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1、金融英语教案 哈尔滨金融学院教案课程名称: 金融英语 课程代码: 开课系部: 金融系 授课教师: 授课班级:12级金管1、2、3班;2012级国际金融1、2班 开课学期: 2014-2015上 一、课程简介(四号宋体加粗)课程类别:必修课授课对象:专科层次 金融管理与实务专业;国际金融专业场地器材:1#308学时学分:(四号宋体)使用教材:Ian MacKenzie,剑桥金融财务英语,人民邮电出版社,2010年参考教材:会计专业英语英文国际贸易金融英语二、教学目标扩充学生的金融词汇量,了解地道的外国金融案例。本门课程分为四个领域,会计学、银行业、公司理财、经济与贸易,学生学习后从宏观上可以将4

2、者结合,将所学的知识进行整合,整体上提高自己的就业竞争力。三、教学过程第一次课 2学时教学内容第一章Basic terms第1节 money and income1. Currency2. Personal finance第2节 business finance1. Capital2. Revenue3. Financial statement重点难点 Terminologies教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语第二次课 2学时教学内容第三章Banking第19节 personal banking1. Current accounts2. Banki

3、ng products and services3. E-banking 第20节 commercial and retail banking1.Commercial and retail banks2.Credit3.Loans and credits重点难点 1. Types of accounts2. Differences on types of accounts at home and abroad3. Major activities in commercial banking教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料了解中西方账户类型

4、区别第三次课 2学时教学内容第3章Banking第21节 financial institutions1. Types of financial institutions2. Deregulation3. Specialized banks第22节 investment banking1. Raising capital2. Mergers and acquisitions3. Consulting and research重点难点 1. Different kinds of financial institutions and their major activities2. The mea

5、ning of merger and acquisition教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第四次课 2学时教学内容第3章Banking第23节 central banking1. The functions of central banks2. The central bank and the commercial bank3. Central banks and exchange rates重点难点 1. The functions of central banks2. How to affect exchange rates? 教学

6、组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第五次课 2学时教学内容第3章Banking第24节 interest rates1. Interest rates and monetary policy2. Different interest rates重点难点 1. Interest rates and monetary policy2. Different interest rates教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第六次课 2学时教学内容第3章Banking第25节 money market1

7、. The money markets2. Common money markets3. repos重点难点 Money market instruments教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第七次课 2学时教学内容第3章Banking第26节 Islamic banking1. interest-free banking2. types of accounts3. leasing and short-term loans第27节 money supply and control1. measuring money2. changing t

8、he money supply3. monetarism重点难点 1. The features of Islamic banking2. The ways to control money supply教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第八次课 2学时教学内容第4章corporate finance第28节 venture capital1. Raising capital2. Return on capital重点难点 The meaning of venture capital and angel capital 教学组织1讲授法2集

9、体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第九次课 2学时教学内容第4章corporate finance第29-31节 shares and shareholders1. The meaning and types of shares 2. Going public3. Buying and selling shares4. New share issues5. Returns6. Investors and speculators重点难点 1. The procedures of going public2. New share issues教学组织1讲授法2集体

10、授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第十次课 2学时教学内容第4章corporate finance第33节 bonds1. Government bonds and corporate bonds2. Prices and yields3. Other types of bonds重点难点 The differences between bonds and shares教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第十一次课 2学时教学内容第4章corporate finance第34节 futures1. Commod

11、ity futures2. Financial futures重点难点 1. Commodity futures2. Financial futures教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第十二次课 2学时教学内容第4章corporate finance第35节 derivatives1. Options2. In-the-money and out-of-the-money3. Warrants and swaps重点难点 How to make money from option contracts教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教

12、学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第十三次课 2学时教学内容第4章corporate finance第36节 asset management1. Allocating and diversifying assets2. Types of investors3. Active and passive investment重点难点 The ways to manage asset教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第十四次课 2学时教学内容第4章corporate finance第37节 hedge funds and struc

13、tured products1. Hedge funds2. Leverage, short-selling and arbitrage3. Structured products重点难点 The meaning and nature of hedge funds教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第十五次课 2学时教学内容第4章corporate finance第39-40节 mergers, takeovers and leveraged buyouts1. Mergers, takeovers and joint ventures2.

14、The types of takeovers3. Integration4. Conglomerate5. raiders重点难点 1. The types of takeovers2. Integration教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第十六次课 2学时教学内容第4章corporate finance第41-42节 financial planning and financial regulations and supervisions1. Financing new investments2. Discounted cash fl

15、ows3. Comparing investment returns4. Government regulation5. Internal controls重点难点 1. Discount factor and discount rate2. The ways to compare investment returns教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第十七次课 2学时教学内容第5章economics and trade第43节 international trade1. Trade2. Balance of payments3. prot

16、ectionism重点难点 1. The meaning of international trade2. The ways to restrict imports教学组织1讲授法2集体授课3. 多媒体教学,板书作业布置课后习题,背诵专业术语,查阅资料第十八次课 2学时教学内容第5章economics and trade第44-45节 exchange rates and financing international trade1. Why exchange rate change2. Fixed and floating rates3. Government intervention4. Documentary credit5. Draft6. Export documents重点难点 1. Documentary credit

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