control and run it through DC

15、S or operation panel. The adjusting is to simulate real operation step by step, and inspect each working state. (在这样做之前,一定要仔细查阅相关图纸与说明书,要准确无误) Please read manual and drawings before regulation (在相关模拟试验做完后,一定要将所有的仿真解除) Remove simulate signals after the test使用与操作Usage and operation必须经过成功调试后,控制柜方可投入使用。

16、操作人员须是经过专门培训的技术人员。在控制柜运行时,不要带电插拔电气元件(继电器等),以免损坏电气设备或造成不可预知的事故。关闭系统时,从总电源开始逐一断开电源开关。The cabinet could be employed only after adjusting.Operator should be professional.Do not pull out any electric component with power on, relay for example, or it may lead to unpredictable accident.Switch off the power

17、 from chief power on by one for system closing. (系统正在执行监控任务时不得断开电源DO NOT Cutoff power supply when the system is monitoring)故障分析与排除Troubles and Troubleshooting以下是系统运行时常见故障及排除方法:故障Troubles原因分析Cause排除方法Troubleshootinga) 输出继电器不动作Outputs relay off1. 柜内电源消失Inner power off2. 操作按钮至继电器的线路不通Button to relay do

18、es not work3. 继电器损坏Relay broken1. 恢复电源Turn on power2. 检查线路,拧紧接线端子螺丝Check circuit and fasten screw3. 更换继电器Change relayb) 指示灯未能真实反映状态输入Wrong indication of indicator light1. 现场设备位置反馈开关(行程开关)损坏Broken of equipment feedback control2. 现场设备至控制柜线路不通Circuit obstructed3. 柜内电源消失Inner power off4. 指示灯损坏Indicator

19、light broken1. 更换位置反馈开关(行程开关)Change feedback control2. 检查线路,拧紧接线端子螺丝Check circuit and fasten screw3. 恢复电源Turn on power4. 更换指示灯Change indicator lightc) 气动推进器不动作Pneumatic Actuator Off1. 现场设备至控制柜线路不通Circuit obstructed2. 推进器机械运动不灵活Actuator Blocked3. 限位开关故障Limited Switch does not work1. 检查线路,拧紧接线端子螺丝Chec

20、k circuit and fasten screw2. 查找引起推进器卡住的原因Find the cause3. 更换限位开关或调整Replace the switch运输与贮存Storage本控制柜可装在单独的木板箱中运输,柜体须保持直立,柜体四周要用泡沫塑料板与箱壁隔开。箱体上应在合适位置标明“向上,防水,吊装位置”等的图标。控制柜也可以用特制的大塑料袋罩上,外部用粗草绳垫以厚纸板绑扎。在包装前应将柜内各电子设备安装牢固,必要时可以用电缆或草绳将设备绑扎在柜内花梁上。Deliver the cabinet in separate wooden case and fill the gap

21、between cabinet and case with foam. Mark on the case with Upward, Water-proof, and suspended. The cabinet could also be covered with specified plastic sack fastened and protected with cardboard and ropes.Fasten all facilities before packing, and fix the facilities with cable or ropes to the girder i

22、n cabinet if necessary.三、控制功能及操作Function and operation概述Overview本控制柜适用于锅炉就地点火设备的就地操作及远方控制。The cabinet is applicable for the local and remote control of boiler local ignition equipments 控制对象Objectives本控制柜的控制组成对象如下 As following: 点火枪推进装置(气动单电控方式,220VAC) Spark Rod Actuator (pneumatic single electric con

23、trol, 220VAC) 油角阀(气动方式,220VAC) Oil Angle Valve (pneumatic, 220VAC) 吹扫阀(气动方式,220VAC) Purge Valve (Pneumatic, 220VAC) 雾化阀(气动方式,220VAC) Atomizing Valve (Pneumatic, 220VAC) 点火器 Ignitor 功能Function 实现对就地点火系统各设备(控制对象的内容)的现场手动单步控制和远方程序控制; Local manual single step control and remote control of all local igni

24、tion equipments (in item 显示各设备(控制对象的内容)的运行状态,如“点火枪进到位”等; Working status of all equipments (in item , eg. Spark rod advanced. 具有集控室就地单步与远方程控的切换,实现就地与程控方式的切换; local/remote control switch 具有远操接口,可以接受DCS的2秒短脉冲无源干接点控制指令,并完成相应的设备联锁动作; Remote control interface is available for the 2s pulse passive dry cont

25、act point from DCS, and interlock action 向DCS反馈火检及各设备的当前工作状态,信号采用无源干接点形式. Feedback status of flame scanner and other equipments to DCS with passive dry contact point signal. 控制柜的操作步骤Operate Steps of Cabinet操作前请确认或检查Confirm or examine before operation: 柜内有无杂物、线头,柜内是否潮湿,元器件是否有松动、损坏,绝缘状况如何等等。 确保控制柜与控制设

26、备的所有连接线全部正确无误。 确保就地设备处于良好状态,包括动作、绝缘、通断等等。 通电检查:合上电源开关,查看各就地设备对应的状态指示灯指示是否正确,若不正确,应断电检查。 Inner cabinet is clean and dry. All components are firm and insulated All wires are correctly connected All equipments for local control are in good condition. Electrifying. Turnon the switch and see if all indic

27、ator light are correctly indicated. If there is any error, cutoff power supply and check. 请参照设计图纸进行设备的如下操作。Operate as following with drawing reference. 在具备点火条件之后,请确认所有总阀门已经处于关闭状态.合上柜内所有断路器开关,将面板上 “电源开关”旋转90度,此时 “就地指示”( 面板代号H201,绿色)或者“程控指示”( 面板代号H202,红色)指示灯点亮。Close all the valves, and close all the b

28、reakers. Turn 90of the power switch, then the local control indicator light (H201, green) or remote control indicator light (H202, red) is on. 在集控室发出“点火允许信号”,点火允许指示灯亮,才能进行就地/远方操作。The ignition indicator will be turned on when receiving ignition allowed signal from control room, and then the local/rem

29、ote operate is available. 将“就地/程控转换开关”打在就地状态时,就地指示灯亮,表示可以进行就地单步操作:When the cabinet is under local control, the local control indicator light is on, and the local single step operation is available. 请按下述步骤进行点火Ignition steps:按下“进点火枪” 按钮,将点火枪推进到点火位置,“点火枪进到位” 按钮点亮;按下“开吹扫阀”按钮打开吹扫阀,此时“吹扫阀开到位”点亮,吹扫计时15秒后,按

30、下“关吹扫阀” 按钮关闭吹扫阀,此时“吹扫阀关到位”点亮;按下开“启动点火器” 按钮,启动高能点火器灯点亮,同时按下“开油角阀” 按钮和“雾化阀”按钮,打开油角阀和雾化阀,此时“油角阀开到位”点亮,“雾化阀”开到位点亮,按下“退点火枪” 按钮将点火枪退到原始位置,“点火枪退到位”点亮;若点火失败,此时应立即按下“关油角阀” 按钮关闭油角阀,待“油角阀关到位”后,检查点火失败原因。Press advance spark rod button, and advance the spark rod to proper ignition position, then the spark rod adv

31、anced indicator light is on. Press open purge valve button, then the purge valve open light is on. 15s later, press close purge valve button, then the purge valve closed light is on. Press start ignitor button, then the HEA exciter indicator light is on. Press open oil angle valve and open atomizing valve buttons, then the oil angle valve open and atomizing valve open indicator lights are turned on. Press retract spark rod button, then the spark rod retracted light is on. If ignition is failed, press close oil angle valve button, whe

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