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1、二级单项选择1.He is _ a writer.A. failure as B. a failure as C. the failure for D. a failure with2. can you come on Monday or Tuesday? Im afraid _ day is possible.A. either B. neither C. any D. some3.Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge. I cant remember _.A. where B. there C. which D. what4.In

2、the centuries _, Egypt became one of the most advanced civilizations on earth.A. followed B. tat was followed C. which was following D. which followed5.To enter his house is like _ a small museum.A. to enter B. entering C. entered D. enter6.The local government cut down their costs _ 30 percent.A. a

3、t B. by C. for D. with7.Im reading his _ novel.A. best-selling B. best-sold C. best-sale D. best-sell8.Its rude of you to shout _ the room.A. beyond B. through C. across D. over9.People are more likely to stay _ 30 miles of _ they were born.A. in where B. at what C. within what D. within where10.Aft

4、er searching for half an hour, she realized that her glasses _ on the table all the time.A. were lain B. had been lain C. have been lying D. had been lying11.Facts show that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs _ directed.A . like B. as C. which D. so12.I walked too much yesterday and

5、 _ are still aching now.A. my leg muscles B. my muscles of legC. my legs muscles D. my muscles of the leg13.He will have _ 30 by the end of this year.A. turned B. become C. got D. taken14.Macao _ its return to China in December, 1999.A. watched B. found C. saw D. noticed15.This hotel _ $60 for a sin

6、gle room with bath.A. charges B. demands C. prices D. claims1.B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. B 6.B 7.A 8. C 9. D 10.D 11.B 12.A 13. A 14. C 15.A1. I know nothing about him_he is an engineer. Aexcept that Bexcept but Cbesides Dexcept for 2. _ me the key - youre in no fit state to drive. ATo give BGiving CGive D

7、Given 3. Before building a house, you will have to_ the governments permission. Aget from Bfollow Creceive Dask for 4. I hate_ when theres no computer in the office. A that Bthis Cthem D it 5._I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger. AlAs long as BAs far as CJust as DE

8、ven if 6. All the leading newspapers_the trade talks between China and the USA. Areported Bprinted Cannounced Dpublished 7. I dont think they will come tonight. Its._ impossible. Avery Bquite Cmuch Dmost 8. Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against the laws get parents Awor

9、ried Bto worry Cworrying Dworry 9. I dont think he will come to our party,_? Awill he Bwont he Cdoes he Ddo I 10. We wont give_even if we should fail ten times. Ain Bup Caway Doff 11. -Sorry, am I in your way? Ill move. -_. AOh, well done! BWell, thats my pleasure. CGo ahead. DThank you for your kin

10、dness. 12. Tom kept quiet about the accident _lose his job. Aso not as to Bso as to not Cso as not to Dnot SO as to 13. Though Mary continued working, she kept looking at the clock_, thinking of her sick baby in hospital. Aall the time Bat once Cafter a while Dfor a moment 14. Not knowing the langua

11、ge of the country he was visiting, John had a hard time making himself_. Aunderstand Bunderstood C understanding D being understood 15. If you spend _ time with a baby long enough, youll get _ feeling for how the baby is feeling. Aa; a B/; a Cthe the Dthe; /Acddb abaab dcabb1-Your sister looks beaut

12、iful. Is she a model or a film star -_. Shes a doctor.AWhatever you sayBForget about itCYou betDFar from it2I11 send you my address_ I find somewhere to live.AalthoughBasCwhileDonce3-Who is late this time -_you ask Susan, of course.ACouldBCanCNeedDWould4Mack is very busy; he is a full-time student,

13、while_ a part-time job.Ato holdBbeing heldCheldDholding5-Harry treats his secretary badly. -Yes, he seems to think that shes the_ important person in the office.AlessBleastCmoreDmost6.Alice was about to_, when she suddenly found an answer to the question.Amake upBlook upCturn upDgive up7It was a big

14、 celebration-_people gathered at the city square.Afive thousandsBfive thousandCthousandsDthousand of8_ if hed ever been fined before, Mathew replied, Only for speeding. AAskingBAskedCTo askDHaving asked9Although it was not named_ 1782,this kind of metal was used as early as 5300 B.C.AforBinCuntilDsi

15、nce10Just think, in three months itll be summer again.AotherBanotherCtheseDthose11.Tony couldnt go to university but_ his education through evening school courses.Ahas continuedBcontinuedCcontinuesDhad continued12It is said that Sallys been painting for years since she was a little girl,_Aisnt sheBh

16、asnt itChasnt sheDdoesnt it13-Do you mind if I smoke -Well, actually,_. AId rather you didntBgo aheadCit doesnt workDnever mind14John and Sue_ computer games for hours before their parents came home from work.Aare playingBhave been playingCplayedDhad been playing15Please give me more time;_ I shall not be able to finish the paper by next Monday.AmeanwhileBthereforeCotherwiseDstill1-5DDBDB6-10DBBCB11-15BCADC

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