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美国校园俚语 TOEFL听力考试必备.docx

1、美国校园俚语 TOEFL听力考试必备美国校园俚语 (TOEFL听力考试必备)(3) 日期:2005-4-8 8:36:19 来源: 编辑: 28 字号选择 大 中 小 / 双击滚屏 单击停止 aceHes an ace reporter.MEANINGvery goodactionDo you know where the action is in this town?MEANINGexcitementairheadMy sisters boyfriend is a real airhead.MEANINGstupid personall wetYour ideas about politic

2、s are all wet.MEANINGcompletely wrongall-nighterI almost fell asleep during the test after an all-nighter.MEANINGafter studying all night.ammoThe gun was useless after the killer ran out of ammo.MEANINGammunitionantifreezeI really need some antifreeze in me on cold days like this.MEANINGliquorarmpit

3、This town is really an armpit.MEANINGundesirable placeawesomeWhat an awesome sunset.MEANINGgreatbarfHe barfed all over the seat of the airplane.MEANINGvomittedbashedThe boat was bashed beyond recognition.MEANINGcrushedbeatAfter working all day I am really beat.MEANINGexhaustedbeemerHe just bought a

4、new beemer to drive to work in.MEANINGB.M.W. carbenchHe was benched during the basketball playoffs.MEANINGtaken out of the gamebentIts OK. Dont get so bent.MEANINGangrybent out of shapeDont get so bent out of shape.MEANINGbecome upsetbig gunThe president brought two big guns to the meeting.MEANINGpo

5、werful peoplebig mouthShut up! You really have a big mouth.MEANINGtalk too muchbig stinkThe citizens made a big stink about the new nuclear power station.MEANINGbig issuebladeHe carried a ten inch blade with him.MEANINGknifeblimpI always seem to have a blimp sitting next to me when I travel.MEANINGv

6、ery fat personblowIm going to blow out of here now.MEANINGleaveblowHe blew all his money gambling.MEANINGlostblow a fuseHey, dont blow a fuse.MEANINGlose your temper.blow ones coolCalm down. Dont blow your cool.MEANINGbecome angryblown awayI was blown away by his donation of a million dollars.MEANIN

7、Ggreatly impressedbombThe movie was a bomb.MEANINGbadbombed The driver of the car was bombed.MEANINGintoxicatedbonkersI think I am going bonkers.MEANINGcrazyboo-booIf you make another boo-boo like that, you wont have a job.MEANINGmistakeboozeI promised to bring two bottles of booze to the party.MEAN

8、INGalcoholbreadI need some bread to pay for my car.MEANINGmoneybreakA lucky break helped him get the job.MEANINGopportunitybreak it upBreak it up, or I will call the police.MEANINGstopbring-downThe news of the airplane crash was a bring-down.MEANINGdepressingbuckDo you have a buck I can borrow?MEANI

9、NGdollarbummedI was really bummed after I heard the news.MEANINGdepressedbummerMy trip to New York was a bummer.MEANINGbad experiencebustThe whole idea was a bust.MEANINGfailurebuy itIf you dont slow down, youre going to buy it in a car accident.MEANINGdiecallThe weatherman made a good call about wh

10、en the storm would come. MEANINGpredictioncanDo you know where the can is?MEANINGbathroomcarbMy motorcycles carb is out of adjustment.MEANINGcarburetorcatch some raysIm going to lie on the beach and catch some rays.MEANINGget some sunshine.catch some ZsI need to catch some Zs before I go on my trip.

11、MEANINGget some sleepcheesyThat is really a cheesy looking outfit.MEANINGcheapchickenDont be a chicken.MEANINGcowardchintzyThat really was a chintzy present you got him.MEANINGcheapchow downI need to find a place to chow down.MEANINGeat a lotclipWatch out or they will clip you at that bar.MEANINGche

12、atclunkerI cant go on a date in that clunker.MEANINGold carcold fishMy date for the dance was a cold fish.MEANINGdullcollarI knew they would collar the robber sooner or later.MEANINGarrestcome up for airHe has to come up for air or he will die from exhaustion.MEANINGtake a breakconDont try to con me

13、.MEANINGdeceivecoolThis is a really cool place to work.MEANINGgoodcool downThings should cool down in a day or two.MEANINGcalm downcopHow did you get the road sign? I copped it.MEANINGrobbedcopThe cop showed me his badge.MEANINGpolicemancouch potatoHe is a couch potato.MEANINGlazy personcrack open a

14、 bottleLets crack open a bottle for his birthday.MEANINGopencramI need more time to cram for the test.MEANINGstudy hardcreamOur team creamed them badly.MEANINGbeatcroakI feel like I am going to croak.MEANINGdiecruiseThe skier was cruising down the hillMEANINGgoing very fastcuffsHe put the cuffs on t

15、he killer.MEANINGhandcuffscushyHe has a really cushy job.MEANINGeasycutCould you cut my whiskey with a little water?MEANINGdilutecut outIt is late. I have to cut out.MEANINGleavedamageLets get the bill and find out the damage.MEANINGcostdeadThis disco is really dead tonight.MEANINGquietdeckHe was de

16、cked in the fight.MEANINGknocked downdeep pocketsHer boyfriend has deep pockets.MEANINGis a good source of moneydiceySince the weather is a little dicey, I wont go today.MEANINGchancydirtyI hear that its a dirty movie.MEANINGan obsceneditchIll ditch my younger brother with my grandmother.MEANINGleav

17、edo a snow job onDont try to do a snow job on me.MEANINGdeceivedopeHe is such a dope.MEANINGstupid persondopeThere are a lot of dope dealers around here.MEANINGdrugdorkHe is such a dork.MEANINGstrange persondoughI need some dough before I can go Christmas shopping.MEANINGmoneydownLets go to a bar an

18、d down a few beers.MEANINGdrink quicklydragDoing homework on the weekend is a drag.MEANINGboringdynamiteThis drink is really dynamite.MEANINGpowerful; greatearfulMy grandmother gave me an earful about the neighborhood.MEANINGa lot of gossipeasy markThe Japanese are an easy mark because they usually

19、carry cash.MEANINGlikely victimseatThe problem is really eating away at me.MEANINGbothering美国校园俚语 (TOEFL听力考试必备)(2) 日期:2005-4-8 8:36:21 来源: 编辑: 41 字号选择 大 中 小 / 双击滚屏 单击停止 monkey bite: a kiss that leaves a mark on the skin. I dont want any monkey bites tonight, okay? munch out: to eat voraciously. Lets

20、 munch out on a large pizza! nada: nothing (from Spanish). I know nada about politics. neat: cool; great. Isnt my new car neat? noid: someone thats paranoid. Why are you so noid? nuke (1): nuclear weapon. This world had too many nukes. nuke (2): destroy; delete. Sorry, but I accidentally nuked your

21、e-mail message. nuke (3): cook something in the microwave oven. Can you nuke this frozen pizza for me? nut (1): odd or crazy person. Why are you always acting like a nut? nut (2): someone passionate about something. Im a nut about computers. nuts offensive: testicles. Kick he in the nuts! okay: dece

22、nt. My boss is an okay person. OK: decent. Tom is an okay person. pad: someones home. Can I sleep at your pad tonight? party: celebrate. Lets party tonight! party animal: someone that loves parties. Tom has been known to sometimes be a party animal. paws: hands. Get your paws off me! peanuts: very l

23、ittle money. I love my job, but the pay is peanuts. pee: to urinate. I always have to pee after drinking beer. pickled: drunk. He got pickled on vodka. pig out: eat too much. Tom is famous for pigging out on chocolate ice cream. piss: to urinate. My dog pissed on me! pissed (off): angry; upset. Im r

24、eally pissed (off) at you. plastered: drunk. Why does he always get plastered? pad: someones home. Can I sleep at your pad tonight? poop, the (1): knowledge; information. Whats the poop on Michael Jackson? poop offensive (2): defecation; shit. Be careful not to step on dog poop. poop out: get tired

25、and quit. I got pooped out after spending eight hours at Disneyland. pot (1): toilet. Whos on the pot? pot (2): marijuana. Its easy to buy pot in the big city. pro: someone whos good at something; professional. Shes really a pro at golf. psycho: crazy person. Stay away from that psycho! puke: vomit. Alcohol makes some people puke. pumped (up): excited. Im really pumped (up) about her! puss: the face. My girlfriend slapped me right on the puss. quarterback: leader. Tom is

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