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1、外研社英语初中词组全六册初中词组(全六册)七年级上册StarterModule 1good morning上午好good afternoon下午好sit down坐下stand up起立how old多大,几岁in English用英语of course是的,当然Youre welcome.不用,别客气table tennis乒乓球七年级上册Module 1What about怎么样?first name名字 last name姓Module 2on the left在左边,在左侧on the right在右边,在右侧next to在旁边,紧挨着Module 3in front of在的前面h

2、ow many 多少a lot of大量,许多dining hall饭厅,饭堂Module 4go shopping去买东西,去购物have got有;拥有too much太多lots of大量;许多 How about?(征求意见)好吗?行吗?ice cream冰激凌be good for对有帮助的be bad for对有害的a bit稍微;有点儿get fat发胖Module 5go to school上学get up起床have breakfast吃早餐have lunch吃午餐go home回家have dinner吃饭;吃晚餐go to bed 上床睡觉go to sleep开始睡觉

3、;入睡Module 6such as比如come from来自look at看over there在那边,在那里a little少量all over the world全世界as well as并且,还be good at擅长many kinds of许多种类Module 7turn on打开search for搜寻;搜索;查找Module 8at weekends在周末hear from收到的来信Im afraid口恐怕(用于礼貌地拒绝)Module 9take photoswait for拍照a few一些;几个on sale正在出售go back回去get off 下(飞机、火车、公共汽

4、车等)Module 10get ready for为做好准备at the moment此刻,目前at work在工作put away收起;收拾好hurry up赶快sweep away扫去Merry Christmas圣诞快乐七年级下册Module 1first of all首先,第一lost and found box失物招领箱be careful with小心(对待)from now on从现在开始here is/are(用于刚找到某人或某物时)在这儿mobile phone移动;手机lost and found office失物招领处in a hurry匆匆忙忙hundreds of几百

5、;成百上千look for寻找Module 2would like想要,希望thats all仅此而已worry about担心get on well with sb.与某人相处融洽ready to do sth.乐于做某事just like正如;好像Module 3go over复习;练习look forward to盼望make friends交朋友enjoy oneself过得愉快May Day五一劳动节take a walk散步summer holiday暑假go sightseeing观光Module 4in the future将来be able to能够做notany more不

6、再traffic jam交通堵塞come true(希望、梦想等)实现,成真here is/are(用于介绍某人或某物)下面not onlybut also不仅而且Module 5Mothers Day母亲节try on试穿wait a minute别急;稍等一会one of之一go out外出;游玩one day总有一天Module 6excuse me劳驾,对不起(用于礼貌地引起某人的注意)Why not?为什么不呢?post office邮政局Module 7primary school小学living room起居室;客厅movie theatre电影院Module 8once upo

7、n a time从前go for a walk散步all alone独自一人地in pieces破碎at first起初;首先point at指着Module 9Womens Day妇女节National Day国庆节Childrens Day儿童节find out发现;查明;弄清at the age of在岁时in the 1860s在19世纪60年代 around the world世界各地Module 10Module 11shake hands握手each other互相;彼此North American北美人arm in arm臂挽臂地South American南美人not at

8、all一点也不in fact 事实上Module 12dance music舞曲八年级上册Module 1look up查,查找make a mistake犯错误write down写下;记下agree with sb同意某人ask for请求(给予)Module 2pretty good相当好,很好home town故乡,家乡be famous for因而闻名Module 3Whats the matter?怎么了?plenty of大量,众多cheeron用欢呼声激励;为加油fan club球迷(或影迷、歌迷)俱乐部warm up热身;做准备活动Module 4far from远离all

9、the time一直,不断地Module 5in the end最后;终于no idea不知道head teacher校长Module 6in danger处于危险中at last终于;最后think of想到;想出take away 夺去;拿走in peace和平地;平静地look after照顾;照管in order to为了set up开办;设立;创办;建立nature park自然公园Module 7tea party茶会once or twice偶尔;一两次think about考虑in time及时Module 8fall off从跌落 pay attention注意;留心side

10、 by side并排地;肩并肩地Module 9hang on(口语)稍等close down(永久)关闭,关停Module 10come on快点from time to time有时;间或Module 11a chess set一副国际象棋video game电子游戏for example例如for the first time首次,初次fish and chips炸鱼加炸薯条Module 12first aid急救at the bottom of在的底部Whats wrong with?怎么了?lift up抬起,提起make sure确保,确认keep clear of不和接触八年级下

11、册Module 1have a try 尝一尝;试试看sweet tooth对甜食的爱好be proud of为而感到骄傲sb cant wait某人等不及了at school在学校;上学Module 2first prize一等奖write about编写;写作make up编写;创作count down倒数;倒计时Module 3no problem没问题(用于表示乐于做某人要求做的事)space travel航天旅行solar system星系;(尤指)太阳系Module 4stomach ache胃痛;腹痛catch a cold感冒take sbs temperature量某人的体温

12、fast food快餐食品take part (in sth.)参加,参与(某事)in excellent condition健康状况很好feel awful感到不舒服all over浑身;到处Module 5cant help doing sth.忍不住做某事win the heart of sb.赢得某人的心Module 6have a look看一看come out出版,问世as a result结果,因此Module 7make a list列清单at the end of在的结尾;在的末端at the same time同时depend on取决于;决定于daily life日常生活

13、stay in touch (with sb.)(与某人)保持联系fill out填写,填充Module 8take up占去(时间或空间)point out指出;指明at the top of在的顶端wake sb up唤醒某人Module 9join in参加no problem没什么,没关系(用于礼貌地回答某人的感或道歉)in silence 安静地;沉默地day by day一天天地;渐渐地Module 10show sb around 带某人参观;给某人做向导on air(广播或电视)播出in person亲自;本人九年级上册Module 1in ones opinion按某人的意见

14、;据某人看来more than超过millions of大量的;无数的go through穿过fall away突然向下倾斜on top of在上面; 盖住Module 2since then从那以后all kinds of各种各样的take a vacation去度假have fun玩得高兴,有乐趣as soon as一就lay the table摆放餐桌Module 3once again再一次give up放弃(努力)die for 为而死take care of照顾;护理at that time那时候on ones own独自一人die of死于Module 4text message

15、短信a couple of两个turn off关掉;关闭(设备)be worried about担心on business出差wake up醒;醒来hand in提交;上交all day long整天Module 5against the rules违反规定in trouble遇上麻烦;处于困境No entry.禁止入no good不合适的;不方便的no wonder难怪;不足为奇comparewith比较与of all ages所有年龄段的Module 6get into the habit of养成的习惯instead of而不是last word最后一句话;最终决定come round拜

16、访(某人的家)try out试用;试no longer不再be angry with sb.生某人的气at least至少;起码pocket money零花钱Module 7make sense易理解;合情理;有意义by the way顺便提一下(用于在交谈中插入新话题上、题外话或评论)get into trouble遇上麻烦run away逃走;逃跑for a time一小段时间;一度;一时pay for为付出代价Module 8stand for是的缩写;代表no way决不;不可能high jump跳高suffer from受(某种病痛)折磨;因而受苦first place第一名;冠军s

17、top sb.(from)doing sth.阻止某人做某事take pride in感到自豪Module 9put up贴;公布thousands of好几千;成千上万look through快速阅读;浏览at a time每次;一次by hand用手;靠手做in a way从某一角度;从某一点上看;在某种程度上compareto把比作wait and see 等等看;等着瞧Module 10here we go我们这就看看according to根据;按照;据所说sailing boat帆船keep sb./sth. away(使)避开;(使)不靠近cut sth把某物从某

18、物上剪掉keep a diary写日记brush sth.把某物从某物上刷掉at the time那时;在那段时间be surprised at对感到惊奇Module 11you bet的确;当然;一定the thing is答案是;问题是be in with a chance有可能;有机会read out朗读;宣读compared with(与)相比 even though即使;尽管protect sth. against sth.保护免遭;使不受Module 12throw away扔掉;丢弃tons of许多;很多九年级下册Module 1because of因为;由于a

19、s long as只要take care(告别用语)多保重take off脱去Module 2secondary school中学Module 3spare time业余时间;闲暇Module 4set off动身;出发go off离开in one go一口气;一下子rock climbing攀岩fall asleep入睡;睡着Module 5catch up赶上call off取消;决定终止 thanks to多亏;归功于health care医疗保健(服务)once in a while偶尔;有时;间或Module 6heat up使变热;给加热help yourself随便做(或用)吧;请自便 Module 7Module 8laugh at嘲笑;对一笑置之give up放弃(努力)try ones best尽某人最大的努力

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