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1、仁爱版英语八年级下册知识点梳理Unit 5 Topic 1You look excited【重点词组】1. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 of +形容词最高档+ 名词复数 3. say thanks/hello/sorry/good-bye to sb.向某人道谢/问好/道歉/告别4. feel/taste/smell/look/sound/seem +adj.5. seem to do sth. seem+adj. it seems that+从句6. a ticket for/to sth.一张票7. lonely adj.孤单alone adj./

2、adv.独自,一种人8. because of+n./pron/v-ing 由于,由于9. cheer sb. up使某人振作起来10. care for =take care of = look after照顾11. come into being 形成,产生12. be full of = be filled with布满13. agree with sb.批准某人14. make peace with sb.与某人和平相处 15. in the end =at last = finally最后,最后16. be popular with sb.受某人欢迎【词形变化】1.invite v.

3、邀请 invitation n.邀请2.disappionted adj.失望,沮丧 disappointment n.失望,沮丧 disappoint v.使失望3.excite v.使激动,使兴奋 excited adj.兴奋,激动(修饰人) exciting adj.令人兴奋,使人激动(修饰物)4.main adj.重要 mainly adv.重要地5.face n.脸,面部 facial adj.面部6.worry v.紧张 worried adj.紧张,担忧【重点句型】1.-How are you doing?你好吗? -Very well.非常好。2.What a pity!多么遗

4、憾呀!3.How do the flowers smell? -They smell nice. -花闻起来怎么样? -较好。4.He seems a little unhappy.她似乎有点不开心。5.How did the music sound?音乐听起来怎么样?6.Please say thanks to your mom for us.请代我向你妈妈道谢。 Unit 5 Topic 2 Im feeling better now.【重点短语】 badly in=be bad at在某方面做差 strict with sb.对某人规定严格3.have a talk w

5、ith sb.与某人交谈 worried about=worry about紧张5.take it easy放松点,别紧张 the English exam英语考试不及格 to do sth.失败做某事 ones age 在某人这个年龄时9.tell jokes 讲笑话 find/think it+adj. to do sth.某人以为/发现做某事是 kind/friendly to sb.对某人和谐12. wish to do sth./hope to do sth.但愿做某事 wish sb. to do sth.但愿某人做某事

6、 sb. wish/hope that.某人但愿13.whats more 并且14.that代替前面所提到可数名词单数或不可数名词 those代替前面所提到可数名词复数 afraid of doing afraid to do sth.胆怯做某事原级)+as 和同样 not as/soas (asas否定形式) 17.make faces 做鬼脸18.refuse to do sth. 回绝做某事 withdo with 解决,解决20.go to the movies 去看电影 longer=notany lon

7、ger不再22.though/even though虽然,尽管(不能和but连用,但可与still,yet连用) used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 used to do sth.习惯于做某事【词形变化】1.sad adj. 伤心,悲哀 sadly adv, sadness n 2.almost/nearly adv.几乎,差不多3. fair adj. 公平 unfair adj,不公平 4.use v./n 使用/用途 useful adj. 有用 useless adj. 无用5.usual adj.普通,寻常 usually adv.普通 v

8、.爱,热爱 lovely adj.可爱 v.协助 helpful adj.有用,有益【重点句型】1. Im sorry/glad to hear that.听到这我很伤心/高兴。2. What seems to be the problem?出了什么问题?3. Thank you for telling me.谢谢你告诉我。4. -How are you feeling today?你今天感觉怎么样?5. Im feeling better now.我当前感觉好多了。6. Im feeling really sad because I failed the English exam

9、.我感觉真很伤心由于我英语考试不及格。7. Why dont you talk to someone when you feel sad?当你伤心时候为什么不和某人交谈下呢?8. Who do you want to make friends with?你想和谁交朋友?9. There,there!It will be OK.好了,好了!一切都会好起来。10. Are you OK today?你今天好吗?11. I find it difficult to learn English well.我发现把英语学好很难。12. Dont worry,Ill help you with it.别紧

10、张,我会协助你。13. Youre so kind to me.你对我如此好。14. How time flies!时光飞逝!15.I live as happily as before.我像此前同样幸福生活。16.It seemed that the people here were not so/as friendly as before.似乎这儿人们没有此前那么和谐。17. I was really upset and lonely.我今天真很心烦和孤单。18. Would you like to become my friend?你乐意成为我朋友吗?19. I think I shou

11、ld have a talk with her.我以为我应当和她谈谈。 Unit 5 Topic 3Many things can affect our feelings. 【重点短语】1.have a test 测试,测验2 .get/be nervous 紧张3.give a speech 做演讲4.practice doing sth 练习做某事 sick/ill 生病 confident about 对自信 a bad/good mood 心情差/好 in good spirits 心情好8.give sb a surprise =give a surpris

12、e to sb给某人一种惊喜 proud of 为感到骄傲10.put on 穿上,上映11.get /be ready for 为做准备 12.fill with用把填满 13.have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth有困难做某事14.some day 有一天(将来) one day 有一天(将来/过去)15.remember to do sth记得要去做某事 remember doing sth.记得做过某事16.its+adj. for sb. to do sth对某人来说做某事是17.think over 仔细考虑18.make an imp

13、ortant decision做一种重要决定19.a sense of happiness一种幸福感20.follow ones advice 遵循某人建议 take ones advice 采纳某人建议21.take it easy.放松点,别紧张。 public 在公共场合 crowded with被挤满e to sb.进入脑海,突然想出 with sb.和某人在一起 【词形变化】1.relax v.放松 relaxed adj.冷静,镇定(修饰人) relaxing adj.轻松(修饰物)2.decide v.决定 decision n.可数决定3.sile

14、nt adj.不说话,沉默 silence n.沉默4.confident adj.自信 confidence n.自信 【重点句型】1.Is there anything wrong?有什么问题吗?2.I get so nervous when I give a speech.当我演讲时候我如此紧张。3.Lets give Michael a surprise!让咱们给迈克一种惊喜吧。4.I think the moon can affect my feelings.我以为月亮可以影响我心情。 Unit 6 Topic 1We are going on a three-day visit t

15、o Mount Tai.【重点词组】1.a seven-day holiday三天假期 2.go on a visit to sp.去某地参观3.decide (not) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事 decide on sth.决定某事 make a decision 做一种决定4.the best way to do sth.做某事最佳方式 5.over the phone 通过电话 the train tickets预订火车票 7.the hard/soft sleeper 硬/软卧8.raise money 筹集钱9.borrow(借入) sth. from sb

16、.从某人那借某物 lend(借出) sth. to sb.=lend sb. sth.把某物借给某人 10.look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事11.hear from sb.=get a letter from sb=receive a letter from sb.收到某人来信12.on the first day of在第一天 13.on the top of 在顶部 cost 总耗费 15.spend/pay/take/cost用法:Sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth./ on sth.Sb. pa

17、y some money for sth.It takes sb. some time/money to do sth.Sth. cost sb. some money16.interesting places= places of interest名胜古迹17.set/start out/off 出发 in trouble 有麻烦,处在困境【词形转换】fort v.安慰,安慰 n.安慰舒服comfortable adj.舒服,安逸2.Canada n.加拿大 Canadian adj.加拿大,加拿大人 n.加拿大人3.proper adj.对的,恰当properly adv.恰本地

18、。对的地4.difficult adj.困难difficulty n.U困难 n.C各种困难 【重点句型】1.I have some exciting news to tell you.我有某些激动人心消息要告诉你们。 2.It will take us a few days to get there by bike.骑自行车去那会耗费咱们几天时间。 3.I d like to book some tickets to Mount Tai.我想预定某些四月十三日去泰山票。 4.Why dont we put on a show to raise money .咱们为什么不能办个展览来筹钱呢?5

19、.Were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.咱们将去泰山游玩三天。6.How much does a standard room cost?一间原则间耗费多少钱?7.When are you going to start out?你什么时候出发?8.How long does it take to take a train to Mount Tai?乘火车到泰山耗费多长时间?9.When do you want them?你们什么时候需要她们?10.Im looking forward to hearing from you.我盼望收到你来信。1

20、1.May I have your name and telephone number,please?我可以懂得你名字和电话号码吗? Unit6 Topic2How about exploring Tiananmen Square?【重点短语】 busy doing sth 忙于做某事 be busy with sth. 忙于某事2.on vacation度假 out 算出,制定,完毕 the center of 在中央5.cant wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事cant help doing sth 情不自禁做某事 and a half h

21、ours= one hour and a half一种半小时 surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊奇be surprised to do sth. 惊奇于做某事 all directions四周八方9.a parking lot 一种停车场10. push ones way out从人群中挤出来 last =in the end =finally最后,终于 famous for 由于而知名be famous as 作为而知名13.have fun (in) doing sth. 从做某事中获得乐趣14.thank goodness 谢天谢地15.

22、as soon as 一就 full of 满,布满17.make a plan 制定一种筹划18.lie in 位于内(指某一范畴之内)lie on 与紧挨着(接壤,不论辖)lie to 隔相望(不接壤,不论辖) lost 迷路20.take out 拿出21.step on 踩,踏22.ten meters long/wide/high十米长/宽/高【词形转换】1.north n.北,北方 northern adj.北方,北部2.mean v.意味着 meaning n.意义,含义 meaningful adj.重要,重大,意味深长3.crowd n.C人群 v

23、.拥挤 crowded adj.拥挤4.experience v.经历 n.经历C;经验U experienced adj.有经验【重点句型】1.Would you like to come to China for your vacation?你乐意来中华人民共和国度假吗?2.I cant wait to see it.我迫不及待想看它了。3.-How far is it from here to Tiananmen Square? -Its about one and a half hours by bike. -从这儿到天安门广场多远? -乘自行车大概一种半小时。4.As soon as

24、 the three boys saw each other,they all jumped around happily.这三个孩子一会面,就开心跳起来了。5.That would be very interesting.那一定很有趣。 Unit 6 Topic3Bicycle riding is good exercise.【重点短语】1.have a traffic accident发生一场交通事故 hurt 受伤 crazy about 热衷于4.obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则5.break the traffic rules 违背交

25、通规则 energy 节约能源7.air pollution 空气污染8.get a fine 得到一种罚单 in danger 处在危险之中11.make a wrong turn 拐错弯12.on the left-hand side of.在左手边 attention to doing sth.注意做某事14.traffic signals 交通信号15.just for fun 紧紧只为乐趣 case of 如果,假使17.first aid 急救 a word/in short 简而言之,一句话19.disagree with

26、 sb. 不批准某人20.look out/be careful 小心,当心21.emptyinto把倒入22.notice sb. doing sth.注意某人正在做某事 notice sb. do sth.注意某人做过某事/经常做某事23.slow down 减速【词形变化】1.pollute v.污染 pollution n.污染 v./n.照顾,关怀 careful adj.仔细,小心 carefully adv.仔细地 careless adj.粗心 adj.安全 n.保险箱 safely adv.安全地 safety n.安全 v.赢得,获胜 wi

27、nner n.获胜者 n.中心,中央 central adj.中心,中央6.break v.打破,弄坏 broken adj.破损,伤残,出了毛病7.die v.死亡 dead adj.死亡 death n.死,死亡 dying adj.垂死【重点句型】1.If people obey the traffic rules,there will be fewer accidents.如果人们遵守交通规则,将会有更少交通事故。2.Cycling can help us save energy and it doesnt cause air pollution.骑自行车能帮咱们节约能

28、源并且不会导致空气污染。3.Its easy to park bikes.停放自行车也是容易。4.Bicycles need less space than cars.自行车比小汽车需要空间更少。5.We should wear bicycle helmets when riding.当骑自行车时候咱们应当戴上自行车头盔。6.If we break the traffic rules,we may get a fine and even be in danger.如果咱们违背交通规则,咱们也许受到惩罚甚至处在危险中。7.If we ride at night,we should have li

29、ghts on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes.如果咱们在晚上骑车咱们应当有灯在自行车上或者穿浅色衣服。8.In a word,the best way to be safe is to be careful.总之,安全最佳方式是要小心。 Unit7 Topic1【短语归纳】1.start/begin to do sth. 开始做某事 start/begin doing sth.2. raise money 筹集钱3. try/do ones best to do sth.尽某人最大努力做某事4. turn to sb./ask sb. for help向某人求助5. get in touch with sb.与某人获得联系keep in touch with sb.与某人保持联系lose touch with sb.与某人失去联系6. on the Internet在网上7. have/hold a food festival举办一次食物节8. have a sweet tooth 爱吃甜食9. good enough (考点:adj./adv.+enough)9. later on 再过些时候,日后10. sb. regret

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