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高中英语 Unit 4 《Earth quakes》教案8 新人教版必修1.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 4 Earth quakes教案8 新人教版必修1Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences单词及短语部分 1against prep. 纵向归纳法: (1)表示反对关系 I will speak against anything I know to be wrong. Their whole life is a fight against poverty and unemployment. (2)(表示位置关系)靠着,顶着,迎着,衬着 A little piano stood against the wall. She pressed her fac

2、e against the glass. The picture looks good against that light wall. (3)预防,防备,准备时用 We are all taking medicine against the disease. (4)be against 反对 I knew she was against us. 违反,违背 It was against the law. 不利于 Almost everything was against him. 联系语境法: The pine trees were black _ the morning sky. Ain

3、Bto Cagainst Dunder 答案:C 根据语境,松树衬着天空。 2mass n. 纵向归纳法: (1)一堆,一团,一大块 There is a mass of stones in the yard. (2)大量,大批 There was a mass of children in the hall. Ive masses of work to do. 3used to 纵向归纳法: (1)used to do sth.过去常常(现在已不如此) We used to grow beautiful roses. 注意:否定句和疑问句有两种 You usednt to make that

4、 mistake. She didnt use(d)to do it, did she? You used to smoke a pipe, didnt you?/ use(d)nt you? (2)be used to +n./ doing 习惯于 I have always been used to hard work. He became used to such a diet. Im not used to treating patients this way. Im not used to being treated like this. (3)be used to do 被用来做

5、This knife is used to cut bread. 横向归纳法: 表示 “过去常常”时,used to与would区别 (1)would只强调过去常常,used to说明现在不是如此。 The old woman would sit there for hours doing nothing. (2)would只接行为动词,used to 可接行为动词和表状态的词。 There used to be a temple at the foot of the mountain. 联系语境法: I _ being treated like that. Adont used toBdid

6、nt used to Cam not used toDused to 答案:C 我不习惯于被人这样对待用be used to doing/ n.。 4cut down 纵向归纳法: (1)砍倒 If you cut down all the trees you will ruin the land. (2)减少,削减 I have decided to cut down my smoking. 横向归纳法: (1)cut up 破碎,切碎 They cut down the tree and cut it up for firewood. (2)cut off 切断,停掉 Our water

7、supply has been cut off again. 隔绝,挡住 The floods cut us off from our homes. 使电话中断 We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation. (3)cut in/ into pieces 把切成碎片 The vegetables should be cut into small pieces and dropped into the boiling water. 联系语境法: Is George trying to cut his weight_? Ao

8、ffBdown CupDthrough 答案: B cut down weight减少体重 5completely adv.完全地 The eighteenth century developed a completely new kind of novel. 纵向归纳法: (1)complete adj.完整的,全部的;完成的 Is this a complete story? When will the work on the new railway be complete? (2)complete v.完成 The workmen havent completed the house y

9、et. (3)completion n.(不可数)完成,结束 After the completion of the job the workman went home. 横向归纳法: complete 与finish表 “完成”时的区别 (1)complete 作及物动词, 只接n.或pron. The railway is not completed yet. (2)finish 不及物动词 I cant come till I have finished. 及物动词, 接n.或doing When did you finish your college course? I finishe

10、d reading the book last night. 6strike 纵向归纳法: (1)打,敲,击, 砍,打中,击中 He struck me with his fist. The house was struck by lightning. (2)发起进攻,袭击 He moved away as the animal struck. (3)撞,触(礁) His head struck the table as he fell. (4)擦(火柴) I struck a match and held it to his cigarette. (5)(某种想法法:)忽然出现,忽然想起 A

11、 happy thought struck her. (6)给人深刻印象(常用于被动语态) I was struck by her beauty. (7)罢工 They are striking for higher pay. (8)(钟)敲(响) We waited for the clock to strike six. 横向归纳法: (1)hit 打,敲, 击,击中,射中 He hit a ball over the fence. The stone hit the window. 使受到打击 The bad news hit every one hard. (2)beat 连续有节奏地

12、打,敲 He was beating a drum. The rain beat against the window. (心)跳动 His heart had stopped beating. (鸟翼)扑动 The bird beat its wings rapidly as it flew on. 打败,打赢,取胜 Our champion can beat all runners in the country. The difficulty has beaten him. 联系语境法: It was dark in the room so Robinson _ a match. Astr

13、uck Bburnt Cfired Dlit 答案:A strike a match划火柴, lit是light的过去式.可以说light a fire点火,light a candle点蜡烛。 7hand in 交上去(给老师或上级),交来(hand v.) Each student has to hand in a composition once a week. 横向比较法: (1)hand down 传下来,传给 Our father handed down these customs to us. (2)handto传给 They will hand the photograph t

14、o those who have not seen it. (3)hand out 发给大家,散发 The teacher handed out the books at the beginning of the lesson. 8seize vt. 纵向归纳法: (1)(突然)抓住 He seized her hand and shook it heartily. (2)夺取,攻占,没收,抓获 The soldiers seized the city. The weapons found in the house were seized by the police. (3)(用于引申意义)抓

15、住(机会等),理解(意思) She was quick to seize the meaning of his words. Robert seized an opportunity to speak to him alone. (4)seize hold of (突然)抓住 She seized hold of the child and pulled it back from the edge of the cliff. 综合运用法: _ the enemy spy, soldiers returned to their station. ASeizingBSeizedCHaving se

16、izedDHaving been seized 答案:C解答此题须综合运用分词知识,seize 是the soldiers发出的动作, 用现在分词,又因为此题要体现出先抓住敌人,然后返回的先后顺序,故用现在分词的完成时。 9struggle 纵向归纳法: (1)挣扎,奋力,作努力,斗争 They have struggled for years to free their country from the enemy. The people were struggling to get out of the burning house. (2)挣扎着走,费力地走 The sick man st

17、ruggled along the road to his home. (3)struggle against 和斗争,搏斗 We had to struggle against strong winds all the way home. (4)struggle for 为而斗争 The poor had to struggle for a living. (5)struggle with 和斗争 He has been struggling with illness in his life. He struggled with the mad man till help came. 联系语

18、境法: The children struggled _ the heavy snow. AtoBthrough ConDpast 答案:B 联系语境,费力地在大雪中走,through表示穿过。 10stand 纵向归纳法: (1)站着,站起来 stand on ones (own)feet/ legs 依靠自己,自主 After his father died,John had to stand on his own feet and earn his own living. stand on ones head/ hands倒立 The beggar stood on his head a

19、nd sang songs. (2)在(某处),位于(某处),存在 A little piano stood against the wall. A village stands at the foot of the hill. (3)忍受,经受 He could not stand that horrible English climate. 综合运用法: There _ several pine trees on the side of the hill. AisBlaid CstandsDstand 答案:D解此题须综合运用There be 句型的知识。There be 句型中be 可用

20、lie, stand, sit, flow 等词,根据语境表示不同的意思, 此题中主语是several pine trees,是复数, 应使用are或lie, stand等,laid是lay 的过去式,表放置或产卵,不符合题意。 11fear 纵向归纳法: (1)恐惧(多作不可数名词) They had no fear of Great Britain and France. His face was growing pale with fear. I couldnt move for fear. 忧虑,担心的事(可数) There is no reason for your fears. f

21、or fear of 由于怕,以防 He left an hour early for fear of missing his train. for fear (that)惟恐,怕的是,以防 She worried for fear that the child would be hurt. in fear of 害怕,担心 The thief was in fear of the police. (2)v.恐惧,害怕接n./pron. Cats fear big dogs. 恐惧,害怕,接to do Dont fear to tell the truth. 恐怕,担心,接从句 She fea

22、red that she might not find him in his room. 综合运用法: They spoke in a low voice _ waking up the sleeping child. Afor fear ofBin case Cfor fear thatDnot to 答案:A 解此题须综合运用非谓语动词知识和连词知识。B和C是连词,后接句子,D是不定式,接动词原形。for fear of 是介词短语,接动名词作宾语。 12fright n. 纵向归纳法: (1)惊吓,害怕(不可数) She was filled with fright at the sig

23、ht. (2)一次惊吓(可数) You gave me a fright by knocking so loudly at the door. (3)in fright 惊恐地,害怕地 The child turned and ran in fright from the growling dog. 纵向归纳法: (1)frighten vt.吓住,使惊吓 He left his gun outside so as not to frighten his wife. (2)frightful adj.可怕的 It was a frightful storm. 联系语境法: The boy wa

24、s _ by the noise of the explosion. Aafraid Bnervous Cfearful Dfrightened 答案: D be frightened by被吓着, afraid害怕的,常用be afraid of,nervous紧张的,fearful害怕的,常用be fearful of。 13must 表示肯定推测 纵向归纳法: (1)must + 表状态的动词原形, 表对现在的推测。 The man over there must be his headteacher. (2)must + be + doing (行为动词), 表对现在的推测。 The

25、boys must be reading in the classroom now. (3)must + have done,表对已经发生过的动作或事情的推测。 There must have been a quarrel between the couple. The boy must have read the book. He must have stayed up late last night. 注意:must表推测时的反意疑问句 (1)对现在的推测,be(not)+主语? The man over there must be his headteacher,isnt he? The

26、 boy must be reading in the classroom now,isnt he? (2)对已发生过的动作或事情的推测。 句中有明确的表过去的时间状语,did/ was(were)(not)+ 主语? He must have stayed up late last night,didnt he? 句中没有明确的表过去的时间状语,have(has)(not)+主语? The boy must have read the book,hasnt he? 横向比较法: must be doing与must do的区别: must be doing 表示对现在进行的动作的推测。 He

27、 must be sleeping now. must do 表示必须或一定要做某事。 He must do his homework now. 语法部分 限制性定语从句中关系代词的用法 纵向归纳法: 1关系代词在限制性定语从句中充当的成分 主语宾语定语指人who/thatwhom/thatwhose指物which/thatwhich/thatwhose人和物thatthatwhose2如何选用定语从句的关系代词 首先确定定语从句的先行词,然后把先行词带回到定语从句中,看其在定语从句中作什么成分,根据先行词是指人指物确定关系代词。 Where is the man_ was here? 先行词

28、是the man,把the man带回到定语从句中,构成完整的句子the man was there,句中the man作主语,且指人,故填who/that. 3注意: (1)定语从句中关系代词充当宾语时,可以省略。 (2)作宾语时,who可代替whom. (3)whose引导定语从句时,既可指人,又可指物。 Linda lives in the room whose window faces south. Do you know the girl whose mother is working in our school? 横向比较法: 1that与who (1)先行词是anyone和tho

29、se(指人)时,用who。 Id like to talk to anyone who speaks to me. (2)当主语是以who开头的疑问句时,用that。 Who is the girl that is sitting by the window? (3)先行词中既有人又有物时,用that。 2that与which (1)用that的情况: 先行词是指物的all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, few, much, none等不定代词。 There is still much that can be improv

30、ed. 先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little, much, neither等修饰。 Ive read all the books that were borrowed from the library. 先行词被the only, the very, the last, the next等修饰。 Hamlet is the very book that I want to read again. 先行词被形容词的最高级修饰。 Light blue is the best colour that suits her. 先行词被序数词修饰。 The first thing that we should do is to work out a plan. 前已有疑问代词时,为避免重复。 Which of the books that had pictures was not worth re

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