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1、八年级上册英语 课时作业10课时作业(10)Module10Unit1(20分钟50分).根据句意及汉语提示完成单词(10分)1.Dont be_(开玩笑).Why were you late for school?2.Mr.Wang_(可能)went home because he was ill.3.What will the_(温度)be tomorrow morning?The radio says it will be over 27 degrees.4.Remember to take an umbrella with you.There will be a_(阵雨)later o

2、n.5.Unluckily,it has been_(多云的)and rainy for several days here.单项选择(10分)1._will the weather be_in Hainan in December?A.How;like B.What;likeC.Hows;/ D.What;/2.Its_.You should be careful on the road,or you may slip(滑倒).A.cloudy B.sunny C.windy D.snowy3.What are you going to do this weekend?Im not sure

3、.I_go to Hong Kong with my parents.A.will B.must C.might D.can4.He hasnt come,_I telephoned him yesterday.A.when B.while C.although D.after5.It is -30.What a_day!Dont forget to wear your_coat.A.cold;cool B.warm;coldC.cold;hot D.cold;warm.句型转换(10分)1.What will the weather be like tomorrow?(改为同义句)_ _th

4、e weather_tomorrow?2.The weather will be rainy this evening.(改为同义句)There will_ _this evening.3.The weather is fine today.(改为感叹句)_ _ _it is today!4.They are planning to go on a picnic in the countryside.(对画线部分提问)_are they_ _ _?5.It may be windy this evening.(改为同义句)_it_ _windy this evening.补全对话(10分)从方

5、框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。A.Im glad to hear that.B.When you visit England,you wont go in fall.C.Can you tell me about it?D.What does the weather reporter say?E.But its a little warmer than that in Weihai.F.You are right.But it isnt serious.G.Its in spring.(W:WinnieC:Charlie)W:Hello,this is Winnie.Is that C

6、harlie speaking?C:Speaking.W:I want to go to London.So I want to know the weather there. 1 C:Sure!Now its February,and it is cold.Its a bad month of the year.W:Oh,I think its as cold as it in Weihai,China.C: 2 W:Then when is the best time to visit London?C: 3 There are trees,grass and flowers everyw

7、here.Its never too hot or too cold.W:I heard that its often foggy(有雾的).C: 4 Our government has tried to protect the environment.W: 5 I heard that you often talk about the weather when you meet each other.C:Yes.Probably because the weather changes from time to time.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._.阅读理解(10分)Here i

8、s a days weather report for some cities of the world.After you read it,please answer the following questions.CityWeatherTemperatureNew York-3-8London2-6Beijing-7-2Shanghai3-11Hong Kong15-201.The weather report tells the weather for_.A.72 hours B.48 hoursC.24 hours D.a week2.In_it is the hottest.A.Ne

9、w York B.LondonC.Shanghai D.Hong Kong3.In_you should take a raincoat when you go out.A.New York B.LondonC.Beijing D.Shanghai4.In Hong Kong,the weather will be_and cloudy.A.sunny B.windy C.rainy D.snowy5.It tells us the weather of_cities.A.four B.five C.six D.seven答案解析.答案:1.joking2.probably3.temperat

10、ure4.shower5.cloudy.答案:15.BDCCD.答案:1.How will; rain3.What fine weather4.What;planning to do5.Maybe;will be.答案:15.CEGFA.答案:15.CDBAB课时作业(二十九)Module10Unit2(20分钟50分).根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分)1.She lives just half a m_away from here.2.The green l_begin to turn gold in autumn.3.C_to Shanghai,Weihai is a

11、 small city.4.It will be rainy;youd better bring an_(雨伞).5.Jilin lies in the_(东北方)of our country.用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)1.Its a good idea_(bring)your swimsuit when you visit Hainan.2.Dont forget_(take)your pen because you might want to write something.3.It is great fun to go_(swim),isnt it?Yes,I enjoy it ve

12、ry much.4.What about_(go)to the town with us?5.When I_(arrive)in US,Ill call you.单项选择(10分)1.When we were in Anhui,we took many photos_Mount Huang.A.of C.on D.for2.In order to pass the maths exam,we have to study hard_.A.all the day B.all a dayC.all day D.all of day3.Youd better_upstairs and tel

13、l the children not to make so much noise.A.going goC.go D.went4.Excuse me for breaking in,_I have some good news to tell B.and C.yet D.but5.I looked at my watch_to make sure I was not late for my date.A.from time to time the same time D.on time.找出下列每句中的错误并改正(10分)1.When is

14、 the best time visit Hong Kong? AB C_2.Our plan is go swimming in the river this afternoon.A B C_3.Wuhan is usual very hot compared to other cities.ABC_4.Its possibly to finish the homework on time.A BC_5.It is bad have a shower at once after playing sports. ABC_.完成句子(10分)1.来青岛最好的时间是五月或十月。The_ _ _co

15、me to Qingdao is in May or October.2.带上伞和雨衣,因为也许很快就要下雨了。_an umbrella and a raincoat_it_rain soon.3.有时我喜欢在公园里散步。I like to go for a walk in the park_ _ _ _.4.这儿冬天下雪很多。It_ _ _in winter here.5.与其他地方相比,这里经常有雨。Its usually rainy_ _many other places.完形填空(10分)Its well-known that the English go out with an um

16、brellaor a raincoat.Why?_1_the weather in England often changes quickly.It is not very usual for the same kind of weather to_2_long.Spring can be rainy or windy,_3_the weather is getting warmer.In fact,there_4_as much sunshine in spring as in summer.Summer is_5_time for visitors to go to the beaches

17、 or other places.Autumn is a beautiful season,_6_trees in the woods and parks,changing color.In winter,it gets colder.There are_7_very heavy winds in this season.January and February are the coldest_8_of the year.The warmest days_9_often in July and August.The difference_10_temperature between winte

18、r and summer is not so great in England.The average temperature for winter is about 4.5and for summer about 15.5.1.A.For B.As C.Because D.Since2.A.make B.stay C.change D.take3.A.but C.or D.for4.A.can B.can beC.have D.can have5.A.the earliest B.the laterC.the worst D.the best6.A.with C.wi

19、thout D.from7.A.also B.too C.either well8.A.seasons B.weatherC.months B.are C.arent D.isnt10.A.for B.on D.in答案解析.答案:1.mile2.leaves3.Compared4.umbrella 5.northeast.答案 take3.swimming4.going 5.arrive.答案:15.ACCDA.答案:1.Cto visit2.Ato go swimming3.Ausually4.Apossib

20、le5.Bto have.答案 time to2.Take;because;may3.from time to time4.snows a lotpared to.答案:15.CBABD610.AACBD课时作业(三十)Module10Unit3(20分钟50分).从方框中选择适当的单词并用其适当形式填空(10分)probably,may,so,because,but1.I think Jack might be joking_he smiled at us.2.Miss Yang isnt at the teachers􀆳office.She_be in ou

21、r classroom.3.The twins said they would_go to Australia for winter holiday.4.Jim got up very late this morning,_he got to school on time.5.Mr King lost his purse(钱包),_he had no money to buy the ticket for the bus.用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1.When did you learn to swim?I_(can)swim at the age of five.2.Whats the

22、 weather like today?Its_(sun).3.Its good_(hear)that our class won.4.The best time_(read)English articles is in the morning.5.The days get longer in summer and the weather_(start)to get hotter.单项选择(10分)1.In February,its usually_and freezing in China.A.rainy B.cloudy C.warm D.snowy2.Oh dear!It is very

23、 cold today,_?Yes,it is.You need to wear warmer clothes.A.isnt it isnt it D.does it3.Its hot at noon_it may be cool in the evening.So youd better wear a warm B.but C.because D.yet4.My uncle_come here tonight,but he isnt_home.A.can;in B.may;onC.might;at D.must;to5.What_the weather

24、_tomorrow?Sorry,I dont;like B.will;likeC.will;be like D.will;be.句型转换(10分)1.The ice is so thin.We cant skate on the ice.(改为同义句)The ice is_thin_ _on it.2.I think its very cold in Beijing now.(改为否定句)I_think its very cold in Beijing now.3.There is a little snow sometimes in winter in the south

25、 of China.(改为同义句)There is a little snow_ _ _ _in winter in the south of China.4.Maybe it will be rainy this afternoon.(改为同义句)It_ _rainy this afternoon.5.The temperature is over 30 degrees today.(对画线部分提问)_is the_today?.阅读理解(10分)Deciding to take your family to the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando,F

26、lorida is just the start;there are many decisions(决定)you will need to make and the most important may be when is the best time to go to the Disney World.Every day thousands of people visit the four theme(主题)parks.You􀆳ll never find a time when the parks are empty,but you will find that some times of year are better than others for you and your family.I think the best time to go to the Disney World is the first two weeks

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