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1、TOEFL普林斯顿样题3语法笔记TOEFL普林斯顿样题3语法笔记编委:Diaboss1. Cobalt resembles iron and nickel in tensile strength, appearance, -.(A) is hard(B) although hard(C) has hardness(D) and hardnessKey:D分析:考点是并列平行结构。介词后为平行结构,正确答案为D。(A)两个谓语动词,使句子结构混乱;(B)although为连词,后面不能接形容词;(C)理由同(A)。参考译文:钴在张力、外观和硬度方面与铁和镍类似。2. - who was the

2、first Black woman to run for the office of President of the United States in1972.(A) Shirley S. Chisholm(B) It was Shirley S. Chisholm(C) Shirley S. Chisholm was(D) When Shirley S. ChisholmKey:B分析:考点是it引导的强调句型。很明显该句为强调句型,答案为(B)。(A)、(B)、(C)使句子结构混乱。参考译文:1972年Shirley S. Chisholm成为第一位竞选美国总统的黑人妇女。3. - ve

3、rsatile performer, soprano Kathleen Battle has often concluded a program of art songs and arias with selections from ragtime or popular music.(A) A(B) Which(C) So (D) BecauseKey:A分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构)。该句的主谓宾齐全,逗号前的成分是主语的同位语,空格处应该为冠词。 (B)Which引导的从句缺少谓语; (C)So后的名词前缺少冠词; (D)because后应该接从句;参考译文:作为一位多才多艺的表演家

4、,女高音歌唱家Kathleen Battle通常选择拉格泰姆音乐或通俗音乐来结束艺术歌曲和咏叹调节目。4. Before starting on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, - , and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter.(A) sailing directions are studied(B) study the sailing directions(C) to

5、 direct sailing studies(D) studies direct sailing Key:B分析:考点是平行结构。该句谓语为并列的动词短语构成的平行结构,答案为B。 (A)为一个完整的句子,和第一个句子之间缺少连接词,错误; (C)不定式不能直接作谓语; (D)主语为复数名词,谓语动词不能用单数形式。参考译文:在开始海上航行之前,谨慎的航海家们钻研航海图,学习航海指导,并且记忆灯塔的位置以便为任何可能遇到的状况做好准备。5. - social nesting birds that build their nests in trees and on cliffs.(A) The

6、 most storks(B) Most are storks(C) Most storks are(D) Storks mostKey:C分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构)。空格处缺少句子的主语和谓语,故(C)正确。 (A)使句子缺少谓语; (B)使句子宾语重复; (D)使句子缺少谓语。参考译文:绝大多数的鹳都群居并且筑巢,它们的巢建在树和悬崖上。6. Plankton, - , is the basic foodstuff for everything that lives in the ocean.(A) comprise both minute marine animals and

7、plants(B) is the name given to minute marine animals and plants(C) the collective name for minute marine animals and plants(D) minute marine animals and plants collectively thatKey:C分析:考点是同位语。句子主谓宾齐全,空格处应该为主语的同位语。只有(C)是名词性短语。 (A)构成句子的谓语使谓语重复; (B)理由同(A); (D)使句子结构混乱。参考译文:浮游生物是微小海洋动植物的总称,也是所有海洋生物基本的食物来

8、源。7. The best-known diffuse nebula is the great Orion Nebula,- can be seen by the naked eye.(A) one(B) it(C) which(D) whoKey:C分析:考点是定语从句。逗号后为定语从句,空格处应该为定语从句的引导词。 (A)、(B)都不是引导词。定语从句修饰great Orion Nebula, 而(D)who指代人,错误。参考译文:最广为人知的弥漫星云是猎户座大星云,它能用肉眼看见。8. Of all the economically important plants, palms ha

9、ve been - .(A) the least studied(B) study the least(C) study less and less(D) to study the lessKey:A分析:考点是形容词最高级固定搭配。the least/most+分词/形容词或副词为固定搭配。故只有(A)正确。参考译文:在所有具有经济上重要性的植物中,棕榈是人们研究最少的。9. Most amphibians hatch from eggs laid in water or moist ground, and begin life - water-dwelling larvae.(A) suc

10、h(B) as(C) to be(D) areKey:B分析:考点是固定搭配。begin sth. as名词是固定搭配,故只有(B)正确。参考译文:绝大多数两栖动物从产在水里或潮湿地面上的卵中孵化出来,并且以水生幼虫的形式开始生活。10. At the Seventh International Ballet Competitions, Fernando Bujones won the first gold medal ever - to a United States male dancer.(A) to be awarded(B) to award (C) that awards(D) s

11、hould be awardingKey:A分析:考点是动词的语态。the first名词(ever)to do是固定短语。而根据句子意思应该用被动语态,故只有(A)正确。参考译文:在第七届国际芭蕾舞竞赛上,Fernando Bujones为美国男舞蹈家赢得了历史上第一块金牌。11. Founded around 1075, the Acoma pueblo is considered - settlement in the United States.(A) the oldest continuously occupied(B) occupied continuously the oldes

12、t (C) the oldest occupied continuously(D) continuously the oldest occupiedKey:A分析:考点是修饰词的语序(the + 最高级+adv+(分词+adj)+noun.+noun)。空格处为名词settlement的定语,其顺序应为定冠词the在最前,过去分词occupied表示被修饰名词的状态,放在最后,故(A)正确。参考译文:建立于1075年左右的Acoma印第安人村庄被认为是美国最古老的长期聚居地。12. On March 1, 1867, - to the Union when President Andrew J

13、ohnsons veto was overridden.(A) since the state of Nebraska had been admitted(B) admitted that the state of Nebraska (C) the admission of the state of Nebraska (D) the state of Nebraska was admittedKey:D分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构)。空格处应该为句子的主谓部分,故(D)正确。 (A)构成状语从句,但句子缺少主语和谓语,错误; (B)使句子缺少主语; (C)使句子缺少谓语。参考译文:186

14、7年3月1日,当Andrew Johnson总统的否决被推翻时,内布拉斯加得以成为美国的一个州。13. The best known of all the Arctic birds, - .(A) birdwatchers favor ptarmigans(B) being ptarmigans and birdwatchers favorites(C) favored by both ptarmigans and birdwatchers(D) ptarmigans are a favorite of birdwatchers Key:D分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构)。空格处缺少句子的

15、主干成分,四个选项中只有(D)构成完整的句子。逗号前为主语的同位语。参考译文:雷鸟是所有北极鸟类中最广为人知的一种,也是鸟类观察者最喜爱的一种。14. Nearly all trees contain a mix of polymers that can burn like petroleum - properly extracted.(A) after(B) if (C) when it (D) isKey:B分析:考点状语从句省略结构。是当if引导的条件状语从句的主语和主句的相同时,可以省略主语和助动词。类似的还有though、although和when。(B)相当于if they are

16、。 (A)可以引导从句,但缺少从句主语和助动词; (C)缺少表被动的助动词; (D)不能引导从句。参考译文:几乎所有的树都含有一种混和的聚合体,这种聚合体经过合适的提炼后可以像汽油一样燃烧。15. Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people -.(A) do(B) hear(C) do them(D) hearing itKey:A分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构)。before引导的状语从句缺少谓语动词,此处为sense和主句相同,故用do代替。故(A)正确。

17、参考译文:敏锐的听觉有助于大多数的动物先于人很久就能感觉到暴风雨的来临。16. Emily Dickinson, one of the greatest poets of the United States, was entirely almost A B Cunknown to the people of her own time.DKey:C分析:考点是语序。almost应该紧接在系动词之后,故(C)错。改正:entirely almost almost entirely 参考译文:作为美国最伟大的诗人之一,Emily Dickinson几乎完全不为她那个时代的人所知。17. Charco

18、al is employed widely as a deodorizer because it absorbs gases good.A B C DKey:D分析:考点词性搭配。是修饰谓语动词应该用副词,不能用形容词good。改正:good well参考译文:木炭因为其对气体良好的吸收而被广泛用作除臭剂。18. Abstract Expressionism was a movement in American painting that flourished from the A B Cmid-1940s and mid 1950s.DKey:D分析:考点是固定搭配。fromto为固定搭配,

19、不能用and。改正:and to参考译文:抽象表现主义是美国绘画界的一场运动,繁荣于二十世纪四十年代中期至五十年代中期。19. The National Cowboy Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City pay tribute to everyone A Bassociated with what Americans call the “Old West.”C DKey:B分析:考点是主谓一致。主语为第三人称单数的The National Cowboy Hall,谓语动词也应该用单数。改正:pay pays参考译文:位于俄克拉荷马城的美国国家牛仔名人堂向和美国人所谓的“

20、旧西部”有关的任何人致敬。20. Scientists can detect when someone is dreaming by using an electroencephalograph, A Ba machine that registers difference brain waves in a sleeping individual.C DKey:C分析:考点是词性搭配。修饰名词不能用名词difference,应该用形容词different。改正:difference different参考译文:通过使用脑电图仪这种可以记录睡眠个体不同脑电波的仪器,科学家们可以在人们睡眠时进行探

21、测。21. The Obie Awards have been given annually for 1956 to outstanding artists in A B C Doff-Broadway theater. Key:B分析:考点是词的误用。句子为完成时态,因此在具体的时间之前应该用since。改正:for since参考译文:自1956年以来,Obie奖每年都颁给百老汇以外剧目中的杰出艺术家们。22. The earliest soaps were made of many different kind of raw materialsA B C DKey:D分析:考点是名词单复

22、数。many修饰可数名词,其后名词应该用复数,故(D)。改正:kind kinds参考译文:最早的肥皂由很多不同种类的原材料制成。23. Because geophysics embraces the concepts, data, and methods of variety other A Bsciences, it is very board in scope, and its boundaries are hard to define.C DKey:B分析:考点是形容词用法(词性搭配)。修饰名词应该用形容词various,或形容性词组a variety of,故(B)错。改正:vari

23、ety other various other或a variety of other参考译文:由于地球物理学包含了多种其它学科的概念、数据和方法,所以它的领域非常广泛,它的范围也难以界定。24. A while oak at Rutgers University is said to had been the inspiration for Joyce Kilmers A B Cpoem “Trees”. DKey:B分析:考点是动词不定式。is said to后应该接动词原形,因此(B)错误。改正:had been have been参考译文:据说Joyce Kilmers的诗树的灵感来源于

24、一棵长在Rutgers大学的白橡树。25. Starfish move, feed, and breathes with their tube feet.A B C DKey:B分析: 考点是平行结构。谓语部分为平行结构,故动词breath形式应该同move和feed一致。改正:breathes breath参考译文:海星用它们的管状触手移动、喂食和呼吸。26. The Whitney Museum continues to reflect the diversity of the art of the United Stated A B Cin all of it acquisitions.

25、DKey:D分析: 考点是修饰名词应该用形容词性代词its,不能用名词性代词it。改正:it its参考译文:通过它所有的收藏品,Whitney博物馆一直都反映着美国艺术的多样性。27. Photovoltaics, commonly called “solar cells,” convert sunlight direct into electricity.A B C DKey:C分析: 考点是副词用法(词性搭配)。修饰动词短语应该用副词directly,不能用形容词direct。改正:direct directly参考译文:光电子通常被称为太阳能电池,能够直接将太阳光能转化成电能。28.

26、Despite the broad acclaim of him novels, James Baldwin is most highly respected as A B C Dan essayist and social critic.Key:B分析: 考点是代词用法。修饰名词应该用形容词性代词his,不能用人称代词him。改正:him his参考译文:尽管James Baldwin的小说受到了广泛赞扬,但他最为人认可的却是作为散文家和社会评论家。29. Along the East Coast, American India womens councils could vote a de

27、claration of A B Cwar at refusing to supply moccasins and field rations.DKey:D分析: 考点是固定搭配。表示用某种方式时应该用介词by doing,不能用at。改正:at by参考译文:考点是沿着东海岸,美国印第安妇女议会可以通过拒绝供应鹿皮鞋和口粮来建议宣战。30. In proportion to its size, the hungriest animal is the shrew, which must consume A Bseveral times their own weight every day.C

28、DKey:C分析: 考点是代词用法。代词指代名词shrew,应该为单数形式,故their错误。改正:their its参考译文:就同身体大小的比例而言,地鼠是最贪吃的动物,它每天必须消耗自身体重几倍的食物。31. The novels of Pearl S. Buck show a keen understanding of China and Chinese A Bpeople, knowledge which learned by living there for many years.C DKey:C分析: 考点是动词的时态。which指代knowledge,在引导的定语从句中做主语,和

29、learn之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态。故C错误。改正:which learned which is learned参考译文:赛珍珠的小说反映了她对中国和中国人民的深刻理解,以及她通过在中国生活多年而学到的知识。32. North America has eight time zone, ranging from Newfoundland on the East Coast to A B C DAlaska on the West Coast.Key:B分析: 考点是名词单复数。可数名词zone前有eight修饰,应该用复数形式。改正:zone zones参考译文:北美有八个时区,从东海岸的

30、纽芬兰延伸到西海岸的阿拉斯加。33. Historians believe that some forms of an advertising must be as old as barter and A B C Dtrade.Key:C分析: 考点是名词单复数。动名词advertising前不能加不定冠词an,应该去掉。改正:an advertising advertising参考译文:历史学家们相信某些形式的广告很可能和物品交换以及贸易一样古老。34. Although fluorine tests and x-ray analyses, archaeologists can prove

31、the validity of A B C Dartifacts.Key:A分析: 考点是状语从句引导词与近义介词/adv.的混用。although为转折连词引导从句,句子中although后面接名词词组,错误。应改为介词with。改正:although with参考译文:利用氟测试和X射线分析,考古学家们可以辨明史前古器物的真伪。35. Dams are used to control flooding, provide water for irrigation, and generating A B Celectricity for the surrounding area. DKey:C分析: 考点是动词的平行结构。由平行结构可知,and后面的动词应该和control和pr

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