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1、学年人教版英语七年级下册Unit7Unit9单元单词讲解人教版初中英语七年级下册 unit 7rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, weather, cook, bad, park, message, could, back, problem, again, dry, cold, hot, warm, visit, Canada, summer, sit, juice, soon, vacation, hard, Europe, mountain, country, skate, snowy, winter, Russian1. rainrenn.v.雨水,雨下雨

2、词形变化rainy adj.下雨的真题例句What a heavy rain it was!多大的雨呀!2. windywndi adj.有风的 词形变化wind n.风真题例句When we finished our picnic a one oclock, it was dark and windy.当1点钟我们结束野餐的时候,天很暗,还刮风。3. cloudykladiadj. 多云的,阴天的词形变化cloud n. 云真题例句Suddenly, it is full of dark clouds and it begins to rain hard.突然,乌云密布,天开始下大雨。4.

3、sunnysniadj.天晴的,阳光充足的词形变化sun n. 太阳经典例句Sunny day makes me feel me happy.晴天让我感觉很开心。5. snowsnn.v.雪下雪词形变化snowy adj. 下雪的真题例句Im dreaming of a white Christmas because it never snows in winter in Guangdong.我梦想着白色的圣诞节,因为在广东冬天从来没有下过雪。6. weatherwe(r)n.天气真题例句I like summer best. Its good time to have a swim in h

4、ot weather.我最喜欢夏天。在炎热的天气去游泳时最好的时间。7. cookkkn.v.厨师煮菜,做饭词形变化cooker n.厨具真题例句She can cook Chinese food.她会煮中国菜。8. badbdadj.坏的;有害的词形变化比较级:worse; 最高级:worst词形变化be bad for 对有害真题例句Listening to loud music a lot can be bad for ears.大量听大声的音乐对耳朵有害。9. parkpk n.v.公园停车常考短语No parking! 禁止停车!真题例句Shall we go for a picni

5、c in the forest park tomorrow?我们明天去森林公园野餐吧?10. messagemesdn.信息常考短语send a message 发短信经典例句Please send me a message when you arrive home.当你到家时给我发个短信。11. couldkdaux.(情态动词)可以词形变化原形:can 真题例句Could you help me clean the room?你能帮我打扫房间吗?12. backbkn.adv.后背向后常见短语come back 回来at the back of 在的后面真题例句After a while,

6、 Jack came back with an empty bottle.过了一会儿,杰克带着一个空瓶子回来了。13. problemprblmn.问题常考短语no problem 没问题真题例句My problem is that I cant get on with my family.我的问题是我无法跟我的家人相处。14. againenadv.再一次常考短语again and again 一次又一次真题例句Youve knocked the cup off the table again.来源:学科网你又把杯子从桌子上弄翻了。15. drydraadj.干燥的;干的来源:学#科#网真题

7、例句来源:学科网ZXXKThe most important thing is this: dont try to iron a dry shirt.最重要的事情是:不要尝试去烫干的衬衫。16. coldkldn.adj.感冒;寒气寒冷的常考短语have/ get a cold 患感冒真题例句Most people who have a cold feel very tired.大多数得感冒的人都会感觉很累。17. hothtadj.热的真题例句The weather there is neither too hot nor too cold.那里的天气既不会太热也不会太冷。18. warmw

8、madj.温暖的;热情的词形变化warmth n. 温暖常考短语a warm welcome 热烈的欢迎真题例句We all know that foods will easily go bad if they get too warm.我们都知道若太暖的话,食物容易变质。19. visitvztn.v.访问;参观拜访;参观常考短语pay a visit to 拜访真题例句20. Canadakndn.加拿大词形变化Canadian adj.加拿大的;n.加拿大语真题例句In Canada, many people take big gifts to other people.在加拿大,很多人

9、拿大件的礼物给其他人。21. summersm(r)n.夏天常考短语in summer 在夏天真题例句I plan to travel to several European countries this summer vacation.我计划这个暑假去几个欧洲国家游玩。22. sitst v.坐词形变化过去式:sat; 过去分词:sat常考短语sit down 坐下真题例句Children mustnt sit in the front seat of a car.孩子禁止坐在小车的前座。23. juicedus n.果汁真题例句Would you like some orange juic

10、e?你想要一些橙汁吗?24. soonsunadv.很快;早常考短语how soon 多久之后as soon as 一就sooner or later 迟早真题例句How soon will your father come back from Beijing?你爸多久之后从北京回来?25. vacationvkenn.假期常考短语go on vacation 去度假真题例句I plan to travel to several European countries this summer vacation.我计划这个暑假去几个欧洲国家游玩。26. hardhd adj.adv.困难的;坚硬的

11、努力地;(雨下得)大常考短语rain hard 雨下得很大真题例句Eve felt very tired after a whole days hard work.一整天的辛苦工作后,夏娃感到特别累。27. Europejrpn.欧洲词形变化European adj.欧洲的;n.欧洲人真题例句In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade.在欧洲,希腊人是第一个使用雨伞作为遮阳伞。28. mountainmantnn.山真题例句A young man went to visit a wise man

12、living deep in the mountain for the wisdom of life.一个年轻人为了人生智慧去拜访一个住在深山里的智者。29. countrykntrin.国家;乡村常考短语真题例句30. skatesketv.溜冰常考短语go skating 去滑冰真题例句In my opinion, skating is a dangerous sport.对我来说,滑冰是一项危险的运动。31. snowysniadj.下雪的词形变化snow n. 雪;v. 下雪真题例句It is snowy in Beijing in winter.在北京,冬天是下雪的。32. wint

13、erwnt(r)n.冬天真题例句Do you like swimming in winter?你喜欢冬泳吗?33. Russianrnadj.n.俄国(人)的俄语;俄国人词形变化Russia n.俄国真题例句Apart from English, we study Russian and Spanish.除了英语,我们还学习俄语和西班牙语。人教版初中英语七年级下册 unit 8post, office, police, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital , street , pay, near , across, front , behind , town,

14、around, north , along , turn , right, left, spend, climb, road, often, air, free, enjoy, money1. postpstn.v.邮件;邮政邮寄常考短语post office 邮局真题例句I posted the letter and waited for her answer.我寄了信,然后等候她的回复。2. officefsn.办公室词形变化officer n. 官员真题例句Go past the post office , and you will find it on the left 走过邮局,你会

15、在左边找到它。3. policeplisn. 警察真题例句I was worried that my neighbors might see me and call the police.我担心我的邻居可能会看到我,然后报警。4. hotelhteln.宾馆;饭店真题例句The hotel has a bar, a theater, a dining room and many bedrooms.这个宾馆有一个酒吧,一个电影院,一个餐厅和许多的卧室。5. restaurantrestrntn.饭店真题例句I left after two weeks and managed to get a j

16、ob as a waitress in an Italian restaurant.我两周后离开了并设法获得了一份在意大利饭馆做服务员的工作。6. bankbkn.银行;(河,湖,海的)岸真题例句Better think twice before choosing a password for e-mail, online bank or shopping.为电子邮件,网上银行或网购选密码前三思为妙。来源:学。科。网7. hospitalhsptln.医院常考短语in hospital 住院in the hospital 在医院里真题例句A new hospital will be built

17、 in my town next year.明年在我的镇区将会建一个新医院。8. streetstritn.街道常考短语in/ on the street 在街上真题例句Its an outdoor bookstore. Bookshelves are on the street.这是一个室外书店。书橱立在路上。9. paypen.v.工资付钱常考短语pay for 为付款经典例句How much should I pay for you?我应该付给你多少钱?10. nearn(r)prep.adj.在附近近的常考短语near here 临近这里真题例句Dont let people smok

18、e cigarette near your computer.不要让抽烟的人接近的你电脑。11. acrosskrsprep.穿过;在对面词形变化来源:学科网ZXXKcross v. 穿过常考短语across from 在的对面经典例句My school is across from a supermarket.我的学校在一个超市的对面。12. frontfrntn.adj.前面前面的;前部的常见短语in front of 在的前面(外部)in the front of 在的前部分(内部)真题例句If you happen to work in front of the computer, i

19、t is best to take a rest every once in a while.如果你碰巧要在电脑前工作,那么偶尔休息一会是最好的。13. behindbhandprep.adv.在后面在后面常考短语fall behind 落后经典例句He didnt want to fall behind in his lessons.他不想在功课方面落后。14. towntann.城镇真题例句A new hospital will be built in my town next year.明年我镇将建起一所新的医院。15. aroundrandadv.prep.在周围在的周围;大约真题例句

20、Look around and youll see people busy on their smartphones.往周围看,你会看到人们正忙于他们的智能手机。来源:学科网16. northnn.adv.adj.北方向北方北方的常考短语in the north 在的北方(内部)to the north 在的北方(不相接)on the north 在的北方(毗邻)真题例句My father was born in a poor village in the north of Jiangsu, China.我的父亲在中国江苏北边的一个贫穷乡村出生。17. alongladv.prep.和一起沿着

21、常考短语along with 与一道go along 沿着走get along with sb. 和某人相处真题例句I wonder if youd like to come along.我想知道你是否想要一起来。18. turntnv.n.转弯;变化轮流常考短语turn left 向左转; turn right 向右转turn on 打开;turn off 关闭;turn up 开大; turn down 关小Its ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事真题例句Its so hot here. Would you mind turning on the fan?这里好热。你

22、介意开一下风扇吗?19. rightratn.adj.adv.右边正确的;右边的恰恰;向右常考短语all right 不错;好吧Thats right. 没错Thats all right. 没关系;不客气right away = right now 立即,马上right here 就在这里turn right 向右转on ones right 在某人的右边真题例句There is no perfect or right answer.没有完美或正确的答案。来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K20. leftleftn.adv.adj.左边向左左边的常考短语on ones left 在某人的左边tu

23、rn left 向左转真题例句Go along this road and turn left at the second crossing.这条路直走,在第二个十字路口左转。21. spendspendv.花费;度过词形变化过去式,过去分词:spent常考短语spend on sth 在某事/物上花了多少时间/金钱spend(in) doing sth 花时间/金钱做某事spend time with sb. 跟某人度过时光真题例句Its not wise to spend a whole day in front of the screen.在屏幕前度过一整天是不明智的。22. climb

24、klamv.攀爬真题例句I like climbing mountains on weekends so much.我很喜欢在周末爬山。23. roadrd n.道路来源:Zxxk.Com真题例句A persons life is like a road with lots of difficulties.一个人的生命就像伴着重重困难的一条道路。24. oftenfnadv.经常常考短语how often 多久一次真题例句Do you often play tennis after school?你经常放学后打网球吗?25. aire(r)n.空气真题例句We should take acti

25、on to improve the air quality.我们应该采取行动改善空气质量。26. freefriadj.adv.免费的;自由的;空闲的免费真题例句Our friends spend a lot of their free time doing things which are harmful to their health.我们的朋友花了很多空余时间做那些对他们健康有害的事情。27. enjoyndv.享受,喜欢;欣赏常考短语enjoy oneself 玩得开心enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事真题例句Here are some ideas to help you ma

26、ke good use of your time.这是一些帮助你好好利用时间的主意。28. moneymnin.钱常考短语make/ earn money 赚钱save money 存钱;省钱pocket money 零花钱真题例句Its true that safety is more important than money.真的,安全比金钱更重要。人教版初中英语七年级下册 unit 9straight, talll, height, thin, heavy, build, tonight, little, cinema, later, handsome, actor, actress, person, nose, mouth, round, face, eye, artist, put, each, way, describe, another, end, real1. straightstretadv.adj.径直地;直接地直的词形变化go straight home 直接回家经典例句You can go straight to the zoo by bus.你可以搭巴士直接去动物园。2. talltladj.高的

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