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1、真正的日常口语Id better get going! = Ive got to go. 我得走了Id like to take a rain check! 下一次吧Maybe some other time. 下一次吧Maybe some other day. 改天吧Are you hitting on her? 你在追她吗?Hes good! 他有两下子You spying on me? 你在窥探(跟踪)我吗?I didnt mean to pry. 我不是有意剌探(事情)Dont flatter yourself! 你少臭美了Shes a drug addict. 她是个毒虫Youre

2、under oath. 你发过誓了How long will it take? 要花多少时间?It can take years. 可能得花很久时间Im gonna tickle you! 我要搔你痒了Thats a dumb idea. 真是个笨主意You got to get over it! 你必须要克服这件事Stop playing the game! 别再跟我玩游戏了Hold it! 站住,停住Freeze! 站住Hes on parole. 他正在假释中Im allergic to the cat! 我对猫过敏I couldve sworn! 我发誓(是这样的)Hes hitchi

3、ng. 他搭便车Im trying to make a point here. 我就是要把这件事说清楚Hes my suspect. Im bringing him in. 他是我的嫌犯,我要将他逮捕归案Theres a killer on the loose! 有个凶手正逍遥法外 She fell apart. 她崩溃了She broke down. 她崩溃了You dumb bell. 你这笨蛋Is it going to help? 这样有用吗? 有所助益吗?You, quitter! 你这半途而废的人You, loser! 你这失败者Can that be arranged? 可以安排

4、一下吗?Dont argue. Thats the way things are. 不用争辩了,道理本来就是这样Not a good time? (我来得)时候不对吗? 不方便吗?Get the hell out of here! = You kidding me? 不会吧! 你开玩笑!Sit tight! 坐稳啦!Sleep tight! 好好睡Just be cool, all right? 冷静点可以吗?Welcome to the party! 来得好Im all ears. 我洗耳恭听Youre lying your head off! 看你臭盖得眉飞色舞Youre the best

5、. 你是最棒的Thank you for sharing. 谢谢你告诉我Shes giving up. 她要放弃了No good. (NG) 不好,重来He is a bum. 他是流浪汉Oh God, here we go again! 天啊,又来(这一套)了Here you go. 拿去吧,好啦Here you are. 拿去吧Here we go. 好啦Ill take a hug. 抱一下Come on. Give me a hug! 来,抱一下Its got to change. 事情总会改变的Were not communicating. 鸡同鸭讲I feel very happy

6、 for you. 我为你感到高兴Im gonna do the sweep. 我要扫地Im old and loose. 我已人老珠黄Its appalling! 真吓人Its scary! 真可怕Its been a nice chat, but I gotta go. 很高兴跟你聊聊,可是我得走了Im on duty! 我正在当班Im off duty. 我下班了Spook House! 恐布屋Warp party! 杀青派对Youre not even close! 门都没有,八字都没一撇End of story! 说完啦!Is it all worth it? 值得吗?Dont in

7、sult my intelligence! 不要侮辱我的智慧Dont give me that! 少来这套No compromises! 不妥协Thiss not gonna work! 这行不通的I know it by heart. 我牢记在心Shes a big gross. 她很胖Freeze! Split your legs! 别动,把脚(腿)分开The backup will be here any minute! 支持马上就到Knock it off! =Cut it out! 少来了,住手Cut the crap! 少来了,胡说八道What does it taste like

8、? 尝起来如何?Fall out! 解散Ill find out! 我会查出真相的This isnt easy for all of us. 这对我们来说都不好受Not a chance! =No way 不行,不可能Im no fool, man! 老兄,我可不是傻瓜Thank you for everything. 谢谢你的一切(帮助)We bloody got him! 我们可逮到他了!That happens! 没关系,常有这种事(这种事常发生)Do I owe her an apology? 我要向她道歉吗?Whats the catch? 卖什么关子? 耍什么花招?You were

9、 saying? 你刚才说到哪儿?Were nailed! 我们被盯上了She miscarried. 她流产了She lost her sight. 她失明了Look out! 小心Stay back! 退回去Whatre you getting at? 你打啥主意?Lets hit the trail/road! 上路吧Cat got your tongue? 说不出话了吧? 怎么不讲话呢?You got a moment? 有空吗?You are my everything! 你是我的一切Theyll take you out! 他们会把你干掉Very impressive! 真厉害We

10、re in good shape! 我们情况还不错Hes got balls! 他很有种Hes got guts! 他很有种You have no balls! 你没种Youve got no guts! 你没种Youre gutless! 你没种Let me get this straight. 让我是把事情搞清楚, 讲清楚Cut off this shit. 少废话He got away with it. 他逃脱了, 开脱了Dont get that look! 不要摆那种脸色Real bad! 真糟糕My bad! 是我的错Lets get down to business. 我们就开门

11、见山吧,我们直话直说吧Hes a down-to-earth person. 他是个很实际的人What is it to you? 那关你什么事?Its all healed up. 痊愈了Dont blow it. 不要搞碴了Dont ever do that again. 不要再那样Im backing out. 我退出Ill keep an eye on you. 我会盯箸你的You are a player. 你是个中好手Hes grounded. 他被禁足了Get your ass down! 你给我下来!Get your ass out! 你给我出去!You got me. 你难倒

12、我了Thats worth trying. 值得一试Thats so gross. 真恶心Do you think youre so hot? 你以为自己很了不起吗?You dont belong here. 你不属于这里,你不是这块料I owe you one. 我欠你一次It cant be helped. 没办法You got to carry on. 你要撑下去Lets hang out sometime. 我们找个时间出去混一混吧Its kind of early. 还有点早Youre letting me down. 你让我扫兴,失望Dont let me down. 不要让我失望

13、Theres no turning back. 这是不归路Take it or leave it! 要不要?不要拉倒! 接不接受? 不要就算了!All set? =All ready? 都准备好啦?Im really excited about this! 好剌激喔!Im booked today. 我今天已经约满Book him! 把他拘押I made the kid a promise. 我已经答应孩子了Is it coming back to you? 想起来了吗?I need fifty. 我要一半Whats new? 有什么新鲜事?You look like shit! 你看起来真狼

14、狈Everybodys happy! 皆大欢喜Shoot! 有话快说,有屁快放We can get through this together. 我们可以一起渡此难关You just dont get it. 你就是不明白; 你就是不懂状况What do you care? 关你啥事Theyre brainwashed! 他们被洗脑了Ill make it up to you. 我会补偿你的He always screws around. 他老是到处鬼混You wanna play hard ball? Im in game! 你要玩硬的,我奉陪You lost your mind? 你疯了?

15、Knock it off! 少来了Scum-back! 混蛋,人渣Watch your mouth! 小心你的嘴吧,说话当心点Holy hell! 天啊!Keep it between us. 不要说出去喔Where did he take her? 他带她到哪里去了?Dont you ever mess with me. 别耍我Stay tuned! 别换频道What do you think of him? 你觉得他怎么样?This is it? 就这样?Dickhead! 混球,混蛋Whatever you say. 你说了算What is it this time? 这一回又搞什么名堂

16、?You scare the hell /shit out of me! 你吓死我了!Ill see you around. 回头见,再见It just came up. 说溜了嘴I slipped! 我说溜了嘴My alarm (clock) didnt go off. 我的闹钟没响Got a minute? 有空吗?Take my word for it. 相信我的话Im older and smarter. 容我倚老卖老Thats the spirit! 这才对Youve got to let it go. 你必须忘了这件事Its not my responsibility. 这不是我的

17、责任Its your option. 是你的抉择No problem! 没关系Holy smokes! 天啊!Holy mother! 天啊!Holy cow! 天啊!Holy shit! 天啊!You never know! 说不定呢!He kept low profile. 他保持低姿态When is it due? 什么时候到期?When is the deadline? 什么时候载止?I got a little bit mixed up. 我有点胡涂了I took it as a compliment. 我认为这是赞美Whats on your mind? 你心里在想什么? 你有什么

18、主意?Im on my way. 我马上就来The car is low in the gas. 车子快没油了Dont screw it with me. 少来这套Youre history! =Youre dead meat. 你完了,你死定了I cant afford to blow this! 事情搞碴了我负不起责任You stink! 你这烂货You jerk! 你这混球You always get what you want. 你总是有办法得到你想要的Not all the time! 不完全是,不是每次都能得手You cant do this all the time! 你不能老是

19、这样做Thats the last thing you should do. 你不该那样做Youre looking good! 你看起来气色不错I cant believe were doing this. 真不敢相信我们做到了Stop fussing! 不要无理取闹Youve made a good start. 你已经有了一个好的开始I dont like it! 事情不妙Im dying to see you. 我急着想跟你见面I threw up. 我吐了Im sober. 我清醒得很Its not doing you any good. 这对你没啥好处I dont know! 搞不

20、懂!我不知道该怎么办!Hes available. 他在,他可以Weve covered for you long enough. 我们帮你掩护太久了,罩太久了You sold me. =Ill take it. 我买了Get your butt/ass over there! 你给我过去那儿!Its not for free. 这不是免费的Can I get you something? 需要点什么吗?Im paying for it! 我现在正付出代价,真是现世报!They mate for each other. 他们真是绝配Shes getting out of control (ou

21、t of hand). 她快失控了Can we talk? 我们可以谈谈吗?Well manage. 我们自会料理Dont you worry. 你不用担心Everything is under control. 一切都在控制之中Take a guess. 猜猜看Just a glance. 看一下就好Shes gonna be fine. 她不会有事的Hold it. 慢着,等等On the double! 马上!立刻!快点!Is there anything I can do for you? 请问有何贵干?Thats what I like. 我就是喜欢那样Thats what I ne

22、ed. 正是我所需要的Leave it to me. 让我来Got it? 懂了吗?I mean it. 我是说真的Dont answer the door. 不要开门Ill be right back. 我马上回来Why the hell didnt you tell me? 你为什么不告诉我呢?Turn him over to the police. 向警察检举他But anyway, it doesnt matter much. 总之,不会有太大关系的Theyre all busted. 他们全都被揍了,被逮了No argument! 不必争论How can you tell? 你怎么知

23、道?你怎么看得出来?You are looking great! / You look great! 你看起来气色很好I dont believe this is really happening! 我不敢相信这事竟然成真了What a crap! 一派胡言,胡说八道But dont get the idea that 不要误认为Dont get it wrong! 不要会错意Lets get started. 我们开始吧,动手吧Lets take a vote. 我们投票表决吧Hows my timing? 我时间拿捏得怎么样?Lock up all this area. 封锁这一区Noth

24、ing get overlooked. 不要漏掉(忽略)任何东西What the fuck are you doing here? 你他妈的在这里干什么?Its a long shot! 这是件磨人的差事Its not what you think! 不是你想象的那样Dont insult me. 不要侮辱我Nope! 不Dont be such a child. 不要像小孩子一样Dont be childish! 不要孩子气了Can we just drop it! 我们别谈这件事了吧!I never felt better. 我感到再好不过了Dont screw this up. 不要把这

25、事搞碴了Weve nothing to hide. 我们没啥好隐瞒的I almost leaked in my pants. 我差一点就连尿在裤子里Dont insult their intelligence. 不要侮辱他们的智慧Hes a shrink. 他是心理医师Everybody listen up! 大家听好Not this time! = Dont happen again! 不会又来了吧!Hess scored! 海斯成功了!Theres no God! 没天理,皇天无眼!Theres a God! 天公有眼Take a hike! 省省吧! 得了吧!Take a walk! 省

26、省吧! 得了吧!Get in line! 等着吧! 不必了! 省省吧!Take a number! 你省省吧! 你等着吧!Were on the right track. 我们走的路没错I dont know what youre getting at. 我不晓得你在卖什么膏药Make sure you get what you need. 要确定你要得到你所要的喔Welcome aboard. 欢迎光临I have nothing against you. 我对你没意见Its nothing personal. 这不关私人恩怨Show time! 开始啰!Lets party! 开始啰!He

27、s in good hands. 他情况很好You talk as if I were some shrimp. 不要把我当作软脚虾Sure thing. 当然啰Not even think about it! 想都别想,门都没有Back off! 退后Dont you question my judgment again! 你不要再质疑我的判断力了Youd better tell us right now! 你最好现在就实话实说Or what? 否则呢? 要不然呢?I dont think were going to make it. 我不认为我们会成功Nobody walks away!

28、所有人都不可以离开Nobody leaves the room. 所有人都不可以离开房间Not the way I see it! =I dont think so! 我不认为如此Use your head! 用大脑想想吧!Can you go any faster? 你能快点吗?Hes slowing us down! 他拖累我们I owe you one! 我欠你一次You damn right you do! 你他妈的确实如此He finally asked me out. 我终于约我了Keep an eye on Webster. 小心韦伯Thank God! 谢天谢地He took

29、off. 离开了It wont happen again. 不会再发生这种事了Almost got all of us killed. 差点就把我们全部害死How did you lose your sight? 你怎么失明的?I dont know how to thank you. 我不知该如何感谢你才好Ill never ever do you wrong again. 我不会再起不起妳了 Its a figure of speech. 这只是个比喻而已She got a big mouth. 她是个大嘴吧She found fault with everything. 她吹毛求呲I m

30、et her in person yesterday! 我昨天亲自跟她见面了I couldnt handle it! 我受不了,我应付不来Its not going to work. 行不通的Who gives it a shit! 谁在乎啊?I dont give it a damn! 我才不在乎呢!Sorry, Im being a pest. 对不起,我越来越讨人厌了Go! Piss off! 滚Send for the doctor! 去请医师来Send them (in). 去叫他们(进来)Hold on! 等一下Im trying to live with it. 我很无奈,得过且过Shes the cheer leader. 她是拉拉队队长You got me! 你难倒我了You couldve fooled me. 你差点唬倒我Did you ever get over it? 你熬过来了吗?Get real! 清醒点Keep it down! 小声点That makes the two of u

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