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1、美概大纲OverviewSymbols National Flag: The Stars and Stripes Nickname: Old GloryDesign 13 stripes: white, red, horizontal 13 colonies; first states Starred blue canton (union): 50 white 5-pointed stars 50 states National Anthem: The Star-Spangled BannerNational Bird: Bald Eagle National Mottos E Pluribu

2、s UnumOut of many, one or One from many parts a single federal state from a group of individual political units The replacement motto: In God We TrustOther Symbols National Floral Emblem - The Rose Uncle Sam Geography Location: in North America, bordering both the North Atlantic Ocean and the North

3、Pacific Ocean, between Canada and Mexico; sharing a marine border with Russia in the west Area US total: 9,826,630 sq km, land: 9,161,923 sq km, water: 664,707 sq km. (source: CIA World Factbook 2008) (1994): 9,372,610 sq km, land: 9,166,600 sq km Terrain Geographic diversity vast central plain, mou

4、ntains in west, hills and low mountains in east; rugged mountains and broad river valleys in Alaska; volcanic islands in Hawaii Major landforms:The AppalachiansThe Rocky MountainsGreat PlainsClimate Mostly temperate, but tropical in Hawaii and sub-tropic in Florida, arctic/tundra in Alaska, semiarid

5、 in the great plains west of the Mississippi River, and arid in the Great Basin of the southwest; large parts of the country have a continental climate and some parts have a Mediterranean climate.Natural Hazards hurricanes along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts; tornadoes in the mid-west and s

6、outheast; mud slides in California; tsunamis, volcanoes, and earthquake activity around Pacific Basin; forest fires in the west. Regional BreakdownNew England made up of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode IslandHistory Capt. John Smith resemblance to the English coa

7、st; a reminder of the past; an extension of Old England European influence: town names, architecture, accentClimate and Geography the Appalachian Mt. and the Atlantic Ocean long rolling hills; rocky coastlines and many short, swift rivers; Unpredictable climate: cold, long winter with heavy snowstor

8、ms (blizzard); warm summers; wet and cloudy springs; bright and colorful foliage in fallEconomy Excellent harbors Shipbuilding, fishing and overseas commerce/ trade Manufacturing (textile, shoe) Modern industries: electronics, bio-technology and finance, insurance industry; tourism Regional Characte

9、r a very distinct region, best-defined with more uniformity; a dominant role in American history leading literary and educational center reputation for hard work, shrewdness, thrift, and ingenuity Scenic Spots Cape Cod (hook-shaped peninsula) and Marthas Vineyard in MA Acadia National Park in Maine:

10、 known for its beauty and for lobster Ski resorts in Vermont, NH SalemThe Middle Atlantic States comprising New YorkNew JerseyPennsylvaniaand usually Delaware, and Maryland Climate and Geography Midway and a bridge between New England and the South. Hot and humid in summer, thunderstorms; winter sho

11、rter than NE, but a lot of snow; pleasant spring and fall Regional Character Centers of heavy industry (PA, NY) Finance, communications, and pharmaceuticals Ethnic diversity (melting pot) New York City (Hudson River); Philadelphia (Delaware River); D.C. (Potomac River) Niagara FallBosWash/Megalopoli

12、s a group of metropolitan areas in the northeastern United States, extending from Boston, MA to Washington, D.C. Essential services, Main street, downtown section Amtraks fastest train, the Acela Express, runs on the Northeast Corridor. Interstate 95 The Midwest North and central US, around the Grea

13、t Lakes, the Great Plains and the upper Mississippi Valley Definition Great Lakes states: Old Northwest; Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota; (New York, Pennsylvania) Great Plains states: the Louisiana Purchase states; small towns and pastoral agricultural communities (corn/so

14、ybean; wheat; cattle)Rustbelt mainly in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and the industrial Midwest a concentration of industries that manufacture products using iron and steel industrial decline in the once-dominant U.S. heavy manufacturing and steel industries Regional Characters “breadbasket”-manufac

15、turing base free pioneer heritage viewed as open, friendly, straightforward political trends standard American English The South embracing the southeastern and south-central parts of the countryRegional Character Old South: most were members of the Confederate States of America; Slave-owning area Ag

16、rarian south: tobacco and cotton Economically backward-manufacturing and tourism relaxed attitudes and traditional ways, known for their hospitality. Sunbelt New South population growth rapid economic growth political strengthSouthwest Generally flat and dry, and the weather is very hot. The region

17、has many deserts. Remote location and dessert climate- sparsely populated The least influenced by European immigrants with significant Spanish American, Mexican American, and American Indian populations The West The Mountain States, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming The

18、 Pacific Coast, comprising California, part of Colorado and Idaho, Oregon, Washington. Last frontier A region of scenic beauty The most varied mixture of immigrants The least traditional of Americans, and the most tolerant of change and differences American BeginningsPre-Colonial America Native Amer

19、icans/ aboriginalpeople migrating from Asia via the Bering land bridge50,000 and 11,000 years ago Aztecs, Incas, MayasEarly European Exploration Christopher Columbus in 1492 on behalf of the King and Queen of Spain John Cabot, 1497, English king Dutch, Spanish, English, French, Swedish, and Portugue

20、se settlements were established The 16th Century EuropeA great century of change on many fronts: The development of capitalism Renaissance-secular humanism The Protestant Reformation The great age of exploration new land and wealthJamestownColonial America First English settlement 1607 104 English m

21、en organized by the Virginia Company of London a charter from King James I granting permission to colonize Virginia.Motives for colonization economic motives investors hope to profit from the venturesupport for English national goals for overseas expansionLocation deep water anchorage and a good def

22、ensive position warm climate and fertile soil in the midst of a chiefdom of IndiansEarly Setbacks Inexperience, unwillingness to work, lack of wilderness survival skills and cooperation spirit Poor Indian relations Initial absence of the family unitCaptain John Smith “no work, no food” policy trade

23、with the IndiansCrucial eventsRepresentative Legislature two burgesses from each settlement be elected to represent the residents of 4 boroughs and 7 plantations the 22-member assembly at a church in Jamestown precedent for self-governance; American heritage of representative government Limitations:

24、 the right to vote; veto power of the colonys governor Slave Labor Workforce on a Dutch slave ship from Angola to Mexico on the tobacco harvest as indentured servants The popular conception of a race-based slave system did not fully develop until the 1680s. Puritan New England 1620 Plymouth good anc

25、horage and an excellent harbor cold climate and thin, rocky soil limited farm size Motives Freedom from religious persecution The Pilgrims were dissenters from the Church of England and established the Puritan or Congregational Church. motivated by news of the English Colony in Virginia to leave Hol

26、land and settle in the New World. Puritan Ideology Predestine- all of mankind is assigned to either Heaven or Hell at birth The Bible was the direct word of God; an infallible guide to all life The concept of the calling. Protestant Work Ethic and American economic success Max Weber 1904 The Protest

27、ant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism work hard, save what you have made, and reinvest any profit in order to increase wealth Emphasis on Education Intolerant Moralism Roger Williams The colony of Rhode Island Thanksgiving white-Indian cooperation the autumn of 1621 first successful harvest Nationa

28、l holiday observed on the fourth Tuesday in November Catholic Maryland The First Lord Baltimore The Second Lord Baltimore Feudal experimental plan ” Quaker Pennsylvania Society of Friends: founded by George Fox in the mid-17th century in England characteristic of Quakerism inner light -ability of ev

29、ery person to directly perceive the glory and love of God. plain speech and dress Pacifism philanthropy, especially aid to refugees and famine victims American Revolution 1775-1783 Causes Potential source of conflict: increasing differences Direct conflicts: The French and Indian War: new taxes impo

30、sed “Taxation without representation is tyranny. Major Events 1756- 1763 The French and Indian Wars 1764- British Imposed New Taxes Sugar Tax Stamp Tax Townshend Acts Quartering Act Tea Act 1773- Boston Tea Party 1774-The First Continental Congress 1775-The shot heard round the World of Lexington and Concord 1776-The Second Continental Congress 1783-The Treaty of ParisThomas Paines “Common Sense”Declaration of Independence Contents: 1) Preamble; 2) A list of grievances against King George III; 3) A formal declaration of war A propaganda tool Natur

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