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1、浙江省嘉兴市中考英语试题版2016年浙江省初中毕业升学考试(嘉兴卷)英语试题考生须知:1. 本试题卷分卷I(选择题)和卷II(非选择题)两部分,请考生使用规定用笔,将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。做在试题卷上无效。2. 全卷共8页,7大题。满分为120分。考试时间为100分钟。温馨提示:答题前请仔细阅读答题纸上的“注意事项”。卷 I注意:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分;共计25分)第一节:听小对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。

2、1. What fruit does Susan like best?. B. Oranges. . is the weather going to be like? . . . is the notebook? s s. s does Julia want to be? teacher driver. doctor. does the school bus leave? :00. 4:20 4:40第二节:听较长对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。听下面一段对话,回答第67两个小题。 does the conversation probably take place

3、? a cinema. a bookstore. C. In a restaurant. much should the man pay? yuan. yuan yuan.听下面一段对话,回答第810三个小题。 is Jack going to Los Angeles? visit some of his friends. have a businese meeting. watch a basketball match. will Jack go to Los Angeles? car. bus. subway. will Jack probably do in a traffic jam?

4、 to music. with friends. text messages.第三节:听独白,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,完成信息表。11. A. Law B. Health C. Safety 12. A. sports club B. police station centre13. A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Friday 14. A. idea sharing B. role playing C. video watching15. A. a movie ticket B. a cartoon book C. a set of postca

5、rds卷II 笔试部分(2016浙江嘉兴)二、完型填空 (本题有15小题,每小题1分;共计15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Brittany Amano wants to make sure every child in the US has enough to eat.Brittany Amano, now 18, knew how it felt to go hungry. Her mother tried to find a _16_ in Honolulu, Hawaii to support the family. Her grandmot

6、her helped out as much as she could. But the family _17_ had to depend on a local food bank to live on, and for that she was _18_. When they lost their home, Amanos family had to live in a friends basement (地下室). “I could feel how hunger and homelessness_19_ my family.” Amano told a reporter from TF

7、K. “The experience made me want to give _20_ to others in the same situation.”In fourth grade, she and some of her friends started a good project. They _21_ $ 700 and collected 800 pounds of food. _22_ twelve, Amano set up the un profit (非营利的)group Hawaiis Future Isnt Hungry. She hoped to raise $ 10

8、,000 _23_ she finished high school. She ended up raising more than $ 500,000 in four years.With the _24_ collected, the nonprofit group, now called The Future Isnt Hungry, can offer fresh fruits, vegetables, and other _25_ foods to school kids on Fridays. This is to make sure that the kids and _26_

9、families have enough food to get them _27_ the weekend. So far, the effort has helped more than 750,000 people.In the fall of this year, Amano will _28_ Duck University, in North Carolina on a full scholarship. After that, she plans to return to _29_ the city that gave her so much. “It doesnt matter

10、 if you help one million people _30_ just one person,” she says. “The smallest action can make a huge difference.”16. A. jobB. clubC. houseD. school17. A. yetB. stillC. justD. never18. A. carefulB. helpfulC. hopefulD. thankful19. A. satisfiedB. influencedC. developedD. managed20. A. hopeB. choiceC.

11、surpriseD. pleasure21. A. paidB. savedC. raisedD. borrowed22. A. ByB. AtC. UntilD. Below23. A. ifB. sinceC. whenD. because24. A. foodB. clothesC. booksD. money25. A. sweetB. healthyC. cheap D. delicious26. A. hisB. herC. theirD. our27. A. intoB. acrossC. alongD. through28. A. enterB. visitC. dropD.

12、leave29. A. set offB. clubC. give backD. come up30. A. orB. asC. butD. and【参考答案】1-5 ABDBA 5-10 CBCDB 10-15CDACA(2016浙江嘉兴)三、阅读理解 (本题由15小题,每小题2两分;共计30分) 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项选出最佳选项。ALeon was a postman. Every day wake up and feed his 37 cats. Leon didnt really want 37 cats, but one by one they had a

13、ppeared on his doorstep, and Leon had taken them in.Every day, after feeding the cats, Leon would collect the mail from the red postboxes in the village and take it home. “If only I had 37 helpers instead of 37 cats, my job would be so much easier, ” Leon thought. Just then, the cats started meowing

14、 for their dinner. That gave Leon an idea. That night, Leon worked late making 37 cat-sized postal backpacks. Then, he went around to each postbox, putting up signs that read: postbox closed! Please use the postal cat service.The next day, Leon put a backpack on each cat and dropped off the cats aro

15、und the village. Leon knew that the cats would be happy walking around all day. He also knew that they would always come home for dinner. Leon spent the day relaxing, waiting for his helpers to return. Leon was right. The cats did return, but they did not bring home many letters. Some got the letter

16、s wet. Some bit off the corners of the letters. Some even lost their backpacks. “”Cats are just too unreliable(不可靠的),” Leon thought.Just then, a strange sound came from the outside of Leons door. A dirty dog was waiting to be invited inside. That gave Leon an idea.31. In Paragraph 2, Leon _ that nig

17、ht.A. made postal backpacks B. put up a sign on each catC. had dinner with the cats D. collected letters in the village32. According to the last paragraph, we can infer(推断) that Leon would _. A. let the dog take a shower B. invite the dog to dinner C. make the dog work for him D. walk the dog around

18、 the village33. From the passage we know Leon was _. A. honest B. brave C. strict D. funny【参考答案】?31-33ACD(2016浙江嘉兴)BLuca Gramberini has been scuba diving since he was a kid. His family owns a scuba company. For the past three summers, Luca has added gardening to his underwater activities. He helps r

19、un Nemos Garden, a project to grow plants in the sea.From May through September, Luca and other divers are working on Nemos Garden in the Mediterranean Sea, 150 feet from the coast of Noli, Italy. Five large balloon-like objects, called biospheres(生物圈), hold plants such as beans and strawberries. Th

20、e biospheres are filled with air and placed 20 feet below the surface. “My father came up with the idea because he loves gardening very much,” Luca said.According to Luca, the sea is a good place to grow plants because underwater temperatures remain stable, changing little from day to night. The bio

21、spheres act like greenhouses. Inside the air-filled biospheres, fresh water keeps evaporating(蒸发), providing the plants with a good environment to grow in. “We have already seen the plants, grow faster and better,” Luca says. “And there are fewer storms that can knock down the biospheres during the

22、summer.”Luca hopes Nemos Garden will provide a new way of growing crops. “There is not enough land on the Earth,” he says. “And in many developing countries, bad conditions make it difficult for crops to grow.”Though the project has just started, Nemos Garden has achieved success and is moving to di

23、fferent areas. “Were going to try growing other plants.” Luca says. “We hope to set up biospheres in other countries. There are many possibilities.”34. Nemos Garden is a project to _. A. do scuba diving in the sea B. stop storms in the sea C. make fresh water from the sea D. grow plants under the wa

24、ter35. The underlined word “stable” in paragraph 3 means _ I Chinese. A. 平衡的 B. 正常的 C. 稳定的 D. 合适的36. The passage is probably taken from the _ part of a newspaper. A. travel B. science C. health D. sports37. The best title for this passage is _. A. Gardens in the sea B. Projects for summer activities

25、C. Plants in greenhouses D. Conditions for crop growing【参考答案】DCBA(2016浙江嘉兴)CSome English words have more than one meaning. These are called multi-meaning words.Multi-meaning words have the same pronunciation with different meanings. For example, lets look at the word “ball”. You could have a “ball”

26、which means you would have a good time. You could toss a “ball” which means you throw an object. You could be on the “ball” which means you know what is happening. You could go to a “ball” which means a dance._Take the word “can”. You “can” ride a bike which means you are able to ride a bike. You ha

27、ve a “can” of soup which means the soup is in a round-shaped holder. You can do the “can-can” which is a dance from the 1920s. And you might get “canned” if you do a poor job at work, which means you might lose your job.How about “fly”? You can “fly” an airplane or you can hit a “fly” that is on you

28、r food in your house. Or, you can “fly by the seat of your pants” which means you dont make a plan before taking an action. And, you know that the “fly” of a zipper(拉链)is the top part of the zipper.There are hundreds of words that are multi-meaning words. The word “set” has more meanings than any ot

29、her word in the English language. When you have time, why dont you try to think of all the ways the word “set” is used? If you look at the title of this book Can a Fly, Fly? . you know that the answer is “Yes” because you have seen an insect named a “fly” go up in the air and move around through the

30、 airwhich is what “fly” means. Can a Fly, Fly? Of course, it can!38. If Tom is often late for work and fails to finish his tasks, he will_ A. do the can-can B. get canned C. be on the ball D. go to a ball39. According to the passage, the word “_” has the most meanings in the English language. A. bal

31、l B. can C. set D. fly40. Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in paragraph 3? A. Lets try another word. B. Lets make a word list. C. Heres a survey report. D. Heres the guessing game.41. The writer writes the passage in order to _. A. tell a story about learning English words B. introduce a book on learning English words C. share an experience in learning English words D. present different pronunciations of the same word【参考答案】BCAB(2016浙江嘉兴)D Once, Louis the Twelfth, t

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