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本文(高考英语作文素材用于表达与家人在一起的幸福时光句子.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高考英语作文素材用于表达与家人在一起的幸福时光句子1、幸福就是一家四口和和美美在一起,温馨无限。1. Happiness is a family of four and Meimei together, warm infinite.2、家庭的温馨每个人都想拥有的,因为每个人都拥有美好的家庭、幸福的家庭、快乐的家庭!2. Everyone wants to have a beautiful family and a happy family!3、我所理解的幸福不是冬天可以躺在床上不起,而是一家人能够在一起,很心安理得的生活,健康平凡的活着。3. My understanding of happi

2、ness is not the winter can not afford to lie in bed, but a family can be together, very comfortable life, healthy and ordinary life.4、我觉得其实幸福就这么简单只要一家人在一起无论去哪吃什么都很幸福。4. I think happiness is as simple as a family Wherever you go What to eat They are all very happy.5、一家人聚在一起吃羊肉火锅,外面飘着雪花,小宝贝咿咿呀呀的,感觉超幸福

3、。5. The whole family get together to eat mutton hot pot, snow floating outside, baby babbling, feel super happy.6、家庭的温馨每个人都想拥有的,因为每个人都拥有美好的家庭幸福的家庭快乐的家庭。6. The warmth of the family everyone wants to have, because everyone has a beautiful family, a happy family, a happy family.7、家庭温馨每个人都想拥有,因为每个人都拥有美好

4、家庭、幸福家庭、快乐家庭!7. Family warm, everyone wants to have, because everyone has a beautiful family, happy family, happy family!8、幸福的生活,其实就是一个完整的家,天黑了,一起回家睡觉。一家人在一起开开心心,我觉得我幸福感爆棚!8. Happy life, in fact, is a complete home, dark, go home to sleep together. A happy family together, I think I am full of happi

5、ness!9、幸福家是培育孩子成人的温床,家生活的乐趣是抵抗坏风气毒害的最好良剂。9. Happy home is a hotbed for cultivating children and adults, and the fun of home life is the best medicine to resist the poison of bad atmosphere.10、其实无论在哪里,一家人在一起那就是幸福!10. In fact, no matter where, a family together that is happiness!11、无论是国王还是农夫,家庭和睦是最幸福的

6、。11. Whether king or farmer, family harmony is the happiest.12、幸福的家庭都是一样的,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。12. All happy families are the same, and each unhappy family has its own misfortune.13、虽然很艰苦,但是有家庭的幸福感足够了。一家四口。13. Its hard, but its enough to have a happy family. A family of four.14、一家人在一起看春晚,不时又斗斗嘴,说说笑笑,多么简单又幸福的

7、事。14. Family together to watch the Spring Festival Gala, from time to time and bickering, talking and laughing, what a simple and happy thing.15、真的感觉幸福其实很简单,就是一家人在一起开开心心聊聊天!不奢求太多,善良的对待每个人!15. Really feel happy is actually very simple, is a family together happy chat! Dont expect too much, treat ever

8、yone kindly!16、一家人在一起团团圆圆,健健康康地生活和睦相处,其乐融融,是最幸福的一件事,这也是多少钱都买不到的。16. Its the happiest thing for a family to live together in a round and healthy way, live in harmony and enjoy themselves, which cant be bought for any money.17、因为有家,我幸福。它是世上最富有的王国,最温馨的地方。17. Because I have a family, I am happy. Its the

9、 richest kingdom in the world, the warmest place.18、简单的幸福感,来源于一家四口的陪伴,关怀,理解。18. Simple happiness comes from the company, care and understanding of a family of four.19、有爱的一家人幸福满满,一家四口就是开心。19. A loving family is full of happiness, and a family of four is happy.20、幸福家庭是培育孩子成人的温床,家庭生活的乐趣是抵抗坏风气毒害的最好良剂。20

10、. A happy family is a hotbed for cultivating children and adults, and the fun of family life is the best medicine to resist the poison of bad atmosphere.21、幸福的一家四口:妈妈拍照,爸爸扶着哥哥,哥哥抱着妹妹。21. Happy family of four: mother taking photos, father holding brother, brother holding sister.22、我认为,幸福就是一家人在一起,就这么简

11、单,感恩。In my opinion, happiness means being together as a family. Its just as simple as gratitude.23、一家人围在一起,吃着热气腾腾的饭菜,说着笑着。哎呀,这样真好,真的好幸福啊。23. The whole family gathered around, eating steaming food, talking and laughing. Oh, its so good. Im really happy.24、平淡而简单的度过日子,却很幸福开心。一家人在一起煮火锅,吃面,边吃边谈笑,没有华丽的词藻,

12、只话家常。24. Live a simple life, but very happy. The whole family cooked hot pot and ate noodles together, chatting and laughing at the same time. There were no gorgeous words, just talking about home.25、爸爸妈妈一切都好,就是最大的幸福。感恩家人,一家人在一起就是最快乐的,大家都平平安安的。Mom and Dad, everything is good, is the greatest happine

13、ss. Thanksgiving family, a family together is the happiest, we are safe.26、家是那么的温暖!无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形,可以调素琴、阅金经,斯是陋室,惟吾德馨!家充满了幸福!Home is so warm! Without the disordered ears of silk and bamboo, without the form of paperwork, you can tune the piano and read the golden Sutra. This is a humble room, but I a

14、m Dexin! Home is full of happiness!27、家人团聚才是最大的幸福,一家四口最幸福。27. Family reunion is the greatest happiness. A family of four is the happiest.28、好吃的一起分享才美味。一家人在一起,就是天赐的幸福。28. Its delicious to share whats delicious. A family together is a gift of happiness.29、家庭的温馨每个人都想拥有的,由于每个人都拥有美好的家庭、幸福的家庭、愉快的家庭。The wa

15、rmth of family is what everyone wants to have, because everyone has a beautiful family, a happy family and a happy family.30、家庭是宁静的港湾,春风和煦,波澜不惊。愿你新建的家庭幸福美满,愿你俩在人生的航程中永远并肩前进。30. Family is a peaceful harbor with warm spring breeze and calm waves. May your new family be happy, and may both of you march

16、 forward side by side in the course of your life.31、所谓幸福,就是一家人一直在一起,开心就好。31. The so-called happiness means that a family is always together and happy.32、周末时间一家人聚在一起陪陪孩子,逛逛街,便是幸福!32, weekend time, a family together to accompany children, shopping, is happiness!33、幸福的家庭,父母靠慈爱当家,孩子也是出于对父母的爱而顺从大人。33. In

17、 a happy family, parents are in charge of the family by kindness, and children are obedient to adults out of love for their parents.34、一条短短的信息,一声诚挚的问候,代表着牵挂和思念,包含着祝福与鼓励,祝新春快乐,合家幸福!34. A short message and a sincere greeting represent concern and missing, including blessing and encouragement. I wish y

18、ou a happy new year and a happy family!35、没有比在冬天一家人围在一起吃午餐更幸福的事情了!35. There is nothing happier than having lunch with a family in winter!36、我亲爱的家人,愿碧绿的橄榄枝给你们带来平安与幸福。36. My dear family, may the green olive branch bring you peace and happiness.37、在北方的寒冬一家人聚在一起在暖暖的房间吃着火锅。真的太幸福了。37. In the cold winter i

19、n the north, the family get together and eat hot pot in the warm room. Im so happy.38、能当幸福刚刚好时,就是最好的幸福吧,愿我们一家四口要永远幸福下去。38. When happiness is just right, its the best happiness. May our family be happy forever.39、找个坚强的理由,选择合适的方法,让自己行动起来,累我一人,幸福一家人。39, find a strong reason, choose the right way, let y

20、ourself act, tired me a person, happy family.40、带上他们一起过下去一家四口的幸福生活。稳稳的!Take them and live a happy life together. Steady!41、家是崭新的起点,家是宁静的港湾,家是温暖的襁褓,家是舒适的摇篮。祝你家庭永远幸福、和睦、美满。41. Home is a new starting point, a peaceful harbor, a warm swaddle and a comfortable cradle. I wish you a happy, harmonious and h

21、appy family forever.42、我做完最幸福的梦;我们一家人坐在一起,吃了一顿饭,午后阳光落,聊聊家常,这梦,是我的奢望吧。42. I have finished my happiest dream. My family sat together and had a meal. In the afternoon, the sun fell and we talked about our family. This dream is my extravagant hope.43、不求大富大贵,希望一家人在一起过幸福小日子。43. I dont want to be rich. I w

22、ant my family to live a happy life together.44、家庭的温馨每个人都想拥有的,因为每个人都拥有美好的家庭、幸福的家庭、快乐的家庭。The warmth of the family everyone wants to have, because everyone has a beautiful family, a happy family, a happy family.45、孩子能带在身边带身边,也就那么短短几年无论是苦是甜,还是一家人在一起最幸福!45. Its just a few years for children to be around

23、Whether its bitter or sweet, or a family is the happiest together!46、十年的时间,从小两口到一家四口,队伍不断壮大,满满的幸福,满满的回忆。46, ten years, from two to a family of four, the team has been growing, full of happiness, full of memories.47、每天和爱人在一起说说话,看看电视,陪陪孩子和家人在一起有甜蜜的笑容这就是幸福。47. Talking with your lover every day, watching TV, accompanying your children and family, and having a sweet smile are happiness.

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