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1、英语英语八年级英语下册任务型阅读训练word【英语】英语八年级英语下册任务型阅读训练(word)一、八年级英语下册任务型阅读专项练习(含答案解析)1阅读短文,回答问题。 When this story happened, they were working around a very large house. Their job was to do the cleaning. It was not a difficult job, but sometimes it was a little dangerous, because they had to walk below where work

2、men were working. These workmen often dropped something from the top of the house many meters high to the ground. One morning Joe was working near the house with a cigarette(烟) behind one of his ears. Suddenly somebody on the top shouted, Look out! But Joe did not look out. He looked up. And as he d

3、id so, a long knife missed Joes head, but it cut off one of his cars. At once he put his hand to one side of his head and cried out, Ive lost an ear. Help! Help! Jeff ran up to help his friend. Look for my ear, Joe told him. It must be on the ground somewhere. Jeff looked everywhere for the missing

4、ear. At last he found an ear on the ground. He picked it up and carried it to Joe. Here you are, he said, Ive found it. Joe looked at it. No, thats not my ear. He said, Mine had a cigarette behind it(1)What were Joe and Jeff? (2)How did Joe lose his ear? (3)At the end of the story, what did Jeff fin

5、d? (4)What do you think of Joe? (5)What is the title for this passage? 【答案】 (1)They were cleaners.(2)A falling long knife cut it off.(3)He found Joes ear.(4)He is silly.(5)A Lost Ear. 【解析】【分析】文章大意:这篇短文中作者主要描述了城市清洁工在工地上打扫卫生时的潜在危险:其中一名清洁工的耳朵被空中掉下来的一把刀砍掉。 (1)根据短文第一段第二句Their job was to do the cleaning可知

6、,他们两人是清洁工;故答案为:They were cleaners。 (2)根据短文第二段中And as he did so,a long knife missed Joes head,but it cut off one of his ears一句可知,乔的耳朵是被空中掉下来的一把刀砍掉的;故答案为:A falling knife cut it off。 (3)根据At last he found an ear on the ground可知Jeff 找到了乔的耳朵故答案为:He found Joes ear。 (4)根据短文最后乔的话语No,thats not my earhe said,

7、Mine had a cigarette behind it可知,他是比较愚笨的,耳朵都掉了香烟还能待在上面吗;故答案为:Heissilly。 (5)根据短文内容可知,本文描述的是城市清洁工在工地上打扫卫生时的潜在危险;结合本文的具体故事可知用一只丢失了的耳朵更形象,更能吸引读者;故答案为:A Lost Ear 。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言填写答案。在文章中找不到答案时,要完全理解句子,根据同义词,句型转换的方式找到可以替换文章中的单词,短语或者句子的词。2从方框中AE选项中选出符合各段意的小标题。 Friends important

8、to us. They make our lives more interesting and meaningful. If you want to have many good friends,you must be a good friends first. Do you know how? _ A dishonest person has no chance of having true friends. Most importantly, dont lie! _ Do what you say you are going to do. Never make a promise you

9、know you cant keep. Good friendship is based on trust-if you break a friends trust, he friendship may be over. _ If your friend tells you a secret, dont tell it to anyone else. Never say something bad about your friend behind his or her back. And dont let others say bad things about your friend. _ Y

10、ou dont have to agree with other people. Just listen to what they say. Dont always talk to them about your problems. Invite them to share their feelings with you more often. _ You should understand your friend if he/she wants to be alone or go out with other people. Friendship doesnt require that yo

11、u always have to be together. Always treat a friend as you want to be treated. be sincere and kind to everyone and you will be popular with people around you. A. Be honestB. Be loyal(忠诚的)C. Be a listenerD. Keep your promisesE. Give your friend space【答案】 A;D;B;C;E 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了怎么做才能有很多朋友。 A. Be hones

12、t要诚实B. Be loyal要忠诚C. Be a listener做个倾听者D. Keep your promises信守诺言E. Give your friend space给你的朋友空间 (1)根据 A dishonest person has no chance of having true friends. Most importantly, dont lie不诚实的人没有机会有真正的朋友。最重要的是别撒谎 ,可知应是Be honest要诚实,故选A。 (2)根据 Do what you say you are going to do. Never make a promise yo

13、u know you cant keep照你说的去做。永远不要承诺你知道你不能做的事情,可知应是Keep your promises信守诺言,故选D。 (3)根据 If your friend tells you a secret, dont tell it to anyone else. Never say something bad about your friend behind his or her back. And dont let others say bad things about your friend如果你的朋友告诉你一个秘密,不要告诉别人。永远不要在背后说你朋友的坏话。

14、不要让别人说你朋友的坏话,可知应是Be loyal要忠诚,故选B。 (4)根据 Just listen to what they say. Dont always talk to them about your problems听听他们说什么。不要总是和他们谈论你的问题,可知应是Be a listener做个倾听者,故选C。 (5)根据 You should understand your friend if he/she wants to be alone or go out with other people. Friendship doesnt require that you alwa

15、ys have to be together你应该理解你的朋友,如果他/她想独处或与其他人出去。友谊并不要求你们总是要在一起,可知应是Give your friend space给你的朋友空间,故选E。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,可以将整个文章首先浏览一遍,大概理解意思,找到可以匹配信息的选项。3下面是五位学生的问题及对应的建议(AE)。请将这些问题与建议配对。 A. If you are really interested in painting, you should tell your parents about it. You can tell them you will do much

16、 better in painting because Interest is the best teacher. B. I think you should eat less meat but more fruit and vegetables. And you should do exercise every day. It can help you lose weight and keep you healthy. C. It is not easy to make a friend, and it is even harder to keep friendship. You shoul

17、d know that it is normal(正常的)for friends to argue with each other. I think you could have a talk with your friend and find out whats going wrong. D. Why not try your best to take more exercise? Its good for your health. If you are strong enough, the illness will be away from you. E. A good way to re

18、member English words is to use them often. For example, you can read English stories every day. If you do this, you can remember English words much easier. (1)Its easy for me to have a cold because of the changeable(多变的)weather. If Im ill, I have to take medicine. I hate taking medicine. (2)I argued

19、 with my best friend yesterday. I was angry and disappointed. Should we go on to be friends with each other or end(结束)the friendship between us? (3)I love painting but my parents let me join the guitar club. I try my best to practice the guitar but I cant play it well. I want to learn painting. (4)I

20、m not good at English. My problem is:If I learn a new word today, Ill forget it tomorrow. Im very upset because I have a really bad memory(记忆力). (5)Im getting fatter and fatter. Im so fat that I have to rest after a few walks. How can I lose my weight(减肥)? 【答案】 (1)D(2)C(3)A(4)E(5)B 【解析】【分析】本文是给学生们的建

21、议。 (1)根据 Its easy for me to have a cold because of the changeable(多变的)weather. If Im ill, I have to take medicine. I hate taking medicine. 由于天气多变,我很容易感冒。如果我病了,我必须吃药。我讨厌吃药。可知应是Why not try your best to take more exercise? Its good for your health. If you are strong enough, the illness will be away fro

22、m you. 为什么不尽量多运动?这对你的健康有好处。如果你足够强壮,疾病就会离你而去,故选D。 (2)根据 I argued with my best friend yesterday. I was angry and disappointed. Should we go on to be friends with each other or end(结束)the friendship between us? 昨天我和我最好的朋友吵架了。我感到愤怒和失望。我们是继续做朋友呢,还是结束我们之间的友谊?可知应是 It is not easy to make a friend, and it is

23、 even harder to keep friendship. You should know that it is normal(正常的)for friends to argue with each other. I think you could have a talk with your friend and find out whats going wrong 交一个朋友不容易,保持友谊更是难。你应该知道,朋友之间争吵是很正常的。我想你可以和你的朋友谈谈,看看出了什么问题,故选C。 (3)根据 I love painting but my parents let me join th

24、e guitar club. I try my best to practice the guitar but I cant play it well. I want to learn painting. 我喜欢画画,但我父母让我参加了吉他俱乐部。我尽我所能来练习吉他但是我打不好。我想学画画,可知应是If you are really interested in painting, you should tell your parents about it. You can tell them you will do much better in painting because Intere

25、st is the best teacher如果你真的对绘画感兴趣,你应该告诉你的父母。你可以告诉他们你在绘画方面会做得更好,因为“兴趣是最好的老师 , 故选A。 (4)根据 Im not good at English. My problem is:If I learn a new word today, Ill forget it tomorrow. Im very upset because I have a really bad memory我英语不好。我的问题是:如果我今天学会一个新单词,我明天就会忘记它。我很难过,因为我的记忆力很差 ,可知应是A good way to remem

26、ber English words is to use them often. For example, you can read English stories every day. If you do this, you can remember English words much easier 记住英语单词的一个好方法是经常使用它们。例如,你可以每天读英语故事。如果你这样做,你可以更容易地记住英语单词 ,故选E。 (5)根据 Im getting fatter and fatter. Im so fat that I have to rest after a few walks. Ho

27、w can I lose my weight ,可知应是我认为你应该少吃肉,多吃水果和蔬菜。你应该每天做运动。它可以帮助你减肥和保持健康,与lose my weight呼应 , 故选B。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,可以将整个文章首先浏览一遍,大概理解意思,找到可以匹配信息的选项。4阅读下面文章,然后从文后所给的AE五个选项中选择正确的小标题,将其序号填入1-5题。答案均写在对应题号的横线上。 _ Develop an ear for that language. This means that you should always listen to what others are saying

28、and then repeat it. _ For everything that you have in your house, label(贴标签)its name in this language. You can place these labels in your living room, kitchen, and even the bathroom. You would be surprised by how quickly youve picked up so many new words by using this method. _ Find some books to re

29、ad. You will find it easier to read if you choose the ones that youre interested in. You should remember the useful phrases and beautiful sentences while reading. _ One of the best ways to learn a new language is to find a partner. So try to make more friends and find a partner to help you. You will

30、 find you can talk with others in that language more and more fluently(流利地). _ If all these methods cant help you, take some training classes. It may cost you a little bit of money, but they can really take your language learning to a new level. A. Do some readingB. Put labels on things you haveC. H

31、ave training classesD. Practice with a partnerE. Listen and repeat【答案】 E;B;A;D;C 【解析】【分析】主要讲了怎样提高语言学习。 A. Do some reading阅读。B. Put labels on things you have在你有的东西上放上标签。C. Have training classes上训练课。D. Practice with a partner和同伴练习。E. Listen and repeat听并且重复。 (1)根据This means that you should always listen to what others are saying and then repeat it.可知是听的同时要重复,故选E。 (2)根据For everything that you have in your house, label(贴标签)its name in this language.可知是在房间里有的东西上贴标签,故选B。 (3)根据Find some books to read.可知是找一些书读,故选A。 (4)根据One of the best ways to learn

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