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1、96年托福听力文字带答案96年1月 托福听力文字1. Its such a nice day. Why dont we have lunch outside?OK. Bur lets find someplace thats not too noisy.What does the man mean? (A) He cant go too far away.(B) The cafeteria isnt too noisy. (C) He prefers to eat in a quiet place. (D) It wont be easy to find a restaurant.2. Loo

2、k at the time. Im going to miss my bus.Dont worry. Ill drive you to the stop. And if the us has already left I can get you to your apartment.What does the woman mean?(A) She will help the man get home. (B) She has to go home soon. (C) The man should stop using the bus. (D) The bus will not leave for

3、 a long time.3. Can you recommend a hotel in New York?Well, I can think of several. Whats your budget like?What does the man imply?(A) He can recommend several cities that are worth visiting. (B) There are many reasons to visit New York. (C) The woman cant afford to visit New York. (D) He knows of h

4、otels at a variety of prices.4. Any messages for me?Someone did call. But there was so much static I couldnt make out what he was saying. What does the woman mean?(A) She forgot to write down the message. (B) She had to try several times to get her call through. (C) She didnt understand the callers

5、message. (D) She didnt get to the phone on time.5. Didnt George give a great speech?Are you serious?What can be inferred about the woman?(A) She didnt hear the speech. (B) She thinks that George is a fine speakers. (C) She doesnt like serious talks. (D) She disagrees with the mans opinion.6. Can I o

6、pen a checking account here?Im sorry. Youll have to step over to the managers desk.What does the woman imply?(A) The manager is away from her desk. (B) Shes unsure about the banks policy. (C) The man cannot open an account. (D) New accounts are handled(处理) by the manager.7. Now that Ive finished my

7、exams. Im going to relax and go to a movie tonight.Lucky you! Ive still got two finals to take.What can be inferred about the woman?(A) Her easiest exam is tonight. (B) She wishes she could go to a movie. (C) She usually has good luck on exams. (D) She did well on two of her exams.8. Its very nice o

8、f you to give me your tickets for the play.Please. Dont mention it. Im going to be out of town this weekend anyway.What can be inferred about the man?(A) Hell go to the play with the woman. (B) He cant go to the play. (C) He doesnt want people to know where hes going. (D) Hes already seen the play.9

9、. I almost forgot. I still owe you ten dollars from the other night. Do you have change for a twenty?Oh-. Not at the moment. Lets just straighten it out some other time.What does the woman mean?(A) She will owns the man some money. (B) She wants to borrow ten dollars. (C) The man should pay her late

10、r. (D) The man should forget about the debt(债务).10. Hey! What happened to all that food we bought? The refrigerator is empty.My little brother with a big appetite was here. He really combed these out.What does the man mean?(A) His brother ate the food that was in the refrigerator. (B) His brother he

11、lped him clean the refrigerator. (C) He and his brother went out to eat. (D) He and his brother bought a lot of food.11. Im taking Prof. Bams course next semester. Anything I need to know about it? If I were you. Ill take careful notes. Her exams are based on her lectures. What advice does the man g

12、ive the woman?(A) Take a course from another professor. (B) Concentrate on the textbook, not the lectures. (C) Borrow his notes to study for exams. (D) Pay attention to what is said in class.12. Im glad you finally decided to go skiing with us next week.I still have to get my supervisor to agree to

13、it.What does the woman imply?(A) She doesnt know if she can take time off(抽出) from work. (B) Shell invite her supervisor to go skiing. (C) Shell not sure she wants to go. (D) She has been planning the trip for a long time.13. Did you see the college newspaper? They did a story on our voter registrat

14、ion campaign.I did. Maybe itll spark some interest on campus. Without more volunteers well never meet our goal. What does the man mean?(A) They dont have room for any more volunteers. (B) He hopes the story will raise money for the newspaper. (C) More people need to get involved in the campaign. (D)

15、 Vote registration is controversial(争论的) on campus.14. Have you net the new sales manager yet?Weve been introduced about three times, he seems a little forgetful.What can be inferred about the sales manager?(A) He enjoys meeting people. (B) He doesnt remember peoples names. (C) He forgot to introduc

16、e the woman. (D) He was supposed to meet the woman at 3:0015. Excuse me, but do you happen to have some change for the paring meter?No. But if you go into the restaurant youll probably be able to change a dollar bill.What does the woman want to do?(A) Eat lunch. (B) Go to the park. (C) Park the car.

17、 (D) Get change for park.16. I am going to tell that neighbor of mine to turn down that music once and for all.I see why you are angry. But Ive always found that the polite route is the most effective.What does the man mean?(A) Most neighbors are as noisy as the womans. (B) Hed like to know why the

18、woman is angry. (C) The woman is too polite to her neighbors. (D) Talking to the neighbors courteously(有礼貌地) might be the best solution.17. I love your new sofa. But why dont you put it over there under the window?Oh, but the plants are doing well on the table there.What does the man imply?(A) He ag

19、rees with the woman. (B) Hell take the plants off the table. (C) The woman should sit by the window. (D) He wants his plants to get plenty of light.18. At the rate of its being used, the copier is not going to make it through the rest of the year.The year? Its supposed to be good for five.What does

20、the woman say about the copier?(A) It should last(持续) much longer than one year. (B) It is already five years old. (C) It is the best available. (D) It isnt as good as the previous one.19. Ive been invited to a dinner party at Janets. Do you think should bring something?You could pick up a cake. Cho

21、colate is her favorite.What does the woman suggest the man do?(A) Bring dessert. (B) Buy a box of candy. (C) Take Janet to the party. (D) Give Janet the cake recipe(处方).20. Im sorry I missed your soccer game. But I had the flu.Dont worry about it. We couldnt have played worse.What does the woman mea

22、n?(A) She was worried when the man didnt come. (B) The game was canceled. (C) The team played quite badly. (D) Their opponents were easy to best(v打败,击败a最好的).21. Do you feel like watching the evening news?You ought to stay away from me. I have a bad could and wouldnt want you to catch it.What does th

23、e woman mean?.(A) Shed like to watch the news else where since her room is cold. (B) Shes angry with the man and would like him to leave. (C) She doesnt like watching the news. (D) She doesnt want the man to get sick.22. Hew! Its a real scorcher today.And the forecasters are saying there is no end i

24、n sight.What does the man imply?(A) Weather is difficult to forecast. (B) The heat wave is about to end. (C) He hasnt seen a weather forecast. (D) Its going to be hot for a while.23. Uh-uh. Look Im going to be a little late for class. I hope Prof. Clark does start on time today.Are you kidding? You

25、can set your watch by the start of his class.What can be inferred about Prof. Clark?(A) He has been unpredictable lately. (B) He is usually punctual(准时的,正点的). (C) He advised his students to wear watches to class. (D) He rarely notices when students are late.24. Are you keeping count on the news from

26、 home since youve been here?Ive been getting weekly updates.What does the man mean?(A) He gets more news than he can keep up with. (B) He listens to the news several times a day. (C) He gets reports from home every week. (D) he calls home every other week.25. Well, what did you think of the theater

27、director?You mean Emily Thompson? She was away attending a conference.What does the man mean?(A) He enjoys meeting the director. (B) He met the director at a conference. (C) The director was at the theater. (D) He didnt see the director.26. That movie was awful. And yet it got such great reviews.It

28、was hardly worth the price of admission.What does the man mean?(A) The movie was more expensive than he thought it would be. (B) He had waned(亏缺) the woman about the movie. (C) The woman didnt tell him about the reviews. (D) He agrees with the woman about the movie.27. Im just looking for bike that

29、will me get to the library and back.With the roll of the way they are youll need a sturdy one. What does the woman imply?(A) The library is within walking distance. (B) The streets are not in good condition. (C) The man should get a car instead. (D) The man should exercise more.28. Ill take this sui

30、t. It fits me really well. And while I amend it I like the shirt and the tie too.We have some nice socks that match.What does the woman mean?(A) That color looks good on the man. (B) The man could also buy some socks. (C) The shirt is not the same color as the socks. (D) The mans socks match his shi

31、rt well.29. Sorry I didnt see you on the news. Yeah. And its not likely they are going to rebroadcast it anytime soon.What does the man imply?(A) The woman missed her chance to see him on television. (B) The interview will be rebroadcast soon. (C) He saw the woman on the news. (D) The woman should have read his newspaper article.30. The science exhibit is opening today. You are coming with me this afternoon, arent you?I have too much work to do for tomorrow.What does the man mean?(A) The sh

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