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1、全国英语等级三级试题及答案卷十2020年全国英语等级三级试题及答案(卷十)1. Since everyone would like to find an apartment near the university, there are very few _ apartments in the area.A. free B. vacant C. empty D. reserved答案: B解析: 由于每一个人都想在大学附近找一个公寓,所以附近几乎没有什么空的公寓了。注意B项和C项的区别:vacant 侧重没有住人,空的人,empty 侧重没有东西,空的物。2、 They try to _ a n

2、ew dictionary every other year.A. bring out B. bring up C. bring about D. bring on答案: A解析: 他们试图每两年出版一本新词典。bring out 出版,取出来; bring up 教育,提出(供讨论); bring about 带来,使(船)掉过头来; bring on 拿来,带来,取来;3. I agree with him _, but not entirely.A. until a certain point B. to some pointC. to some extent D. until a ce

3、rtain extent答案: C解析: 一定程度上我同意他的意见,但不全是这样;to some extent 在某种程度上,在这里相当于to some degree。4. This hotel _ $55 for a single room with bath.A. claims B. demands C. prices D. charges答案: D解析: claim声称,主张;demand要求,需要;price价格,代价;charge收费;注意C项是名词,显然不对,这里需要谓语动词;带浴室的单间旅馆收费55元。5. Well-mannered children have usually

4、been properly _ by their parents.A. raised up B. borne upC. brought up D. got up答案:C解析:bring up 养育; Well-mannered children 行为举止良好的孩子,有教养的孩子。有教养的孩子往往都是家长培养教育的结果。没有A项这种用法,因为raise是及物动词,后面不能跟介词; borne up 坚强,毫不气馁。6. Id rather you _ anything about it for the time being.A. do B. dont C. didnt do D. didnt答案

5、: C解析: Id rather 后面从句动词用过去式.7. We must manage to do our work better with _ people.A. less money and few B. less money and fewerC. little money and less D. few money and less答案:B解析: 我们尽力用更少的钱和人力来把工作做得更好;注意less修饰不可数名词,few修饰可数名词,little修饰不可数名词,表否定。8. Thats a good suggestion! Lets finish our work _ we ca

6、n be free this evening.A. now that B. that C. because D. so that答案: D解析: 这是一个好的建议!让我们完成工作这样今天晚上就可以自由了; now that 既然,由于。9. _ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A. When compared B. ComparedC. While comparing D. Comparing答案: B解析: 注意用被动形式,“比较”这个动作是被动的;另外,如果没有

7、B项的话,A项也正确,但最常用省略When的这种;与整个地球来比,最高的山峰看起来也不算什么了。10. That tree looked as if it _ for a long time.A. hasnt watered B. didnt waterC. hadnt been watered D. wasnt watered答案: C解析: 这棵树看起来好像很长时间没有浇过水了;注意用被动形式。11. _ a pen, two books and a pencil-box on the desk.A. There have B. There isC. There are D. There

8、was答案: C解析: 宾语为复数。12. The students will put off the match until next week, _ they wont be so busy.A. since B. as C. when D. while答案: C解析: 这是一个定语从句,when定的是逗号前的next week.13. She ought to go by plane, _?A. wouldnt she B. shouldnt sheC. should she D. would she答案: B解析: ought to 的否定表示为shouldnt。14. So badl

9、y _ in the accident that he had to be sent to hospital for treatment.A. did he injure B. injured he wasC. he was injured D. was he injured答案: D解析: 他在事故中受伤如此严重,所以被送往医院治疗了;注意以so开头的句子要倒装。15. This test is for students _ native language is not English.A. that B. of whom C. whose D. which答案: C解析: 表达“什么的”或

10、“谁的”时,用whose来引导;这句话的意思是:这次测试是针对那些本族语不是英语的学生的。1. Our students are free to study _ interests them.A. that B. whichever C. whatever D. anything答案: C解析: 我们的学生有自由学习自已所感兴趣的东西。2. Mathematics _ easy to learn.A. is B. are C. can D. feels答案:A解析: 数学是很容易学习的。这里注意这个单词Mathematics,是一门学科,谓语要用单数形式。3. Its never _ .A.

11、late enough to learn B. not late enough to learnC. too late to learn D. so late as not learn答案: C解析:活到老,学到老。tooto 太而不能, 这是一个否定句式,注意句子中有一个never,否定含义,双重否定,所以这个句子为肯定的语气。4. I dont know whether he is still _ in collecting coins. He used to be, but that was several years ago.A. interested B. interestingC.

12、 interest D. disinterested答案:A解析: 我不知道他是否还对收集古币感兴趣。他过去是这样的,但这是几年前了。短语be interested in doing 对感兴趣。5. The noise outside was _.A. too irritating thatB. so irritating so his speech was hardly audibleC. so irritating that his speech was hardly audibleD. so irritating enough that his speech was hardly aud

13、ible答案:C解析:外面的嘈杂声是如此地令人厌烦,以至于很难听清他的演讲。 Sothat 如此以至于 ; audible听得见的; irritating 让人气愤的,让人厌烦的。6. In ancient China, people used to send smoke _ to warn that the enemy were coming.A. signs B. signals C. symbols D. marks答案: B解析: 这个题考四个名词的比较, 其中: signs 迹象; signals 信号; symbols 象征; marks 分数.7. The icy conditi

14、ons made our travel dangerous. So _ going by car we took the underground.A. instead of B. in addition toC. as well as D. at the cost of答案: A解析: instead of 代替,而不是; in addition to 除了之外(还有); as well as 也(除之外), 既又; at the cost of 以为代价. 这道题横线后面是动名词形式,所以选项C和D首先排除.8. Sometimes my job is boring, but _ I enj

15、oy it.A. by contrast B. by natureC. on the whole D. on the average答案: C解析: by contrast 与相比,后面要跟with, by contrast with与相比较; by nature 本性,生性; on the whole 总的来说; on the average 平均.9. Ill buy the clock _ it costs.A. what B. whatever C. where D. however答案: B解析: 不管花多少钱,我都买下这个钟.10. _ Mr.Wilson is well agai

16、n, he can travel.A. Now that B. So far C. Though D. Even if答案: A解析: Now that 既然; So far和现在完成时态连用.11. _ , he failed in the college entrance examination again.A. To disappoint his parents B. To his parents disappointmentC. At his parents disapproval D. His parents disappointing答案: B解析: 令他父母失望的是,他的高考又一

17、次失利. to ones disappointment 令某人失望的是; 类似的还有: to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是.12. Please remember _ these letters on your way to the station.A. posted B. posting C. to post D. post答案: C解析: remember to do 记住去做某事; 去火车站的路上记得把这封信发了.13. Im not used to _ in that impolite way.A. speaking B. being spoken C. spoken D

18、. be spoken答案: B解析: 我不习惯别人对我这样不礼貌地提及. 动名词的被动式spoken的逻辑宾语是“我”,也就是主句的主语.14. Tom suggested that they should go to Greece, but Mary suggested _ to Spain.A. to go B. going C. should go D. went答案: B解析: A错,因为suggest后面不能跟不定式. 而C项和D项错在没有主语.15. Mass production has made _ the goods and services we want at a lo

19、wer price.A. possible for us to get B. it is possible for us to getC. it possible for us to get D. possible it is for us to get答案: C解析: 考词序安排问题. C项中的it为形式宾语, it possible for sb to do 对于某人做某事来说成为可能.1. Everyone is busy _ the examination in the classroom.A. with B. for C. on D. under答案: A解析: 注意几个固定搭配:

20、be busy (in) doing sth 忙于做; be busy with sth 忙于; busy oneself (in) doing sth 忙于做; busy oneself with sth 忙于。2. I suppose you couldnt let me borrow your car this evening, _?A. couldnt I B. dont IC. could you D. will you答案:C解析:suppose 后面的从句中为否定式couldnt,而主句为肯定式,这是否定后移的用法,后面的反意疑问句要根据从句而定,故反意疑问句用肯定式could

21、you。3. Smoking is not good _ you because it can affect your health.A. for B. at C. to D. on答案: A解析: be good for 对有好处; be good at 善长于。4. Henry and Bady _ to the parties at the Trade Union every Saturday.A. are used to go B. use to goC. used to go D. were used to go答案: C解析: be used to do 被用于做; used to

22、 do 过去常常。5. _ , the inhabitants fled.A. The city taken B. The city having been takenC. Having taken the city D. The city being taken答案: B解析: 独立主格结构。6. He _ me to give up the holidays in Spain next month.A. had B. convinced C. agreed D. persuaded答案: D解析: persuade 劝说,说服; persuade sb to do sth 劝说某人做某事。

23、7. The girl immediately shut the window to _ the rain.A. keep out B. keep down C. keep up D. keep back答案: A解析: keep out 把挡在外面; keep down 镇压; keep up 使不倒下, 保持不衰退; keep back 阻止,隐瞒。8. Our school-run factory _ various kinds of chemical devices last year.A. turned into B. turned upC. turned out D. turned

24、 off答案: C解析: turn into 转变,变成; turn up 卷起,发现; turn off 关掉; turned out 生产,制造.9. Mary and I _ the new college life soon, but Tom didnt.A. see to B. used to C. adapted to D. stuck to答案: C解析: see to 负责,注意,照料; used to 后面没有跟动词,所以不对。 adapt to 适应; stick to 坚持。10. What he said was quite _ , therefore, I would

25、 do everything to help him.A. valuable B. principle C. reasonable D. superior答案: C解析: valuable 值钱的,有价值的; principle 原则,原理,主义; reasonable 有道理的; superior 较高的,优越的。 本句话的意思是说:他说的话有道理,因此,我愿竭力帮助他。11. I didnt finish reading that French book, neither _ .A. did he B. didnt he C. he did D. he could答案:A解析:neithe

26、r 后面用倒装.12. _ said was disputed by several other witnesses.A. That the man B. It is the manC. What the man D. The man had答案:C解析:What the man said 这是一个名词性主语从句做主语.13 She heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth.A. it B. this C. which D. that答案:C解析: 她听到一阵可怕的声音,这让她心都提到噪子眼儿了。这是一个非限制性定语从

27、句,这种情况下用which来引导。14. _ is careless when disposing of his wastes.A. It is man B. Man C. Man who D. A man答案:B解析: Man 在这里是指“人类”的意思。15. _ five hundred people are believed to have drowned.A. As many as B. As much asC. So many as D. So much as答案:A解析:首先B、D不对,因为much后面修饰不可数名词; as many as 与一样多,后面可以接具体的数字;而C项不

28、正确,因为:so many as 如此众多的,后面不能出现具体的数字。alien adj. 外国的;性质不同的【例句】It is alien to the school discipline.这是违反学校纪律的。【词组】alien to 相异的【助记】发音记忆:“爱恋”跨国恋很流行外国的,爱恋外国的侨民。alike adj. 相同的,相像的adv. 相同地,一样地【例句】They were all dressed alike in white dresses.他们都是一样的白色装束。alive adj. 活着的;存在的;有活力的,活跃的【例句】The river was alive with

29、birds.这条河流周围满是各种鸟类。all adj. 所有的,全部的adv. 都,全部地pron. 一切,全部【词组】in all 总共,合计all over 到处,遍及;浑身;全部结束after all 毕竟;终究above all 首先;尤其是first of all 首先all along 自始至终,一直all in all 总而言之;头等重要的东西allergic E5lE:dVik adj. 对过敏的;对极讨厌的 【例句】I am allergic to penicillin.我对青霉素过敏。allow vt. 允许;给予;认可【例句】We allow smoking only in restricted areas.我们只允许在指定的地点吸烟。【词组】allow for 考虑到,虑及allow of 容许【派生】allowance n. 津贴,零用钱

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