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1、KPMG笔试题复习课程KPMG笔试题TESTWhat percentage of women leaving university went into finance and administration?10% 11% 14% 20% 21% How many thousand tonnes of liquids were lifted in 1989?1.3 1.5 1.9 2.0 None of these How much more per pupil do London authorities spend on staff in secondary schools than in p

2、rimary schools?209 219 232 291 314 Which one area of employment is least popular among female university leavers?Cannot say Computing Library Work Marketing Research How much more coal was lifted in 1992 than in 1987?0.1 thousand tonnes 0.2 thousand tonnes 0.3 thousand tonnes 1.3 thousand tonnes 2.0

3、 thousand tonnes How much more than other authorities do London authorities spend per secondary pupil on premises?39 47 184 137 291 Which was the most popular area of work chosen by women leaving university?Administration Finance Health Sales Teaching How many thousand tonnes of merchandise and liqu

4、ids were lifted in 1991?1.9 2.2 2.8 2.9 3.0 What is the total cost to London authorities per secondary school pupil?688 948 985 1,357 1,427 Into which two areas of employment did a combined 19% of female university leavers go?Admin & Computing Health & Research Marketing & Admin Teaching & Computing

5、 Teaching & Library In which year was most merchandise carried?1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 On what do other authorities spend 13.8% of their total outlay per primary school pupil?Books & Equipment Premises Staff Other Cannot say How many women went into teaching when they left university?140 650 870 91

6、0 None of these In 1988 how much more merchandise than liquids was lifted?0.2 thousand tonnes 0.9 thousand tonnes 1.0 thousand tonnes 1.1 thousand tonnes 2.2 thousand tonnes What is the total expenditure for a primary school in London with 320 pupils?300,360 303,360 330,306 330,360 360,303 How many

7、more women went into computing than into research?120 135 195 325 None of these How much more liquid was carried in 1989 than in 1992?0.5 thousand tonnes 0.8 thousand tonnes 1.3 thousand tonnes 1.5 thousand tonnes 1.8 thousand tonnes What is the difference in total cost to London authorities between

8、 one secondary pupil and one primary pupil?260 314 409 948 None of these How many women went into computing and administration?940 1040 1100 1140 None of these In which year was an equal tonnage of merchandise and coal carried?1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 Approximately what proportion of the total amoun

9、t spent per primary pupil by other authorities is on books and equipment?1% 3% 10% 12% 17% 24% of female university leavers go intoFinance, Research & Admin Finance, Teaching & Research Health, Computing & Research Marketing, Finance & Computing Teaching, Research & Admin -The course lasted twelve w

10、eeks.True False Cannot Say A lesson time of two hours was considered to be the best length.True False Cannot Say A target of ninety hours was set for the course.True False Cannot Say These courses are beneficial to the entire population.True False Cannot Say This memo should be distributed to all st

11、aff.True False Cannot Say Statistics show that, on average, a secretary spends a third of working time filing.True False Cannot Say Ms Espey should be contacted with further enquiries.True False Cannot Say All firms should employ a full time filing clerk.True False Cannot Say According to the survey

12、, executives in the north make around thirty-nine business calls a day.True False Cannot Say The telephone will always be the executives most used tool.True False Cannot Say Over half of the executives in the survey said that they waste a lot of time on the telephone.True False Cannot Say Telephones

13、 are often misused.True False Cannot Say Visitors sometimes get out of their car to look more closely at the animals.True False Cannot Say Accidents have occurred when visitors wind down their windows to take photographs.True False Cannot Say Danger signs are placed every fifty yards around the park

14、.True False Cannot Say The general public should be banned from safari parks.True False Cannot Say In the past, complaints about tobacco smoke pollution would have been treated seriously.True False Cannot Say Secondary inhalation is breathing in anothers smoke.True False Cannot Say Medical journals

15、have proposed that smoking should be banned from offices.True False Cannot Say Smokers have an increased risk of heart disease.True False Cannot Say Wise parents should praise their childs drawings.True False Cannot Say Teachers and parents should avoid talking to each other.True False Cannot Say Al

16、l children watch television.True False Cannot Say All children should go to play school.True False Cannot Say Sixty per cent of Britains married women have their own careers.True False Cannot Say Television writers never refer to wives as her indoors.True False Cannot Say Women hold all the top post

17、s in the television industry.True False Cannot Say The National Statistics show that most couples have 2.3 children.True False Cannot Say TEST21.Themaindifferencebetweennuclearandfossil-fuelledpowerstationsisaneconomicone.TRUEUNTRUECANNOTSAY2.Thepriceofcoalisnotrelevanttodiscussionsabouttherelativee

18、fficiencyofnuclearreactors.TRUEUNTRUECANNOTSAY3.Ifnuclearreactorswerecheapertobuildanddecommissionthanfossil-fuelledpowerstations,theywoulddefinitelyhavetheeconomicadvantage.TRUEUNTRUECANNOTSAY4.Physical stimuli usually win in the competition for our attention.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY5. The capacity of

19、the human brain is sufficient to interpret nearly all the stimuli the senses can register under optimum conditions.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY6. Eyes are able to cope with a greater input of information than ears.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY1. It is possible that permanent staff who are on holiday can have their w

20、ork carried out by students. TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY2. Students in summer employment are given the same paid holiday benefit as permanent staff. TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY3. Students are subject to the organisations standard disciplinary and grievance procedures. TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY4. Some companies have mo

21、re work to do in summer when students are available for vacation work.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY5. No smoking policies have mainly been introduced in response to customer demand. TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY6. All banks and building societies now have a no smoking policy. TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY7. There is no confli

22、ct of interest between a no smoking policy and personal freedom of choice for all. TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY8. A no-smoking policy is in line with most customers expectations in banks and building societies.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY1. Which country had the highest number of people aged 60 or over at the start

23、 of 1985?A. UK B. France C. Italy D. W.Germany E. Spain2. What percentage of the total 15mm button production was classed as sub-standard in September?AA 10.5% BB 13% CC 15% DD 17.5% EE 20% AB 23.5% AC 25%AD 27.5% AE 28% BC 30.5%3. How many live births occurred in 1985 in Spain and Italy together (t

24、o the nearest 1000)?A. 104,000 B. 840,000 C. 1,044,000 D. 8,400,000 E. 10,440,0004. What was the net effect on the UK population of the live birth and death rates in 1985?A.Decrease of 66,700 B.Increase of 752,780C.Increase of 84,900 D.Cannot SayE.Increase of 85,2705. By how much did the total sales

25、 value of Novembers button production vary from Octobers?A.8.50(Decrease) B.42.50(Decrease) C.85.00(Increase)D.27.50(Decrease) E.No change6. What was the loss in potential sales revenue attributable to the production of sub-standard (as opposed to standard) buttons over the 6 month period?A.13.75 B.

26、27.50 C.137.50 D.280.00 E.275.001. Which newspaper was read by a higher percentage of females than males in 1990? A.The Tribune B. The Herald C. Daily News D. Daily Echo E. The Daily Chronicle2. What was the combined readership of the Daily Chronicle, Echo and Tribune in 1981? A. 10.6 B.8.4 C.9.5 D.

27、12.2 E.7.8 3. Which newspaper showed the largest change in female readership between 1981 and 1990? A.Daily Echo B.The Tribune C.The Herald D.The Daily ChronicleE.Cannot say 4. In 1989, how much more than Italy di Germany spend on computer imports? A.650 million B.700 million C.750 million D.800 mil

28、lion E.850 million 5. If the amount spent on computer imports into the U.K. in 1991 was 20% lower than in 1990, what was spent in 1991? A.1080 B.1120 C.1160 D.1220 E.1300 6. Which countries experienced a drop in the value of computers imported from one year to the next? A.France & Italy B.France & Holland C.Holland & Italy D.U.K. & Holland E.Italy & U.K.CBA CBC AB

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