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1、一定要背的经典英语作文36篇赖世雄重新编辑排序一定要背的经典英语作文36篇(作者: 赖世雄)赖世雄,男,1948年出生于南京,祖籍广西永淳,赖教授最高学历是在美国明尼苏达大学修得大众传播与英语教学双硕士学位,以及博士班研究。曾多次担任国际性逐步及同步口笔译,1998年创立常春藤解析英语杂志社,出版专业性的英语学习杂志与丛书,曾在十多家知名广播电台担任英语教学节目主讲。2003年3月创立赖世雄智网文教机构,致力研发儿童美语教材,拓展儿童美语教学加盟事业,期将英语教育从小扎根。2003年10月31日中国图书商报评选赖老师为“英语学习的风云人物”-中国十大名师之一,前10名人物中排行第5名,且为十名

2、中,唯一来自中国台湾地区的英语界名师!人物篇1. My Father One of my earliest memories of Dad is that he would often leave the house at dawn to go jogging. He was a traditional Chinese father, which means that he didnt show his affection for his kids easily. And he and I didnt talk much.Some time ago, he made me go jogging

3、 with him. I hated it because I didnt know what to say to him. Needless to say, I did not enjoy exercising with Dad. However, as time went by, he and I began to talk while jogging. Later, he even began to tell me jokes! It was a side of him that I had never seen before. Im Bald that he made me go jo

4、gging with him because our relationship has greatly improved as a result.我的父亲 我对父亲最早的一些记忆之一是他以前常在黎明时离家去慢跑。他是一个传统的中国父亲,这意味着他不轻易对儿女表露他的情感,而且我和他并不常交谈。 前一阵子,他叫我和他去慢跑。我讨厌和他慢跑,因为我不知道要和他说什么。不用说,我不喜欢和爸爸一起运动。然而,随着时间推移,我和他开始在慢跑时交谈。后来,他甚至开始讲笑话给我听!这是我以前从未见过的一面。我很高兴他要我和他去慢跑,因为我们的父子关系因此大为改善。2. My Neighbor Next to

5、 us lives Mr. Zhang, who is a street-sweeper. He is in his early sixties and looks quite stern but, in fact, he is easy to get along with and is always considerate of others. Even though he is uneducated, he is a pleasant man to talk to.Rain or shine, he goes out to work in the early morning when th

6、ere is little traffic on the road. Because uncaring people litter the streets with so much garbage,he cannot take a rest until noon. To my surprise, he never complains about his hard and dirty work. In a word,I dont look down upon him just because he is a street-sweeper; instead, I respect my kind n

7、eighbor.我的邻居 我们家隔壁住着一位张先生,他是一个清道夫。他年约60出头,看起来很严肃;但事实上,他很容易相处而且总是为别人设想。虽然他没受过教育,但和他交谈是件令人愉快的事。 不论晴雨,他都会在一大早交通流量还很小时就出去工作。因为那些没有公德心的人会在街道上乱丢大量的垃圾,所以他直到中午才能休息。令我惊讶的是,他从不抱怨他那辛苦又肮脏的工作。总之,我不会因他是个清道夫就看不起他; 相反地,我尊敬我的这位好邻居。3. My Mother My mother was an elementary school teacher until she retired two years ag

8、o. She devoted herself to teaching for forty-five years. That is, she spent the best part of her life educating her students. Although she isnt a teacher now, she is still very much concerned about the development of education in Taiwan. Though Mom is no longer a career woman, she is busy all the ti

9、me. Each day she gets up early to prepare our breakfast and does all the housework. In addition, she goes to a temple and volunteers to help the priests and worshippers with little chores. As Teachers Day is drawing near, I wish her eternal health and happiness. After all,mothers are the worlds grea

10、test educators.我的妈妈 我妈妈本来是个小学老师,她在两年前退休了。她献身教育达45年之久。换句话说,她把最美好的青春岁月用来教导她的学生。虽然她现在不是老师,但她仍然很关心台湾的教育发展。 虽然妈妈不再是职业妇女,但她仍然无时无刻不在忙。她每天都早起准备我们的早餐和做所有的家务。此外,她也到一座寺庙去自愿帮助那些僧侣及信徒们做些小杂事。因为教师节快到了,我祝她永远健康快乐。毕竟,妈妈们是世界上最伟大的教育家。4. My Brother In his teachers and my parents eyes, my youngest brother is a sidetracke

11、d young man, but in mine, he is a musical genius. He has a terrible attendance record at school and actually quit going twice. The fact is that its music which really interests him. Indeed, he has a musical bent; he sings well, is gifted in composing songs, and even formed a band with his buddies.I

12、enjoy listening to the songs he writes and, although the lyrics are sort of immature,they come straight from the heart. He says his dream is to make music his career. Who knows if he is on the right track or not? But I do know that whatever he does, music will always be a part of his life.我的弟弟 在老师和父

13、母眼中,我的弟弟是个偏离正途的年轻人,然而在我眼中,他是个音乐天才。他出勤的记录很差,实际上还休学两次。事实上真正令他感兴趣的是音乐。他的确很有音乐天分:他歌唱得好,有作词作曲的天赋,甚至还跟他的哥们儿组成一支乐团。 我喜欢听他写的歌,虽然歌词有点不成熟,但那是直接发自他内心的情感。他说他的梦想是献身音乐工作。谁知道他走的是不是正途呢?但我倒知道不管他做什么,音乐永远是他生活中的一部分。经历篇5. On a Crowded bus I am a senior high student who has to commute from home to school every day. It is

14、 always an ordeal for me to try to get on a crowded bus. I am often squeezed so hard that I cant breathe.Once I felt someone pushing me very hard, and then he touched my rear. I couldnt turn around to see who did it because I was sand-wicked between two tall men. I was so angry that when the bus arr

15、ived at my school, I clenched my fists and elbowed my way through the crowd and got off. Then, to my dismay, I found that my purse had been stolen from my school bag.挤公交车 我是一位每天必须通勤的高中生。对我来说,要挤上公交车总是一种很痛苦的经历。我常常被挤得喘不过气来。 有一次我觉得有人一直在挤我,然后他摸我屁股。我无法转过去看是谁做的,因为我被夹在两名高个子中间。在公交车到达学校时,我气得握紧拳头从人群中挤下车。然后,令我惊

16、慌的是,我发现书包里的钱包被偷走了。6. Seeing a Doctor Seeing a doctor is the last thing I want to do. I hate waiting long hours in a hospital,only to spend five minutes with an indifferent doctor. Most of them just ask a few questions and then give you a prescription. In my opinion,they are more like machines than s

17、ym-pathetic people.I had a severe pain in my right shoulder a few months ago. I had no choice but to see a doctor. To my surprise,the doctor was very kind. He asked me some questions and thoroughly examined my shoulder. He said I would have to take some medicine for two months and get plenty of rest

18、. Now I have fully recovered and feel great. Although I was at first reluctant,Im glad I went to see the doctor.看医生 看医生是我最不想做的事,我讨厌在医院里等候很久,但却只花五分钟就被漠不关心的医生打发走一大部分的医生只是问儿个问题,然后就开给你一张处方依我看,他们比较像机器而不像是有同情心的人 几个月前,我的右肩剧烈疼痛我除了去看医生外别无选择。令我惊讶的是,那个医生很好,他问了我一些问题并全面检查我的肩膀,他说我必须吃两个月的药并要充分地休息。现在我已经完全康复并且感觉很好虽然

19、当初我很不愿就医,但我很高兴去看了医生。7. A Valuable Lesson Last Mid-Autumn Festival was an unforgettable day for me. Partly because I ate too many moon cakes and partly because the moon cakes had spoilt, 1 had a bad stomachache. Not only did I vomit, but I had the runs. Subsequently, I was sent to the hospital.This u

20、nfortunate experience taught me a valuable lesson. That is, one should eat moderately. As the old saying goes,Dont bite off more than you can chew.” You can be sure that I will keep that in mind from now on.宝贵的教训 对我来说,去年的中秋节是难忘的一天。一方面因为我吃了太多的月饼,另一方面因为月饼馊掉了,结果我腹痛如绞,上吐下泻。后来,我被送进了医院。 这次不幸的经历给了我一个宝贵的教训。

21、也就是说,吃东西要有节制。俗话说:“贪多嚼不烂。”你应当相信,从今以后我会把它牢记于心。8. An Unlucky Day When I got up this morning,I had a strange feeling that it just wasnt going to be my day. First,because I got up late, I missed breakfast. Then,as I was dashing to the bus stop to catch my bus, I stepped on a banana peel,slipped and fell

22、on my backside.To make matters worse,the bus didnt stop for me because it was packed. I had no choice but to take a taxi. Not until the taxi got to my school did I realize I had left my wallet at home. After I did a lot of explaining and apologizing, the driver let me go. Finally, 1 arrived at the s

23、chool gate. To my astonishment, I suddenly realized it was a school holiday. It never rains but it pours.倒霉的一天 今天早上起床时,我就有一种奇怪的感觉,那就是今天会诸事不顺。首先,因为我起得晚而错过了吃早餐。然后,我赶到公交车站乘公交车时,踩到了一块香蕉皮而滑倒,跌了个四脚朝天。 更糟糕的是,公交车因为客满而没有停下来让我上车, 我除了乘出租车之外别无选择。直到出租车开到我学校时我才知道我把皮夹忘在家里了。经过一连串的解释和道歉之后,那个司机才让我走。最后我来到了学校大门口。令我惊讶的是

24、,我突然发现今天是学校假日。真是祸不单行啊。9. That Unforgettable Day I will always remember New Years Day in 2001.Early that morning my sister and I received a phone call. We were told Grandma had fainted and was being taken to a hospital in Taichung. The moment we received the message, my uncle drove us to the hospital

25、 as fast as he could. It was a long journey from Taipei.While we were on the road, holiday bumper-to-bumper traffic slowed us down to a snails pace and a car accident the previous day made the congestion worse. Consequently, we got stuck for more than six hours on the highway. We were worried about

26、Grandma the whole time. As soon as we arrived at the Taian Rest Area, we anxiously phoned home. However, Grandma had died of heart failure just half an hour before we called.难忘的一天 我将永远记得2001年的元旦。那天一大清早,我姐姐和我接到一个电话。电话中我们得知祖母昏倒后正被送到台中一家医院。一接到这个消息,叔叔便尽快地载我们到医院去。从台北到台中路很长。一路上,假日大排长龙的车流使我们慢得如蜗牛一般,而前一天的一场

27、车祸使塞车更为严重。因此,我们在高速公路上被困了六个多小时。我们一直担心祖母。一到泰安休息区,我们满怀焦虑地打电话回家乙然而,在我们打电话前半小时,祖母已因心脏衰竭而去世。想像篇10. If 1 Were a University Student Going to university has been my dream for a long time. If I had the chance to become a university student, I would make every effort to expand my knowledge. I would not only st

28、udy art as my major, but also minor in philosophy and English literature.In the meantime, I would also involve myself in extracurricular activities such as swimming and mountain climbing. And last but not least, I would pursue the most beautiful lady on campus. With these goals in mind, I am determi

29、ned to study as hard as possible to make my dream come true.如果我是个大学生 长久以来上大学一直是我的梦想。如果我有机会成为大学生的话,我会尽全力来扩充我的知识。我不仅要主修艺术,而且还要副修哲学和英国文学。 同时,我也要参加像游泳和爬山等的课外活动。最后还有一件重要的事情就是,我要去追求校园内最漂亮的女生。在这些目标的驱使下,我决心要努力学习以实现我的梦想。11. What I Want to Do after the CEE Even as a child I had a musical bent, and enjoyed pla

30、ying the piano. In high school I dreamed of playing the guitar in a rock band, but because of the pressure of schoolwork, I never had enough time to practice, nor did any of my classmates.However, once I enter college, I intend to devote more time to my personal interests, especially music. Perhaps

31、Ill be able to get together with other schoolmates of similar disposition, and finally form that band Ive always dreamed of.高考后我最想做的事 自小我就对音乐相当喜爱,而且喜欢弹钢琴。高中时,我梦想在摇滚乐团里弹吉他,但是因为学业的压力,我和同学都没有足够的时间练习。 然而,一旦我上了大学,我打算多花些时间在个人兴趣上,特别是音乐。或许我能和其他志同道合的同学联合起来组成那个我一直梦想的乐团。12. If I Won the Lottery To win first pr

32、ize in the lottery is most peoples dream. If I were the lucky one, I would spend many sleepless nights out of excitement planning for the future. I would divide my money into two parts: half for my parents and half for myself.Overseas travel would be the first thing that I would do. Romantic Europe, the wilds of Africa and mysterious Southeast Asia are the dreamlands that I would see. I would be able to put the drudgery of studying aside and leave my world full of pressures far behind for a while. Oh! If only I

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