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1、6A翻译练习(U1-U6)班级_ 姓名_根据中文完成下列句子。1. 天气变得多云且刮风。我们把风筝高高地放到天空中。It cloudy and . We _ kites high in the .2. 昨天我们举行了一场服装表演,我穿了一件纸裙子。We _ a fashion show_. I wore a _ skirt.3. -你假期去哪里了? -我去了长城。-Where did you go _ the holiday? -I _to the_ _ .4. 刚才那个小孩看着动画片并笑了起来。 The the cartoon and just now.5. 很久很久以前,山上有两所房子。

2、Long long ago, there two on the mountain.6. 昨天天气怎么样? 下雨了。 What _ the weather _? It .7. 杨玲一岁时,她不会走路。 When Yang Ling one old, she walk. 8. 三十年前,我爷爷通过读报纸来获取新闻。_ years _, my grandpa_ _ for_.9. 迈克上周抓到大鱼了吗? 没有抓到 -_ Mike _ a big fish last week? -No,he_.10.这里最初有很多树。 There _ a lot of trees here_ _.11. 十分钟前,李

3、先生在办公室Mr Li _ in the _ten minutes_.12. 我喜欢漂亮的衣服,我对时装秀感到兴奋I love beautiful clothes. I _ _ _ fashion show.13. 她在花丛周围看见了一些蜜蜂。 She some _ the_.14.我们应该把工厂从城市里搬走。We _ _ the factories _ from the _.15.这个标记是什么意思?意思是我们不可以在这大声说话。What_ this _ _? It _ we _ _ _ here.16.什么使街道变乱变脏?垃圾。What _ the streets _ and _? _.1

4、7.我们可以多种树和花,它们能帮助净化空气。We can _ _ _ and _ . They _ _ the _clean.18.下午天气晴朗,他们骑自行车去农场。It was _ in the afternoon. They _ to the _ by bike.19.昨天晚上我父母去电影院看了一场电影。 My parents _ to the _ and _ a film last night.20.他们刚才看见有许多猴子在他们周围。They _ a lot of monkeys _ _just now.21.上个星期那个小男孩的妈妈生病了,他不得不在家照顾她。The little bo

5、ys mother _ sick last week. He _ _ look _ her at home.22.今天下午孩子们在公园里看了鹦鹉表演,还放了风筝。The children _ a parrot show in the park _ afternoon. They also _ _ there.23.在国庆假期,我们一家人去了农场,我爸爸捉到了一条大鱼。On National Day holiday, our family _ to a _. My father _ a big _.24.波比总是喜欢在上课时往窗外看。Bobby always _ _ _ of the windo

6、w in _.25.现在水里有很多垃圾,鱼儿都死了。_ _ a lot of rubbish in the _ now and the _ are dead.26. 我们摘下了许多橘子并且在农场散了步,We _ a lot of _ and _ on the farm.27. 在下午,天空中有许多乌云。In the _, there _ many black _ in the sky.28. 30年前,我们写信和使用电话和朋友们联系。Thirty years _, we _letters and _the telephone _contact our friends.29. 我爸爸经常在晚饭后

7、写故事。My father often _ _ _ super.30. 为了保持房间的干净,我妈妈通常在早晚打开窗户。_ _ the room _, my mother usually _ the _ in the morning and evening.31. 在这个湖周围有许多标志,它们表示不同的含义。There are many_ _ _ the lake. They _ different things.32. 这个小男孩在下雨天遇见了一只猫。The _ boy _ a cat in a _ day.33. 上周末你干什么了? 我去农场抓了一些鱼。_did you _last week

8、end? I _some _on a farm.34.爷爷三十年前写电邮吗?不, 他写信给他的朋友。Did Grandpa _ _to his friends thirty years ago? No, he _ _ to them.35. 昨天的聚会玩得开心吗?_ you have a _ _ at the party _?36. 昨天老师告诉我们用“start”造句。Our teacher _ us to _ a sentence _ start yesterday.37. 那些小孩子指着国王大叫:“他没有穿任何衣服”。Those _ _ _at the king and _ “ he _

9、 _ _ clothes.”38. -我可以把我的果汁带入书店吗?对不起,你不能。-Can I _ my juice _ the _?-Sorry, you cant.39. 你为什么打电话给我? 因为我想和你去购物中心。-Why did you _ _?- Because I _ _ go to the _ _ with you.40. 我们去年中秋节吃了月饼,但是没有赏月,因为那晚下雨了。We _ moon cakes last Mid-Autumn Festival. But we _ watch the moon, because it was _ that night. 41. 这两位男士给皇帝看了几件神奇的衣服。The two _ _ the king some _ clothes. 42. “禁止吸烟”意指我们不能在这里吸烟。“No _” _ we cant _ here.43. 我父亲喜欢读报纸,但他昨晚看了一本电子书。My father likes _ _, but he _ an _ yesterday evening.44. 小心!地面是湿的。Be _! the _ is _.45. 波比和山姆在山上远足。Bobby and Sam are _ _ _ on the mountain.

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