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1、英语初一升初二衔接第一章七年级下册知识点复习Unit 5 and unit 6频度副词及用法:频度副词主要指一定时间动作发生的次数I always go to school by bike.(100%)I usually go to work by car.(80%)I often go to school by bus.(60%)I sometimes go to school by subway.(40%)I seldom go to school on foot. ( 20%)I never go to school by taxi.(0%)除此之外,常见的这类副词及短语还有: ever

2、yday, twice a week, once a week 等Twice a week.例: 1. How ofte n does he go to the park?2.How ofte n do you go to the library? Everyday !2.交通式的表达A. 交通工具:bus taxi bike train plane subway car 等等。B.乘坐交通工具,用by+交通工具,中间不加任词by bike, by bus, by pla ne/byair除此之外,还可用其他词汇这样表达: take a bus, ride a bike, take a tax

3、i, walk toC.对交通式或者式的提问用 how, e.g. How do you go home? I go home onfoot.How does she go to work? By bus.3.关于借物:borrow, lend, keepBorrow:短暂性动词,指从别人那里借来东西。Lend:指把自己的东西借出去给别人,lend sth. to sb.Keep:持续性动词,可指“借多久”, 可以接时间段。练习:May I your knife?Please it to me.You can them for 3 days.4.There be 句型:表示某地或某时存在某人,

4、某事或或某物。谓语使用就近原则e.g. There is an orange and two apples on the table.将来时结构为:There is going to be / there will be e.g. There is going to be a meet ing tomorrow morni ng.句型变化: a. Is there a computer in your study? Yes, there is./ No, there isnb. Are there any shoes un der the bed? Yes, there are./ No, t

5、here 丄aren t.c. What is on the table? There is a knife and a fork.与“ have ”的区别:have指“某人拥有什么”, 强调所属关系e.g. I have many scie nee books.课堂小练习1. There any rice in the bowl.A.are B. Is C. is n tD. aren t2. There many apples on the tree last year.A.have bee n B. were C. are D. is3.There a film tomorrow eve

6、 ning.A. will have B. have C. is going to be D. has4.There is some milk in the bottle, ?5.How many boys there in the Class One? B. is C. are D. am6.s n ewspaper.There a lot of good n ews in todayA. is B. are C. was D. were7.There pen cil-box, and some flowers on the desk.A. is a B. are some C. h

7、as a D. have some8.There an apple and ten bananas in the basket.A. are B. is C. has D. have9.any flowers on both sides of the street?A. Is there B. Are there C. Has D. Have10.There is little water n the glass, ?A. isn t there B. isn t iC. is it D. is there5. 表示地点与位:on/ at/in/above/ under/beside/near

8、/behind/next to/across from On the right/left, in front of/ in the front of, at the back of/ at back of 6问路,指路与距离问路:Excuse me, is there a .n ear here?Excuse me, how can I get to / Could you tell me how to get to ?Where is ?Excuse me, which is the way to / Which bus goes to ?指路:Go up this street to t

9、he end and Go along and turn left at the first street.Sorry, I don t know. I m new here.You can take bus No.12.It s about 400 meters from here.You d better take a taxi.距离How far is it from here?s 2 hours by bike.It s about 5 kilometers away from here./ It7.现在进行时用法:1 )表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。常和 now连用,有时

10、用动词look!(瞧),listen!(听)来表示“此时此刻”这一时间概念 ,或者使用祈使句Don t引导的句子。结构为:be + doinge.g. He is reading books in the library now .Liste n , some one is play ing the pia no.Look , they are dancing.注意区别于一般现在时:一般现在时:表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态,或表 示说话者的能力,或普遍真理。用法:1)经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。I go to school on foot on weekdays. / He is

11、 very busy every day.2) 表示主语的特征、性格、能力、爱好等。He can swim. / I work hard. / She likes watchi ng TV.3) 表示客观真理There are seve n days in a week. / The moon moves round the earth.标志:often (经常)usually (通常)sometimes (有时),always (总是),never (从不) , on Sun days (在星期天),every day/m on th/year (每一天 / 月 / 年)课堂练习)4. -I

12、s your father a doctor?shopp ing.)13. Sometimes shein the day, but now she isA. works; worki ng B. worki ng;; worki ng; work()14. Jenny En glish every eve ning.A. has study B. studies C. study D. studied()15. Wang Mei music and ofte n to music.A. like; liste n B. likes; liste nsC.

13、like; are liste ning D. liki ng ; liste n8.一些重点单词及短语Early catch walk ride retur n easy in teresti ng difficult bori ngbeautifullarge stoptur n acrossdangerlast fast carefulThe same tocome onhave a short restin one s free time a fewof courseLook for on tim e put onfrom. to be frien dly totalk aboutpu

14、t awayIn the cen ter ofat the end ofa lot ofclose tofar fromright now Be late foracrossfromUnit 7 and unit 81.主要词汇短语1-12 月份:January February MarchApril May JuneJulyAugustSeptember OctoberNovemberDecember序数词:first secondthird fourthfifth sixth seve ntheighthninthten th四季:spring summerautu mn/ fallwin

15、 terWeather : warm hotrain snow cloudy rainy snowysunnywin dycool coldSportbirthdaypartyprese nt shape agoanythingmean enjoywashhappenangryarrive busy traveltrip believeimporta ntpreparestartshouthold race be borndo some clea ninghave a good timetake pictures be good at/ do well inwith the helpof/ w

16、ith one s help enjoy on eself at oncetell a liebe differe ntfromput upprepare for stay up2.天气询问天气:a. 一般现在时:How is the weather? /What s the weather like today?It s sunnlt s hot.b. 一般过去时:How was the weather?/ What was the weather like?It was sunny./ It was hot.关于温度: What s the temperature? The tempera

17、ture is 20 C.3.谈论能力:使用情态单词can,后接动词原形,没有人称变化,但是有过去式could.She can sing En glish son gs.Can you dance? Yes, I can. / No, I can t.I can swim now, but I couldn t swim when I was five.4.意愿和打算Hope表示希望,指比较容易达成的目的: hope to doWish表示希望,指不容易达到的目的或意愿: wish (sb.) to doWant 想要, 表示个人的意愿,want (sb.) to doWould like :

18、用法和 want 样Plan :计戈9,plan to doe.g. I hope to find a pen pal.I wish to be a rich man. / I wish you to win the first prize.I wan t/would like to buy a prese nt for her.I pla n to go to Han gzhou this summer.5.一般过去时一般过去时主要表示过去某时发生的动作或情况。结构是“主语 +动词的过去 式”可以从以下几个面来理解:1、过去某个时间所发生的动作或存在的状态,句中有明确的表示过去的时间状语如:

19、yesterday (昨天),last night (昨晚),last week (上个星期),four days ago (四天前),in 2002 (在 2002 年),just now (刚才),the day before yesterday(前天)等。表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或情况。e.g. I bought a new shirt yesterday.He was a worker two years ago.2、过去一段时间,经常性或习惯性的动作。e.g. Whe n I was a childofte n played with fire.Li Lei always wal

20、ked to school last term.其句式变化分为两种情况:1) 含有be动词的直接把be动词改成过去式.e.g. I was born in 1980.I was not born in 1980.Were you born in 1980?2) 含有行为动词的变否定句要在行为动词前加助动词 did nt.,同时把动词变成原形;变一般疑问句,在句首加助动词did,同时把动词变成原形.e.g. I bought a gift for my mum yesterday.I did nt buy a gift for my mum yesterday.Did you buy a gif

21、t for your mum yesterday?课堂练习请用正确动词形式填空。1.I an exciting party last weekend. ( have)2.She at home yesterday morning. ( is)3.Tommy TV at his uncle swothight. (4.They all to the mountains yesterday morning. (go)5.My friend, Carol, for the math test yesterday evening. (study)6.They (be) on the farm a mo

22、ment ago.7.There (be)a shop not long ago.8Jenny (n ot go)to bed un til 11:00 oclock last night.9Danny (read )En glish five minu tes ago.10I (see)Li Lei (go) out just now.按照括号中的要求改写句子。11.Lucy did her homework at home. (改否定句)Lucy her homework at home.12.She found some meat in the fridge. (变一般疑问句) she

23、meat in the fridge?13.She stayed there for a week. (对划线部分提问) she there?14.There was some orange in the cup. (变一般疑问句) there orange in the cup?15.Li Ming is at school now. (用 yesterday 改写句子)Li Ming at school yesterday.第一章句法与写作基础1.了解句子成分与词类之间的关系。据自由句子成分组成,而句子成分又由某些特定的词语担当。 句子成分分为:主语,谓语,宾语,表语,补语, 定语和状语。

24、(1) 主语主语是一个句子叙述的主体,说明句子讲的是谁或者什么情况。名词,代词,数 词,不定式,动词ING等都可做主语。Mary is a good stude nt.He enjoys going fish ing.Playing football is my favorite sport.(2) 谓语谓语一般放在主语之后,用来说明主语的动作,特征,行为或者处于什么状态。谓语通常由动词或短语来充当,有时态,语气,语态和人称和数的变化,前面还可以 加上助动词或者情态动词等。The room can hold twenty people.( 情态动词 + 动词原形)She teaches us

25、En glish. (第三人称单数)My mother bought me a new sweater.( 动词过去式)(3) 表语用来表述主语的特征,状态,身份等,一般跟在连系动词之后,一起构成系表结构。可以作表语的有名词,代词, 数词,形容词,副词,介词短语,不定式和动词ING等等。He is a lucky dog.Her work is to look after the baby.Keep quiet, please.The weather becomes warmer and warmer in spri ng.(4)宾语宾语在句子中充当动作的承受者表明行为动作的支配对象。 可以做

26、宾语的有名词,代词,数词,不定式,动词ING等等。介词之后也叫宾语。Walls have ears.I remember to give back his bike.I send a postcard to my frie nd yesterday.(5)宾语补足语有些谓语动词虽然带了宾语,但句子意思并不完整,还需要有一个补充说明句 子意思才完整。这个补充说明的成分就叫宾语补足语,用来说明宾语的行为,特 征和状态,身份等。能够充当宾语补足语的的有名词,形容词,副词,介词短语, 不定式和动词ING。I want him backHis jokes make me laugh.I see her

27、playing with her little brother. Mother tells me not to swim in the river. (6)定语定语用来修饰名词和代词。除动词之外,其余词类都可做定语。放在修饰词前 面的叫前置定语,放在修饰词后面的叫后置定语。Ann is a young sin ger.There is a beautiful picture on the white wall.You can see gree n leaves on the trees in spri ng.(7)状语等等的叫状语。状用来表示时间,地点,原因,式,程度,目的,结果,条件语一般放

28、在句尾,有的也可谓语句首或句中。The pla ne will take off in ten minutes. It really beautiful.We will go to the park by bike.Judy wants to hold her birthday party at her home.I like going shopp ing very much.practice试画出下列句子的句子成分1.The book is about Chinese history.2.You should hold my hand.3.I want to know that beaut

29、iful girl under the tree.4.They are working on the farm now.5.The old man was feeling very tired.6.People speak English in America.7.I often go to school on foot.8.Sam didn t do his homework yesterday.选出句中谓语的中心词1I dont like the picture on the wall.23Do you usually go to school by bus?4There will be

30、a meet ing at the library this after noon5Did the twins have porridge for their breakfast?6Tom did nt do his homework yesterday.2.了解句子的各种类型问句,祈使句和感叹句。(1)述句用于述一件事情或一种观点的句子叫述句,包含肯定句和否定句,句末用句号。He is willi ng to help others.We can t live without water and air.(2)疑问句疑问句是用来询问事情的句子。常用的有一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问 句和反意疑问句。一般疑问句 常用来询问一件事情是否属实,一般要用yes或no来回答。Does Hele n always do housework? Yes, she does.特殊疑问句 主要用来对述句中某个成分进行提问,常用的疑问词有 7个wh-和 how 。

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