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Book1Unit 1.docx

1、Book1Unit 1Unit 1Section A Learning A Foreign LanguageObjectives 1. Talk about your experiences of learning English.2. Find out ways to learn English well online and offline.3. Develop a paragraph of cause & effect and send an e-mail.4. Master the skills of guessing word meanings.Background Informat

2、ionNew Horizon College EnglishThe current online EFL learning course for college students, the first and most comprehensive of its kind and the most up-to-date web-based courses for college-level English learners. Refer to for details.Online LearningA form of distance education that makes use of the

3、 Internet. The website http:/ /resources/tutorials/overview/index.asp tells you about the strengths and weaknesses of online learning and some other related questions.Warming-up 20minutesWhat do you think of when you see these pictures?These pictures remind us of our school life

4、 in Kindergarten Primary school Junior middle school Senior middle schoolI. Your Experience of Learning English1. When and where did you begin to learn English?Tips . years ago. I began to learn English I have learned English for. My experience with English began in. when.2. Do you enjoy learning En

5、glish? Why?Tips No, I dont enjoy it because it is useless / too difficult. Yes, I enjoy it very much. It can help me find a good job after graduation. learn the cultures of other countries. make some foreign friends learn the value of hard work.3. How was your English teacher in junior or senior mid

6、dle school?Tips My English teacher in. was kind/patient/encouraging/strict/impatient/cold/always angry.4. Do you have any trouble learning English? If any, what is it?Tips I always feel it difficult to. Its not easy for me to understand what others say. remember so many words. understand the grammar

7、. read quickly. speak in public.II. Online Learning1. What can you do online? 2. What are the advantages of learning English online?Tips for advantages equal opportunity to do. any place, any time or pace cheaper and more convenient quicker and easier to get access to much information and to teacher

8、s student-centered no limit to the number of students .Text understanding (10minutes)I. UnderstandingThe author presents readers with his own language learning experiences at different stages. And at different stages, the author met different teachers and consequently formed different attitudes towa

9、rds English learning.Now find the information to fill in the blanks. 1 General experiences of learning a foreign language: difficult yet rewarding. 2 Experiences in junior middle school. 3 Experiences in senior middle school. 4 Experiences at college.5- 7 Experiences about online learning. 8 Benefit

10、s of learning a foreign language.In junior middle school (Para.2):The teacher: kind and patient, positive, often praising the studentsThe author: at the top of my class, eagerly answering all the questions, never worrying much about making mistakesIn senior middle school (Para.3):The teacher: punish

11、ing quickly, pointing a long stick at us and shaking it up and down, shouting “No! No! No!” The author: losing my eagerness, losing my joy, losing my desireAt college (Para.4):The teacher: patient and kind, no pointed sticksThe class: very large, many students spoke much better than I didThe author:

12、 feeling intimidated, afraid to speak, staying at the same levelThe on-line learning (Paras.57):The on-line learning requires: much time, commitment, disciplineThe author (at the beginning): making many mistakes, crying out of frustration, feeling like giving upThe author (finally): reaping the bene

13、fits of all the hard workThe benefits of learning a foreign language (Para.8):1. Teaching me the value of hard work.2. Giving me insights into another culture.3. Enabling me to communicate with more peopleNew words and expressionsreward v. give sth. in return for goodPhrases reward sb. with sth.; re

14、ward sb. for sth; e.g. Larry complimented her and was rewarded with a smile. She was generously rewarded for her work.n. sth. received in return for work or servicesTranslation他因表现勇敢而获得了一枚奖章。 He received a medal as a reward for his bravery.rewarding a. worth doing, satisfyingTeaching can be a very r

15、ewarding career. frustrate v. to cause sb. to feel angry or disappointed Was there anything making you frustrated? I was frustrated by近义、同义词 discourage; disappoint; upset; annoy to prevent someones plans, efforts from succeeding TranslationThe bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out.恶劣的天气使

16、我们出门的希望化为泡影。 3. positive adj. effective; helpfulTranslation别只是看着我,给我提些积极的建议吧。Dont just watch me; give me some positive advice. definite and clearCollocation Positive answersordersinstructionsproof/evidenceattitudemethod反义词negative (消极的,负面的,否定的) The most disabled person in the world is a negative thi

17、nker.intimidate vt. create a feeling of fear 恐吓,威胁 They intimidated him into doing what they wanted.他们胁迫他干他们要干的事。 online a. connected to other computers through the Internet 联线的;联网的;在线的 online course网上课程 ad. doing sth. online 联线地;联网地 answered online.在线答复。 communication n. U the action of sending and

18、 exchanging information 交流;交际;通讯 Mobile phone is an important means of communication.手机是重要的通讯工具。 communicate vi. exchange feelings, opinions, or information with other people 交流;交际 He is slow in speaking and cannot communicate with other people very well.他说话慢慢吞吞,与人交流能力比较差。 medium n. C (pl. media or

19、mediums) a method for giving information 媒介,媒体 TV is a medium for giving information and opinions.电视是传递消息和观点的媒体。 a. of middle size, amount, or quality 中等的 What size shirt does he wearmedium or large?他适合穿哪个尺码的衬衣大号还是中号? access n. 1. U the right to have or use sth. 享用权 The people in the school have acc

20、ess to that computer lab for free.这个学校里的人可以免费使用那间电脑室。 2. U the means of entering a place 通道;入口 get/have/obtain access to 获得/得到 接触That is the only access into the building.这是通向大楼的唯一通道。 participate vi. take part 参与,参加 Only persons aged 8 years or over may participate in the spelling contest.只有年满8岁或8岁以

21、上的人才可参加拼写比赛。 participants: n. 参赛者 participation: n. 参加 virtual a. created by the computer to be similar to the experience of real life 虚拟的 virtual memory/space/classroom/drive 虚拟内存、空间、教室、光驱 commitment n. 1. U the hard work and loyalty that sb. gives to an organization, activity, etc. 投入, 致力,献身 My co

22、mmitment to study has made me the most successful person in my small town.我对学习的投入使我成为小镇上最成功的人。 2. C a promise to follow certain beliefs or actions 承诺,许诺,保证 Marriage is a lifelong commitment.婚姻是终生的承诺。 make a commitment to 对做出承诺 discipline n. 1. U a state of order and control; self-control 纪律;自制能力 He

23、did not like the army because of the strict discipline.因为纪律太严,他不喜欢军队生活。 minimum a. the least, or the smallest possible 最低的,最小的 n. sing. the smallest amount 最低限度;最少量 反义词:maximumassignment n. C a piece of work given to a particular person 任务;作业 The teacher asked her students to finish their assignment

24、s every day.老师要求学生每天完成作业。 embarrass vt. make sb. feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable 使尴尬,使难堪 Getting up on stage without knowing what to say embarrassed me.上台不知道说什么使我感到尴尬。 embarrassing: a. 使人尴尬的;令人难堪的 embarrassed: a. 感到尴尬的post vt. put up sth. on a screen, wall, or notice board 发帖子;张贴 post notice

25、s on the Internet他们在网上贴出通知帖子:post跟帖:add a comment顶贴:up;supportcontinual a. 1. continuing without stopping 不间断的,不停的 The continual noise is making me angry.噪音不断,我很生气。 Comparison Continual: 指的是常令说话者或作者感到恼火 的行为重复发生而且非常频繁。它不意味着持续 不断,而是停下来后又开始,只做定语 continual+名词 常译为“不断的”、“连续的”,即认为没有止境。Eg. The continual bar

26、king of our neighbours dog is really annoyign us. Continuous: 不停的意思是事件或活动持续了相当 长的一段时间而没有间断,做表语和定语 be continious或continious+名词 Eg. This machine runs continuous for ten hours. continually: ad. reap vt. 1. get sth., esp. sth. good, as a result of what one has done 获得,得到 Those who take risks often reap

27、great rewards.肯冒风险,才有大收获。 2. cut and gather a crop of grain 收割;收获 reap the fields.收割庄稼 benefit n. C anything that brings help or profit 益处,好处 brought benefit to 给带来.收益。 v. be useful or helpful to 有益于 benefit sb. 使某人收益;benefit from/by 从中受益The new teaching program will benefit many students.这个新的教学项目会使

28、许多学生受益。 He expects stocks to continue to rise higher, benefiting from falling interest rates.他指望股票还能持续涨高,这样就可从下跌利率中赚上一把。 beneficial: a. 有益的;有用的 be beneficial to sb./sth. insight n. C, U an accurate or deep understanding of sth. 洞悉;深刻的见解 insight into对有深刻的理解The lecture provides new insights into the w

29、ay we process language.这次讲座使我们对语言处理有了新的认识。 .gap n. C a big difference between two amounts, situations, or groups of people 差距;分歧 generation gapbridge the gap填补尴尬的或空白的间隙/缩短距离 Notes to the textPara. 1 Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.

30、Although at times learning a language was frustrating, it was well worth the effort. to be well worth (the effort) 很值得(去努力) 凡是值得做的事情都应做好。(whatever/be well worth doing )Whatever is well worth doing should be done well. Para. 2 My experience with learning a foreign language began in junior middle school, when I took my first English class. I had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all of the students. Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes. I was at the top of my

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