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电梯基础知识1 曳引式电梯.docx

1、电梯基础知识1 曳引式电梯1 曳引式电梯 Traction lift电梯是一种机电结合紧密地用电力拖动的特殊升降设备,是一种现代生活中必不可少的,广泛应用的垂直交通运输工具,在现代城市文明中,电梯不但已成为高层建筑不可缺少的垂直运输设备,也将成为低层建筑中的代步工具。在垂直交通运输工具中曳引式电梯是使用最普遍的一种电梯。因此,本文以介绍曳引式电梯为主。Being a special system moving upwards and downwards by combining mechanics and electrics, lift has played an indispensable

2、role in our modern life by serving as widely-used vehicle that runs vertically; it is not only an important vertical vehicle for high-rise buildings, but for low-rising buildings. As a vertical vehicle, traction lift is the most commonly used lift; therefore, the following description will be based

3、on traction lift. 1-1 电梯的基本结构Lift basic structure1-1-1 曳引系统Traction system曳引系统主要由曳引机、曳引钢丝绳、导向轮及反绳轮等组成。Traction system is composed of traction machine, traction rope, diverter pulley and counterweight sheave.1-1-1-1曳引机有驱动电动机、制动器、减速箱、机座、曳引轮等组成。它是电梯的动力源。驱动电动机为电梯专用交流电机或直流电机。As the power provider, tracti

4、on machine is composed of drive motor, brake, geared machine, machine base and traction sheave. Drive motor is AC or DC motor for lift.制动器通常采用双瓦块常闭式电磁制动器。电梯停止或电源断电情况下制动抱闸,以保证电梯不致移动。Usually adopted is double lined normally closed magnetic brake. Brake is activated to prevent lift from moving in case

5、of lift stop or power failure.减速机大多选用蜗轮蜗杆减速机,也有行星齿轮、斜齿轮减速机。无齿轮电梯不需减速机。曳引轮即为曳引机上的绳轮,两端借助曳引钢丝绳分别悬挂轿厢和对重。Usually adopted is worm geared machine, besides, star gear and slanting geared machine are also available. Gearless lift needs no geared machine. Traction sheave is a sheave on traction machine, on

6、both sides of which can suspend car and counterweight by means of traction rope.1-1-1-2 曳引钢丝绳的两端分别连接轿厢和对重(或两端固定在机房上),依靠钢丝绳与曳引轮绳槽之间的静摩擦力来实现电梯轿厢的升降。Both sides of the traction rope are connected with car and counterweight (or both sides are attached to the machine room). Car is moved upwards or downwar

7、ds by means of static friction between traction rope and rope groove.1-1-1-3导向轮又称抗绳轮,因电梯轿厢尺寸一般都比较大,轿厢悬挂中心和对重悬挂中心间的距离往往大于设计上所允许的曳引轮直径,因此对一般电梯而言需要设置导向轮,以保证两股向下的曳引钢丝绳之间的距离等于或接近轿厢悬挂中心和对重悬挂中心之间的距离,以分开轿厢和对重的间距。Deflector sheave is also called beam Pulley. Since car is comparatively large in dimensions; the

8、 distance between car suspension center and counterweight suspension center is generally longer than the diameter of traction sheave, deflector sheave is usually used for lifts to ensure the distance between two ropes downwards to be equal or almost equal to the distance between car suspension cente

9、r and counterweight suspension center, distancing car and counterweight.对复绕的无齿轮电梯而言,改变复绕轮的位置同样可以达到上述目的。采用复绕轮还可以增加曳引能力。For gearless lift with compound wounding, changing the position of winding pulley can also achieve the above purpose, besides the application of compound winding pulley can also incr

10、ease traction capacity.1-1-1-4 反绳轮 当钢丝绳的绕绳比大于1时,在轿厢顶和对重架上应增设反绳轮。反绳轮的个数与曳引比有关,可以是1个、2个甚至是3个。Diversion sheave: with suspension ratio 1, diversion sheave should be installed on the top of car and counterweight frame. Related to suspension ratio, number of diversion sheave can be 1, 2 or even 3.1-1-2 导向

11、系统Diverter system导向系统由导轨、导靴(图1-3)和导轨架(图1-4)等组成。它的作用是限制轿厢和对重的活动自由度,使轿厢和对重只能沿着导轨做升降运动。Composed of guide rails, guide shoes and rail frame, diverter system is used to limit the flexibility of car and counterweight, making car and counterweight move along the guide rail upwards and downwards.导轨固定在导轨架上,导

12、轨架是支撑导轨的组件,与井道壁联接。Guide rails are fixed on the rail frame that is used to support rails and connected with well wall.导靴装在轿厢和对重架上,与导轨配合,强制轿厢和对重的运动服从于导轨的走向。Installed on car and counterweight frame, guide shoes are working together with guide rails, forcing car and counterweight to move in compliance w

13、ith the direction of guide rails.1-1-3 门系统Door system门系统由轿厢门、层门、门机、联动机构、门锁等组成。Door system is composed of car door, level door, door operator, interconnection and door lock.轿厢门设在轿厢入口,有门扇、门导轨架、门靴和门刀等组成。Located in the entrance to car, car door is composed of door fan, door guide rail frame, door shoe a

14、nd door vane.层门设在层站入口,有门扇、门导轨架、门靴、门锁装置及应急开锁装置组成。Located in the entrance to landing, landing door is composed of door fan, door guide rail frame, door shoe, door lock and emergency unlocking device.门机设在轿厢上,是轿门和层门开启和关闭的动力源。Installed on the car, door operator is power provider for opening and closing c

15、ar door and landing door.1-1-4 轿厢Car轿厢是用以运送乘客或货物的电梯组件。它是由轿厢架和轿厢体组成。Composed of car frame and car body, car is used to convey passengers or cargo. 轿厢架是轿厢体的承重架构,由上横梁、立柱、底梁和斜拉杆等组成。As a support for car body, car frame is composed of top transom, side transom, bottom transom and brace rod.轿厢体由轿厢底、轿厢壁、轿厢顶

16、及照明、通风装置、轿厢装饰件和操纵盘等组成。轿厢的大小由额定载重量和额定载客量决定。Car boy is composed of car bottom, car wall, car top, ventilation, decoration profile and control panel. Car dimensions are determined by rated load and passenger flow.1-1-5 重量平衡系统Weight balance system该系统由对重和重量补偿装置组成。Such system is composed of counterweight

17、and weight compensation device.对重由对重架和对重块组成。对重将平衡轿厢自重和部分的额定载重。Counterweight is composed of counterweight and counterweight filler. Counter weight is used to offset car weight and partial rated load.重量补偿装置是补偿高层电梯中轿厢与对重侧曳引钢丝绳长度变化对电梯平衡影响的装置。Weight compensation device is used to offset the influence on

18、the lift balance arising from the changing rope length of car and counterweight.1-1-6 电力拖动系统Electrical driving system该系统由曳引电机、供电系统、速度反馈装置、调速装置等组成。对电梯实行速度控制。Composed of traction machine, power supply system, speed feedback device and speed-adjusting device, such system is used to control lift speed.曳

19、引电机是电梯的动力源,根据电梯配置可用交流电机或直流电机。Traction machine is the power provider for lift. AC or DC motor can be selected based on lift configuration.供电系统是为电机提供电源的装置。Power supply system provides power for motor.速度反馈装置是为调速系统提供电梯运行速度信号。一般采用测速发电机或速度脉冲发生器,与电机相连。Speed feedback device is used to provide lift speed sig

20、nal for speed-adjusting system. Connected with motor, tachogenerator or speed pulse generator is usually adopted.调速装置对曳引电机实行调速控制。Speed adjusting device is used to control speed of traction motor.1-1-7 电气控制系统Electrical control system电气控制系统由操纵装置、位置显示装置、控制装置、平层装置、选层器等组成。它的作用是对电梯的运行实行操纵和控制。Composed of o

21、peration device, position indicator device, control device, leveling device and selector, electrical control system is used to operate and control lift.操纵装置包括轿厢操纵盘或手柄开关箱、层站召唤按钮、轿顶和机房中的检修或应急操纵箱。控制装置安装在机房中,由各类电气控制元件(或板)组成,是电梯实行电气控制的集中组件。Operation device is composed of operation panel or handle switch

22、tank, landing call button, inspection or emergency control box. Installed in the machine room, as the integrated unit for electrical control, control device is composed of electrical control components (or panels).位置显示装置裝在轿厢内和大厅内,显示电梯的运行层站和方向及载客量等信息。Position indicator is installed in car and landing

23、, indicating such information as lift running landing, direction and passenger flow.选层器可由机械式、继电器或电子式组成,起指示和反馈轿厢位置、决定运行方向、发出减速信号等作用。Having mechanic, relay or electronic types, selector is used to indicate and feedback car position, determine running direction and give out reduction signal.1-1-8 安全保护系

24、统Safety protection system电梯上设有机械和电气各类保护系统,以保证电梯安全使用。Lift is equipped with mechanic and electrical protection systems to ensure lift safe operation.机械方面有限速器、安全钳、缓冲器、渐进式行程开关等。Mechanical devices include overspeed governor, safety gear, buffer and progressive travel switch.电气方面设有一系列安全开关保护电梯的各个运行环节,例如,电源

25、断路保护器,轿顶急停开关,底坑急停开关,极限开关,紧急出口接点,超速保护开关,安全钳开关,门保护开关,检修开关等。Electrical devices include a series of safety switches to protect every operation stages, such as power cut-off protector, emergency stop switch on top of the car and in the pit, limit switch, emergency exit contact, overspeed protection switc

26、h, safety gear switch, door protection switch and inspection switch.1-2 电梯的分类Lift types电梯的定义:用电力拖动的轿厢运行于铅垂的或与铅垂方向倾斜不大于15o的两列刚性导轨之间运送乘客或货物的固定设备。目前不论其驱动方式如何,将电梯作为建筑物内垂直交通运输工具的总称。Lift is defined as a fixed device that hoists a car traveling vertically or not exceeding 15vertically between two rigid rai

27、ls, to convey passengers or cargo. Whatever drive type lift has, it is a collective term for vehicle traveling within a building.根据建筑物的高度、用途及客流量(或物流量)不同,而设置不同种类的电梯。目前电梯的基本分类方法大致如下:Based on the buildings height, application and passenger flow(or cargo flow), different types of lifts are used. Current

28、ly, lifts are classified based on the following criteria:1-2-1 按驱动方式分类Classified by drive type1-2-1-1 交流电梯AC lift用交流感应电动机作为驱动力的电梯。根据拖动方式又可分为交流单速、交流双速、交流调压调速、交流调频调压调速电梯。AC motor is used in lift. Based on traction types, lifts can be classified as AC single-speed, AC double-speed, AC speed / voltage-v

29、iable, AC viable speed / frequency lifts.1-2-1-2 直流电梯DC lift用直流电动机作为驱动力的电梯,这类电梯的额定速度都在2m/s以上。DC motor is used in lift whose rated speed is above 2m/s.1-2-1-3 液压电梯Hydraulic lift利用电动泵驱动液体流动,由柱塞使轿厢升降的电梯。By means of electrical pump driving fluid, lift is moved upwards or downwards through plunders.1-2-1

30、-4 齿轮齿条电梯Gear rack lift将导轨加工成齿条,轿厢装上与齿条啮合的齿轮, 电动机带动齿轮旋转使轿厢升降的电梯。Rails are made into gear racks. Car is equipped with gears that are engaged with racks. Lift is moved upwards or downwards by means of the rotation of gears driven by motor.1-2-1-5 螺杆式电梯 Spiral lever lift将直顶式电梯的柱塞加工成矩形螺纹,再将带有推力轴承的大螺母安装于

31、油缸顶,然后通过电机经减速机(或皮带)带动大螺母旋转,从而使螺杆顶升轿厢上升或下降的电梯。In spiral level lifts, plunders of straightly-pushed lifts are made into rectangular threads; big nuts with pushing bearings are installed on the top of the cylinder. Through motor, the big nuts rotate with geared machine (or belt). Therefore, supported b

32、y the spiral lever, lifts can move upward or downwards.1-2-1-6直线电机驱动的电梯Machine driven by lineal motor其动力源是直线电机。Lift is powered by lineal motor.1-2-2 按用途分类 Classified by applications1-2-2-1 乘客电梯Passenger lift为运送乘客设计的电梯,要求有完善的安全设施及一定的轿厢内装饰。Passenger lift is designed to convey passengers and required to have perfect safety facilities and necessary decoration in the car.1-2-2-2 载货电梯Cargo lift主要为运送货物而设计的电梯,有司机载货电梯允许司机及装卸人员随同上下;无司

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