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1、初升高英语衔接知识12讲初升高英语衔接知识第1讲重、难点:(一)认识初、高中英语的区别 即将开始的高中学习生活,特别是英语的学习是与初中阶段有着很大不同的:1. 课本编排上的区别:初中的每一个单元是分为4课的,每篇中有的是对话,有的是阅读文,也配有一些练习,而高中的每个单元并不分课,而是基本上按版块划分,大体为“Warming up”(热身),即是针对本单元的话题提出的一些问题,以练习口语的形式做引子,便于进入本单元的主题,然后为“listening”(听力)和“speaking”(说),这两部分都是旨在进一步提高我们的听、说能力,难度较初中有较大的提高,请同学们做好准备。下个部分就是“Rea

2、ding”了,高中的阅读文分为阅读前和阅读后的讨论、思考问题并加入了有关的语言知识的学习及练习,可以说在内容上是极大地丰富了。除此之外还会有稍短的阅读,写作等方面的练习,即“Integrating skills”(综合训练)当然书后的workbook也与初中不同,内容更为丰富,练习也更多。2. 在词汇上的区别:我们初中的教材已是新版本了,每个单元的单词可能大家觉得已经不少了,但高中教材中的词汇更是成倍甚至是成三倍地增加了,这也是新编教材的一个特点,加入了许多当前常用的,新出现的流行的词汇,也是与我们学的新编初中课本相承接的,所以,为了能尽快适应高中词汇的学习,我们应该及早着手把初中阶段的词汇再

3、熟悉一遍。 另外,对于高中英语词汇的学习,大家还要知道其要求是远远高于初中的,在学习单词时,我们既要了解它在文中的意思,还要掌握它在练习中,考试中可能出现的所有意思,用法及搭配等。3. 在所学语法上的区别:在初中阶段我们把基础的语法内容已经学习过了,而在高中我们要学习的是更深更高层次的语法。如定语从句,非谓语动词、名词性从句,倒装结构、虚拟语气等等,其中的部分内容我们并不陌生,但是初中我们所接触的还只是皮毛,高中阶段的学习会比之前的所学内容复杂得多,所以我们要充分利用暑假把之前的漏洞弥补好,在后面的学习中,我们也会一起与大家重温这些知识并将之与高中内容做一对比,为大家步入高中学习打好基础。4.

4、 在课堂要求上的区别:大部分的初中对学生的要求还是比较严格的,而这种严格与小学又是不同的,所以有一部分自觉性差的学生就被分化出来,在稍微宽松的环境中,对自己要求降低导致了滑坡的出现,而升入高中后又会有新的变化,对于自律要求就更加明显了。如果你是按照老师要求做的学生,那么在高中除了把基本要求做好之外,自己一定不可放松,适当增加课外阅读及一些课外习题是有必要的;如果你是不太自觉的学生,那么你要努力改掉自己的毛病,除了完成要求交给老师的作业,那些如读、背等要求也要认真完成才能使自己的高中英语学习逐步走上轨道。不管你属于哪一种,都要持之以恒,千万不可因为任何原因而放松对自己的要求,即便是你已取得了一定

5、成绩,也没有理由沾沾自喜。5. 在考试评估制度上的区别:这一区别可能是影响最大的一点,我们许多同学初中英语一直较差的原因在很大程度上是由于初中这种不正常的考试制度,很多人认为英语不用下功夫学,反正最后背背答案就可过关,这样成绩不错,学得也很轻松。一旦抱有这种想法,初中这个重要的打基础的阶段就被荒废过去了,这对我们升入高中后的英语学习是极为不利的,这就好比是建造没有基础的空中楼阁,肯定会感到很难,很吃力。进入高中之后我们的考试是没有范围的,不能靠背答案过关,而且所学所考的内容应该都是向高考看齐的,难度肯定不小,但同学们也不要害怕,只要认真努力,坚持不懈,做好充分迎接失败的心理准备,然后在每次经历

6、中吸取经验,一点点地弥补自己的不足,肯定会取得很好的成绩。(二)基础语法再回顾句子结构 英语的句子结构组成是与汉语有着很大区别的,我们在学习的时候,很多同学受母语的影响太大,在英文写作时完全按照汉语的顺序将英文进行堆砌,这是因为我们对于英文句子的构成尚未掌握或掌握得不熟练,没有形成英语语言习惯。规范的英文是由“主语+谓语+其他”。这种基本形式构成的,这种只有一套主、谓的句子叫做简单句,它有5种基本形式,即主+谓(vi.);主+系+表;主+谓(vt.)+宾;主+谓+宾+宾补;主+谓+间接宾语+直接宾语。由此可见,要想用英文正确表述一个意思,写成一句话,必须要有的就是主语和可以充当谓语的动词,而且

7、当这个动词为不及物动词时,其后不可加宾语,当它是及物动词时,要根据要求和该词的用法在其后加上宾语或宾语及宾补或加上双宾语。当然在这5种形式中系表结构也是很常用,很重要的一种,而且系表动词常容易和实义动词相混,从而导致了一些病句的出现。综上所述,我们要想较好地掌握英文的句子结构必须弄清以下几点内容:1. 可以充当谓语的几种形式:既然谓语部分是构成句子的必要成份,那么掌握好它就起到了举足轻重的作用,谓语部分可由以下几种构成方式:(1)不及物动词可以单独充当谓语。如:They arrived yesterday .(2)及物动词要加上宾语之后才可构成完整的结构,另外,如果不及物动词后加上了一定的介词

8、,那么介词后也要有宾语才能完整。如: They reached Tianjin yesterday .They arrived in Tianjin yesterday . 他们昨天到达了天津。(3)系表结构可以构成谓语。如:She is a student . 她是个学生。He felt very happy . 他感到很高兴。(4)情态动词要加上动词原形后才可构成完整的谓语部分。如:We should protect our environment . 我们应该保护环境。那么,动词的哪些形式可构成谓语呢? 行为动词的原形:do 行为动词的第三人称单数:does 行为动词的过去式:did b

9、e+行为动词-ing形式:be doing be+行为动词的过去分词:be done will+行为动词原词:will do have / has / had+行为动词过去分词:have / has / had done 系表动词+表语2. 系表动词与行为动词的区别:系表动词是表示状态变化等的动词,它包括be动词及一些可充当系表动词的实义动词,其中后者在充当系表动词时含义与充分行为动词时是不同的。系表动词后面接的是表语,而可以充当表语的是一些可以表示状态、特征、特性等内容的词或结构,如形容词、名词、介词短语一些副词、从句等等。这里我们尤其要注意的就是可充当表语的一些副词指的是可以表征状态特点的

10、副词,如:Class is over . 中的over表示的就是“结束了,完了”的这种状态。而很多副词并没有这种功能,自然也就不可以充当表语,如happy和happily,前者为形容词可表示主语的状态,而后者是形容以何方式做的某事,是在修饰动作,而非表示状态,因而,前者可作表语,后者则不可充当表语。行为动词则是指描述具体或抽象行为、动作的动词,它可分为及物动词和不及物动词两种,如果想修饰这样的动词,则需要像happily这样的副词或是有相似的功能的词或结构。如: She went home happily . 她高兴地回家了。He did it with great difficulty .

11、我费了很大劲才完成了这件事。3. 要掌握准动词的性质、用法及搭配:在学习动词时,尤其是重点动词,我们一定要知道它是哪种动词,及物?不及物?可否充当系表动词?有的动词性质较多,可能同时具有多种性质,这就需要我们注意它在何时可充当哪种动词。另外,对于动词的用法我们也要 掌握,如每个动词后可带或常带什么结构,它有哪些习惯搭配,可构成什么词组等。 4. 在写简单句时的方法: 我们要注意简单句的顺序一般应为主、谓、宾,而一些状语如时间、地点方式等等状语则要放到主要结构后面出现。当然,有时为了强调或语言的表达需要,状语的位置会有所变化,但我们在写句子时一定要把握好以上原则,而不能按照汉语去逐个翻译。如“我

12、们骑车去上学。”这个句子如果按照汉语习惯很可能会写成:We by bike go to school .或更有甚者可能还会写出类似这样的句子:We by bike to go to school .或We take a bike go to school . 等等错误的句子。但如果我们按照英文习惯来写就不会出现以上错误了,主语We+谓语go to school+状语by bike也就是We go to school by bike .【模拟试题】 词语辨析(一)1. Do you like the music the Moonlight Sonata ? Yes , it really bea

13、utiful . A. feels B. sounds C. listens D. hears 2. The Internet it easy to get much new information in a short time . A. finds B. makes C. feels D. takes 3. Oh , you painted the walls yourself ?Yes . It was not hard . The whole work didnt much . A. want B. cost C. spend D. pay 4. Soon Wu Dong up wit

14、h Li Lei , then they were neck and neck . A. taught B. caught C. bought D. brought 5. They will Guangzhou tonight . A. arrive B. get C. reach D. go6. Do you still have a headache , Billy ? No , its . Im all right now , mum . A. dropped B. run C. left D. gone 7. It will about half an hour to get to t

15、he park by bus . A. spend B. cost C. want D. take 8. I didnt quite what the teacher said . Could you ask him to it again ? A. catch , speak B. hear , talk C. follow , explain D. listen , say 9. will you finish your homework ? In half an hour . A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. What time10. The

16、y watched the game , and then they were invited to it . A. join B. join in C. take part D. attend11. Its going to rain . Wed better our things , so that they will not get wet . A. put up B. put down C. put away D. put in 12. Where can we get a football ? Lets .A. lend Jim one B. lend one to JimC. bo

17、rrow one from Jim D. borrow one of Jim 13. When she was 22 years old , her dream to be a teacher . A. came true B. come true C. came real D. come real 14. Its that some foreign students will come to our school next week . A. sure B. right C. real D. true 15. We made several different plans for out h

18、oliday , but we went to Huangshan . A. at the end B. in the end C. by the end D. to the end 16. He was looking very with himself , so I knew he had passed the examination . A. please B. pleasing C. pleased D. pleasant 17. He had a strange way of making his class and interesting . A. live B. lively C

19、. living D. alive 18. When is he going to leave ? next week . A. Sometime B. Some time C. Sometimes D. Some times 19. What words can you talk about the picture ? A. used to B. use to C. look for D. look up 20. Ted , the radio is too loud . Please .A. turn it over B. turn it on C. turn it back D. tur

20、n it down 21. Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in 2008 ? I dont think so . Now the young the old can speak some English . A. either , or B. not only , but also C. neither , nor D. both , or22. Look ! The bus is coming . But there are too many people . We cant it . A. get of

21、f B. get down C. get on D. get up 23. Again and again the doctor the crying girl , but he couldnt find out what was wrong with her . A. looked over B. looked after C. looked for D. looked out 24. Hello ! Can I speak to Alice , please ? , please .A. Call on B. Go on C. Hold on D. Carry on 词语辨析(二)1. D

22、ont the road when the light is red . A. across B. cross C. pass D. past 2. Im thirsty . Please me something to drink . A. take B. bring C. carry D. show 3. If you to learn a foreign language well , you must practise it every day . A. like B. love C. want D. think 4. This digital camera is so expensi

23、ve that I cant it . A. carry B. use C. pay D. afford 5. Im not tall enough to the book on the top of the shelf . A. feel B. take C. arrive D. reach 6. We are going to plant trees tomorrow . Would you like to us ? A. follow B. share C. join D. enjoy 7. I you a pleasant journey . A. wish B. hope C. ex

24、pect D. want 8. What would you like to us about your hometown ? A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say 9. Young people must learn to what is right and what is wrong . A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say10. Did you your pen-friend every month ?A. heard about B. hear from C. heard of D. hear to11. This is very d

25、ifficult . I cant work it out . A. math B. physics C. question D. problem 12. The young lady over there our new English teacher . A. may B. maybe C. may be D. can be 13. We should keep in the reading-room . A. quiet B. quietly C. quite D. quickly 14. There was a strange sound outside . Mary went out

26、 and around , but she nothing . A. looked , saw B. saw , saw C. watched , looked D. looked , find 15. Father is sleeping . Please the radio . A. turn on B. put down C. turn down D. put on 16. Its not polite to others when they are in trouble . A. get on well with B. play games with C. laugh at D. wa

27、it for 17. Jack always runs faster than Peter , but this time he him . A. went over B. fell behind C. put off D. dropped off 18. More and more foreigners want to their companies in Dalian . A. clean up B. look up C. pick up D. open up 19. Can I use the expression in the text ? No . It has . Nobody u

28、ses it today . A. given up B. broken down C. gone out D. got off 20. I dont know Sams telephone number . Will you please in your address book for me ?A. look up it B. look it up C. look for it D. look at it 21. We could see nothing because the lights suddenly . A. went on B. went over C. went down D

29、. went out 22. Ann is so careful that she always goes over her exercises to there are no mistakes . A. look for B. make sure C. find out D. think about 23. Mrs. Green is out , I have to her baby at home . A. look at B. take out C. look for D. take care of 24. They often help the farmers to the crops

30、 in autumn .A. get in B. get on C. get back D. get to 词语辨析(三)1. Lets him a message to meet us at the station . A. take B. get C. leave D. receive 2. Never forget to “ Excuse me ” when you trouble somebody . A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk 3. The war another three years before it ended in 1864 . A. h

31、ad B. went C. fought D. lasted 4. The girls team us in the football match . A. beat B. knock C. hit D. won 5. He spoke so fast that I could not what he said . A. touch B. catch C. hear D. find 6. We can what is happening on the other side of the world by telephone . A. learn B. hear C. see D. understand 7. This bus was built to less than 60 passengers . A. carry B. take C. accept D. keep 8. The meeting room is large enough to fifty people . A. keep B. have C.

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