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1、英语四级阅读理解2021年12月英语四级阅读理解【篇一】2021年12月英语四级阅读理解Police fired tear gas and arrested more than 5,000passively resisting protestors Friday in an attemptto break up the largest antinuclear demonstrationever staged in the United States. More than 135,000 demonstrators confronted police on theconstruction sit

2、e of a 1,000-megawatt nuclearpower plant scheduled to provide power to most ofsouthern New Hampshire. Organizers of the huge demonstration said, the protest wascontinuing despite the police actions. More demonstrators were arriving to keep up thepressure on state authorities to cancel the project. T

3、he demonstrator had charged that theproject was unsafe in the densely populated area, would create thermal pollution in the bay, and had no acceptable means for disposing of its radioactive wasters. The demonstrationswould go on until the jails and the courts were so overloaded that the state judici

4、al systemwould collapse. Governor Stanforth Thumper insisted that there would be no reconsideration of the powerproject and no delay in its construction set for completion in three years.”This project willbegin on time and the people of this state will begin to receive its benefits on schedule. Thos

5、ewho break the law in misguided attempts to sabotage the project will be dealt with accordingto the law,” he said. And police called in reinforcements from all over the state to handle thedisturbances. The protests began before dawn Friday when several thousand demonstrators brokethrough police line

6、s around the cordoned-off construction site. They carried placards that read”No Nukes is Good Nukes,”“Sunpower, Not Nuclear Power,” and “Stop Private Profits from PublicPeril.” They defied police order to move from the area. Tear gas canisters fired by police failedto dislodge the protestors who had

7、 come prepared with their own gas masks or facecloths. Finally gas-masked and helmeted police charged into the crowd to drag off the demonstratorsone by one. The protestors did not resist police, but refused to walk away under their ownpower. Those arrested would be charged with unlawful assembly, t

8、respassing, and disturbingthe peace. 1. What were the demonstrators protesting about? A Private profits. B Nuclear Power Station. C The project of nuclear power construction. D Public peril. 2. Who had gas-masks? A Everybody. B A part of the protestors. C Policemen. D Both B and C. 3. Which of the f

9、ollowing was NOT mentioned as a reason for the demonstration? A Public transportation. B Public peril. C Pollution. D Disposal of wastes. 4. With whom were the jails and courts overloaded? A With prisoners. B With arrested demonstrators. C With criminals. D With protestors. 5. What is the attitude o

10、f Governor Stanforth Thumper toward the power project and thedemonstration? A stubborn. B insistent. C insolvable. D remissible. 【篇二】2021年12月英语四级阅读理解The Continuity of theReligious Struggle in Britain Though England was on the whole prosperousand hopeful, though by comparison with herneighbors she en

11、joyed internal peace, she could notevade the fact that the world of which she formed apart was torn by hatred and strife as fierce as any in human history. Men were still for fromrecognizing that two religions could exist side by side in the same society; they believed thatthe toleration of another

12、religion different from their own. And hence necessarily false, mustinevitably destroy such a society and bring the souls of all its members into danger of hell. Sothe struggle went on with increasing fury within each nation to impose a single creed uponevery subject, and within the general society

13、of Christendom to impose it upon every nation. In England the Reformers, or Protestants, aided by the power of the Crown, had at this stagetriumphed, but over Europe as a whole Rome was beginning to recover some of the ground ithad lost after Martin Luthers revolt in the earlier part of the century.

14、 It did this in two ways, by the activities of its missionaries, as in parts of Germany, or by the military might of theCatholic Powers, as in the Low Countries, where the Dutch provinces were sometimes near theirlast extremity under the pressure of Spanish arms. Against England, the most important

15、of allthe Protestant nations to reconquer, military might was not yet possible because the CatholicPowers were too occupied and divided: and so, in the 1570s Rome bent her efforts, as shehad done a thousand years before in the days of Saint Augustine, to win England back bymeans of her missionaries.

16、 These were young Englishmen who had either never given up the old faith, or having doneso, had returned to it and felt called to become priests. There being, of course, no Catholicseminaries left in England, they went abroad, at first quite easily, later with difficulty anddanger, to study in the E

17、nglish colleges at Douai or Rome: the former established for thetraining of ordinary or secular clergy, the other for the member of the Society of Jesus, commonly known as Jesuits, a new Order established by St, Ignatius Loyola same thirty yearsbefore. The seculars came first; they achieved a succes

18、s which even the most eager couldhardly have expected. Cool-minded and well-informed men, like Cecil, had long surmised thatthe conversion of the English people to Protestantism was for from complete; manyCecilthought even the majorityhad conformed out of fear, self-interest orpossibly thecommonest

19、reason of allsheer bewilderment at the rapid changes in doctrine and forms ofworship imposed on them in so short a time. Thus it happened that the missionaries found awelcome, not only with the families who had secretly offered them hospitality if they came, but with many others whom their first hos

20、ts invited to meet them or passed them on to. Theywould land at the ports in disguise, as merchants, courtiers or what not, professing someplausible business in the country, and make by devious may for their first house of refuge. There they would administer the Sacraments and preach to the house ho

21、lds and to such ofthe neighbors as their hosts trusted and presently go on to some other locality to which theywere directed or from which they received a call. 1. The main idea of this passage is A. The continuity of the religious struggle in Britain in new ways. B. The conversion of religion in Br

22、itain. C. The victory of the New religion in Britain. D. England became prosperous. 2. What was Martin Luthers religions? A. Buddhism. B. Protestantism. C. Catholicism. D. Orthodox. 3. Through what way did the Rome recover some of the lost land? A. Civil and military ways. B. Propaganda and attack.

23、C. Persuasion and criticism. D. Religious and military ways. 4. What did the second paragraph mainly describe? A. The activities of missionaries in Britain. B. The conversion of English people to Protestantism was far from complete. C. The young in Britain began to convert to Catholicism D. Most fam

24、ilies offered hospitality to missionaries. Vocabulary 1. evade 避开,回避 2. creed 教义,信条,主义 3. the Crown 原义皇冠,在英国代表王权,王室/君主 4. low Countries 低地国,指荷兰,卢森堡,比利时 5. last extremity 最末阶段,绝境,临终。这里指那里人民接近 无可选择只能信奉天主教。 6. bend ones effort 全力以赴 7. seminary 高等中学,神学院/校 8. surmise 猜度,臆测 9. doctrine 教义 10. plausible 貌似

25、合理/公正的 11. courtier 朝臣 12. devious 绕来绕去的,辗转曲折的 13. Sacrament 圣礼,圣事/餐 14. secular 修道院外的,世俗的 15. the society of Jesus 天主教的耶酥会 16. Douai 杜埃(法国地名) 17. Jesuit 天主耶酥会会士 【篇三】2021年12月英语四级阅读理解President Clintons decision on Apr.8 to send Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji packing without anagreement on Chinas entry in

26、to the World Trade Organization seemed to be a massivemiscalculation. The President took a drubbing from much of the press, which had breathlesslyreported that a deal was in the bag. The Cabinet and Whit House still appeared divided, andbusiness leaders were characterized as furious over the lost op

27、portunity. Zhu charged thatClinton lacked “the courage” to reach an accord. And when Clinton later telephoned the angryZhu to pledge a renewed effort at negotiations, the gesture was widely portrayed as a flip-flop. In fact, Clinton made the right decision in holding out for a better WTO deal. A lot

28、 more horsetrading is needed before a final agreement can be reached. And without the Administrationsgoal of a “bullet-proof agreement” that business lobbyists can enthusiastically sell to aRepublican Congress, the whole process will end up in partisan acrimony that could harmrelations with China fo

29、r years. THE HARD PART. Many business lobbyists, while disappointed that the deal was not closed, agree that better terms can still be had. And Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin, NationalEconomic Council Director Gene B. Sperling, Commerce Secretary William M. Daley, and toptrade negotiator Charlen

30、e Barshefsky all advised Clinton that while the Chinese had made aremarkable number of concessions, “were not there yet,” according to senior officials. Negotiating with Zhu over the remaining issues may be the easy part. Although Clinton cansignal U.S. approval for Chinas entry into the WTO himself

31、, he needs Congress to grantBeijing permanent most-favored-nation status as part of a broad trade accord. And thetemptation for meddling on Capital Hill may prove over-whelming. Zhu had barely landedbefore Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss) declared himself skeptical that Chinadeserved entry

32、 into the WTO. And Senators Jesse A. Helms (R-N.C.) and Emest F. Hollings(D-S. C.) promised to introduce a bill requiring congressional approval of any deal. The hidden message from these three textile-state Southerners: Get more protection for theU. S. clothing industry. Hoping to smooth the way, the Administration tried, but faile

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