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1、初一英语单项选择专项训练完全整理可直接使用初一英语单项选择专项训练(完全整理可直接使用)1、The shop closes _9:30 _ the evening、 A、 in, in B、 at, in C、 at, at ( )2、Can I have _ milk?-No, you cant、 There isnt _、 A、 some, any B、 some, some C、 any, some ( )3、 _ do you go to work? _ bike、 A、 What, On B、 How, By C、 What, by( )4、 There _ a pen and tw

2、o books on the desk、 A、 is B、 are C、 isnt D、 both A and C ( )5、 Im going to see my uncle _ October1、A、 at B、 on C、 in ( )6、 Millie got a letter _ her pen friend _ yesterday、 A、 from, / B、 to, on C、 from, on D、 at, in( )7、_ were you late for school?- My clock didnt work、 I couldnt catch the bus、A、 Ho

3、w B、 Which C、 Why D、 What( )8、 I want a model plane _ Christmas、A、 for B、 by C、 from D、 in( )9、 My uncle is a famous _、A、 cook B、 cooker C、 cooking D、 cookor( )10、 What do you do _ the night _ October31st? A、 at, of B、 on, of C、 on, at D、 in, of( )11、How about _ to the cinema _ Sunday? A、 going, at

4、B、 go, in C、 going, on D、 go, on( )12、 Are there any _ in the fridge? A、 food B、 bread C、 potatoes D、 vegetable( )13、 The old woman is over sixty, but she _、 A、 looks like young B、 looks young C、 look older D、 looks old( )14、What does she do? _、 A、 She is a nurse、 B、 She is doing her homework、 C、 Sh

5、e does her homework、 ( )15、 At Spring Festival, we often eat _、 A、 mooncakes B、 chocolate eggs C、 dumplings D、 rice dumplings( )16、 Id like to dress up _ Monkey King _ this years Halloween、 A、 like, for B、 at, of C、 as, for D、 look like, of ( )17、 Would you like _, Peter? A、 something drink B、 somet

6、hing to drink C、 anything to drink D、 anything drink( )18、 The teachers are looking forward to _、 A、 celebrate Teachers Day B、 celebrating Teachers DayC、 celebrate Teachers Day D、 celebrating Teachers Day( )19、 Is he _ the red apple on the table? A、 tall enough to reach B、 tall enough reach C、 high

7、enough reach D、 enough high to reach( )20、 How do you _ that in English?A、 say B、 speak C、 tell D、 talk( )21、Mum gives the children _ treat of sweets、 means Mum gives the children some sweets _ treat、 A、 a, as a B、 as a, a C、 a, to a D、 a, of( )22、_ all the students _ their homework?No, only one _、

8、A、 Do, do, do B、 Do, do, does C、 Does, do, does D、 Does, does, do( )23、 My school _ Nanjing Foreign Language School、 A、 calls B、 is called C、 called D、 calling( )24、 Monday is the _ day of the week、 A、 second B、 first C one D、 the first( )25、 Look at Sue and Linda! They _ tall and slim、 A、 are both

9、B、 are all C、 both D、 both are( )26、 The twins are in _ grade, but in _、 This is the _ room、 A、 same, different classes, twins B、 the same, the different classes, twins C、 the same, different classes, twins ( )27、 、 Its a new start and you will get more As、A、 Dont be happy B、 Thanks C、 Congratulatio

10、ns D、 Thats OK( )28、 Lets go to the tennis _ to play tennis, _?A、 field, are we B、 court, shall we C、 pool, arent we D、 court, shant we( )29、 Mr Smith _ New York、 He is _、 A、 is from, American B、 come from, America C、 come from, American D、 comes, an America( )30、 _ are good friends、 A、 You, Tom and

11、 I B、 Tom, you and I C、 I, you and Tom ( )31、_ everyone in his class _ watching TV? A、 Is, like B、 Are, like C、 Does, like D、 Do, like( )32、 My cousin _ at6:30 a、m、, and he _ school at7:30 a、m、 A、 get up, arrive B、 gets up, gets to C、 gets up, goes at D、 get up, arrives at( )33、 What do you want _ w

12、hen you _? A、 being, grow up B、 to be, grow C、 to be, grow up D、 to do, grow up( )34、 Peter often _ his things but he cant _ them、 A、 finds, looks for B、 looks for, finds C、 looks for, find D、 looking for, find( )35、 Thank you for _ me _ the Dragon Boat Festival、 A、 telling, of B、 to tell, about C、

13、tell, for D、 telling, about ( )36、 I dont want a red pen、 I want _、 A、 blue colour B、 blue C、 a blue one D、 the blue one( )37、What would you like, please?Id like _、 A、 to have a cup of tea B、 having a cup of tea C、 to having cups of coffee ( )38、 John, together with Jim, _ to school every day、 A、 wa

14、lk B、 walks C、 is walking D、 are walking( )39、 Children often play a game _ trick or treat _ Halloween、 A called, at B、 calls, on C、 is calling, to D、 called, on( )40、 My classmate Wu Dong likes to play tricks _ the others? A、 for B、 on C、 to D、 of( )41、Mr Lin has enough water, he wants me _ water f

15、or him、 A、 gets B、 getting C、 to get D、 not to get( )42、 Here is a poster _ this years Chinese New Year celebration、 A、 for B、 on C、 to D、 of( )43、 I think you can do _ than Mike、 A、 well B、 better C、 good D、 worse( )44、 Do you know how _ for a walk? A、 take your dog B、 to take your dog C、 do you ta

16、ke a dog D、 to walk your dog( )45、 Sorry, I forgot to _ my pencil-box here today、 _ I use yours? A、 bring, Can B、 take, May C、 carry, Could D、 bring, Might( )46、 Mother tells me that I should not spend _ time _ TV、 A、 much too, in B、 too much, on C、 too many, seeing D、 too much, at( )47、_ the door,

17、please、Come in, please、 The door _、 A、 Be open, opens B、 Open, opens C、 Open, is open D、 Open, is opening( )48、 Im busy, _ I cant go to play football with you、 A、 but B、 because C、 so D、 because of( )49、 I give my sister _ orange、 _ orange is orange、 A、 an, An B、 an, The C、 the, the D、 an, /( )50、 T

18、his football isnt _、 Its _、 A、 my, his B、 mine, his C、 my, he D、 mine, her ( )51、Eric starts to _ the Huanghe Basketball Team、 A、 play with B、 play for C、 playing with D、 playing for( )52、 The little boy _ his mother、 A、 looks like B、 looking at C、 is looks for D、 looking for( )53、 _ miss Black and

19、her brother _ e-mails to each other? A、 Are, write B、 Does, write C、 Do, write D、 Is, writing( )54、 The windows of our classroom are all _、 A、 close B、 closing C、 closed D、 closes( )55、 Is there _ university near here? A、 a B、 an C、 the D、 any( )56、 Lets _ some _、 A、 to buy, bag of sugar B、 buys, tw

20、o bags of sugars C、 buy, bags of sugar ( )57、 She doesnt eat sweet snacks _、 A、 no more B、 any more C、 a lot D、 at all( )58、 _ times do you go swimming every week? A、 How many B、 How long C、 How often D、 How soon( )59、 _ is important _ us to learn English well、 A、 This, to B、 It, for C、 That, of D、

21、It, of( )60、 Amy _ chocolates and milk before、 A、 loves B、 love C、 loved D、 loving( )61、I dont like Sichuan Hotpot、 It tastes _、 A、 spicy B、 salty C、 sour(酸)D、 good( )62、 It _ me half an hour _ my homework every day、 A、 takes, to finish B、 takes, finish C、 takes, finishes D、 takes, finishing( )63、 T

22、here are30 _ in my class、 A、 girl students B、 girls student C、 girl student D、 girls students( )64、 Dont give me _ carrots an _ salt、 A、 so many, so many B、 so much, so much C、 so many, so much D、 so much, so many( )65、 We all know walking is good _ our _、 A、 at, health B、 for, health C、 for, health

23、y D、 at, healthy( )66、 Wendy cant swim, so she _ goes swimming、 A、 often B、 usually C、 never D、 always( )67、 How often does Tommy go to the Reading Club? _、 A、 Twice a week B、 Twice week C、 Two days D、 Two times( )68、 Shanghai is _ big city in _ China、 A、 a, a B、 the, the C、 a, / D、 the,/( )69、- Goo

24、d luck _ your new diet, Peter、 Thank you, Nick、 A、 with B、 of C、 about D、 to( )70、 My little cousin is too young、 I cant _、 A、 go shopping with him B、 take him shopping C、 take him to shopping ( )71、_ all want to help the children in poor countries、 Can our school send _ some stationery?A、 We, them

25、B、 Us, us C、 Our, it D、 We, their( )72、What about buying her some hair clips?Good idea! Look, these clips _ her favourite T-shirt、 A、 prefer B、 match C、 fit D、 goes well with( )73、 _ the price _ the football boots、 A、 Whats, for B、 How much, for C、 How much, of D、 Whats, of ( )74、 Mrs Black is alway

26、s in fashion、 She _ most of her money on clothes、 A、 spends B、 takes C、 costs D、 pays( )75、Merry Christmas to you, David!- _、 A、 Thank you! B、 The same to you! C、 Its so kind of you to say so、 D、 You too( )76、 There are _ floors in the building and I live on the _ one、 A、 nine, nineth B、 twenty, nin

27、th C、 fifteen, twelveth D、 ten, twelfth( )77、 Can you help _ find a present _ my friend? A、 I, with B、 me, with C、 me, for D、 I, for( )78、 Simon likes _ football, but now he _ an English book at home、 A、 plays, is reading B、 playing, reads C、 playing, is reading D、 plays, reads( )79、 Tom, come here, please、 Its _ turn now、 A、 you B、 yours C、 your D、 yours( )80、 I like best、 A、 beef B、 carrots C、 lemons D、 cabbages( )81、Her brother eats fish every day、 A、 a B、 some C、 many D、 two( )82、 I sometimes have rice fish and an apple lunch、 A、 with; to B、 with; for C、 for; with D、 in; on ( )

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