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本文(广东省珠海市普通高中毕业班届高考英语一轮复习模拟试题 09 Word版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

广东省珠海市普通高中毕业班届高考英语一轮复习模拟试题 09 Word版含答案.docx

1、广东省珠海市普通高中毕业班届高考英语一轮复习模拟试题 09 Word版含答案一轮复习英语模拟试题09. 语言知识及应用(共两节 满分45分) 第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning? Do you sometimes oversleep? Are you often late for work or school? Yes? Then Hiroyuki Sugiyama of

2、 Japan has a (an) 1 bed for you. Hiroyukis bed will get you up in the morning! Here is how it 2 . The bed 3 an alarm clock. First, the alarm clock rings. You have a few minutes to wake up. Next, a tape recorder in the bed plays 4 music or other pleasant sounds. The tape recorder in Hiroyukis bed pla

3、ys a recording of his girlfriend. She whispers in a sweet 5 , Wake up, darling, please. A few minutes later, a second recording 6 . The sound recording can be loud music or 7 sounds. Hiroyuki hears a recording of his boss shouts, Wake up immediately, 8 youll be late! If you dont get up 9 the second

4、recording, you will be sorry! A mechanical foot is in the bed. The mechanical foot kicks you in the head. Then the bed waits a few 10 minutes. What! Youre still in bed! Slowly the 11 of the bed rises higher and higher. The foot of the bed goes lower and lower. 12 the bed is vertical (垂直的). You slide

5、 off the bed and onto the floor. You are out of bed and 13 Hiroyuki made his bed because he wanted to 14 a contest. He works for Honda Motor Company. Once every two years Honda has a contest for its 200,000 employees -All-Honda Idea Contest. The employees think of new ideas. If their ideas win, the

6、employees win 15 . Hiroyuki Sugiyama won a lot of money for his bed.1. A. expensive B. special C. valuable D. comfortable2. A. works B. runs C. happens D. moves3. A. is separated from B. is made up of C. is attached to D. is made into4. A. loud B. classical C. pop D. soft5. A. sound B. voice C. nois

7、e D. way6. A. sends B. turns C. plays D. appears7. A. pleasant B. interesting C. unpleasant D. funny8. A. and B. but C. so D. or9. A. after B. until C. since D. before10. A. other B. another C. more D. one11. A. end B. middle C. body D. top12. A. However B. Finally C. Therefore D. Otherwise13. A. an

8、gry B. work C. happy D. awake14. A. win B. achieve C. gain D. defeat15. A. praises B. contents C. prizes D. medals第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡括号为1625的相应位置上。British people eat less fruit and vegetables than other people in Europe. As

9、a result, British now has one of the worst heart disease _16._(record) in the world., and each year more and more people have other health problems such as _17_(be) too fat. Also, children eat much _18._(little)fruit and vegetables than before. The government is very worried about that and has to do

10、 something to change it. With the help of the government, _19_3-year Food Dude Program began _20_ September, 2005. The program _21_(start) by the University of Wales Bangor. It tries to help children eat more fruit and vegetables _22_in school and at home. Over 30,000 children from 150 primary shcoo

11、ls have joined the program. Children wathch the six parts of the Food Dudes cartoon over 16 school days. Its just long enough to get the children _23_(eat) fruit and vegetables again and again until they begin to like the taste. The results show that the program has been a great success, and will so

12、on become popular around the world. Even the US and Canada take the Food Dudes Program very _24_(serious) and in 2006 it _25_(win) the World Health Organization best practice award.阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AI found out one time that doing a fav

13、or for someone could get you into a lot of trouble. I was in the eighth grade at the time, and we were having a final test. During the test, the girl sitting next to me whispered something, but I didnt understand. So I leaned over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me if I had an extra

14、 pen. She showed me that hers was out of ink and would not write. I happened to have an extra one, so I took it out of my pocket and put it on her desk. Later, after the test papers had been turned in, the teacher asked me to stay in the room when all the other students were dismissed. As soon as we

15、 were alone she began to talk to me about what it meant to grow up; she talked about how important it was to stand on your own two feet and be responsible (负责任) for your own acts. For a long time, she talked about honesty and emphasized the fact that when people do something dishonest, they are real

16、ly cheating themselves. She made me promise that I would think seriously about all the things she had said, and then she told me I could leave. I walked out of the room wondering why she had chosen to talk to me about all those things. Later on, I found out that she thought I had cheated on the test

17、. When she saw me lean over to talk to the girl next to me, it looked as if I was copying answers from the girls test paper. I tried to explain about the pen, but all she could say was it seemed very very strange to her that I hadnt talked of anything about the pen the day she talked to me right aft

18、er the test. Even if I tried to explain that I was just doing the girl a favor by letting her use my pen, I am sure she continued to believe that I had cheated on the test.26. The story took place exactly _ . A. in the teachers office B. in an exam room C. in the school D. in the language lab27. The

19、 girl wanted to borrow a pen, because _ . A. she had not brought a pen with her B. she had lost her own on her way to school C. there was something wrong with her penD. her own had been taken away by someone28. The teacher saw all this, so she asked the boy _ . A. to go on writing his paper B. to st

20、op whispering C. to leave the room immediately D. to stay behind after the exam29. The thing(s) emphasized in the teachers talk was (were) _ . A. honesty B. sense of duty C. seriousness D. all of the above30. The boy knew everything _ . A. the moment he was asked to stay behind B. when the teacher s

21、tarted talking about honesty C. only some time later D. when he was walking out of the roomBAmerica is a mobile society. Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situations change. Neither side feels hurt by this. Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or

22、two, perhaps a few letters for a while then no more. If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship. This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand, because friendships between us flower more slowly but then may become lifelong feelings, extendin

23、g (延伸) sometimes deeply into both families. Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life. They will enjoy welcoming us and be pleased if we accept their hospitality (好客) easily. Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Americans i

24、s that although they include us warmly in their personal everyday lives, they dont show their politeness to us if it requires a great deal of time. This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous with our time. Sometimes, we, as hosts, will appear at airports eve

25、n in the middle of the night to meet a friend. We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends. The Americans, however, express their welcome usually at homes, but truly can not manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily routine. They will probably expect us t

26、o get ourselves from the airport to our own hotel by bus. And they expect that we will phone them from there. Once we arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real. We will find ourselves treated hospitably. For the Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend

27、to their homes than to go to restaurants, except for purely business matters. So accept their hospitality at home!31. The writer of this passage must be _.A. an American B. a ChineseC. a professor D. a student32. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Friendships betwe

28、en Americans usually extend deeply into their families.B. Friendships between Americans usually last for all their lives.C. Americans always show their warmth even if they are very busy.D. Americans will continue their friendships again even after a long break.33. From the last two paragraphs we can

29、 learn that when we arrive in America to visit an American friend, we will probably be _.A. warmly welcomed at the airport B. offered a ride to his homeC. treated hospitably at his home D. treated to dinner in a restaurant34. The underlined words “generous with our time” in Paragraph 3 probably mean

30、 _. A. strict with time B. serious with timeC. careful with time D. willing to spend time35. A suitable title for this passage would probably be “_”. A. Friendships between Chinese B. Friendships between AmericansC. Americans hospitality D. Americans and Chineses views of friendshipsCA rainforest is

31、 an area covered by tall trees with the total high rainfall spreading quite equally through the year and the temperature rarely dipping below 16.Rainforests have a great effect on the world environment because they can take in heat from the sun and adjust the climate. Without the forest cover, these

32、 areas would reflect more heat into the atmosphere,warming the rest of the world. Losing the rainforests may also influence wind and rainfall patterns, potentially causing certain natural disasters all over the world.In the past hundred years, humans have begun destroying rainforests in search of three major resources (资源): land for crops, wood for paper and other products, land for raising farm anim

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