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1、泛读教程第三册答案 Keys to Reading Course 3 Unit 1 Reading StrategiesSection AWord Pretest1-5. BCBBB Reading Skill2-5. CBCA 6-9. BBAAVocabulary Building1.a. practicable/practical b. practice c. practices d. practicable/practical e. practiceda. worthless b. worthy c. worthwhile d. worth e. wortha. vary b. var

2、iety c. variation d. various/varied e. Variousa. absorbing b. absorbed c. absorb d. absorption e. absorbent2.1. a. effective b. efficient c. effective2. a. technology b. technique3. a. middle b. medium c. mediumClozegoing/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answerspredictions/expectation

3、s tell know/foretell end develop/present worthSection B1-5. TFTTC 6-10. BCCTF 11-14: FCAAC 16-17: CASection C1-5. FFTFF 6-8. TTT Unit 2 EducationSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABACC 6-8. ABAReading Skill4-6. CBB 1-6. FTFFTTVocabulary Building 2. preference 3. aimlessly 4. remarkable/marked 5. decisive 7.

4、 fiery 8. physically 9. action 10. housing2.1. a. aptitude b. attitude2. a. account b. counted c. counted3. a. talent b. intelligenceClozeother just/only has some/many than refuse see/know/understandthat without If ready/willing/educated/taught wrong/incorrect/erroneousSection B1-5. ACCCC 6-10. CCCA

5、C 11-14: BABASection C1-6. CCDDAC Unit 3 Body LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABCCB 6-9. DCDCReading Skill2-5. BABC 6-10. ACCBCVocabulary BuildingUse of English1. Noun Verb Adjective Adverbadmission admit admissible admissiblyreliance rely reliable reliablydefinition define definite definitelyassu

6、mption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglybehavior behave behavioral behaviorallyvariety vary various/varied variously/variedlypart/partiality part partial partiallymanager/management manage managerial manageriallycorrelation correlate correlative correlativelyadaption/adaptation adapt adap

7、tive adaptively2.1. a. inspired b. aspired c. inspired2. a. token b. badges c. token3. a. contemporaries b. temporary c. contemporaryClozecommunicate ways/meansBABBA 6-10. CFFTT 11-15: TFCCBSection C1-5. BBDDB 6-10. CCAFF 11-14. TFFT Unit 4 AnimalsSection AWord Pretest1-5. CACAA 6-10. BBBCCReading S

8、kill 6-10. BCCAAVocabulary Building1.1. moist 2. betrayal 3. exclusively 4. inhumane 5. amazed/amazing 6.endangered 7. marvels 8. deadly2.1. a. dessert b. deserted2. a. favorite b. favorable c. favorable3. a. awarded b. reward c. awardedClozeparents idea at/by seen landmarks instance/example migrate

9、guide/direct pole effect/influence It/This if/whether experimentsSection B1-5. CCBFT 6-10. FBCAC 11-15: CBACCSection C1-5. FFTFF 6-10. FTTFT Unit 5 HistorySection AWord Pretest1-5. CAABC 6-9. ACCCReading Skill 1-6. FFTFTTVocabulary Building1.Noun Verb Adjective Adverbassumption assume assumed / assu

10、ming assumedly / assumingly acknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedlyreflection reflect reflective reflectivelydomination dominate dominant dominantly category categorize categorical categoricallyimplication imply implicative implicatively reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringly d

11、efinition define definite definitely2.1. a. Historical b. history2. a. rejected b. resist3. a. test/analyze b. analyzeClozeexisted/appeared over head/brain body found languageuse/value/significance/important single passed ahead survival/existenceSection B1-5. CABCB 6-10. BTTTF 11-15: TTCACSection C1

12、-5. BBAAA 6-8. CBCUnit 6 LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-5. CACBA 6-12. BACABABReading Skill 6-10. CACCAVocabulary Buildingavailability avail available availably conquest conquer Conquering / conquered Conqueringly luxury luxuriate luxurious Luxuriously origin originate original originally occurrence

13、 occur occurrent system systematize Systematical / systematic systematically phonology phonological Phonologically decision decide decided/decisive decidedly / decisively variety vary various variously superiority superior Superiorly2.1. a. peculiar b. particular c. particular2. a. assess b. access

14、c. access3. a. resources b. source c. sourcesClozesex Men differs compliment/word complimenting causes makeslanguages have outside understood have use circle/world/fieldSection B1-5. CABBA 6-10. CBCCC 11-17: CBACCBASection C1-5. BBCAB 6-8. BACCBUnit 7 SpaceSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABABC 6-8. BACRea

15、ding Skill 6-8. BCBVocabulary Building1. deduced 2. behavior 3. adhere 4. replacement 5. option 6. delicacy 7.enormous 8. pursuit2.1. a. inquired b. required c. inquire d. required2. a. compatible b. comparable c. compatible d. comparableClozesatellite some space asked/wondered life sort/kind orbiti

16、ng/going/circlinghave living were believe own solar where likely livingthroughSection B1-5. FTFFT 6-10. TTTTF 11-15: FFBBC 16-18. ACCSection C1-5. BCBCC 6-8. AED1-6. EBAFDCUnit 8 WomenSection AWord Pretest1-5. BCABC 6-10. BBCCAReading Skill1-5. CBABC 6-10. BCCCCVocabulary Buildingoccupataion, occupy

17、, occupational, occupationally segregation, segregate, segregated discrimination, discriminate, discriminating / discriminatory, discriminatingly / discriminatorily enforcement, enforce, enforceable, enforceably exclusion, exclude, exclusive, exclusively perseverance, persevere, persevering,persever

18、ingly conviction, convict, convictive, convictively amendment, amend, amendable superficiality, superficialize, superficial, superficially spectator, spectate, spectatorial 2.1. a. job b. career c. jobs d. career2. a. principal b. principles c. principle d. principle3. a. feminine b. female c. femin

19、ineClozeacceptable domestic property wages husband divorce claims legalsuit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determinedSection B1-5. BACCC 6-10. CACCC 11-15. AABBA 16-19. CTTFSection CUnit 9 CitiesSection AWord Pretest1-5. BAABC 6-10. ACBBAReading Skill1-5. CACCB 6-12. BBBBACBVocabulary Build

20、ing1.1. typifies 2. dominant 3. familial 4. competitive 5. vibrate 6. descended7. departure 8. boom 9. countless 10. symbolizes2.1. a. recreation b. recreate c. recreation2. a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythmClozesea within of divides built/constructed/completed celebrated inside/inattract toget

21、her whenSection B1-5. FTFTT 6-10. CCBBC 11-17. BAACCACSection C1-5. BAACA 6-10. BCCCCUnit 10 Cross-cultural CommunicationSection AWord Pretest1-5. CABCB 6-10. BBBABReading Skill1-5. CBCAC 6-10. CCABBVocabulary Buildingconsequence, consequent / consequential, consequently / consequentially sophistica

22、tiion, sophisticate, sophisticated, sophisticatedly reference, refer, referable, referably conversation, converse, conversational, conversationally space, space, spatial/spacious, spatially/spaciously detachment, detach, detachable/detached, detachably/detachedly intervention, intervene, intervening

23、 type, typify, typical, typicall 2.1. a. assure b. ensure c. assured d. ensure2. a. arises b. raised c. rise d. raised e. arisen3. a. clue b. cues c. clue d. cueClozewell separating/isolating is own close need look order respectfpllow prior sign/cue help was/were elseSection B1-5. BBCTT 6-10FBCAC 11

24、-15. ACTFFSection C1-8. TFFTFFFFUnit 11 Information RetrievalSection AWord Pretest1-5. ACBCB 6-8. ABBReading Skill1-5. BCBAC 6-10. CCCCCVocabulary Buildinginformation, inform, informative, informatively specification, specify, specific, specifically addition, add, additional /additive, additionally

25、/ additively specialty, specialize, special, speciallynarration, narrate, narrative, narratively extension, extend, exxtensive, extensively origin, originate, original, originally explosion, explode, explosive, explosively ambiguity, , ambiguous, ambiguously establishment, establish, established 1.

26、extension 2. ambiguity 3. original 4. specified 5. additional 7. explosion 8. information 9. specialized 10. narrative 2.1. a. transform b. transferred c. transferred d. transformed2. a. lonely b. alone c. lonely d. aloneClozelibrary amounted own burned/destroyed by countries sendsuggestion/proposal

27、 librarySection B1-5. ACBCB 6-10. ACCAC 11-17. ABABBABSection C1-5. BCACC 6-10. CBCCCUnit 12 EnvironmentSection AWord Pretest1-5. CCBBC 6-12. AACCCBAReading Skill1-5. CABBC 6-10. CBBVocabulary Building1.1. reaction 2. mass 3. polluting 4. planetary 5. suspicious 6. alarming 7.emitted 8. emerged2.1.

28、a. warned b. threatened2. a. spread b. spread c. sprayed3. a. emergency b. emergenceClozesolve communities creative prevention disposal resources recyclingwaste increase place measures amountSection B1-5. FFTTB 6-10. CACFT 11-18. FFABCCBCSection C1-8. BCAACCBCUnit 13 MedicineSection AVocabulary Buil

29、ding: ,symptomize,symptomatic,symptomatically longing, long, longing, longingly addition, add, additional/additive, additionally / additively manifestation, manifest, manifest, manifestly depression, depress, depressed / depressing, depressedly / depressingly invariability, , invariable, invariably

30、separation, separate, separate, separately condemnation,condemn,condemnable,condemnably imagination, imagine, imaginary, imaginarily affection, affect, affecting, afeectingly 2. 1. remedies, recipe, remedy, recipe 2. alternate, altered, alternate, alter 3. acknowledged, knowledge, acknowledged Cloze

31、 Step, acknowledge, prevent, essential, physician, due, physical, psychosomatic, disease, confidence, symptoms, thorough, emotional, upsetting Section B CBCAB CBBCB ABCAC Section C TFFFT FTFFF Unit 14 EvolutionSection A Vocabulary Building: 1. reluctant, evolution, atrributed, catastrophic, assoicate, indifferent,

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