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1、鲁科版五年级上英语课本Unit 1 Teachers Day教师节Lesson 1 Shes very kind.她非常善良。1. Listen and say.What are you doing, Danny你正在做什么,丹尼Im making cards.我正在制作卡片。This one is for my favourite teacher.这张卡片是送给我最喜欢的老师的。Oh, tomorrow is September 10th.哦,明天就是九月十日。Its Teachers Day.是教师节。Whos your favourite teacher谁是你最喜欢的老师Guess. S

2、hes young.猜一猜。她很年轻。Is she tall她高吗Yes, she is. And she has long hair.是的,她很高。而且她梳着长头发。I know. Its Miss Zhang.我知道。是张老师。Yes. Shes very kind.是的。她非常善良。Look, Miss Zhang is coming.看,张老师来了。Danny, its time for class.丹尼,上课的时间到了。And shes strict.而且她十分严格。2. Lets talkShes s tall.她年轻。她很高。She has long hair.她留着长发。And

3、 shes kind.她很善良。Its Miss Liu.是刘老师。Lesson 2 He was young then.他那时候很年轻。1. Listen and say.听录音并开口说。Happy Teachers Day,Miss Zhang.教师节快乐,张老师。Heres a card for you.这张卡片是送给您的。How beautiful! Thank you, Danny.好漂亮!谢谢你,丹尼。Youre welcome.不客气。Im making a card for my teacher, too.我也正在为我的老师制作卡片。Your teacher Who is it

4、你的老师是谁呀Its Mr Wang.是王老师。Look, this is Mr was young then.看,这就是王老师。他那时候很年轻。And he was strong.而且很强壮。His hair was black.他的头发是黑色的。Whos this little girl Shes lovely.这个小女孩儿是谁她很可爱。Its me. I was nine then.是我。我那时候九岁。I was short and thin.我又矮又瘦。Its interesting.真有趣。2. Lets talk.我们开口说一说。Shes Miss Liu.她是刘老师。She wa

5、s young. Her hair was short.她很年轻。她的头发很短。Lesson 3 They were active in class.他们在课堂上很积极。1. Lets read.我们一起读一读课文。Today is Teachers Day.今天是教师节。Mr Wangs pupils are back at school.王老师的学生们返回了学校。They were in his class ten years ago.他们十年前在他的班里。The boys were short then.那时候男孩儿们都很矮。They were active in class,他们在课堂

6、上很积极but somtimes they were naughty.但是有时候他们很淘气。The girls were thin then.女孩儿们那时候很瘦。They were smart.她们很聪明。Now they are tall and beautiful.现在她们又高又漂亮。Happy Teachers Day,Mr Wang!they say.“教师节快乐,王老师!”她们说。Thank you.“谢谢你们。Im so happy to see you today,Mr Wang says.今天见到你们真的太开心了,”王老师说。Lets discuss.我们一起讨论一下吧。 (1

7、)Who is back at school谁返回了学校 (2)Were the boys active in class男孩儿们曾经在课堂上积极吗 (3)What do Mr Wangs pupils say王老师的学生们说了什么Lesson 4 Again, please!请再来一遍!1. Lets listen.我们一起听录音。Listen and number.听录音并编号.2. Listen and repeat.听录音并重复。x six六 box盒子 fox狐狸 excuse原谅y my我的 by以方式 fly飞 sky天空z zoo动物园 zip拉锁 zero零 zebra斑马3

8、. Lets read.我们一起读一读文章。Read and tick.阅读文章并选择正确的答案。Monday September 10 Sunday九月十日 星期一 晴Its Teachers Day.今天是教师节。My dad visited Mr Chen,his favourite teacher.我爸爸去看望了最喜欢的老师,陈老师。Mr Chen was young and strong thirty years ago.陈老师三十年前既年轻又强壮。His hair was black.他的头发是黑色的。He liked telling stories. 他喜欢讲故事。Now his

9、 hair is grey.现在他的头发是灰白的。He still likes telling stories.他仍然喜欢讲故事。Mr Chen is kind.陈老师很善良。He loves his pupils.他喜欢他的学生们。His pupils love him, too.他的学生们也很爱他。Try yourself.自己尝试一下吧1. Enjoy it.欣赏A Great Teacher一位伟大的老师Helen Keller was born in the . in 1880.海伦凯勒于1880年出生在美国。She was blind and deaf.她又聋又瞎。When Hel

10、en Keller was 7,当海伦凯勒七岁的时候,Anne Sullivan became her teacher.安妮沙利文成为了她的老师。Anne was very kind.安妮非常善良。she taught Helen how to read and write.她教海伦如何读写。Anne loved little Helen.安妮非常喜欢小海伦。She often helped her and encouraged her.她经常帮助她并鼓励她。Helen Keller worked very hard.海伦凯勒十分用功。With Annes help,she became a

11、great writer.在安妮的帮助下,她成为了一名伟大的作家。Anne gave Helen Keller a new life.安妮给予了海伦一个全新的生命。What a great teacher!多么伟大的一位教师!Unit 2 Feelings感受Lesson 1 Hes excited.他很兴奋。1. Listen and say.听录音并开口说。You look so happy, Danny.你看起来很高兴,丹尼。Yes. Were going to the park.是的。我们将要去公园。Oh, its raining.哦,下雨了。Whats Danny doing the

12、re丹尼正在那里做什么Hes dancing in the s excited.他正在雨中跳舞。他很兴奋。Help! The sky is angry.救命!老天爷生气了。Danny, come back!丹尼,回来!Oh, no! Ive lost my cap.哦,不!我把帽子弄丢了。Dont be sad. We can help you.别伤心。我们可以帮助你。2. Lets talk.我们开口说一说。Whats he doing他正在做什么Hes looking at the s angry.他正看着兔子。他生气了。Lesson 2 Was he happy他高兴吗1. Listen

13、 and say.听录音并开口说。Sorry, mum. Im late.对不起,妈妈。我回来晚了。Im glad youre was worried.我很高兴你回来了。我很担心你。I was in the park with my friends.我和我的朋友们去了公园。Were you happy你玩得高兴吗Yes, I was.是的。I played games with Jenny and Li Ming.我和珍妮还有李明玩游戏了。Was Danny with you丹尼和你在一起吗Yes, he was.是的。Was he happy, too他也玩得高兴吗No, he wasnt.

14、不,他不高兴。He was sad.他很伤心。He lost his cap.他把帽子弄丢了。Poor boy!可怜的孩子。2. lets talk.我们开口说一说。Was Danny angry丹尼生气了吗No, he wasnt. He was excited.不,他没有。他很兴奋。Lesson 3 Wang Hong is worried.王红很焦急。1. Lets read.我们一起读一读课文。Its time for school,but Wang Hong is worried.上学的时间到了,但是王红很焦急。Why She cant find her English book.为

15、什么她找不到她的英语书了。Dont worry. We can find it.“别担心。我们可以找到它。I saw it on the desk yesterday,her mother says.我昨天在书桌上看见它了,”她的妈妈说。Huanhuan comes in. She is excited.欢欢走进来了。她很兴奋。Look! She has a book in her mouth.看!她的嘴里有一本书。Oh, my book! Thank you, Huanhuan!“哦,我的书!谢谢你,欢欢!Youre helpful! Wang Hong is happy now.你真乐于助

16、人!”王红现在开心了。2. Lets discuss.我们讨论一下吧。 (1)Is Wang Hong worried Why王红很焦急吗为什么 (2)Where was the book yesterday昨天这本书在哪里 (3)Who is helpful谁乐于助人Lesson 4 Again, please!请再来一遍!1. Lets listen.我们一起听录音。Listen and match.听录音并连线。.2. Listen and repeat.听录音并重复。gr green绿色的 grandpa爷爷 great伟大的 grandma奶奶tr tree树 travel旅行 tr

17、ain火车 trousers裤子ea head头 sweater外套 bread面包 breakfast早餐3. Lets read.我们一起读一读文章。Read and answer.阅读文章并回答问题。When we see different colours,当我们看见不同的颜色时,we may have different feelings.我们也许会有不同的感觉。When we stay in a red room,当我们待在一个红色的房间里是,we may feel excited or become angry easily.我们会感觉很兴奋或者变得易怒。When we see

18、yellow,we may feel warm and happy.当我们看见黄色的时候,我们会感觉很温暖,很高兴。When we wear blue clothes,当我们穿蓝色的衣服时,we may feel calm and peaceful.我们会感觉很安静平和。But sometimes blue may make us sad.但有时候蓝色也许会令我们伤心。So when you are sad,you can say I feel blue.所以当你伤心的时候,你可以说“我感觉犹豫(蓝色)。”Try yourself.自己尝试一下吧。1. Enjoy it.欣赏Mr Blacks

19、 Garden布莱克先生的花园Mr back has a beautiful garden.布莱克先生有一座美丽的花园。There are trees and flowers in it.里面有绿树和鲜花。Some children like to play games in the garden.一些孩子们喜欢在花园里面做游戏。And they sing and dance there.他们在那里唱歌,跳舞。Mr Black doesnt like noise.布莱克先生不喜欢噪音。Hes very angry.他非常生气。He shouts,Dont play in my garden!他

20、喊道,“不要在我的花园里玩!”The children are run away.孩子们很害怕。他们跑开了。Spring is coming.春天就要来了。Its beautiful outside.外面很美丽。But Mr Blacks garden is still in winter.布莱克先生的公园仍然是冬天。There are no flowers in it.里面没有花朵。Hes very sad.布莱克先生非常伤心。Come and play in my garden,“来我的花园里玩吧,”he says to the children.他对孩子们说。Then they come

21、 back and play happilyin the garden.然后,他们回来在花园里面开心地玩耍。Mr Blacks garden is beautiful again.布莱克先生的花园又一次美丽了。Everyone is happy.人人都很开心。Unit 3 Birthday生日Lesson 1 When is your birthday你的生日时什么时候1. Listen and say.听录音并开口说。Look, how happy they are!看,他们多么高兴啊!Theyre having a birthday party.他们正在进行一场生日派对。When is y

22、our birthday, Li Ming你的生日是什么时候,李明Its in March.是在三月。When is your birthday, Peter你的生日是在什么时候,彼得My birthday is in May.我的生日是在五月。When is your birthday, Wang Hong你的生日是在什么时候,王红Guess.你猜。Is it in April是在四月吗No. Its in autumn.不。是在秋天。Is it in October是在十月吗Yes. Its October 7.是的。是在十月七号。Come to my birthday party, pl

23、ease.请来参加我的生日派对吧。Great!太好啦!2. Lets talk.我们开口说一说。When is your birthday你的生日是什么时候Its October.是在十月。When is your birthday你的生日是什么时候My birthday is in March.我的生日是在三月。Lesson 2 Have some cake, please.请吃一些蛋糕吧。1. Listen and say.听录音并开口说。Happy birthday, Wang Hong.生日快乐,王红。Thank you. Im so excited.谢谢。我很兴奋。Heres a p

24、resent for you.这个礼物是送你的。Thank you. Can I open it谢谢。我能打开吗Sure.当然。Wow! Its beautiful!哇!真漂亮!Make a wish, Wang Hong.许个愿吧,王红。Lets sing the birthday song.我们一起唱生日歌吧。Happy birthday to you.祝你生日快乐Thank you. Have some cake, please.谢谢。请吃一些蛋糕吧。Im very happy today.我今天非常高兴。Lets take a picture.我们拍一张照片吧。Say cheese.说

25、茄子。Cheese!茄子!2. Lets talk.我们开口说一说。Happy birthday.生日快乐。Thank you.谢谢。Open the present, please.请拆开礼物吧。OK.好的。Lesson 3 She had a birthday party.她开了一场生日派对。1. Lets read.我们一起读一读课文。Wang Hong was happy yesterday.王红昨天很高兴。It was her birthday.昨天是她的生日。She had a birthday was great.她开了一场生日派对。派对很棒。What did the child

26、ren do at the party孩子们在派对上做了什么They sang the birthday song.他们唱了生日歌。Wang Hong made a wish.王红许了愿。Then they ate the cake.然后他们吃了蛋糕。It was a nice cake.这是一个漂亮的蛋糕。They loved it very much.它们非常喜欢。They sang, danced and played games.他们唱歌,跳舞,玩游戏。Everyone was excited.每个人都很兴奋。They had a good time.他们度过了一段欢乐的时光。2. L

27、ets discuss.我们一起讨论一下吧。 (1)Why was Wang Hong happy yesterday为什么王红昨天很高兴 (2)What did Wang Hong do yesterday昨天王红做了什么 (3)What did Wang Hongs friends do王红的朋友们做了什么Lesson 4 Again, please!请再来一遍!1. Lets listen.我们一起听录音。listen and choose.听录音并选择正确的答案。.2. Listen and repeat.听录音并重复。fr from来自 friend朋友 fruit水果 Friday

28、星期五ts rabbits兔子 shirts衬衫 jackets夹克衫 parents父母oa coat外衣 boat船 goat山羊 goal目标3. Lets read.我们一起读一读课文。Read and draw.读文章,画图画。Saturday October 7 Sunny十月七日 星期六 晴Today is my birthday.今天是我的生日I had a birthday party at home.我在家里开了一场生日派对。Mum made a big cake.妈妈做了一个大蛋糕。Danny made a beautiful card for me.丹尼为我做了一张漂亮

29、的卡片。Jenny gave me a kite.珍妮给了我一个风筝。We played together.我们一起放风筝。I was very happy.我非常开心。I thanked mum and my friends.我感谢了妈妈和我的朋友们。After the party,I did some housework.在派对结束以后,我做了一些家务。Try yourself.自我尝试。1. Enjoy it.欣赏My Birthday story我的生日故事I had a birthday party yesterday.昨天,我开了一场生日派对。All my friends came

30、 to my party.我所有的朋友都参加我的派对了。There were lots of presents.我有许多的礼物。I liked the cute cup.我喜欢那个可爱的杯子。But I broke it.但是我把它打破了。There was lots of food.派对上有许多食物。I wanted to eat the noodles.我想吃面条。But I spilled the sauce.但是我弄洒了调味汁。There was a big cake.派对上有一个大蛋糕。I wanted to cut it.我想切它,But I dropped the knife.但是我掉了刀子。I broke the cup,spilled the sauce,我打破了杯子,洒了调味汁,and dropped the knife.掉了刀子。But my parents love me.但是我的父母爱我。All my friends love me.我所有的朋友们都爱我。I had a good time.我度过了欢乐的时光。Unit 4 School in Canada在加拿大的学校Lesson 1 Lucy is in a new school.露西在一所新的学校里。1. Listen and say.听录音并开口说。Lucy is in a new

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