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1、初中英语情态动词练习题初中英语情态动词练习题1、-Where are you going this summer holiday?-I_go to Canada,but Im not sure、A、can B、may C、must2、 Reading a large number of books_make us wiser、The more we read,the more we know、 A、can B、would C、need3、 Look!The traffic light has turned red、We_stop our car、 A、can B、cant C、must D、m

2、ustnt4、Will Karen come to our party?She hasnt decided yet、She_come、 A、need B、must C、may D、has to5、 As middle school students,we_be afraid of difficulties if we want to make our dreams come true、 A、must B、shouldnt C、need6、 Mr、Wang,must I come again to clean the classroom on Sunday?No,you_、I have aske

3、d Kate to do it、 A、cant B、mustnt C、neednt D、shouldnt7、 Cars,buses,bikes and people_stop when the traffic lights red、 A、can B、may C、must8、 Doctor Wang,Im feeling much better、Must I go on taking the medicine?No,you_、Youll get well soon、 A、cant B、mustnt C、neednt9、_I use your dictionary?Of course、But pl

4、ease return it to me before you leave、 A、Must B、Need C、May10、 You _park here!Look at the sign、It says“No parking”、Sorry,I didnt notice that sign just now、 A、wont B、neednt C、mustnt D、couldnt11、Whos singing in the garden?It_be Mr、brown、He always practices singing at this time、 A、must B、cant C、need12、

5、Is David coming by train?He should,but he_not、He likes driving his car、 A、can B、need C、must D、may13、_I know by what time you want the project to be done?-By the day after tomorrow、_you finish it on time? A、May;Can B、Must;Need C、Could;Must D、Need;Would14、 Excuse me,may Ikeep the book a little longer?

6、Sorry、You _return it today、 A、must B、mustnt C、can D、cant15、 If you_smoke,please go outside、 A、can B、may C、must D、might16、 Is that Kates car?It_be hers、She has just gong for a meeting、 A、can B、should C、mustnt D、may17、 Is the Kates car?No,it_behim、Hes in New York now、 A、cant B、mustnt C、neednt D、may no

7、t18、 Where is Jenny?Im not sure、She_in the school library、 A、maybe B、must be C、may be D、will be19、 Hate cannot drive out hate;only love_do that、Martin Luther King,Jr、 A、can B、must C、should20、 “Whose T-shirt is this?” “It_Johns、Its much too small for him、” A、might B、cant C、neednt21、I_follow you、Would

8、 you please repeat it? A、cant B、mustnt C、neednt D、shshouldt22、 We_pay to get into the concert、 Its free、A、can;t B、mustnt C、might not D、 dont have to23、 You can hardly imagine the pleasure of talking on the Wechat(微信)、- Really? But it _cause you mush trouble if somebody gets your personal information

9、、 A、may B、need C、has to24、_you sing an English song?Yes,I can、A、Can B、 May C、Must D、Need25、You _drive your car so fast、Its very dangerous、A、wouldnt B、shouldnt C、couldnt D、mightnt26、 Must I finish my homework now?No,you_、You can go home now、A、neednt B、mustnt C、 shouldnt D、cant27、 There is such a big

10、noise that I_hear you very well、A、mustnt B、neednt C/shouldnt D、cant28、 If you_go,at least wait until the rain stops、Acan B、may C、must D、will29、 From March23rd,xx,anyone under the age of14_go into Disneys US parks alone、A、couldnt B、mustnt C、neednt D、mightnt30、 Pauline has lost her phone、No、Its in her

11、 bag、I_hear it、A、must B、can C、may D、shall31、honey,stay home before I return、I_,mum、A、must B、can C、will D、should32、 Whos the man over there? Is it Mr、Black?It_be him、Hes much taller、A、may not B、cant C、will not D、mustnt33、_I help you,sir?Yes、I want a T-shirt、A、Can B、Should C、Must D、Would34、 Whose book

12、 is this?It_our geography teachers、You see,his name is on it、 A、cant be B、can be C、mustn;t be D、must be35、 Look at the boy playing basletball on the ground、 Is it George?It_be him He told me he would play basketball afterclass,but hes not sure、 A、mustnt B、must C、can;t D、may36、 The lady in this bhoto

13、_be ober fifty! She looks so young! A、mustnt B、must C、can;t D、can37、 I hear youve got a new iPhone4S、_I have a look?Yes,certainly、 A、May B、Do C,、Shall D、Should38、 What do you want to eat for lunch? I will prepare earlier today、Honey,you_、Lets go out to have something different、 A、mustn;t B、can;t C、s

14、houldnt D、don;t have to39、 Theres enough time for you to go the airport、You_hurry now、 A、should B、neednt C、must D、cant40、 You_jump onto a bus while it is still mobbing、It is too dangerous、 A、can B、must C、cant D、mustnt41、-_I do the laundry first?No,you_、You can your homework first、 A、Must;mustnt B、Ca

15、n;mustnt C、Must;neednt D、May;neednt42、 Last year I_driver、I used to take the bus、 A、could B、couldnt C、should D、shouldnt43、_I try on those shoes in the window?_、They are just on show、 A、Could;Yes,you can B、Can;Sorry,you couldnt C、Colued;Sorry,you cant D、Can;Yes,you colued44、 Have you decided which se

16、nior high school to choose?Not yet、I_go to Moonlight School、 A、must B、may C、need D、should45、 Win the help of the new technology,you_e-mail your friends bymobile phone、 A、can B、must C、need D、should46、 Look,She is over there、That_be her、She is in Canada now、A、mustnt B、cant C、neednt D、wont47、 You_alway

17、s be careful with fire、Its dangerous、 A、can B、cant C、must D、mustnt48、 Must I return the book this week?No,you_、You can_if for20 days、 A、mustnt;keep B、neednt;borrow C、neednt;keep C、mustnt;borrow49、 The magazine_be Lilys,for we can find her name on the cover、 A、may B、might C、could D、must50、 Dad,can I

18、go to the mobies tonight?Sure,but you_come bake home befor9 ocloek、 A、can B、must C、may D、might51、Must we leave now?No,we_、We still have two more hours、 A、cant B、mustnt C、neednt D、shouldnt52、 I_keep dogs for protection,but now I keep them as psts、 A、would rather B、had better C、used to D、have to53、 I

19、cant go to the cinema wite you because I_stay here until my mother comes back、 A、can B、could C、may D、must54、 May I take the magazine out of the reading room?No,you cant、You_read it here、Its the rule、 A、must B、would C、may D、might55、 Peter doesnt mind lending you his camera、He_、Ive already borrowed one、 A、neednt B、cant C、mustnt D、shouldnt56、 Wheres David?He_be in the playground because he is fond of playing baksetaball、 A、will B、may C、cant D、mustnt

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