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1、当代语言学导论练习第一章练习0402班集体答题I译文(已批改):语言贯穿我们的全部的生活, 予我们的思维以言辞, 予我们理念以话音, 予我们的感受以表述。它是一种人类所拥有的丰富而多样的能力 想用就用,无须思索,天下儿童,自能习得。语言学家知其固然复杂,却可描述。语言学是研究语言的本质、结构和变化的科学, 分为语音学,音位学,形态学,句法学,语义学和语用学.II1)Plato 2)Aristotle 3)Xunzi 4) Chomsky 5) SaussureIIIA Summary of Language and Human Beings (未经批改)Language had the sys

2、tematic internal structure of a sentence and the relationship between sounds meaning and the complex actual hierarchy. In order to understand a single sentence, a newborn human baby needs to break the string of sounds which he hears into syntactic constituents and associate a sound combination with

3、a definite meaning. There are three stages during which he perceives the existence of language around him spontaneously.a. producing singleword sentence (1218 months)b. forming elementary phrases and twoword sentencesc. making adultlike sentences (by the age of two and a half)In a word, as to human

4、being, the knowledge of language just grow naturally from the mind during a certain period in childhood and not need to be deliberately taught.IV(未经批改)1Human language.Human beings have an inborn knowledge of language which must be universally correct and acceptable. The location of such innate knowl

5、edge is in our genes. There is a biological, physical entity inside our brain which decides what we speak. This entity is UG universal grammar. According to UG theory, every speaker is endowed with a set of principles. Animals dont have an area in their brain that controls language. Nor do they have

6、 genes that carry the knowledge of language.2 It is hard to say. Nothing is impossible. The first prerequisite that they should have is a biological organ, like genes or certain areas of the brain that can develop into language skills or control the language we use. The second is that they should ha

7、ve UG, which helps them both to produce and understand meaningful utterance and so forth.3 Communication is one of the most basic functions of human language. However, communication is not the only use. We use language sometimes to express ourselves and sometimes to record something. In this kind of

8、 situation, language is not necessarily for communication. We not necessarily present our diary or writings that record our personal emotions. Other than that, we think with language. That is not communication either.4 Linguistics can play a very important role in the information age. For example, i

9、n the development of artificial intelligence, linguistics is the basis. The achievements in Generative Grammar gained by Noam Chomsky have been used in computer programming, US Navy intelligence technologies and so forth. Computer translation, particularly, is based on linguistic knowledge. Therefor

10、e, in the information age, linguistics can play a role that is as important as what physics and chemistry played in the industrial revolution.5 Canada Austria IndiaV1) A one-year-old child, to a certain extent, can understand many words people talk around him. But he still can not manage to express

11、himself with vocal language. By this time, except for articulating some simple words, such as dad, mom. He would resort to crying if he wants something badly. The child, reaching the age of 14 months, is trying to talk, babble to be more exact. He would keep producing meaningless sounds; especially

12、he likes to reduplicate single-syllable sounds, e.g. Ah-ah, Oh-oh.At the 16th month, despite the parents tried all the possible means to teach the child correct pronunciation, the child would refer to his own system when he is trying to say something. For example, the parents keep teaching the child

13、 to say “pi qiu” but the child can only catch the last syllable “qiu”, then, more interesting he prefers to say “qiu-qiu” instead of “qiu”. After about 2 months, he could successfully articulate “ pa” and “ma” if he is required to do it., which give the parents lots of happiness. But another problem

14、 pops up. The child extends the meaning of “pa” or “ma” to everything. E.g. when the child wants to get a toy car, he would point to the car, saying” pa, pa, pa”. this stage is trying to develop his own lexicon. He often overextends a words meaning.Another thing that worth mentioning is that, the ch

15、ild has learned some body gestures to express his own idea. For example, when he is happy, he will clap his hands, swaying the arms to demonstrate a flying bird, stretching out one finger to denote “I am one year old”.2) Does language need a norm? (未经批改) With the help of a common language, people ca

16、n try to get rid of the demanding God by building the tower of Babel. Nowadays, English, as a most popular and international language seemingly has a trend of becoming another language norm of mankind. But to my point of view, people would rather preserve their own unique through the unique language

17、.The derivation of language forms a colorful and shining language net which is a rich culture resource for all human beings. With hundreds of thousands of years development, each individual language is deeply rooted in a specific culture; some languages have been extinct without being recorded, whic

18、h cause a great loss in our culture. Instead of choosing a language norm, people try to keep the present situation of language derivation.Also different groups of people are blocked off due to the geographical reasons, those people develop a new kind of language that can fully satisfies they need. A

19、ccording to Darwins theory of evolution, the derivation of language is the result of the social development.To sum up, with the development, there are different languages which are strongly imprinted with different culture characteristics. To find a language norm is a unrealistic and impractical way


21、且坚持认为,这两种研究方法显著不同,在方法论上相互排斥。他还起用了两个现已获得广泛运用的术语“parole”,即每个人所说的言话,和“langue”, 即存在于特定社会特定时期的系统化结构化的语言。索绪尔提倡赋予“语言”更多的重要性而不是“言语”,并且建议当时的语言学家多搞共识研究, 而非历史研究。他在理论上和方法论上的创新思维得到广泛的认同。人们称他为现代语言学之父。Key to the multiple-choice and judgment exercisesChapter 1II. 1) Plato 2) Aristotle 3) Xun Zi 4) (Noam) Chomsky 5)

22、 (Ferdinand de) Saussure Chapter 2II. 1) Plato 2) Herder 3) Galileo 4) William Johns 5) the Linguistic Society of ParisIII. 1) syntax 2) pragmatics 3)morphology 4) phonetics 5) phonology 6) semantics 7) semantics IV. 1) psycholinguistics 2) historical linguistics 3) sociolinguistics 4) psycholinguis

23、tics 5) sociolinguistics 6) applied linguistics (in the broad sense) 7) applied linguistics 8) psycholinguisticsChapter 3II. Order of the speech organs on the left corresponding to their proper definitions on the right:soft palate; alveolar ridge; pharynx; hard palate; vocal cords; trachea; larynxII

24、I. 1) b 2) t 3) 4) m 5) f 6)l 7) d 8) j 9) 10) sIV. (The correct feature is given after the arrow)1) b) front central2) a) semi-open open3) c) low high4) c) high mid5) d) rounded unroundedV. 1) incorrect. inside the chest inside the head 2) correct. 3) incorrect. auditory phonetics acoustic phonetic

25、s 4) correct. 5) incorrect. A syllable cannot contain more than one vowels. Even if a diphthong or thiphthong is contained, it is still a single vowel, pronounced within one chest pulse.6) incorrect. The location of the words “Chinese” and “English” in the statements should be exchanged.7) correct8)

26、 correctChapter 4II. 1) morphemes 2) Bound 3) Compounds 4) idiomatic5) agglutinatingIII. 1) The older gentleman voted wisely . a a c a a a c a b2) The children skipped rope and played games joyfully a a c a c a a a c a c a b b3) 他们赛跑拿了第一。a c a a a c b aChapter 5II. 1) head, complement 2) projection,

27、 maximal, intermediate, minimal 3) lexical, functional 4) specifier, sisters 5) inflectional phrase, inflectional morphemes, infinitival particle 6) complementizer phrase, wh-questionsChapter 6II. 1) propositions; arguments; adjunct 2) internal; external: 3) none or one; none, one or more 4) theta/t

28、hematic; argumentIII. 1) rain ( 0 ) 2) old (table)3) sleep (baby) 4) like (John, teacher)IV. 1) agent 2) experiencer 3) instrument, theme/patient 4) agent, theme, benefactive 5) agent, theme, instrument 6) themeChapter 7II. 1) synonyms 2) antonyms 3) polysemy 4) homophones 5) denotative; denotative

29、6) Connotative; Connotative7) entailmentIII. 1) paraphrase 2) entailment 3) contradiction4) presuppositionV. 4) a. The window is material.b. The window is abstract.c. The window can either be material or abstract.Chapter 8II. 1) given; new; Theme, Rheme 2) Theme; Rheme 3) unmarked; marked 4) topical

30、; interpersonal; textual 5) topic; commentIII. (keys are boldfaced) 1)这棵树,叶子 很大 ThemeRheme 2)张三我 已经见过了ThemeRheme 3)老师站在讲台上ThemeRheme4)讲台上站着老师ThemeRheme5)(you)HaveSome bread and butterThemeRhemegivennew6)Pleasedonttouch the cucumber sandwichesinterpersonal Themetopical ThemeRheme7)Nowat first sightth

31、is might seem to be contradictorytextual Themetopical ThemeRheme8) Surprisinglyhoweverthis tendency has declined in the mid-1970sInterpersonal Themetextual ThemeRhemeIV. 主位分析:1) 哎呀(textual Theme),孙悟空(interpersonal Theme),月光宝石(topical Theme)怎么能乱扔呢(Rheme)?2) 好大一会儿(Theme),这伙人谁也没说话(Rheme)。3) And (textual Theme) no doubt (interpersonal Theme) he(topical Theme)ll deny everything (Rheme).4) Well (textual Theme), perhaps (interpe

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