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学年高一英语新人教版必修1 单元限时训练.docx

1、学年高一英语新人教版必修1 单元限时训练必修一Unit15 单元限时训练一姓名:_ 班级:_组号:_ 时间:40分钟【归纳总结本节课所学内容】_一、基础词汇过关1._质量,品质,性质 _热心肠的2._吝啬的,自私的,卑鄙的 _积极的,活跃的3._慷慨的,大方的、 _ 随和的,温和的,宽容的4._自我,自身 _自私的 _无私的,忘我的5._无私地,忘我地 _献身 专心于 _忠实的,深爱的6._侵略者 _建立,建设 _共和国,共和政体7._法则,原则,原理 _和平的,平静的,安宁的8._巨大的 _飞跃,跳跃 _人类9._律师 _法律的 _指导,领导10._费 _ 失业 _怀有希望的11._青年,青

2、春期 _同盟,联合会 _青年团12._舞台,阶段,时期 _投票,选举13._进攻,攻击,抨击 _n.暴力 _adj.暴力的14._ 事实上 _ 使充气,爆炸15._相等的,平等的 _ 在危险,受罚,痛苦,忧虑事物处境中16._乐意的 _不公平的 _求助于,致力于17._释放,发行 _ 丧失勇气/信心 _逃脱,逃走,泄露18._毯子 _教育,训练 _受过教育的19._当权,上台 _请求,祈求 _ 亲戚,亲属20._ 恐怖,恐怖时期 _残忍,残酷 _ 报酬,酬劳21._设立,建立 _ 判决,宣判 _被判处.22._反,抗 _反黑人的23._总统,会长,校长 _意见,看法,主张二、词汇填空1. Pr

3、oducts of high _ (质量)sell well in the market. 2. I refuse to lie about it; Its against my _(原则). 3. The Chinese people _(投票)against the unequal treaty条约.4. China is playing an important role on the international political _(舞台). 5. From his _(位置) on the top of the hill, he had a good view of the cit

4、y. 6. I received an invitation to the party, but I havent decided whether to _(接受)it or not. 7. Children should not be allowed to watch movies that show a lot of _(暴力). 8. Winning the match was just a _(回报,报酬,奖赏)for the effort the team had made. 9. You have no _(权利)to stop me from going there. 10. I

5、t was the second time that he had been elected as _(总统). 11. Tom is kind-hearted and always _ (乐意的) to help others.12. Although he is quite old, he is still very _ (积极的,活跃的).13.Can you imagine such a highly _ (受过教育的) woman being caught stealing? 三.将原文抄写在下面横线上,注意书写!注意书写!注意书写!(满分20分) Columbus, an Ital

6、ian explorer, was born in Italy, in 1451.As a child, he liked reading the book The Description of the World, from which he learnt something about eastern countries. So he wanted to travel there very much. In 1492, Columbus left Spain with 87 sailors and started his voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.

7、After more than two months at sea, he and his sailors finally reached the “New World”America. I admire Columbus very much. I think he must have had a lot of difficulties when he traveled, but he still went on and finally discovered America. I will take him as an example and face the difficulties wit

8、h courage._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 【疑难问题】_二:quality/principle/vote/stage/position/accept/violence/reward/rights/president/willing/active/educated必修一Unit15 单元限时训练二姓名:_ 班级:_组号:_ 时间:40分钟【归纳总结本节课所学内容】_一.基础词汇过关1、_/_ 地震 _立刻,马上 _井2、_裂缝,使裂开 _发臭的 _农场3、_管 _爆裂,突然爆发 _百万4、_ 事件 _仿佛,好像 _结束,终结5、_民族,国家,国民 _国家的,全国性的

9、6、_运河,水道 _蒸汽,水汽 _骑自行车的人7、_污垢,泥土 _肮脏的8、_废墟,使破产 _严重受损,破败不堪9、_v.遭受 _n.苦难,痛苦 10、_ 极度的 _极端地,很,非常地11、_vt.损害,伤害 _n.伤害,侮辱 12、_幸存者,残存物 _破坏,毁坏,消灭13、_ 砖,砖块 _水坝 _轨道,足迹,痕迹14、_无用的,无效的 _有用的 15、_v.使震惊,震动,休克,打击 _adj.震惊的,震撼的16、_援救,营救 _使陷入困境,陷阱17、_电,电流,电学 _电的,用电的 _电子的18、_灾难 _ 掘出,发现 _报刊的大字标题 19、_埋葬,掩埋,隐藏 _矿山 _矿工20、_掩蔽,

10、掩蔽处 _许多,大量 _标题,头衔,资格21、_记者 _棒,条,条状物 _损失22、_使惊吓 _受惊的 _令人恐惧的 23、_祝贺,贺词 _裁判员,法官,断定,判断,判决 24、_真诚地 _表示,快车,速递 _要点,大纲,轮廓二.词汇填空1. That place is dirty and _(臭的). 2. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and _(爆裂). 3. People began to wonder how long the _(灾难) would last. 4. Everywhere they lo

11、oked nearly everything was _(被破坏). 5. The railway tracks were now _ (无用的)pieces of steel. 6. Without _ (电),modern life would be very difficult. 7. _ (判断)from his appearance, the manger must be over fifty. 8. Dead and _ (受伤的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.9. The thief is _ (颤抖) wit

12、h fear when he is being questioned by the policeman. 10. The soldiers are trying to help rescue the _ (幸存者) after the earthquake.11. As we all know, Italy is a _ (欧洲)country.12.The whole city lay in _ (废墟) after the earthquake. 13. The soldiers built _ (避难所)for those homeless people. 14. Its a great

13、 _ (荣幸,荣耀)for the scientist to give a speech to the students. 15. As is known to all, earthquakes are _(nature) disasters which can cause great damage to human beings. 16.It was a_(令人害怕的) night because of the terrible earthquake. 17._(congratulate) on your success. We are all proud of you. 18. I saw

14、 many _(frighten) cows rush up the street. 19. The meeting to be held tomorrow is of great _(important). 20. The government has to build more building to house all the _ (无家可归的) people 三.将原文抄写在下面横线上,注意书写!注意书写!注意书写!(满分20分) Dear Tom, Im so glad to hear from you.Now I want to tell you about my hometown

15、Wenchuan,Sichuan province.Many people lost their families in the earthquake.Luckily,with the help of the government and society,we have recovered from the ruins. Now we are studying in our new classrooms.Through the disaster,we have become stronger.There are still many warm-hearted people from all o

16、ver the country coming to see us.They bring us love and confidence.Now we are determined to rebuild our hometown and try to make it a better place. Yours, Li Ming_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 【疑难问题】_二:smelly/burst/disaster/destroyed/useless/electricity/Judging/injured/shaking/survivors/European/ruins/shelter/honor/natural/frightening/Congratulations/frightened/importance/homeless必修一Unit15 单元限时训练三姓名:_ 班级:_组号:_ 时间:40分钟【归纳总结本节课所学内容】_一、基础词汇过关_日记,杂志,定期刊物 _运送 运输_选择某事物,(而不选择其他事物) _不利条件,不便之处_费用 _路线,路途 _洞穴,地窖 _流动,流出 _从那以后 _说服,劝说_骑自行车 _毕业,大学毕业生 _最后,终于_时间表,进度表,为某事安排时间 _喜爱的

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