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2、爱研究会计与金融、资本市场、定量的方法,曾接获得过印度教师进展打算治理学院的颁奖,在全国国际会议协商并发表过20篇论文,并且对于在该地区的金融和财务治理国家期刊上也发表过20多篇论文。曾今撰写了一本名为中小企业财务治理的书籍,发表在经济周刊上,他指导了当地的关于企业融资及财务治理的科研项目,对于印度财务治理会计的进展起着有着极为重要的作用。1、中小型企业的财务治理现状 自从21世纪以来,中小型企业的蓬勃进展,在经济增长和社会进展中发挥着非常重要的作用。据统计数据,直到2005年底,中小型企业总数已超过1000万,占企业总数的99%。中小型企业提供了75%的就业机会,工业企业的总产值、销售收入、

3、实现的利得税和出口额分别占总数的60%、57%、40%和60%,上缴的税收已经接近了国家税收总额的一半。中小型企业承载着超过75%的技术革新和超过65%的专利发明,他们以其灵活的经营机制和积极创新活动,为经济进展提供了增长的最根本动力。近年来,中小企业的消亡率将近70%,大约有30%的中小型企业存在赤字。中小型企业应该如何建立现代企业制度,加强财务治理,并科学地进行资本运作以谋求自身的健康进展,是我们紧密关注的一个问题。 2、 中小型企业财务治理中存在的问题 (1)财务治理理念滞后,而且方法保守 中小型企业由于治理者自身知识水平的限制,使得企业的治理能力和治理质量较低。他们的治理思想已经不适合

4、现代企业,并且大多数企业领导人缺乏财务治理的理论和方法,忽视了企业资本运作的作用。治理者既不重视财务事,也不参加企业政策的制定和相关治理活动。因此,财务治理无法发挥其应有职能,从而导致企业缺乏现代财务治理的理念,也无从去培训合格的财务人员。 (2)财务治理工作基础薄弱,缺乏财务监督财务治理的组织结构不合理,企业内部控制系统没有执行力。因此,很难发挥其监督和控制作用。注重实践而不是轻松财务人员的培训,紧密关注会计核算和会计计算,忽视财务治理部门,降低其在企业治理中的地位。具体表现为:现金治理不严密从而导致闲置资金不足,存货控制能力较差,应收账款控制效率低下。 (3)融资困难,资金严峻不足一般来说

5、,中小型企业的规模相对较小,业务比较单调,资金投入量较大,不利于抵抗危险。因此,对信贷事项的贷款审查有着非常严格的审批程序;其次,小型企业的经营活动的透明度较差,担保主体无法准确地贯彻落实,很难和银行进行良好的沟通合作,并且银行和企业双方的信息不对称;再次,金融中介机构并不是很完善,很少有金融中介机构和贷款担保机构给予中小型企业贷款。 (4)投资的能力并不十分科学由于中小型企业规模都比较小,资金来源主要是贷款,这使得他们的投资能力相对较弱。因此,他们往往追求短期的投资项目,总想尽快收回投资。由于投资者的投资决策水平不高,在投资之前没有进行科学地投资分析,并且完全没有投资前的危险预测,但是他们却

6、又渴望能够拥有大量的投资项目。其结果是“病急乱投医”,从而导致缺少投资和投资危险增加。 (5)内部控制制度不完善,日常治理环节薄弱目前,大部分中小型企业的内部控制制度并不完善,其内部控制并不包括所有的部门和人员。因此,它并不能渗入企业的各个业务领域和每一个操作环节。这导致在对中小型企业进行审计时,出现计算和检查结果不尽真实,会计信息严峻失真的现象。中小型企业一般具有人员少,市场小,资金少,规模小并且不愿高薪聘请财务治理员的特征,以致财务治理成为企业治理的盲点。3、提高中小型企业财务治理水平的对策 着眼于中小企业的进展中的各种矛盾和问题,应该采取有效措施,以更具成本效益的方式来建立中小型企业的进

7、展空间。为了更好地解决问题,我们一定同时采取各种测量,大力提高企业的整体素养。 (1)全方位提升企业的财务治理理念,调整财务治理结构 企业行政治理的中心就是建立财务治理制度,它是企业的治理结构和组织治理等各方面理念的内在要求。应该从理论上改善财务治理的重要性和理论知识的必要性的认识,确立财务治理在现代企业治理的中心地位,提前成立事中和事后的全方位财务控制体制,由财务治理的内容进行扩展,改进财务工作的程序,以改善财务治理工作、促进财务治理体制的转变。 (2)完善内部财务控制系统 加强财务治理和财务控制,通过规范物资采购,接收,销售及样品的治理工作,使营业与记录分离,形成有力的内部控制制度。加强库

8、存控制,尽可能精简过期的库存物资和材料,防止资金损失,并以科学的方法保证资本的最佳结构。加强应收账款治理,根据卖家的信用等级选择合适的付款方式,定期检查应收账款,并严格控制账龄,完成资金的筹集治理。 (3)规范进展,增加融资渠道,制造条件,解决资金困难完善金融企业制度:为了满足中小型企业的融资需求,商业银行应简化审查和批准环节,开发信贷品种,提高服务水平。成立中小型企业的金融机构,建立中小型企业商业银行,重点推进中小型企业的进展。政策性银行将主要供应中小型企业在启动时购置企业固定资产所需要的中长期贷款。对于中小型企业,他们需要免息或者低息贷款。这些区域性银行要发挥对当地的经济条件比较熟悉的特点

9、,以便服务于中小型企业。以更具成本效益的方式促进中小型企业的融资:拓宽中小型企业,格外是小中型高科技企业融资渠道。积极进展资本市场,采取改制,兼并,联合等各种形式进行改革,以便吸取私人资本和外国资本的参加。这有利于促进中小型企业逐步向大型企业、企业集团,集团公司、跨国公司等方向进展。 (4)重视项目的可行性,进行真确的投资决策,努力降低投资危险 一个投资项目是否能够如期偿还贷款,涉及到很多方面的因素:首先,投资方向应该适当;其次,要选择合适的投资方式,并且投资开支要与现金流相对应,再通过严格的程序进行投资。专注贯彻设计好的每个投资环节,防止由于投资决策失误而导致的财务危险。政府部门应加强对中小

10、型企业的引导,对于创业初期的中小型企业,政府部门应该帮助他们选择简洁入手的行业,完善更具成本效益的投资环境,以减少投资的盲目性。 (5)加强中小型企业的内部控制和资金治理制度加强中小型企业内部的控制和治理制,建立完善的内部控制制度,是规范中小型企业财务治理制度的最重要环节。 落实企业内部各部门财务治理的实施,最大限度发挥资金的作用。加强财产治理制度,建立和完善企业内部转移货物和材料的控制制度,设置规范的物资采购、接收、销售及样品治理程序。为形成内部监管制度一定做到账物分离。 (6)改善中小型企业的成长环境完善资本市场,扩大直接融资渠道,进一步改善中小型企业的融资担保体制。就各部门根据他们自己的

11、政策规范,以自己的方式解决问题来说,政府部门应加强相关法律法规的建设,出台或改善有利于中小型企业尽快融资的优待政策。中小型企业可向政府寻求适当支持,通过客观稳定的融资机制,为它提供贷款担保,信息,培训等全方位的服务。建立中小型企业的进展基金,加快提升中小型企业的信用担保体系,为中小型企业理性融资服务。 4、结论总而言之,随着经济全球化的加深和市场经济的进展,中小型企业将面临更为严峻、更加困难的挑战。他们一定在夹缝中寻求生存和进展,光靠提升企业员工素养是远远不够的。只有通过全方位的政策支持和加强财务治理,规范会计秩序,制造一个良好的进展环境,并充分利用经济政策从而得到平衡进展,才能促进中小型企业

12、的成长。 亚当斯提恩澳大利亚天主教大学,墨尔本,澳大利亚丹尼斯韦尔奇墨尔本商学院,墨尔本,澳大利亚达西麦考马克澳大利亚天主教大学,墨尔本,澳大利亚 外文原文The existing problems and countermeasures of financial management in small and medium enterprisesSmall and medium enterprises play an important role in the economic development of country.The statistical data indicate that

13、 small and medium enterprises which register in Administration for Industry and Commerce account for 99% ,output value and profit account for 60% ,40% respectively.Moreover,small and medium enterprises have offered 75% of the urban employment opportunities.Small and medium enterprises made important

14、 contribution to stability and economic prosperity.The small and medium enterprises have important status in national economy,and play loudly functions to economic development with social stability.But the deficiency of the financial administration of small and medium enterprises is the main obstacl

15、e for their further development.This text analyzes the current and existing problems of financial administration in small and medium enterprises,puts forward the countermeasures of improving the financial administration of small and medium enterprises.Dr.R.SRINIVASAN is a Post graduate in commerce a

16、nd Management. He received his doctoral degree from Alagappa University in 1997. He currently teaches financial management and Research Methodology Subjects in Post graduate and Research Department of Corporate Secretaryship at Bharathidasan Government College for Women (Autonomous), Pondicherry Uni

17、versity, Puducherry. Before Joining BGCW, he was teaching in SNR College, Coimbatore, Sindhi college, Chennai& T.S.Narayanasamy College, Chennai for eight years. He was with the industry for a short term at Salzar Electronics Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore. He has about 20 years of teaching experience and hav

18、ing research experience of 15 years. His interests are in Accounting and finance, Capital Market, Quantitative Methods. He underwent the Faculty Development Programme at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad during 2000-01. He has presented 20 papers in national and international conferences and

19、has published twenty papers in the areas of Finance and Human resource Management in National Journals. Co-authored a book titled, Investors Protection, published by Raj Publications, New Delhi He has delivered lectures in contemporary finance topics at Pondicherry University. He has supervised a nu

20、mber of research projects in the area of corporate finance and Human Resource Management. Current situation of financial management in small and medium enterprisesSince the start of the 21 st century,the flourishing development of small and medium enterprises of China,play a very important role in t

21、he economic growth and social development.According to statistical data of the Ministry of Finance,bu the end of 2005,the total number of small and medium enterprises has already exceeded 10 million.accounts for 99% of enterprise.Small and medium enterprises Have offered 75% of the urban employment

22、opportunities.The gross output of industrial enterprises,sales income,realize profits tax and total export account for 60% ,57% ,40% and60% of all industrial enterprises respectively,the tax revenue turned over has already been close to half of the total value of the state revenues.Small and medium

23、enterprises are bearing more than 75% of the technological innovations and more than 65% of the patented inventions.Small and medium enterprises with their flexible operating mechanisms and vigorous innovative activities, have offered the most basic motive power for economic growth. In recent years,

24、the eliminating rate of small and medium enterprises of reaches 70% ,about 30% .Of the small and medium enterprises are in deficit . How small and enterprises seek the development of their own health ,set up the modem enterprise system to strengthen the financial management ,and carry on the capital

25、 operation scientifically ,is the question that we pay close attention to.The existing problem of financial management in small and medium enterprises(1)The financial management idea lags behind ,and the method is guardedThe administrators of small and medium enterprises are restricted by their own

26、knowledge ,managerial ability and low management quality . Their manage ideas are out of date , and the leaders of most enterprises are lack of theory and method of financial management , ignoring the role in enterprises capital operation. The administrators do not pay attention to the financial aff

27、airs and participate in policy making and management activities themselves . Therefore , the function of financial management is unable to play , which lead to lack of the modem financial management idea habitually and unawareness of training the qualified financial staffs .(2)The financial manageme

28、nt working foundation is weak , and the financial supervision is unstressed The organizational structure of financial administration is unreasonable . The enterprises internal control system performs no use .Therefore , it is difficult to play the role of supervising and controlling .Laying stress o

29、n using instead of making light of training financial staff , paying close attention to accountant checks and calculates , ignoring financial administrations , which have desalinized the position in business administration of financial management . They were shown in details below:Cash management is

30、 not tight which leads to funds or insufficient , the inventories control ability is bad , and the account receivable control is inefficiency.(3)Financing difficulty , the fund is seriously insufficientGenerally speaking the scale of small and medium enterprises is relatively small , the business is

31、 monotonous , fund input amount is great , and it is bad to resist risk. Therefore , the bank unavoidably has“cherishes the loan”,“careful loan”behavior , and the examination for credits loan in demand approval procedures is extremely strict;secondly , the transparency of the business activities of

32、small and medium enterprises is poor . Guarantee subject is unable to implement precisely , which is difficult to enter good cooperation and communicate with the bank , and the information asymmetry for both sides of bank and enterprise; thirdly , financing intermediary is imperfect . There are few financial intermediaries and loan guarantee organizations to grant loans for small and medium enterprises .(4)Investment ability is relatively weak with less scientificBecause small and medium enterprises are relatively small , the capital sources of inve

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