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1、冰雪奇缘台词1- 冰雪奇缘台词1Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她2This icy force both foul and fair冰雪的力量危险而又美丽3Has a frozen heart worth mining一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘4Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear凿穿冰封之心冰冷又剔透5Strike for love And Strike for fear为了爱不畏恐惧6See the beauty Sharp and Sheer一双

2、善于发现美丽的眼睛7Split the ice apart打破寒冰结境8And break the frozen heart融化冰封之心9Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!全神贯注!放手去爱!10Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!全神贯注!放手去爱!11Beautiful! Powerful!美丽!强大!12Dangerous! Cold!危险!寒冷!13Ice has a magic Cant be controlled寒冰的魔力无法被掌控14Stronger than one, Stronger than ten胜

3、过一人胜过十人15Stronger than a hundred men!胜过一百个人!16Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她17This icy force both Foul and Fair冰雪的力量危险而又美丽18Has a frozen heart worth mining一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘19Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear凿穿冰封之心冰冷又剔透20Strike for love and strike for fear为了爱不畏恐

4、惧21Theres beauty and theres Danger here危险而又美丽22Split the ice apart!打破寒冰结境23Beware the frozen heart小心冰封的心24Come on, Sven!快跟上斯文!25Elsa. Psst!埃尔莎喂!26Elsa!埃尔莎!27Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!醒醒醒醒快醒醒!28Anna, go back to sleep.安娜回去睡觉29I just cant. The sky is awake, so Im awake.我睡不着天醒着所以我也醒着30So, we have to pla

5、y.我们得起来玩游戏31Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧32Do you want to build a snowman?你想堆雪人吗?33Come on, come on, come on, come on!快来快来快来快来!34Do the magic! Do the magic!快用魔法!快用魔法!35Ready? Uh-huh.准备好了吗?啊哈36This is amazing!真是太神奇啦!37Watch this!看这个!38Hi, Im Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨我是雪宝我喜欢热情的拥抱39I love you, Olaf!我爱你雪宝

6、40Hang on!等一下!41Catch me!接住我!42Gotcha!接住啦!43Again!再来一次!44Wait!等一下!45Slow down!慢一点!46Anna!安娜!47Anna!安娜!48Mama! Papa!妈妈!爸爸!49No, no.不,不.50Youre okay, Anna. I got you.你会没事的安娜我陪着你51Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!埃尔莎,你做了什么?你的魔法又失控了!52It was an accident. Im sorry, Anna!这是个意外. 对不起,安娜

7、!53Shes ice cold. - I know where we have to go.她浑身冰凉-我知道我们得去哪54Ice?冰?55Faster, Sven!再快点斯文!56Sven!斯文!57Please! Help!请帮帮我们!58Its my daughter!救救我们的女儿!59Its the King!他是国王!60Trolls?山精?61Shush. Im trying to listen.嘘! 我正听着呢62Cuties. Im gonna keep you.小可爱我要把你们留下来63Your Majesty.陛下64Born with the powers, or c

8、ursed?与生俱来的力量还是诅咒?65Here, here.过来过来66Born. And theyre getting stronger. 生下来就有的而且越来越强大67You are lucky it wasnt her heart.真幸运,魔法并没有伤到她的心68The heart is not so easily changed,心里的伤可不容易被转变69But the head can be persuaded.但头里的问题还是有办法的70Do what you must.做你必须做的71I recommend we remove all magic.我建议消除她身上所有的魔法72

9、even memories of magic to be safe.甚至那些关于魔法的记忆,为了安全起见73But dont worry, Ill leave the fun.但别担心,我会留下那些快乐的记忆74She will be okay.她会没事的75But she wont remember I have powers?但是她会忘记我拥有魔力吗?76Its for the best. - Listen to me, Elsa,这样最好-听着埃尔莎77Your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大78There is beauty in it.你会发现魔力的

10、美好79But also great danger.但同时也伴随着巨大的危险80You must learn to control it.你必须要学会控制它81Fear will be your enemy.恐惧会成为你的敌人82No. Well protect her. She can learn to control it.Im sure.不我们会保护她她会学会控制它的我确定83Until then,在此之前84well lock the gates. Well reduce the staff.我们会锁上城门裁去城内人员85We will limit her contact with p

11、eople减少她与别人的接触86and keep her powers hidden from everyone.不让任何人知道她的魔力87including Anna.包括安娜88Elsa?埃尔莎?89Do you wanna build a snowman?你想堆个雪人吗?90Come on, lets go and play来吧,我们一起来玩91I never see you anymore. Come out the door我好久没见到你了快点出来吧92Its like youve gone away你就像消失了一样93We used to be best buddies我们曾是最好

12、的伙伴94And now were not. I wish you would tell mewhy但现在却不是了我希望你能告诉我为什么95Do you wanna build a snowman?你想堆个雪人吗?96It doesnt have to be a snowman并不是一定要堆个雪人啦97Go away, Anna走吧安娜98Okay bye好吧拜99The gloves will help. See带上手套就没事了看到了吧100See? Conceal it -Dont feel it看到了吧?隐藏它-不要去想它101Dont let it show别让它显现出来102Do y

13、ou wanna build a snowman?你想堆个雪人吗?103Or ride our bike around the hall?或者在走廊里骑车?104I think some company is overdue我觉得还有许多事没有做105Ive started talking to the pictures on the walls我开始试着跟墙上的画像讲话106Hang in there, Joan坚持住琼107It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms这些空房间让人觉得有些寂寞108Just watching the hours

14、 tick by仅仅看着时间滴答滴答地走过109Im scared. Its getting stronger!我很害怕魔力越来越强大了!110Getting upset only makes it worse.不安只会让情况变得更糟111Calm down.冷静下来112No! Dont touch me! Please. I dont want to hurt you.不!请别碰我!拜托了我不想伤到你们113See you in two weeks!两周后再见!114- Do you have to go? - Youll be fine, Elsa.你们必须要去吗?-你会没事的埃尔莎11

15、5Elsa? 埃尔莎?116Please, I know youre in there拜托了我知道你在里面117People are asking where youve been人们都在问你去哪儿了118They say have courage and Im trying to他们都说要勇敢而我也正在努力119Im right out here for you. Just let me in我现在就在你门外请让我进去吧120We only have each other现在我们只剩下彼此了121Its just you and me仅仅你我两人122What are we gonna do

16、?我们该怎么办?123Do you wanna build a snowman?你想堆个雪人吗?124after three year?三年后125All ashore!都上岸!126Welcome to Arendelle!欢迎来到艾伦戴尔!127Watch your Steps please. The Gates Will openingSoon.请小心脚下大门马上就要打开了128Why do I have to wear this?我为什么一定要穿这件?129Because the Queen has come of age.因为女王成年啦130Its Coronation Day!今天

17、是加冕日!131Thats not my fault.这跟我又没关系132What do you want, Sven? - Give me a snack!你想要什么斯文? -给我点吃的!133Whats the magic word? - Please.那暗号是什么呢?-拜托了134Uh! Uh-uh-uh. Share.呃!呃呃呃分享135I cant believe theyre finally opening up the gates!我真不敢相信他们终于把大门打开了136And for a whole day!而且打开一整天哦!137Faster, Persi!快点佩西!138Ah

18、, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner.啊,艾伦戴尔,我们最神秘的交易伙伴139Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets打开那些门让我揭开你的秘密140and exploit your riches.挖掘你的财富141Did I just say that out loud?我刚才是不是说得太大声了?142Oh! Me sore eyes cant wait to See the Queen andthe Princess.我已经迫不及待想看看女王和公主了143I bet theyre ab

19、solutely lovely.我打赌她们一定可爱极了144I bet they are beautiful.我相信她们一定很美丽145Princess Anna?安娜公主?146Huh? Yeah?恩?什么事?147Oh. Sorry to wake you, maam.抱歉叫醒了你小姐148No, no, no, you didnt.不不不不,没关系149Ive been up for hours.我已经起床几个小时了150Who is it?外面是谁?151Still me, maam. The gates will open soon.还是我小姐大门马上就要打开了152Time to

20、get ready. -Of course是时候准备准备了-当然153Ready for what?准备什么?154Your sisters coronation, maam.你姐姐的加冕礼小姐155My sisters cor-neration.我姐姐的加冕礼156Its coronation day!今天是加冕日!157Its coronation day!今天是加冕日!158The window is open! Sos that door!那些门和窗户都已经打开了159I didnt know they did that anymore我不知道他们已经做了如此多的准备160Who kn

21、ew we owned 8000 salad plates?谁知道我们竟然准备了8000个沙拉盘子161For years I have roamed these empty halls多少年来我一直徘徊在这些空荡荡的大厅里162Why have a ballroom with no balls?为什么我们的舞厅里不举行任何舞会?163Finally, theyre opening up the gates!终于,他们将要把大门打开了!164Therell be actual, real, live people会有活生生的人们来到这里165Itll be totally strange这感觉

22、肯定会奇妙166But wow! Am I so ready for this change!但我已经为这些改变做好了准备!167 Cause for the first time in forever因为有生以来第一次168Therell be music, therell be light这里将会充满音乐和灯光169For the first time in forever有生以来第一次170Ill be dancing through the night我将会跳舞直到黎明171Dont know if Im elated or gassy不知道我是太高兴还是有点胃胀气172But Im

23、somewhere in that zone但我现在就是这么高兴173Cause for the first time in forever因为有生以来第一次174I wont be alone. I cant wait to meet everyone!我再也不孤单我等不及想见见大家!175What if I meet the one?如果我遇见那个他怎么办?176Tonight, imagine me gown and all想象一下今晚盛装出席的我177Fetchingly draped against the wall穿着褶皱礼服迷人地靠着墙178The picture of soph

24、isticated Grace那画面脱俗而又优雅179I suddenly see him standing there我突然见到伫立一旁的他180a beautiful stranger tall and fair一位高大而又帅气的陌生人181I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!我的心一定会被巧克力堵上!182But then we laugh and talk all evening我们欢笑畅谈整晚183Which is totally bizarre那感觉一定很奇妙184Nothing like the life Ive led so far与

25、我之前的生活完全不同185For the first time in forever有生以来第一次186Therell be magic, Therell be fun这里将会充满魔力和欢乐187For the first time in forever有生以来第一次188I could be noticed by someone我将会被某人注视189And I know it is totally crazy我知道这一定很疯狂190To dream Id find romance去期待浪漫的来临191But for the first time in forever但有生以来第一次192At

26、 least Ive got a chance!至少我有了一次机会193Dont let them in. Dont let them see别让他们进来别让他们看到194Be the good girl You always have to be做个好女孩就像你从前那样195Conceal. Dont feel隐藏情感不去感受196Put on a show好好掩饰自己197Make one wrong move and everyone will know只要一犯错别人就会知道198But its only for today但是,仅此一天199Its only for today. It

27、s agony to wait仅此一天这痛苦的等待200Its agony to wait这痛苦的等待201Tell the guards to open up the.让守卫们快打开202The gate!那大门!203 For the first time in forever有生以来第一次204 Dont let them in Dont let them see别让他们进来别让他们看到205 Im getting what Im dreaming of我梦寐以求的时刻即将到来206Be the good girl you always have to be做个好女孩就像你从前那样207

28、A chance to change My lonely world一个改变我孤独世界的机会208Conceal隐藏情感209 A chance to find true love一个找到真爱的机会210 Conceal, dont feel Do nt let them know 隐藏情感不去感受不要让他们知道211 I know it all ends tomorrow我知道明天一切都将结束212So it has to be today!所以一定要把握住今天!213Cause for the first time in forever因为有生以来第一次214For the first time in foreve

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