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1、仁爱版七年级英语知识点全 七年级上册Unit 1 Making New FriendsTopic 1 Welcome to China!重点:1. 字母(1)26个英语字母的大小写形式(2)5个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 2. 交际英语 (1)Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! 早上好! 下午好! 晚上好! 晚安! (2)Thank you.=Thanks.谢谢。 (3)Hello/Hi! Hel

2、lo/Hi! 你好! (4)How do you do How do you do 你好!(初次见面) (5)How are you 你好! Im fine(OK),thank you (thanks).我很好,谢谢!(6)Nice to meet /see you.见到你很高兴。Nice to meet/see you,too。见到你也很高兴。(7)See you later.再见。 Good bye.再见。See you. Good bye./Bye-bye./Bye.3. 短语 (1)welcome to 欢迎到.4. 句型(1)I am you Michael我是康康。你是迈克尔吗 Y

3、es,I am.是的,我是。/No,Im not.不,我不是。(2)This is Michael. 这是迈克尔。 This is Miss Wang. 这是王老师。 This is +人/物 用来给对方介绍人或者物等。5. 语法Be动词I用am, You用are,is跟着他她它;单数用is,复数就用are;变疑问,提前它;变否定,更容易,be后not加上去;疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫忘记,句末问号莫忘记。Topic 2 Where are you from重点:1. 短语(1) Excuse me 打扰了(请问、劳驾)常常用于句首(2) telephone number 电话号码(3) be

4、 from 来自=come from2. 句型(1) Whats your name你叫什么名字My name is . / I am. 我叫.。(2) Where are/is you/she(he) from 你/她(他)来自哪里Im /She(he) is from .我/她(他)来自。(3) Who is she/he她/他是谁She/He is . 她/他是.。(4) Who are they他们是谁They are 他们是.。(5) Whats your telephone number你的电话是多少My telephone number is .我的电话号码是.3. 010数字的

5、读写说听4. 语法主格人称代词(I, we, you, you, he, she, they)要分清第一人称,第二人称以及第三人称的单复数人称代词的主格形式。5. 掌握缩写词(如isnt =is not arent=are not hes=he is whatt=what is )Topic 3 What class are you in 重点:1. 短语(1) year(s) old .岁(2) in English 用英语(注意:用什么语言是用的in +语言)(3) phone number=telephone number 电话号码(4) in the same class 在同一个班级

6、里(5) good friend 好朋友(6) junior high school 初中(7) senior high school 高中(8) school things 学习用具2. 句型(1) How old are you 你多大了Im . (years old). 我.岁。(2) What class are you in 你在哪个班Im in Class 我在班。(3) What grade are you in你在几年级Im in Grade . 我在年级。注意:如果说要一句话表达完整说“我在几年级几班。”就应该这样表达:Im in Class,Grade .特别注意回答时cl

7、ass,grade和后面的数字单词的首字母都要大写。(4) Whos this这是谁 Whos that那是谁Whats this这是什么 Whats that那是什么 This is .这是.。 That is .那是.。注意:this 近指 that远指 两者都表示单数(5)Whats this/that in English 这个/那个用英语怎么说This/That is 这是/那是.(6) How do you spell it 你怎么拼写它E-R-A-S-E-R,eraser.(7) Can you spell it,please你会拼写它吗,eraser.注意:两句的回答有所不同。

8、Can情态动词,引导一般疑问句,肯定回答 Yes,I can. 否定回答:No,I cant.(8) Thank you./Thanks.谢谢。 Youre welcome./ThatOK.不客气。/不用谢。(9) Is this/that. 这/那是什么吗Yes,it is.是的,它是。/No,it isnt.不,它不是。(10) What are these/those这些/那些是什么These/Those are.这些/那些是。(11) Are these/those .这些/那些是.吗Yes,they are.是的,他/她/它们是。 No,they arent. 不,他/她/它们不是的

9、。these/those 都表示复数(12) They are not in the same class,but they are good friends.他们不在同一个班,但他 们是好朋友。 注意:same前面通常加the;but是并列连词,表示转折关系,可连接两个词、短语和句子。3. 1120数字的读写说听4. 语法(1) 冠词冠词分为不定冠词(a/an)和定冠词(the)。本单元学习不定冠词a/an的用法a: 用于辅音音素开头的单词前an:用于元音音素开头的单词前(2) 名词的单复数表示人或事物的的名称的词叫名词。根据事物的性质可分为可数名词和不可数名词。以下为可数名词复数的变化规则

10、:1) 规则变化A. 直接加s, 如:bookbooks rulerrulersB. 以s,x,sh,ch等结尾的词加es,如:busbuses boxboxesC. 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i加es。 如: babybabies familyfamilies countrycountriesD 以f或fe结尾的词,大多数是变f或fe为ves。如:wifewivesknifeknives leafleavesE. 以 O结尾的词多数加s,如:radioradios zoozoos只有少数的加es, 如:potatopotatoes tomatotomatoes Negro-Negroes

11、 hero-heroes(两菜两人)2) 不规则变化A. manmen womanwomen footfeet childchildren等等B. 单复数一样sheepsheep deerdeer fishfish ChineseChinese等等 Unit 2 Looking DifferentTopic 1 I have a small nose重点:1、短语:(1)I know = I see 我明白了(2)Thats right 那是对的(3)look the samelook like 看起来相像 look different看起来不同例: Jim and Lilei look th

12、e same.= Jim looks like Lilei. (4)look at + n看某物 look for +n 寻找某人/某物 look after +n 照顾某人(5)both 两者都 all 三者或者三者以上都 Both 和 all位于 be动词或情态动词后,位于行为动词前。 例: We are both students. We both have black eyes. We can both speak English.(6)give sth to sb = give sb sth 把某物给某人; (注意:如果sth是it或them,只能用前者)(7) have diffe

13、rent looks= look different 有着不同的长相 (看起来不相像)havethe same look. =look the same 有着相同的长相 (看起来很相像)(8)over there在那边 come in 请进 go out 出去(9)in + 颜色或 in a/an/the +颜色 + 衣服 表示穿着颜色的衣服常常接在名词的后面,表示穿颜色衣服的 如 the girl in red is my sister.(10)too + adj 太(11)pants 和 shoes 做主语,谓语动词用复数;但a pair of pants/ shoes作主语时,谓语动词用

14、单数形式 例: His shoes are black. A pair of shoes is under the bed.(12) in the morning/ afternoom/ evening 在早上/下午/晚上 at night 在晚上(13)go shopping = go to the shop 去购物 类似的有 go swimming go fishing go skating 等等(14)help sb. ( to ) do sth = help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 注意:sb 用代词时必须用宾格(15)high school 中学(16)play +球

15、类 play the 乐器(17)think of 认为,想 think about 考虑 I think + 从句 我认为 I think you are right. 否定式常否定主句,但翻译时要否定后面的从句例:I dont think he can come. 我认为他不会来了.(不能说:我不认为他会来)2、句型:(1)What do/does + 主语 + look like 询问人的长相 例: What does your English teacher look like (2)Whats -and - 加是什么(回答:Its -) 例:Whats red and yellow

16、Its orange. Whats two and five Its seven.(3)Whose + 东西 + is this/ that Whose + 东西 +are these/ those 这/这些 是谁的 例:Whose coat is this It is mine. Whose shoes are these They are hers.(4)Who is the letter from 这封信来自于谁 Its from Lily. 它来自于莉莉。(5)What color be + 东西 (回答:Its +颜色 或者 Theyer + 颜色) 例:What color is

17、your dress Its black.(6)sb + has/ have ( an /a ) + adj + 五官 = sbs 五官 is / are + adj (描述长相) 例:Lily has a small nose. = Lilys nose is small. 3、语法:have的用法(1)在第一人称及复数后用原型,在 Topic 2 What does she look like 重点: 1、短语:(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) (6)(7)(8)(9)2、句型:七年级下册Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic1 How do you go to school

18、1、重点词语:2、1. wake up醒来,唤醒get up起床3、2. go to school去上学go home 回家4、3. go dancing / shopping / skating / swimming/boating去跳舞;购物、滑冰;游泳;划船 go doing something 可用于表达去进行某种娱乐休闲活动。5、4. 表示交通方式: 6、on foot步行7、by boat 坐船by ship 坐船by air 乘飞机8、by plane 乘飞机by train 坐火车by subway 搭乘地铁9、by car 坐小汽车by bus 坐公共汽车by bike骑自行

19、车10、5. take the subway / bus / car搭乘地铁;公共汽车;小汽车11、6. drive a car to work = go to work by car驾车去上班12、 take a bus to work = go to work by bus 乘公共汽车去上班13、 go to school on foot = walk to school步行去上学14、7. ride a bike / horse骑自行车;骑马15、8. after school / class放学以后;下课以后16、9. play the piano / guitar/ violin弹钢

20、琴;吉他;小提琴17、 play basketball / soccer / football 打篮球;踢足球;打橄榄球18、 play computer games玩电脑游戏19、 play with a computer玩电脑20、 play sports做运动21、10. next to紧挨着,在旁边22、11. a plan of my school一幅我们学校的平面图23、12. on weekdays在工作日24、 at weekends在周末25、13. have breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner / meals吃早餐;中餐;晚餐;正餐;一日

21、三餐26、 have classes / lessons / a meeting上课;上课;开会27、14. watch TV / movies / games / the animals看电视;电影;比赛;动物28、 read novels / newspapers / books看小说;报纸;书29、15. wash ones face / clothes洗脸;衣服30、16. 反义词:up down, early late近义词:quickly fast31、 get up early 早起 be late for 迟到32、17. the first / second / third

22、/ fourth day第一;二;三;四天33、18. clean the house打扫房子34、19. 表示建筑物(尤其学校建筑物): 35、on the playground在操场36、 at school / home / table在学校;家里;桌旁37、in a computer room / teachers office / classroom building / gym / library / lab / canteen 38、在电脑室;教师办公室;教学楼;体操馆;图书馆;实验室;食堂39、20. around six oclock = at about six ocloc

23、k大约在六点40、21. 频率副词:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always41、二、重点句型:42、1. Its time to get up.该起床的时候了。43、Its time for breakfast. = Its time to have breakfast = Its time for having breakfast.该吃早饭了44、2. You must go to school early. 你必须早点去上学。(主观因素造成“必须”)45、I have to wash my face quickly.我不得不迅速地洗

24、脸。(客观因素造成“必须”)46、3. Happy New Year! The same to you!新年快乐!也祝你新年快乐!47、4. How about you = What about you你怎么样?48、5. It tastes good. 它尝起来很好。It sounds good. 它听起来很好。49、6. How do you usually go to school I usually go to school by bike.50、你通常怎样去上学我通常骑自行车去上学。51、What do you usually do after school I usually pl

25、ay computer games. 52、你通常放学做什么我通常玩电脑游戏。53、7. How does she usually go to work She usually goes to work by car.54、她通常怎样去上班她通常开车去上班。55、What does he usually do after class He usually reads novels.56、他通常下课后做什么他通常看小说。57、8. The early bird catches the worm!早起的鸟儿有虫吃。/ 笨鸟先飞。58、9. Wheres Mr. Zhou going Hes goi

26、ng to Shanghai. 周先生将要去哪里他将要去上海。59、三、语法学习:复习一般现在时和现在进行时。60、一般现在时:61、1. 区别含有be动词和行为动词的肯定句式。62、 I am at home. I stay at home.I am stay at home. She stay at home. 63、2. 一般疑问句、否定句表达的不同方式:64、 Are you at homeDo you stay at homeDoes she stay at home?65、Yes, I am. No, I am not.Yes, I do. No, I dont.Yes, she

27、does. No, she doesnt.66、I am not at home.I dont stay at home.She doesnt stay at home.67、3. 主语为第三人称单数时,谓语行为动词的变化。68、 She plays computer games on Sundays.69、She studies English every morning.70、She goes to school on weekdays.71、She has breakfast at 6:45.72、4. 用法: 73、(1) 表示现在的状况:I am a teacher. You are

28、 student. They are in London.74、(2) 表示经常的或习惯性的动作:I usually go to school on foot. She plays tennis every morning.75、(3) 表示主语具备的性格和能力等:He likes playing basketball. They do the cooking. 76、现在进行时:77、1. 基本句式结构:I am playing with a computer.78、2. 现在分词构成法:79、 go going play playinghave having drive driving 8

29、0、run runningswim swimmingbegin beginning81、3. 用法:82、(1)表示现在正在进行的动作:She is having dinner. 她正在用餐。83、(2)方位动词的现在进行时可用来表示将要发生的动作:Im going. 我要走了。84、四、交际用语:谈论交通工具及如何上学和日常生活。85、主要句型:86、How do you usually go to schoolI usually go to school by bike.87、Im riding a bike now. 88、Whats she doing Shes dancing.89、Do you often go to the libraryTopic 2 How often do you have an English class重点词语:1. 学科名词:政治语文数学英语历史地理生物音乐体育美术politicsChinesemathEnglishhistorygeographybiologymusic.Art2. 一周七天名词:星期日星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六SundayMondayTu

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