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1、武汉大学英美文学考试资料整理美国文学Blank verse: Verse written in unrhymed iambic pentameter.Local Colorism: Local Colorism or Regionalism as a trend first made its presence felt in the late 1860s and early seventies in America. It may be defined as the careful attegogoms in speech, dress or behavior peculiar to a ge

2、ographical locality. The ultimate aim of the local colorists is to create the illusion of an indigenous little world with qualities that tell it apart from the world outside. The social and intellectual climate of the country provided a stimulating milieu for the growth of local color fiction in Ame

3、rica. Local colorists concerned themselves with presenting and interpreting the local character of their regions. They tended to idealize and glorify, but they never forgot to keep an eye on the truthful color of local life. They formed an important part of the realistic movement. Although it lost i

4、ts momentum toward the end of the 19th century, the local spirit continued to inspire and fertilize the imagination of author.Ode: A complex and often lengthy lyric poem, written in a dignified formal style on some lofty or serious subject. Odes are often written for a special occasion, to honor a p

5、erson or a season or to commemorate an event.Modernism:referstoaformofliteraturemainlywrittenbeforeWWII.Itischaracterizedbyahighdegreeofexperimentation.Itcanbeseenasareactionagainstthe19thcenturyformsofRealism.Modernistwritersexpressthedifficultytheyseeinunderstandingandcommunicatinghowtheworldworks

6、.Often,Modernistwritingseemsdisorganized,hardtounderstand.Itoftenportraystheactionfromtheviewpointofasingleconfusedindividual,ratherthanfromtheviewpointofanall-knowingimpersonalnarratoroutsidetheaction.OneofthemostfamousEnglishModernistwritersisVirginiaWoolf.Renaissance: The term originally indicate

7、d a revival of classical (Greek and Roman) arts and sciences after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism.Symbolism: Symbolism is the writing technique of using symbols. Its a literary movement that arose in France in the last half of the 19th century and that greatly influenced many English writers

8、, particularly poets, of the 20th century. It enables poets to compress a very complex idea or set of ideas into one image or even one word. Its one of the most powerful devices that poets employ in creation.红字The Scarlet Letter: AnalysisIts a novel of very complex and ambiguous meaning. From the di

9、fferent effects of “human sin” on different characters, the story probes into the relationship between good and evil, between individual and society, and into the conflicts between old and new moralities. It has highlighted the struggle of individuals passion with religious and social rationality an

10、d weighed between rigid and cruel Puritan ideology and unbound Transcendentalist propaganda. However, the storys interpretation of nature, both human nature and the nature of whole universe, is a dialectical one.The Scarlet Letter: CharacterizationHester Prynne: of great contradictions and conflicts

11、Arthur Dimmesdale: heavily controversialRoger Chillingworth: detestable but pitiablePearl: an idealistic yet fictitious fairy-like spiritOther characters: as contrasting foils and observers to be instructed and enlightenedThe Scarlet Letter: Meaningagainst radicalism and extremityunderstanding and t

12、olerance of human and social imperfectionphilosophy of golden meanTheletter“A”All standsforthecrimeadultery. tothepuritansitisasymbolofjustpunishment.toHester,adeviceofunjusthumiliation;toDimmesdale,apiercingreminderofhisguilt;toChillingworth,aspurtothequestofrevenge;toPearl,abrightandmysteriouscuri

13、osity.人物形象:Hester Prynne: Hester is portrayed as an intelligent, capable, woman. She speculates on human nature, social organization, and larger moral questions. Hesters tribulations also lead her to be stoic and a freethinker. She cares for the poor and brings them food and clothing.Arthur Dimmesda

14、le: Dimmesdale was a scholar. The fact that Hester takes all of the blame for their shared sin goads his conscience, and his resultant mental anguish and physical weakness open up his mind and allow him to empathize with others. The personal guilt drives Dimmesdale to further internalize his guilt a

15、nd self-punishment and leads to still more deterioration in his physical and spiritual condition. Roger Chillingworth: Roger Chillingworth is a man deficient in human warmth. His twisted, stooped, deformed shoulders mirror his distorted soul. He is interested in revenge, not justice, and he seeks th

16、e deliberate destruction of others rather than a redress of wrongs. His desire to hurt others stands in contrast to Hester and Dimmesdales sin. Pearl: Hesters daughter,makes us constantly aware of her mothers scarlet letter and of the society that produced it. Pearls innocent, or perhaps intuitive,

17、comments about the letter raise crucial questions about its meaning.欲望号街车Blanche:UsedtobeahighschoolEnglishteacher,butwasforcedtoleaveherpost.Aloquaciousandfragilewoman,livedinherownimagination.Afallenwomaninsocietyseyes,arelicfromadefunctsocialhierachy,aninsecure,dislocatedindividual.Hadstrongsexua

18、lurgesandabaddrinkingproblem,butpretendedtobeawomanwhohadknownindignity.Dependedonmalesexualadmirationforhesenseofself-esteem. Stanley:Theepitomeofvitalforce.Loyaltohisfriends,passionatetohiswife,heartlesslycrueltoBlanche,butlackedidealandimagination.RepresentsthenewheterogeneousAmericawhichBlanched

19、oesntbelong.Disturbing,degenertenature,firsthintedatwhenhebeatedhiswife,wasfullyevidentafterrapedhissister-in-law.Showsnoremoseforhisbrutalactions.Stella: 剧中“温和”的人物,她调节着布兰奇和史丹利两个相对立的人,同时也在两者中徘徊着。她的挣扎强度也介于布兰奇与史丹利中间,随着事件的发展深入,她的挣扎也越来越明显,直至最后爆发。但我并不认为故事的最后,史黛拉在决心要离开之后就真的会倾向布兰奇那边,因为她最终也只是跑去了楼上。一方面,在丈夫史坦

20、利面前,她是顺从丈夫的,另一方面,在姐姐布兰奇面前,她也有对高雅生活的渴望,或者说对于女权的一种向往,因此她会变现得不再那么服从丈夫。随着布兰奇和史坦利矛盾的加深,史黛拉既不想失去丈夫,又不想要尊重姐姐的挣扎更加明显,直到布兰奇疯了以后,史黛拉送走了布兰奇,自己的愤怒也达到了顶点,于是她决定离开丈夫。史黛拉作为一个中庸性格的人,虽然此前有过心理挣扎,但是仍会选择当下一种比较平稳的生活方式。史黛拉现实化、大众化。Mitch:Annabel Lee(EdgarAllanPoe)Rhyme,Rhythm,Repetition:PoeusesthreeRsrhyme,rhythm,andrepetit



23、ywith9to11 syllables)andashortline(usuallywith6to8syllables),asinthefirststanza:.Itwasmanyandmanyayearago,(11syllables).Inakingdombythesea,(7syllables).Thatamaidentherelivedwhomyoumayknow(10syllables).BythenameofAnnabelLee(8syllables).Andthismaidenshelivedwithnootherthought(11syllables).Thantolovean



26、repetitionofconsonantsoundswithrepetitionofvowelsounds,asinmanyandmany,loveandbeloved,andthosewhowereolderthanwe.Because I could not stop for death( EmilyDickinson)Thepoemisdiscussingdeath,averygloomysubject,butitisdonewitharatherlighttone.Thetoneislightjustbecausetheauthordoesnottakedeathasacatastr

27、ophe;instead,shetreatstheangelofdeathasaverypolitegentleman,asalong-missingguest:givingupherworkandleisure,puttingonherfinesilkydresses,sheaccompaniesdeathinthesamecarriagetoeternity.Allthebeautyofthisworkliesinthepoetessopen-mindedattitudetowardsdeath. In this poem, Dickinson describes dying and im

28、mortality in the dominant metaphor of a carriage on a journey.In Stanza 1, Death, accompanied by Immortality, stops to pick up the speaker in a carriage. In stanzas 2-4, they journey, leaving earthly life behind them (labor, leisure, children, grain, setting sun). In stanza 5, they pause before the

29、grave (swelling of the ground), and stanza 6 depicts the speaker centuries later, speaking from eternity.The Romantic Period浪漫主义时期Washington Irving(华盛顿欧文)Ralph Waldo Emerson(拉尔夫华尔多爱默生)Nathaniel Hawthorne(纳撒尼尔霍桑)Walt Whitman(华尔特惠特曼)Herman Melville(赫尔曼麦尔维尔)The Realistci Period现实主义时期Mark Twain(马克吐温)Hen

30、ry James(亨利詹姆斯)Emily Dickinson(艾米丽狄金森)Theodore Dreiser(西奥多德莱塞)The Modern Period现代主义时期Ezra Pound(埃兹拉庞德)Robert Lee Frost(罗伯特佛洛斯特)Eugene ONeil(尤金奥尼尔)F. Scott Fitzgerald(司各特菲兹杰拉德)Earnest Hemingway(欧内斯特海明威)William Faulkner(威廉福克纳)英国文学The Renaissance Period 文艺复兴时期Edmund Spenser(埃德蒙斯宾塞)Christopher Marlowe(克里斯托夫马洛)William Shakespeare(威廉莎士比亚)Fr

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