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1、英文主持稿英文主持稿 英文主持稿(一) M refers to Monica N refers to Nomad 我进场,女声M:Good evening,friends.Im the host of tonights show,Nomad. 你进场,男声N: Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.Im Monica,the hostess of tonights contest. T:Welcome to the live show of our singing competition,the finals of Campus Idol. M:To start

2、with,wed like to thank all of you for coming here to join us. N:yep,thanks for being with us tonight. N:Oklets get down to business directly,Id like to introduce the judges of tonights contest first.They areapplause M:And the special guests arelets show our warmest welcome to them again. N:Ok.Now.Id

3、 like to welcome_to give the opening address for usthanks for_address.Its time for show now.We are pleased to invite Guitar Association to start the contest by bringing us their performance_.Lets welcome them. M:Waothank you.What a wonderful performance it is.I think youve been waiting for so long.A

4、nd now its time for the contestants. We announce tonights contest begins now.Lets warmly welcome the NO.1 contestant _. She has brought us the song _ sung by Groove Coverage.Welcome_ N:You look so beautiful tonight.I cant even take my eyes off you. M:Ohreally? N:Not you.我走向2号选手,二人摆个pose,你介绍2号选手。 M:O

5、hyeahLets welcome the No.2 contestant_.Her song is yesterday once more. N:Well,thank you. That song really suits her voice Look at meM:You look so handsome tonight.I cant take my eyes off you. N:Ohhandsome is not my fault.Maybe its my father and motherorerI dont know.Monica已走向三号选手,请三号选手 M:lets welco

6、me the No.3 contestant _ who is going to sing a love song _. N:well . it sounded touching.I have a special liking for old songs. M:You said it! Sometimes old songs can take us back to the sweet memories of the past. N:So shall we listen to anther piece of old songs? What about the color of the nighr

7、? M:Good idea.!Lets welcome _ the No.4 contestant. N:hey friends.Do you know how many pieces of English songs we have listened to till now?ask the audience问问大家?到现在为止,我们已经听了多少首英文歌了? M:Wanna taste an Italian song?想听听意大利语歌吗?lets together yell the singer out ,shall we?Ok. when I say NO.5, you clap your

8、hands twice.Just like what our host Nomad does. I say No.5he claps his hand twiceNO.5. papaNO.5 papaNO.5papa N:Waothank you.It is marvelousOkAfter the No.5 contestant,do you know who will be the next one?猜中有奖! M:who is she? N:Ohmy after the No.5 of course,the next one will be the No.6 contestant Ha

9、hayoure so funnywell next one_,the No.6 contestant. She will sing the song _for usWelcome. M:Believe it or not. I can say firmly,you must have heard the next song.What is that?Just listen. Lets welcome the NO.7 contestant,_. N:What do you think of the seven contestants performances? Wonderful?speak

10、louderjust make yourselves heard by the seven contestants! Excellent?Terrific?yeahthank you.I believe the contestants have received your encouragement. M:OkOK,Lets once again thank them for bringing us such wonderful songs.Lets take a break and enjoy the show ,hip-hopbrought by CBL N:CBL的街舞表演精彩吗?好的,

11、让我们再一次以热烈的掌声感谢他们好吗?谢谢,thank you. NO.8_上台,走向我N:why do you look so upset?Quarrel with your girlfriend? Break up?Omy NO.8演戏:IIIIreallyI dont wanna fight with herI love herbut舞台交比他自由发挥 M:That song ,I dont wanna fight tells us about something unhappy between a couple of lovers,. Lets suppose thatOne day

12、,If you find your friend have something unhappywith her girlfriendSo what would you say to him?Lets see what our NO.9contestant will dolets welcom_her song is hey jude N:Hey do you know Monica?ActuallyI dont wanna fight with my girlfriend but M:singHeyNomaddont make it badsing a sad songjust make it

13、 better N:NoI want to listen to a song instead of singing a song. M:Ok,what about a piece of Japanese song? N:Ok我要点播那一首地狱少女唱的 逆蝶 M:No problem. Welcome our No.10 contestant _ 她给我们带来了一首日文歌 逆蝶 M:Do you still want to see dancing?Well,not hip-hop this time.Its Micheal Jackson!Lets welcom_the No.11contest

14、ant. He is going to sing a song sung by Micheal Jackson _ N:Wellthank you看完11号选手的表演后。令我想到个情景one day有一日I saw a cockroach我见到一只小强。Do you know what is my first reaction? Beat it beat itjust beat it M:let it go let it goits cruel of you to beat the cockroach放它走吧你这样beat it 很残忍啊 N:No”nearfarwherever you ar

15、ecockroachI believe that my heart will go on Oklets welcome the No.12 contestant_And shes gonna sing the song my heart will go on beat it M:You know my heart will go on. is a touching love song N:yepdont get me wrong不是打小强的心会go on啊是爱你的心。会go on当然beat it 也不是打他的意思是避开他的意思 M:Her heart will go onso will ou

16、r contest.The next one to continue our contest is No.13_ 她说要给我们演唱的是Kelly Clarkson的 A moment like this 掌声欢迎。 N:someone says Music is the language of loveDo you agree我们的11号选手,_说something only love can sayLetsenjoy the song only love brought by _ M:well太动听了最后送给大家一首 because of you given by our last cont

17、estant_ welcome. 示时间随机应变 M:介绍手协出来表演,自己啉 M:感谢手语协会给我们带来的精彩表演。Do you enjoy yourselves here tonight? N:还用问吗?我觉得今天晚上无论是听觉上还是视觉。上我们都已经都完全满足了观众大家说是不是啊? M:谢谢在结果出来之前,我们想先在这里再一次感谢大家今天晚上的到来。bow鼓掌,现在有请-给我们致闭幕词。 N:表演就看完了闭幕词也听完了到底结果出来了没有呢?0101over overhave the results been worked out yet?用麦克风装讲电话状 示时间 颁奖选手全上台 N:W

18、aoThe most exciting and thrilling moment has come!Oklet me see惊讶兴奋状firstlyId like to announce the “most favored celebrity” award and the winner isthe winner of the” most favored celebrity” award isM:最佳人气奖的获奖者是鼓掌lets welcometo deliver the award to the NO.?contestantcongratulations.! M:Secondlythe “be

19、st stage manners” award winner isN:最佳台风奖的获得者是鼓掌lets welcometo deliver the award to congratulations.! M:Tonight every contestant can receive an awardfor they are really excellent.arent they? 把麦克风指向观众 N:yepI think such a competition is not all about winningits about participation and challenging yours

20、elfthe moment youve stepped onto the stageyouve been a winnerI thinkNowlets issue the Excellence Awards . M:Who get the Excellence Awards areN:获得优秀奖的是lets welcome to present the awards to the recipientscongratulations M:whats next? N:Of course to announce the third prize winners!They are重复:M:第三名获得者分

21、别是鼓掌lets inviteto deliver the awards to the recipientscongratulations.! M:its time for the second prize winnersthey areN repeat:他们是lets welcometo deliver the awards winners Congratulations. N:waothe most expected moment has comenowthe first prize winner is who is it?把麦克风指向观众No.what?The champion will

22、 go to M:the champion will bethe NO?contestant名 lets welcome to present with the award. M:Congratulations to all the contestants.And thanks for our judges and special guests of course and all the friends that are present N:yeahThanks for being with us tonightyeah,How time flies its time to say goodb

23、ye T:See U next year M:请选手和评委嘉宾留下一起合影留念。 英文主持稿(二) A:英文 B:中文 A: Ladies and gentlemen. Good evening! Welcome to our party tonight! Thank you for being here! B: 各位领导、老师、同学大家晚上好! A:To show English variety, to enrich extracurricular activities, to improve English level, and to cultivate the comprehensive

24、 abilities. B:展现英语风采,丰富课余生活,提高英语水平,培养综合能力。 A: You perform while I sing, our school life is colorful. B:你想我做,团结合作展现风采。 A: Let us deduce a life with the movie of colorful。 B:让我们用电影来演绎生活多彩。 A: The third English stage party and the competition for the second English drama festival for Guangxi college st

25、udent in 2006, now begins. B:首届首届届英语配音大赛,现在开始! A:我是主持人+来自+系+班 B:我是主持人+来自+系+班 合:希望我们能伴随大家度过这个愉快的晚会! 下面由我宣读本次英语话剧比赛的评分标准及规则。 B:(女)主持人介绍到场领导、老师和评委,及参赛队。宣读比赛流程安排。比赛评分标准和要求。 结束语 (结束前先请领导讲话) A:We are enthusiastic; we have dreams! B:我们拥有激情,我们拥有梦想! A: Let us deduce a life with the movie of colorful。 B:让我们用电

26、影来演绎生活多彩。 A:Congratulation to all the contestants and our thanks to all the guests and judges! Thank your for your coming! B:感谢大家的参与。感谢各位选手、评委和嘉宾。 A: Lets look forwards to the next years competition. Thanks again! Bye! B:让我们期待明年的比赛,再见! 英文主持稿(三) 尊敬的各位领导、老师、亲爱的同学们:大家上午好! Dear school leaders, teachers

27、and schoolmates: Good morning! 秋风习习,朝阳初升,又是一个风和日丽的早晨,又是一个激情洋溢的时刻。 今天,天格外高,风格外轻,秋色格外浓。 This is a pleasant morning with warm sunshine and comfortable autumn wind, and this is also an exciting moment for all of us. 我们站在这庄严的礼仪广场,隆重举行开学典礼暨第一大周升旗仪式。 此时此刻,我们志气高昂,心潮澎湃。 Now, we are standing on the solemn cer

28、emonial square to hold the first ceremony for the new term and to raise the flag on the first week. At this special moment, we are all very excited. 班主任和其他任课教师一起 , 组成了初一年级一支管理经验丰富,教学水平过硬的教师队伍。他们是同学们的良师益友,将陪伴我们,一起度过人生中最难忘的三年初中生活,将带领大家,实现我们最美好的人生梦想。 Head-teachers and other teachers make up the experie

29、nced and high qualified teacher group of the senior middle first. They are not only our teachers, but also our good friends. And they are going to spend the most unforgettable three years of senior middle school with us, and bring us to realize the best dreams of our lives. 同学们 “雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越”! De

30、ar schoolmates, Success can not be achieved without hard-working; we should have a new start at the beginning. 同学们,我们有理由相信,这支新生的团队,一定能借开学典礼的东风,弘壮志,树新风,坚持 ” 更严 ” 更细 ” 更实 ” 更高 ” 的工作标准 , 迈向更加辉煌灿烂的明天! We are confident enough to believe that this new team can strengthen the mind, establish a new atmosphere, and create a better future through todays ceremony! 同学们,意气奋发的一代,让我们扬起理想的风帆,驶向阳光灿烂的彼岸! Dear schoolmates! The high-spirited generation! Lets sail to the sunny future with our ideals! 下面我郑重宣布升旗仪式正式开始! 出旗 奏国歌,升国旗,少先队员行队礼,保安人员行军礼,其他人员行注目礼。 礼毕 升旗仪式到此结束

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