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1718版 第1部分 必修4 Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges.docx

1、1718版 第1部分 必修4 Module 5 A Trip Along the Three GorgesModule 5A Trip Along the Three Gorges.写作单词会拼写1trade vi. 做生意2spot n. 地点;场所3view n. 景色;风景4distant adj. 遥远的 distance n. 距离5narrow vi. 变狭窄 narrowly adv. 勉强地6nature n. 自然 natural adj. 自然的 naturally adv. 自然地7forbid vt. 禁止 过去式 forbade/forbad 过去分词 forbidd

2、en8varied adj. 多变化的 various adj. 各种各样的 variety n. 种类;多样性9surround vt. 围绕;环绕 surrounding adj. 周围的 surroundings n. 环境 (常用复数) .阅读单词要识记10plain adj. 普通的;家常的 n. 平原11shore n. (海、湖、河等的) 岸12valley n. 山谷13flat adj. 平坦的14colleague n. 同事15hilly adj. 多山的;丘陵起伏的16. legend n. 传奇;传说故事17exploit vt. 开发18mountainous ad

3、j. 多山的19immense adj. 极大的20. fertile adj. 肥沃的21remote adj. 遥远的22steep adj. 陡峭的;险峻的高频短语会默写1at the edge of 在的边缘2at least 至少3go through 穿过,经历,通过4take advantage of 利用5be heavy with 有大量的6in the distance 远处的7rip off 敲竹杠;敲诈8get a kick out of (俚语) 从中得到乐趣教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.He and a colleague were to spend two ye

4、ars there teaching English at a teacher training college.( beto do sth.表示按计划或安排将要做某事)1.我们将要在这家旅馆再待上三周。We are to stay in the hotel for another three weeks. 【导学号:60312124】2.We could see the sun setting behind the white pagoda.(see宾语doing “看到某人正在做某事”)2.我经过那个村庄时看到一群孩子正在路边玩沙子。While going past that villag

5、e,I saw a group of children playing sand by the roadside.3. Nearly 100 million people live here,most of them in the east.(独立主格结构:名词/代词介词短语)3.很多专家参加了这次会议,其中大多数来自美国。Most experts attended the conference,most of them from the United States.4.Im allowed to stick one in only if Ive been in a place for mor

6、e than 24 hours.( only if引导条件状语从句,“只有才”)4.你只有努力学习,才能在2018年被重点大学录取。Youll be admitted into a key university in 2018 only if you study hard.精讲3个考纲单词 surround vt.围绕;环绕教材原句A lake is an area of water surrounded by land.湖泊就是被一片陆地包围的水域。(1)surrounding adj. 周围的surroundings n. 环境 (通常用复数形式) (2)surround sb./sth.

7、with/by. 使某人/某物被包围If youre serious about wanting to live a healthy lifestyle, its extremely important to surround yourself with people wholl provide you with the emotional support.如果你真的想过健康生活,让自己身边围绕着能够给你提供情感支持的人是极其重要的。Entering the room,I found Jack surrounding (surround) himself with piles of books

8、.Entering the room,I found Jack surrounded (surround) with piles of books.走进房间,我发现杰克身边堆满了书。The children grew up in beautiful surroundings (surround) but not in a happy home environment.孩子们在美丽的环境中长大,但是却缺少一个幸福的家庭环境。链接写作句式升级The tall building in the distance is home to my fathers company.It is surrounde

9、d by a great many maple trees.The tall building surrounded by a great many maple trees in the distance is home to my fathers company.(用过去分词短语作后置定语改写) forbid v(forbad/forbade,forbidden) 禁止;不许经典例句I forbid you the use of my new bicycle.我不许你用我的新自行车。(1)forbidden adj. 严禁的,禁止的(2)forbid (doing) sth. 禁止 (做)

10、某事forbid do sth. 禁止某人做某事forbid sb.sth. 禁止某人某事We should take measures to forbid returning (return) illegal cooking oil to dinner tables.我们应采取措施禁止地沟油回流餐桌。We were forbidden to look (look) out of the window when the train was moving.当火车行驶时,我们被禁止往窗外看。 view n风景;景色; (个人的) 看法vt.把视为;看;观看教材原句He always c

11、hooses a postcard with a beautiful view,and sticks on an interesting stamp.他总是选一张有美丽风景的明信片,并贴上一张有趣的邮票。(1)in view 在视野中in view of 鉴于;考虑到in ones view 在某人看来(2)come into view 看得见have a good view of 清楚地看到;饱览take/hold the view that. 持的观点(3) 把看作This is viewed as the most effective way to overcome ov

12、ereating.这被看作是克服暴食最有效的方式。In view of the shortage of time, each person can only speak for 5 minutes.鉴于时间有限,每个人只能讲5分钟。As the car approached the town center, several tall buildings came into view随着汽车驶近镇中心,几座高大的建筑物进入了视野。 【导学号:60312125】诠释2个核心短语 at least 至少;起码高考佳句I get at least half an hour of exercise al

13、most every day.(2014年安徽高考)我几乎每天至少要锻炼半小时。(1)not in the least 一点也不,毫不last but not least 最后的但同样重要least of all 尤其是;最不(2)at (the) most 最多,至多,不超过Would you mind my turning the TV on?你介意我打开电视吗?Not in the least.一点也不介意。Last but not least, we must thank our host for his hospitality.最后但同样重要的一点是我们得感谢主人的热情好客。You

14、could buy a good washing machine for about 350,400 at most(朗文辞典)350英镑左右,最多400英镑,就能买一台不错的洗衣机。语境助记This is not a peaceful world,least of all in America.School shooting happened on September 3,2015,causing at least a death.It is legal to possess a gun in the USA.So it is not surprising in the least.这不是一

15、个和平的世界,尤其是在美国。2015年9月3日发生的校园枪击事件导致至少一人死亡。在美国拥有枪支是合法的。所以这是一点也不奇怪的。 go through 穿过,经历,通过;浏览;仔细察看;完成;用完一词多义写出下列句中go through的含义When he was a child,he went through one hardship after another.经历;遭受I went through my homework to make sure that nothing had been missed.详细检查As soon as the law goes through, more

16、 food in the supermarket will have to be marked with its origin.通过How long will it take to go through the book?完成go against 反对;违背;对不利go over 复习,仔细检查go up 上涨,上升go in for 爱好;参加;从事If you go against nature,it will punish you.如果你违背了自然,它就会惩罚你。To get a better grade,you should go over the notes again before

17、 the test.要想获得更好的成绩,你应该在考试之前再复习一下笔记。名师点津常考的“动词through”构成的词组:get through通过 (考试等);接通电话;完成;用完;look through浏览;往里面看;break through冲破,突破;see through看穿,识破突破1个高考句型 (教材P42)He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college.他和另一位同事将在那里的一所教师进修学院教两年英语。were to spend .是

18、be to do sth.结构,在此处表示“按照计划或安排将要做某事”。“beto do结构”用法归纳如下: (1)表示按约定、计划、职责、义务、要求等即将发生的动作,这是将来时的一种用法。(2)表示必须或应该,在意思上相当于must,should,ought to或have to。(3)如果主语是以aim,duty,hope,idea,happiness,job,plan,problem,purpose,thing,wish等为中心的名词,或what引导的名词性从句,不定式作表语是对主语起补充说明的作用。They are to pay a visit to the teacher toget

19、her at ten tomorrow morning.他们明天上午十点钟一起去看这位老师。This medicine is to be taken (take) three times a day.这种药一天要服三次。The purpose of education is to develop (develop) a fine personality in children.教育的目的是发展儿童良好的品格。多角快练练单词 练短语 练句型基础考点全面练.单句语法填空1(2017南昌模拟)The final score of the basketball match was 93 to 94.W

20、e were only (narrow) beaten. 【导学号:60312126】【答案】narrowly2Whoever has gone sandstorms knows the importance of environmental protection.【答案】through3(2017湘潭5月模拟) The students are forbidden,unless they have special excuses, (stay) out after 11 pm.【答案】to stay4A twopercent increase in pay is not very much,

21、but least its better than nothing.【答案】at5The girl spotted a beggar (wander) back and forth in front of the hotel as if waiting for someone.【答案】wandering6(2017泉州模拟)In the school hall,where a meeting is (hold),some students are busy preparing for it.【答案】to be held.单句改错1When he was trying to break into

22、 the bank, the thief was caught in the spot.inon2. When I got back home I saw a note pinning to the door.pinningpinned3. Will $ 200 cover the cost of the damage?Im afraid not,I need in least $ 100 more.inat4. Mary gets off the bus.There stand a boy she has never seen before,who is waiting for her,wi

23、th some flowers in his hands.standstands重难考点多维练1forbid全扫描(1)单句语法填空It is not allowed to approach the forbidden (forbid) area.The manager forbids smoking (smoke) during office hours.We were forbidden to talk (talk) aloud in class.(2)一句多译我父亲不准我在10点以后看电视。 【导学号:60312127】My father forbids me to watch tele

24、vision after 10 oclock.(forbid)My father forbids my watching television after 10 oclock.(forbid)My father doesnt allow me to watch television after 10 oclock.(allow)2view多棱镜(1)介词填空The lake came into view as we turned the corner.In my view, what this country needs is to develop its economy.The Intern

25、et is viewed by many as a revolutionary education tool.(2)完成句子Stand on the top of the building, and you can have a good view of (清楚地看到)the city.In view of(鉴于) the present situation, well have to change our original plan.课文语法填空根据P42教材课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式Peter and his colleague were to sp

26、end two years teaching English at a college.When the first semester 1.finished(finish),he and his colleague had a trip along the Three Gorges.They took the boat for Jiangyou 2.on a beautiful afternoon.As the sun set they docked at Fengdu,and they could see the sun 3.setting(set) behind the white pag

27、oda,4.which was very beautiful.The first gorge,5.called(call) the Qutang Gorge,narrows to 350 feet.At Wushan they saw some of the 6.smaller(small) gorges than the Qutang Gorge on the Yangtze River.On the Yangtze River the dam was under,so they werent allowed get(get) o

28、ff the boat.On a 9.distant(distance) mountain was a sign in 20foot 10. characters(character)“Build the Three Gorges Dam,Exploit the Yangtze River,”it said.高考话题微写作根据提示运用本模块所学知识完成下面小作文,并背诵成文。1李华的爸爸是位商人,他经常同别人做生意。 (trade) 2然而他对李华的学习要求很严,要求他利用一切时间去学习,反对他浪费时间。 (take advantage of;be against) 3在家时,如果他发现李华作

29、业中有错误,就要求他立即改正。 (spot) 4从周一到周五,他禁止李华看电视,并要求李华每晚至少学习两个小时。 (forbid;at least) 5在他看来,李华通过2018年高考并被名牌大学录取才是最重要的事。 (view;go through) 【参考范文】Li Huas father is a merchant and often trades with others.However,he is very strict in Li Huas studies.He requests that he should take advantage of all his time to stu

30、dy and is against his wasting any time.When at home,if spotting any mistakes in Li Huas homework,he will ask him to correct it immediately.Whats more,he forbids him to watch TV from Monday to Friday.Instead,he requires him to study at least two hours every evening.In his view,it is the most important thing that he goes through the 2018 College Entrance Examination and is admitted to a key university.

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