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1、英语上海市上海理工大学附属中学学年高一上学期期末考试47第 I 卷I. Listening Comprehension ( 20 )Section A Short Conversations (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations an

2、d the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. a. By train b. By air c. By subway d. By ship2. a. To the movies b. To a restaura

3、nt c. To a bar d. To a theatre3. a. Ask someone else to go to the library b. Show the woman the way to the library c. Stop bothering the woman d. Return the book to the library4. a. 30 minutes b. 20 minutes c. 15 minutes d. 10 minutes5. a. At a fish market b. At a restaurant c. In a store d. By the

4、seaside6. a. She doesnt like the professor b. She doesnt think the class will be cancelled.c. She doesnt want to attend the conference.d. She wonders whether the professor will attend the conference.7. a. They are rewarding b. They are expensive c. They are too easy d. They are given by a strict tea

5、cher8. a. Husband and wife b. Employer and employee c. Mother and son d. Doctor and patient9. a. $4 b. $4.5 c. $5 d. $5.510. a. Their past experience b. Their common interest c. A historical novel d. A science courseSection B Passages (6小题,每小题1分,满分6分)Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short

6、 passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Qu

7、estions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. a. One kilogram b. Fifteen kilograms c. Fifty kilograms d. Forty kilograms12. a. 2,000 years ago b. In 1100 c. In 1500 d. In 190013. a. They are so poor that they can only buy paper boots. b. There are no other kinds of boots there. c. Pap

8、er boots are warmer than any other boots there. d. Paper boots are so nice that they dont like anything else.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. a. He fell into the river but couldnt swim. b. He fell into the river together with his bike. c. He had his foot caught between

9、two posts in the river. d. He dived into the river but couldnt reach the surface.Section C Longer Conversations (共4小题,每小题1分,满分4分)Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear the conversation, you are required to fill in the nu

10、mbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.A case ReportSymptomsHave a (17) _ and feel cold and tired.Body temperature:38.5Diagnosis:The (18) _Prescription:Some (19) _Dosage:Three times a day

11、 after each mealDoctors suggestion:Drink plenty of (20) _ and have a good restWrite ONE WORD for each answer.II. Grammar and Vocabulary (25)Section A Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentenc

12、e.21. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time _ the guard discovered what had happened. a. before b. since c. until d. as22. _ in a top-level university is what many students wish for. a. Educated b. Educating c. To educate d. Being educated23. Youll find taxis waiting at the bu

13、s station _ you can hire to reach your host family.a. which b. where c. in which d. as24.-How do you like the film? - Well, I _ you not to go to see it. It is not as good as the poster says. a. think b. suggest c. advise d. consider25. One of the best ways _ we can protect the environment is sustain

14、able development.a. which b. in which c. in that d. how26. Jane has two brothers, and _ were sent abroad to study medicine in the 1980s.a. both of whom b. both of who c. both of them d. both of that27. Raising children is said to be a job_ parents receive the least formal training. a. in which b. fo

15、r which c. where d. that28. If you are traveling _ the customs are really foreign to your own, please do as the Romans do. a. in which b. what c. when d. where29. Hes got himself into a dangerous situation _ he is likely to lose control over the plane. a. where b. which c. while d. why30. We can not

16、 help but _ what unknown greatness human beings have has not yet been discovered. a. to wonder b. wonder c. wondering d. wondered 31._, the Great Wall is the largest wall in the world. a. As is known to all b. Which we know c. What is known to us d. It is known to all32. We are fond of Linda because

17、 she is a lady _ everyone thinks is easy to _. a. with b. wiht c. who. be dealt with d. whom .be dealt with33. Some local officials are not yet aware of the necessity of the environmental protection _theyve been educated again and again. a. as long as b. so that c. as though d. ev

18、en though34. We felt it a pity that the research team failed to find such a plant_ had been described in the botanists diary. a. that b. which c. as d. whatSection B (共9题,每小题1分,满分9分)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that t

19、here is one word more than you need.A. thoughtfulness B. vividly C. keeping D. bills AB. gainAC. complained AD. training BC. explain BD. caused CD. lovelyI do a lot of management _37_ for the Circle K Company. Among the topics we discuss in our class is the _38_ of quality employees.“What has _39_ y

20、ou to stay long enough to become a manager?” I asked. After a while a new manager named Cynthia took the question and said slowly, “It was a baseball glove.”Cynthia said she used to take a Circle K clerk job as an interim(临时的) one while looking for something better. On her second day behind the coun

21、ter, she received a call from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He needed a baseball glove for the little League. She _40_ that as a single mother, money was not easy to _41_, and her first check would have to go for paying _42_.When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Partricia, the store manag

22、er, asked her to come to her small office and handed her a box. “I overheard you talking to your son yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it was hard to _43_ this to a kid. This is a baseball glove for Jessie. I know that you have to pay bills before you can buy gloves. You know that we cant pay g

23、ood people like you as much as we would like to; but we do care and I want you to know how important you are to us.”The _44_ and love of the store manager show _45_ that people remember more how much a manager cares than how much he pays.III. Reading Comprehension (36)Section A (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)Di

24、rections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Although the term “global warming” has become increasingly familiar to the general public, the full implications of the term

25、are far from being understood. Over 8- percent of the people interviewed in the survey carried out by the Chinchilla Institute knew _46_ of the effects of a worldwide _47_ in temperature. Only 7.4 percent of those interviewed felt that their lives would be directly _48_ by global warming during the

26、next 20 years.This _49_ is in sharp contrast to the concerns of the professional who conducted the survey. Professor Wong stated that the climate changes caused by rise in global temperature of only 1 would result in _50_ changes, which would bring about significant lifestyle changes of all of us.Th

27、e primary change would be the 30-centimetre rise in _51_ as a result of the _52_ of the polar icecaps(冰冠), which would be _53_ to low-lying coastal areas. The existence of some countries would be threatened, and few _54_ cities would entirely escape severe _55_ and damage. Even inland area agricultu

28、re will be affected by global warming. The possible _56_ in the rainfall is likely to result in desertification(沙漠化).As long as public _57_ remains so low, the political measures required to deal with the potential disaster are _58_ to come about. Professor Wong observed, “_59_ we plan for the futur

29、e, we will not be ready for action at local, regional, national, and _60_ level that are essential to face this issue- the issue of the 21st century.46. a. something b. much c. nothing d. anything47. a. drop b. rise c. change d. difference48. a. endangered b. benefited c. affected d. threatened49. a

30、. survey b. result c. response d. ignorance50. a. enormous b. some c. expected d. important51. a. temperature b. land c. sea level d. coasts52. a. disappearing b. melting c. growing d. warming53. a. disastrous b. frightening c. harmful d. beneficial54. a. big b. industrial c. coastal d. internationa

31、l55. a. climate b. punishment c. condition d. flooding56. a. increase b. change c. reduction d. amount57. a. awareness b. interest c. curiosity d. attention58. a. sure b. unlikely c. possible d. likely59. a. Until b. Unless c. As long as d. Although60. a. considerable b. reasonable c. professional d. internationalSection B (共11小题,每小题1分,满分11分)Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished stateme

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