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translation of the introduction to eight scenicspots based on the functional equivalence theory 功能.docx

1、translation of the introduction to eight scenicspots based on the functional equivalence theory 功能湖北大学知行学院本科毕业论文题 目Translation of the Introduction to Eight Scenic-spots Based on the Functional Equivalence Theory 功能对等主义理论指导下的木兰八景介绍之翻译 外国语 系 英语 专业学 号 B201161010079 学生姓名 指导教师 起讫日期 2014.62015.3 工作地点 湖北大学

2、知行学院 ContentsEnglish Abstract IChinese Abstract IIChapter One Introduction 1Chapter Two Research and Reflection 22.1 Text Analysis 22.2 Theoretical discussion 32.3 Evaluation of translation achievements 32.4 Analysis of translation strategies 42.4.1 Use free translation combined with literal transla

3、tion properly 42.4.2 Functional equivalence 62.4.3 Annotation 72.4.4 Amplification 72.5 Reflection on practice 8Chapter Three Conclusion 9Bibliography 11Acknowledgement 12Appendix 1 1Appendix 2 1目 录英文摘要 I中文摘要 II第一章 绪论 1第二章 研究及反思 22.1文本分析 22.2 理论介绍 32.3 成果概述 32.4 技巧使用分析 42.4.1直译与意译结合 42.4.2 功能主义翻译理论

4、62.4.3运用加注法 72.4.4 运用加词法 72.5 实践反思 8第三章 总结 9参考文献 11致谢 12附录 1 1附录 2 1AbstractTourism, is actually a kind of cultural activity centered around the scenic spots. English is world acknowledged language which has the most overwhelming crowds. Many countries common people have learned English. And in thei

5、r countries, there are many foreign world friends. So on the walk of tourism, when many translators translate and introduce the scenic spots to the foreign tourists, 90% of the translators utilize English language. As we all know, the quality of tourism translation is closely bound up with the touri

6、sm development in the scenic spots. However, the fact we faced leaves us much to be desired. Therefore, as a translator, he still needs too much to learn. Not only is the translator supposed to have the favorable and exquisite master of translations, but also the translator should be encyclopedic. I

7、n addition, he should even more be armed with the unwearied spirit to actively seek for and explore the different and same points between the two cultures. So in a cultural perspective, the author can be more easier to analyze and translate, to elevate the appreciation given by the foreign friends,

8、to better communicate with each other to promote the cultural transmission and exchange, to accelerate the tourism development, to strengthen the power of GDP. Nevertheless, in Wuhan, there are a lot of famous alone spots that havent been systematically translated, for example the so called Mulan Ei

9、ght Scenic-spots.In this paper, the author briefly translated the introduction to the eight spots. In fact, to define the translation is actually difficult, Nida, the well recognized leading figure in the fields of translating in 20th century, once defined the translation as follows: Translation is

10、the closest and most natural equivalent language of primitive information from semantics to style in reproducing in the receptor language. He put forward the functional equivalence translation namely the dynamic equivalence translation, which brought the world much and invaluable benefits. His theor

11、y has broken up the traditional method of partial translation standards and traditional criterion. It has a huge and great impact on the traditional translation strategies. It destroyed the deadlock of traditional translation, thriving and flourishing left. The author mainly use the theory of Nida a

12、nd deeply hopes that this translation can provide some help to the development of those spots, can evoke the interest of other translators, can serve as a modest spur to bring them to come forward with their invaluable contribution. Key Words tourism translation; propaganda material; intercultural c

13、ommunication摘 要旅游,从本质上来讲是一种围绕着景点展开的文化活动。英语被世界上公认为世界使用的第一大语言。多数国家都有学过英语,在许多国家有很多的国际友人。那么在旅游方面,对于国际友人,对旅游景点介绍作翻译基本上90%都使用的是英语。那么我们可以看得出来景点翻译的质量好坏是与旅游区旅游事业的发展息息相关,但是摆在面前的事实并不是那么乐观的。那么作为译者,需要做的需要学习的还有很多很多。不仅要求译者要具有良好的精湛的翻译功底,还要有广博的文化知识,更要有积极探索发现两种文化之间的异同点的孜孜不倦的精神。从而从文化等个角度去准确地分析把握和得出翻译成果,提升国际友人对我国英语学习者的


15、然成风。此文之中,作者主要运用和阐释了尤金奈达的翻译理论,希望此拙作能在木兰八景的旅游事业上提供一些微助,能够引起各译者对木兰八景翻译的兴趣,希望能在此抛砖引玉,尽献绵薄之力。那么译者首先对景点翻译的背景作了简要介绍,对翻译现状进行了概述,随后对文本及译本进行了分析,对翻译技巧的使用作了说明,最后以实践反思及总结作了最终叙述。关键词 旅游翻译;宣传资料;跨文化交际Chapter One IntroductionTranslation is a piece of writing or speech that has been put into a different language. It i

16、s the interpreting of the meaning of a text and the subsequent production of an equivalent text that communicates the same message in another language. The communications narrow all the world; the language enrich the whole world; the translations connect the great world. Translating is a bridge, a b

17、ond, a significant part in culture activities. Only if there was human communication, there would exist translating activities.As time goes by, the external exchange expands and the tourism develops. It has been more clustered foreign friends to our country since the reform and opening-up policy too

18、k effect. Therefore, the translators take more translating opportunities and assignments. Because the cultural background, the view of value, the way of thinking, the language stylistic feature are different. When introducing the spots to the Chinese visitors, we mostly utilize describing and gorgeo

19、us language to come to the beauty in sound, in structure, in meaning. But when it comes to the foreign visitors, in the course of the translating, the author must consider the source text, the grammar rules of the two languages, the writing conventions and also the idioms. Accuracy in a translation

20、is a major factor that determines good quality of the translation, with no exception to the tourism translation. In our world, currently there are many translating strategies and theories, such as Literal translation and Free translation, domestication and foreignization, annotation, amplification,

21、Omission, conversion, negation, Dynamic equivalence ( also known as the functional equivalence ), semantic translation and communicative translation by Newmark. When translating, the author will usually utilize the proper skills and strategies in translation. Because the distinguished features in Ch

22、inese and English, the words Chinese and English cant be corresponding one by one. But no matter what the skills he used, the meaning it derives cant be altered. And the author uses those much translating theory in the paper. It aims to make the language transformation clear and fluency. In this gra

23、duation paper, the author translated the introduction to the Mulan Eight Scenic-spots. In the process of the translating, the author has got much inner thoughts and learned to utilize much translating strategies. Chapter Two Research and ReflectionTranslation of the Introduction to Eight Scenic-spot

24、s is generally a kind of practical version translation. Broadly speaking, the tourism translation is mainly aimed at supplying more relative nature and humane knowledge. Thus the author could digest useful knowledge and evoke the reader and the listeners interest in tourism. Whereas the thinking hab

25、it and culture between the Chinese and the foreign people are an immeasurably vast difference. Therefore, to narrow this difference, some skills and strategies are well common utilized. In this research and reflection, the author firstly described what the text analysis is and then briefly make an a

26、nalysis to the text of appendix. Then he introduced some theories combined with the appendix. 2.1 Text Analysis Translation oriented text analysis pattern come forward by Christiane Nord, German. He said that text analysis contributes to elevating the translators analytical ability to texts. Transla

27、tion is a cross-culture activity. As a translator, he should be acquired with the ability to master the target language, the source language and the translating theme. Some experts in translation have found three types of skills to translate. First, translate at the level of words. Second, translate

28、 at the level of clauses. Third, Translate at the level of concept or meaning. At the first level, source language has its corresponding target language, so this translating skill is very efficient especially for he proper nouns and the phrases, such as in the authors paper, the name of places, Wuha

29、n, Huangpi and so on. However, because of the difference of syntax between Chinese and English, the second level of clause is usually with much problems. Through this skill, our translation is sometimes complex. Thus, it is hard for the reader to understand what you mean. For example, in the authors

30、 paper there are some plain sentences that you can find their corresponding target language. Such as “它是一个千年宗教名胜”, so we can easily translate it into target language like that it is a thousand-year religious tour attraction. But for some other source language, we have no ability to translate it very

31、 clear. We just need some translating strategy to translate such as free translation. For example in the paper “仿佛山在千山之外,水在万水之中”. There is an immeasurably vast artistic conception in the Chinese version. Thus here, we couldnt translate it word by word. We must use skills to translate it by free tran

32、slation to reach the goal of functional equivalence instead of translating words one by one. Its magnificence is just expressed as the Chinese version “海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞”. Hence, we can translate it as we feel a grand spectacle like the wide sea allows the fish to leap about and the vast sky the birds to fly. We just suddenly feel ourselves small when we stand beside the ocean and down the sky. That is to say at the level of concept or meaning, we translate it not just by words or sentence but the concept or me

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