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1、英语经典小故事汇总66篇英语小故事在线阅读1. The Dog In The Manger(牛槽裡的狗) Once a dog was taking a nap in the manger of an ox. It was full of hay. But soon the ox came back from his work to the manger. He wanted to eat his own hay. Then the dog awoke, stood up and barked at the ox. The ox said to the dog, “Do you want to

2、 eat this hay, too?” “Of course not,” said the dog.“Then, go away and let me eat my own hay.” “Oh, no. You go away and let me sleep.”“What a selfish dog! He will neither eat the hay himself, nor let me eat it !” said the ox to himself.有一次一只狗正在打盹在马槽里的牛。它装满了干草。但是很快的牛回来,从他的作品占着茅坑不拉屎。他想要吃他的干草。然后狗醒了,站起来,

3、冲着牛,牛对狗说:“你想要吃草吗?”“当然不,”小狗回答。“那么,离开,让我吃自己的干草上。”“噢,不。你走了,让我睡的。”“一个自私的狗!他既不会吃干草自己,也不让我吃它!牛说:“自言自语。2.The Lion, The Bear And The Fox(獅子、熊與狐狸) Long ago a lion and a bear saw a kid. They sprang upon it at the same time. The lion said to the bear, “I caught this kid first, and so this is mine.” No, no, sai

4、d the bear.“I found it earlier than you, so this is mine.” And they fought long and fiercely. At last both of them got very tired and could no longer fight. A fox who hid himself behind a tree not far away and was watching the fight between the lion and the bear, came out and walked in between them,

5、 and ran off with the kid. The lion and the bear both saw the fox, but they could not even catch the fox. The lion said to the bear, “We have fought for nothing. That sly fox has got the kid away.” 很久以前,有一只狮子和一只熊看到一个孩子。他们把在它在同一时间内。狮子说到熊,我抓住了这个孩子第一,因此这是我的了。”“不,不,”说这只熊。“我发现它比你早,所以这是我的名片。“和他们打长而加剧。最后他们

6、两个都很累了,不再能战斗。一只狐狸谁躲在树后面不远之间的争斗,注视着狮子和熊的爪,出来、走在他们中间,而在前面跑,你的孩子。狮子和熊都错失了狐狸,但他们甚至不能抓住那只狐狸。狮子说到熊,我们奋斗的事情。那狡猾的狐狸有孩子走了。”3.The Boys And The Frogs(男孩與青蛙) One spring day some naughty boys were playing near a pond. They began to throw stones into the water. In the pond lived many frogs were much afraid of the

7、 boys, for the stones hurt some of the frogs. At last an old frog lifted his head out of the water and said, “Boys, please dont throw stones at us.” The boys said, “We are only playing.” “I know that, but please stop throwing stones, my boys. What is play to you is death to us,” said the old frog. S

8、o the boys stopped throwing stones and went away.春季的一天有些淘气的男孩子在附近一个池塘。他们开始扔石头跳入水中。在池塘里住着许多青蛙很怕男孩,因为石头伤害一些青蛙。最后一只老青蛙抬起他的头从水中跳出来,说:“弟兄们,请不要用石头打我们。”男孩说:“我们只是玩。“我知道,但请你不要再扔石头,我的男孩。什么是发挥你的只有死亡说:“对我们来说,旧的青蛙。所以,孩子们停止了投掷石块就走了。4.The Two Travelers(兩個旅人) Many years ago two men were traveling together They were

9、 walking along a road in the wood. Then they found a beautiful ax on the ground. One of them picked it up and said, “Look here have found an ax.” “Dont say I, but we have found the ax,” said the other “We are friends. We ought to share it between us.” “No,” said the first one, “I found the ax, so it

10、 is mine.” Soon after they heard someone running after them. They looked back. They found He called out, “Stop, thieves! Stop, thieves !” The first traveler said, “What shall we do? He is running after us. We shall be caught by him.” “Dont say we, but I shall be caught. You found the ax, and you say

11、 it is yours,” said the other, and left him alone. The first traveler tried to hide the ax, but he did not know where to hide it. And at last he was caught by the owner of the ax.许多年前两人一同旅行走的路在森林里。然后他们发现了一个非常漂亮的斧子在地面上。其中一个把它捡了起来,说:“你看这里发现手上拿着斧头。”“不要说我,但是我们已经找到了斧,”另一个说“我们是朋友。我们应该分享我们的关系。”“不,”第一个说,“我找

12、到了斧头,所以它是我的了。”不久他们听到有人追赶他们。他们回头。他们发现他喊:“停下来,小偷!停止,小偷!”第一个旅行者说,“我们怎么办呢?他正在追赶我们。我们会遇到他。“不要说我们,但是我将被抓到的。你找到了斧子,你说,这是你的,”另一个说,把他单独留下。第一个旅行者试图隐藏斧头,但他不知道到哪儿去藏身。最后,他被斧头的主人。5.The Ant And The Dove(螞蟻與鴿子) One day a little ant was walking along the bank of a stream. His foot slipped and he fell into the water.

13、 “Oh, help, help!” cried the ant. A dove was sitting on a branch of a tree over the stream and heard his cry of help. “Oh, poor ant!” said the dove. “I will help the ant.” The dove pulled off a leaf and dropped it near the ant. “Here is a leaf. Climb on it,” said the dove. The ant climbed on it at o

14、nce and floated to the bank. A few days after this a hunter found the dove and was going to shoot her. Just then the ant passed by and said to himself, “This time I must help the dove.” The ant ran to the hunter and bit his foot hard. The hunter sprang up and missed to shoot the dove. The dove said

15、to the ant, “Thank you very much, my little friend. You have saved my life,” and she could fly away happily.一天,一只小蚂蚁是沿著河岸散步的一条小溪。他的脚滑了一跤,他掉进了水里。“哦,救命啊!救命啊!“哭了蚂蚁。一只鸽子就坐在一棵树的树枝上,过河,又听见他的声音的帮助。“哦,可怜的蚂蚁。“鸽子说。“我将帮助蚂蚁。”鸽子撕下了一片树叶,掉在蚂蚁。“这是一片叶子上。爬到它,“鸽子说。蚂蚁爬上漂浮在一次,去银行了。几天后这一个猎人发现了鸽子,正准备拍她。这时蚂蚁经过,自言自语地说:“这一次我

16、必须帮助鸽子。“蚂蚁扑向猎人,并发狠地咬他。猎人跳起来,错过了去拍鸽子。鸽子对蚂蚁说:“非常感谢你,我的朋友。你救了我的命,”,她可以飞去了快乐。6. The Cock And The Jewel(公雞與寶石)One fine morning, a cock said to the hens and chickens, “Come, let us go out to find some food. We have not had our breakfast yet.” Then the cock began to dig the soft earth. Suddenly he cried, “

17、Look, look! I have found something strange. I wonder what it is. It is like a ball. But it is not a stone. It may be an egg of some bird.” The hens heard his cry and came around him. One of them said, “Dear me! This is not an egg, but a jewel. Someone has lost it.” A chicken asked, “Can we eat it?”

18、“No,” said the hen, “It is very precious to human beings, but it is of no use to us; we cannot eat it. Throw it away and try to find some worms. I want to have one worm than all the jewels in the world.”在一个晴朗的早晨,一只母鸡和鸡说:“来吧,让我们去找些东西吃。我们还没有吃早饭呢。”这时公鸡开始挖软土。他突然喊道:“快看,快看!我已经发现有些不对劲。我知道这是什么。这就像一个球。但是,这并不

19、是一个石头。它可以是一个鸡蛋的一些鸟儿。”母鸡喊叫断气,就跟著他。其中一人说:“亲爱的我!这不是一个鸡蛋,但一颗宝石。有人把它弄丢了。“一只鸡问道:“我们可以吃吗?“不,”母鸡说,这是非常珍贵的人,但它对于我们是没有用的,我们不能吃。把它丢掉,并且尝试寻找一些虫子。我想有一个虫子比世上所有宝石。”7.The Wolf and the Goat(狼與山羊) One day a wolf saw a goat on a high cliff. He was jumping to and fro and was grazing. The wolf wanted to eat him, but he

20、could not climb up there to catch him. So he said to the goat, “Good morning, my good friend Goat! Come down here! If you slip down the cliff, you will break your neck. And the grass is short and dry up there. Come down! The grass is long and tender here.” “Thank you, Mr. Wolf, but never mind. I am

21、used to playing here, and I like the grass here better. I would rather eat dry grass than be eaten by a wolf,” said the goat.一天,一只狼看见一只山羊的一处高崖上。他来回地跳,吃草。狼想吃掉他,但他也爬不上那里去抓住他。于是他说到山羊:“早上好,我的好朋友山羊!来到这里!如果你的悬崖上滑倒,你会拧断你的脖子。和草是短暂的,干了。”下来了!草长和温柔的在这里。”“谢谢你,狼先生,不过没关系。我习惯在这里比赛,而且我很喜欢这种草这里更好。我宁愿吃乾草比被一只母狼吃说道,“山羊

22、。8.The Hare and the Tortoise(野兔與烏龜) One day a hare met with a tortoise at the foot of a hill. “Hallo, little Tortoise! Where are you going? How short your legs are!” said the hare. “ I am going over to the hill. I am a slow runner, but I can run a race with you,” said the tortoise. “All right. Lets

23、run a race with you to the top of the hill,” said the hare. The hare and the tortoise started. The hare ran very fast. The hare said to himself, “ I can much faster than the tortoise, and I may have a little nap here.” So the hare lay down under a tree and was fast asleep. But the tortoise did not s

24、top for a moment. He walked on and on. At last he got to the top of the hill. The hare woke up and looked around, but he could not see the tortoise. He sprang up and ran as fast as he could. When the hare got to the top of the hill, he found the tortoise was resting there peacefully. The tortoise sa

25、id to the hare, “Now, Mr. Hare! Which was the faster runner, you or I?”一天,一只兔子遇到了一只乌龟一个山脚下。“喂,小乌龟!你去哪儿?你的腿是多么短暂!兔子说。“我要到山顶。我是一个缓慢的选手,但我可以和你赛跑,他说:“乌龟。“好吧。让我们赛跑和你一起带到山顶了,”兔子说。兔子和乌龟开始。兔子跑得很快。兔子自言自语地说,“我可以远远超过乌龟,我可能有点绒毛在这里。”所以野兔躺在一棵树上,睡得很香。但是乌龟没有停下来一会。他不停地向前走。最后,他到达了山顶。等兔子一觉醒来,环顾四周看了看,但是他看不到乌龟。他跳起来,尽其所能

26、地奔跑。当兔子到达山顶时,他发现乌龟在那里平静地休息。乌龟兔子说,“现在,兔子先生!更快的选手,你或我吗?”9.The Lion and the Mouse(獅子與老鼠) Once a great lion was sleeping in a wood. A little mouse happened to come and ran over his face. The lion awoke and caught the little mouse in anger, and was going to kill her. “ Oh, dear kind Lion!” Said the littl

27、e mouse. Please forgive me. I didnt mean to do you any harm. Let me go. I shall return your kindness. Ha, ha, ha, laughed the lion. How can a little thing like you help a great lion? Thank you very much, kind Lion! I hope I shall be able to do you a good return some day, said the little mouse. Some

28、time after this, the lion was caught in a trap. Just then the little mouse came along. At once she ran up to the lion, and said, You were very kind to me once. Now Ill save your life, and repay you the kindness which you showed me the other day. Soon she gnawed the ropes of the trap with her sharp t

29、eeth, and the lion was happy to be free again. Thank you, little Mouse! said the lion, and he walked away.一旦一个大狮子是睡在一个木头。一只小老鼠碰巧来跑在他的脸上。狮子醒了,抓住小老鼠在怒气,要杀了她。“噢,天哪类狮子!小老鼠说。“请原谅我。我不是有意要你造成任何伤害。让我走。我将还你的好意。”“哈哈哈,”鱼先生大笑起来的狮子。如何能像你这样的小事情帮助一个大狮子吗?“非常谢谢你,善良的狮子!我希望我能给你带来很好的回报的某天,小老鼠说。一段时间以后,狮子被在陷阱里。就在这时,小老鼠走了

30、过来。她立刻跑到狮子,说道:“你是非常客气的对我一次。现在我要救你一命,报答你的好心,你给我看了其他的一天。“不久她咬陷阱的绳子和她的锋利的牙齿,狮子很高兴重新获得自由。谢谢你,小老鼠!“狮子说,他走开了。10.The Trees and the Ax(樹與斧頭) Once upon a time a man came into a forest. He said to the trees, “Will you give me a piece of hard wood ?” The tree said, “Yes, well give you a good price of hard wood

31、.” He was very glad to get a good piece of wood. He hurried home with it. At once he made a new handle of his ax. Then he went to the forest again and began to cut down all the best trees in the forest. The trees were very sad. They said to one another, “We suffer for our own foolishness.”很久以前,一个男人走进一片森林。他说到树”,你会给我一块硬木材吗?”树说,“是的,我们会给你一个好价钱坚硬的木头。”他很高兴得到一个好的片的木头。他急忙赶回家。他立刻就创造了一个新的处理他的鱿鱼。然后他去森林又开始砍掉了所有最好的树在森林里。树都很伤心。他们彼此商量说:“我们忍受了自己的愚蠢。”11.The

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