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新时代交互英语第三级视听说apply video文本.docx

1、新时代交互英语第三级视听说apply video文本unit1A: First of all, I just wanted to talk a little bit about your work here in college. And to get an idea how you spend your weeks. So the first question I have is: how many classes are you taking? B: I am taking four classes this semester. A: Four classes. B: Twelve cre

2、dits. A: Twelve credits. Four classes, OK. B: En . A: How much time with that many classes do you spend studying? B: Oh, probably about .maybe four to five hours a week. And then on the weekends I spend more time. A: Well I see. So, and do you think that amount of studying is going to stay about the

3、 same through the semester or do you .? B: No. I think it will get more as this semester progresses because I will be more involved in the classes. A: I can understand that. So, with all that, what is it . so your typical week. What is, how does your time work out in a typical week? B: I spend time

4、in class, and then I come to work. And then Ill go home from work, and do some reading and do some like assignments. And then hang out for a little bit, and then go to bed. I try to do so much studying at one time. I like to space it out some. A: I understand that now. So do you have time for the ex

5、tra curricular activities? B: Oh, not really. I just hang out with my friends, and going to football games and stuff like that, is what I do. A: OK. B: I dont participate with any like sports or anything like that so . A: I see. Pretty focused on your studies. B: Yes. A: Then . B: Friends. A: A litt

6、le bit of friend and hanging out. Ah, So, with all that do you feel you work all hard or .? B: This semester I think its gonna be hard. My studying is gonna be a little lot more difficult, because I am a senior now. So, classes get more focused and more assignments. So . A: I see. B: First a couple

7、of weeks it has already shown its gonna be a lot of work.A: I see. Now, roughly comparing what you and your classmates are doing, do you think you work as hard as your classmates? Or do they work harder? What do you think about that? B: Ah, I think I am pretty equal. There are some people that go ab

8、ove and beyond, and highlight, are all organized, always prepared. I dont, I dont go that far. I make sure Im prepared with the basics. I dont . I dont do extra work. I try to stay what I have to do. A: I see, I see. Now, in general, do you think college students work hard enough? Why or why not? B:

9、 I dont think so. I think it depends on the college student. But I think a lot of time we get away with not having to do a lot. Sometimes like with the test youll study the night before youll still be able to do OK. A: I see. B: Or you scan the reading you still be able to . I mean its hard work, bu

10、t I think you can get away a lot of the time. A: I see. A: I see. Not necessarily working as hard as you might. B: Yeah, not as you might need to. A: OK, and so, and my last question is do you think the money and time spent in college is worth it? B: En . I think it is for the experience. A: En . En

11、. B: The experience is being on your own, and being responsible for what you do. And if youre doing . If you get a bad grade, its not your parents fault or your friends fault. Its your fault. Youre the one who has to do work. A: I see. B: So I think its a good experience. You learn a lot. Maybe not.

12、 You learn a lot school wise as you learn a lot more social wise and becoming your own person. So . A: I see. Well, thank you for talking with me about this. B: No problem.unit2A: Hey, Kaleb, I wondered if youd heard about what happened with Kevin Burns? B: Oh, yeah, the football player. A: The foot

13、ball player. B: Yeah, I did hear about that. A: Yeah, using performance-enhancing drugs? B: Yeah, you know. A: Yeah. Its tough out of there. They need to get an edge, I guess. B: So you believe in what they are saying about him? A: The rumors sound pretty accurate. You know. I mean he went from not

14、that excellent, to the next year, he just seemed to be playing quite well. So .B: I see. So you think that those performance-enhancing drugs really worked for him. A: Yeah, I mean, you can see he gained probably 40-50 pounds. B: You see, well, I thought he was kind of natural athlete before, but you

15、 are saying he wasnt that good before. A: You know sometimes people do what they can to get an edge. I mean, I dont know. He was playing third string and now hes starting, so thats a big jump . B: You think its going to do anything as far as disqualifying the team? A: Oh, yeah, absolutely. If NCAA f

16、inds out about it. If they come and test him and it happens, then, then he is in big trouble. B: Oh, boy, and the team is in trouble. A: Oh, yeah, absolutely. Probably, Bowl eligibilitys gone. B: Would you think, is there going to be any trouble with the law about this? A: Ah . I dont know, I guess,

17、 sometimes they seem to be a little bit more lax with sports people for some reason. You know, I mean, its OK to get into a fight in the middle of a hockey ice arena, but you cant do it outside. So . B: I dont know if these performance-enhancing drugs are specifically against the law or if theyre ju

18、st . disqualify you in athletic competition? A: I dont know which ones he was using either. Because I know some over the counters that you are not allowed to take, and then some of them, you know, like steroids, those would be illegal. So . B: Did you hear anything about what the evidence was? A: No

19、, just kind of some rumor mill gossip stuff on, you know, some WebPages and Internet forums, and stuff like that, but nothing with any concrete evidence to it. B: Sad thing, isnt it? A: Yeah, absolutely.unit3A: So you want to go shopping this weekend? B: Umm.not really. I was sort of hoping maybe we

20、 could see a movie. A: OK. Well, see, the reason I want to go is because the new mall just opened. And it sounds really cool. B: Yeah, but I really . I just dont want to go shopping. I dont have any money. And, I dont really need anything. And, if I go shopping, you know, Ill buy something. A: Yeah,

21、 me too. B: And I really . There was this great movie I wanted to see, and I thought that would be a little more fun. A: Which one? B: Its the one with the whale and the little girl. I cant remember what its called. A: That sounded really good. See, there was this one store that I really wanted to g

22、o to. But, I mean, I guess. The mall is going to be there. You know. B: Exactly, exactly. Well, so will the movie, if you put it that way. But, the movies a lot cheaper. A: Thats true. You can save some money. Because I know I will spend a lot too if I go shopping. B: And we can eat at the movie . A

23、: Thats true. B: Of course, we could eat when we go shopping, too. A: OK. B: I just really dont want to go shopping. I just dont feel like it. A: OK. B: I went shopping last weekend. A: OK. Lets go see the movie then. B: Great. A: OK. B: Thanks. A: No problem.unit4W1: So, guess who I ran into the ot

24、her day? W2: Who? W1: Jack, do you remember Jack, that we graduated high school together. W2: Jack! W1: The football player. W2: Oh, my gosh, whats he doing now? W1: Well, he was in college, and he was playing football in college and got injured. And so he had to stop playing. So that was . W2: That

25、 was his whole life, I remember, in high school. W1: Yeah. It was really sad for him. But he kind of went away for a while and then he came back and hes going back to school. And hes actually in sports medicine. W2: Oh, my gosh, thats perfect. W1: Yeah, and I was telling him all about, you know, I w

26、ent to a community college and then Im in journalism now. And it was really nice. We just caught up and . W2: Hows he look? Does he look good? W1: Yeah. He looks really good, and he looks so different. It is amazing just from high school. W1: Hes been with this girl, Stephanie, for like a year now,

27、and they sound pretty serious, so . W2: That is cool. W1: He is doing really well. W2: Wow! W1: It was really great to see him. I hadnt seen him in so long. W2: Well, if you run into him again, make sure you say hi for me, OK? W1: I will. W2: Thanks.Unit5W1: You will not believe what happened today.

28、 W2: What? W1: Do you remember that overdue notice I got in the mail. W2: Yeah. W1: For the book? Well, I had returned the book like two weeks ago. And so I went into the library. And, you know, its kind of far away so its a bit of a trip. And, I took the notice with me, and I went up to the librari

29、an and explained, I returned this book two weeks ago when I got this note. There must be some mistake. And I was very polite and nice about it. And she was just kind of cold and mean. I mean she . First of all, she argued with me and said look at the notice and obviously it was overdue. We dont make

30、 mistakes. Kind of high and mighty. W2: Oh, my god. Thats unbelievable. W1: She was extremely rude about it. I mean, she made me pay the money anyway. W2: Did she have the book there? W1: She didnt even go and look for it. I think she is kind of lazy. So she wouldnt even get up and go and look for t

31、he book. I think I am going to have to talk to a manager or someone who owns the library-go higher up than a librarian. W2: You are going to have to write a letter. Youre going to have to go in again. Oh, man. What a pain. W1: I hate it when people are rude. No excuse, you know? W2: No. W2: Theres no reason she cant be nice about it. And theres no reason she cant go look for the book. W1: Exactly, its her job. Its her job, after all. W2: Yes, a librarian. W1: Oh, such a hassle.Unit6W1: You will not believe the article I read in Newsweek magazine today. W2: What? W1: It was abou

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