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1、吉大新发展英语综合教程二在线作业通用试题库答案解析大全吉大新视野二级英语练习全带答案1.Using the right hand to shake hands is a(n) .A.conventionB.inheritanceC.traditionD.habit满分: 4 分 A2.He talks to his best friends to find an for his anger.A.outletB.entranceC.exitD.door满分: 4 分 A3.Many doctors _ upon a diet which contains a lot of fat.A.frown

2、B.crownC.drownD.brown满分: 4 分 A4.Computer Science is an subject for law students at our university.A.openB.optionC.opticalD.optional满分: 4 分 D5.The 12-year-old boy s goal is to spiaelicze Western history in the future.A.onB.toC.inD.at满分: 4 分 C6.She invented a that automatically closes windows when it

3、rains.A.adviceB.deriveC.superviseD.device满分: 4 分 D7.There is a(n) lack of water in the northern part of the country, becausethere has beenalmost no rain since last February.A.accurateB.cuteC.intenseD.acute满分: 4 分 D8.Maggie ran back to the kitchen, eggs carefully in her hands.A.were be heldC

4、.heldD.holding 满分: 4 分 C9.When the sun comes out the flowers by opening wide.A.actB.reactC.interactD.active满分: 4 分 B10.The government has devoted a larger slice of its national to agriculture than most othercountries.A.resourcesB.potentialC.budgetD.economy满分: 4 分 C11.He cannot go without wine even f

5、or one day; he is a complete slave drink.A.forB.toC.inD.on 满分: 4 分 B12.More than 10,000,000 permanent immigrants have been admitted legally the United Statessince the 1960s.A.inB.withC.toD.on 满分: 4 分 C13.John and James are brothers. The former is a teacher, the is an engineer.A.laterB.lateC.latterD.

6、latest满分: 4 分 C14.From then on, I was committed losing the weight and getting into shape.A.toB.inC.onD.at满分: 4 分 A15. as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.A.Being publishedB.PublishedC.PublishingD.To be published 满分: 4 分 B16.The of last week s examination is not announced yet.

7、A.resultB.consequencesC.effectD.conclusion满分: 4 分 A17.s sad that onThough you failed in this job interview, you should trust yourself. It in himself.A.beliefB.patienceC.respectD.confidence满分: 4 分 D18.Pupils who pass the test will be to the next grade.A.promotedB.proceededC.progressedD.projected满分: 4

8、 分 A19.The company planned to introduce new technology the expense of the existing workers.A.inB.atC.withD.on满分: 4 分 B20. her beauty, she is also intelligent and kind-hearted.A.ExceptB.Except forC.In additionD.Apart from满分: 4 分 D21.Have you read a newspaper report probing the activities of drug deal

9、ers?A.intoB.fromC.byD.with 满分: 4 分 A22.Dont put the medicine children SrreaCm Thveme diangerous.A.withinB.beyondC.withoutD.for满分:4分A23.They tried to hard plastics for metals in manu facturi ng mach ine parts.A.replaceB.substituteC.take the place ofD.give way to满分:4分B24.The new project is expected to

10、 start early n ext year; it has won the of the board.A.approvalB.approveC.disapproveD.prove满分:4分A25. in a recent scie nee competiti on, the three stude nts were awarded scholarships totali ng$21,000.A.Judged the bestB.To be judged the bestC.Judg ing the bestD.Having judged the best满分:4分A26.He cannot

11、 go without wine even for one day; he is a complete slave drink.A.forB.toC.inD.On满分:4分B以下50题答案在第50题后1: He cannot go without wine even for one day; he is a complete slave drink.1.for2.to3.in4.o n2: Martin Luther King, the great Black leader i n the moveme nt aga inst racial discrim in ati on, was the

12、 Nobel Peace Prize for his outsta nding con tributi on to world peace.1.rewarded2.awarded3.c on ferred4.gra nted3: Every man has the right to live where he wants to regardlessthe color of his skin.l.with2.at3.from4.of4: Put the medicine children s reach. It can be very dangerous.1.within2.beyond3.wi

13、thout4.for5: They have on a journey round the world.1.set off234set backset upset aside 16: He felt that in time, the severe misery of the working people would result revolution.1.in2.o n3.from4.of7: We might cut the book to a little over a hundred pages.1.away2.out3.over4.dow n8: We have our techni

14、ques considerably since the work began.1.refi ned2.c onfined3.defi ned4.redefi ned9: Children should be encouraged to reach a between what they want and what others want.promisepromisepose4.c on sist10: The newcomers found it impossible tothemselves to the climate sufficie ntly to makeperma nent hom

15、es in the new coun try.1.suit2.adapt3.regulate4.coord in ate11: She inven ted a that automatically closes wi ndows whe n it rai ns.1.advice2.derive3.supervise4.device12: He talks to his best friends to find an for his an ger.1.outlet2.e ntrance3.exit4.door13: The question thenwhat are we going to do

16、 whe n we graduate from the uni versity?1.raises2.arouses3.arises4.rises14: Bicycling is a good exercise; , it doesn t pollute the air.1.however2.therefore3.moreover4.though 15: They will fight to the end; they will never1.survive2.surre nder 4.succeed16: The new apartme nt built a few mon

17、ths ago is large eno ugh to over two hun dred people.1.c on tain2.provide3.reside4.accommodate17: Mary wants to go to the United States by herself for the holiday, but her parents frown this idea.1.1n2.o n3.to4.by18: Only under special circumstances to take make-up tests.1.are freshme n permitted2.p

18、ermitted are freshme n3.permitted are freshme n4.are permitted freshme n19: We must see it that all children are well taken care and all nurses have a strong sense ofresp on sibility.1.to2.1nto3.o n4.o nto20: The boy was turned for the job because he didn t have any experienee.1.out2.dow

19、ay21: His training him as a teacher of English.1.qualify2.quality3.qualifies4.qua ntity22: He was a cruel and person; that was why all of them were afraid of him.1.insen ntime nsible23: The World Trade Center was destroyed on September 11,2001, when took over twolarge

20、 airpla nes and drove them into the buildi ngs.1.terror2.terrorists3.terrorism4.terrorize24: Charles is fond driving, so I m happy just to be a passenger.1.in2.o n3.to25: He has picked some bad habits at that club.1. at2.out3.o n4.up26: She called her parents just to tell them that she had becometo

21、life at the un iversity.accumulated2.accustomed3.absorbed4.cha nged27: Here is a message of importanee to every man and woman who 1.votes2.vote3.voti ng4.are voti ng28: The river was so with waste from the chemical plant that people can not swim in it1.c ontained2.termi nated3.intimidated4.c on tam

22、in ated29: In a few years , China will be able to produce the camera recorders on a large 1.exte nt2.degree3.ra nge4.scale30: The n ews soon spread that the exam in ati on results were ready1.abroad2.aboard3.board4.broad1.in2.0 n3.at4.of32: In recent years, new building has up like mushrooms in the

23、city.1.jumped2.spr ung3.leapt4.put33: right now, she would get there on Sun day.1.Would she leave2.If she leaves3.Were she to leave4.If she had left34: Living in the central Australia desert has its problems,obta ining water is not the least.l.for which2.of which35: The soldiers

24、showed great joy and satisfaction after winning the final triumph theiren emies.1.over2.out3.from4.of36: Generous public funding of basic scienee would considerable benefits for thecountry s health, wealth and security.I.lead to2.result from3.lie in4.settle dow n37: When the sun comes out the flower

25、s by opening wide.1.act2.react3.interact4.active38: Franklins ability to learn from observations and experienee greatly to his success in public life.I.owed2.c on tributed3.attached4.related39: He wrote on such diverse subjects as the brain , research and development, and theeconomics of higher educ

26、ati on.1.rain2.grain3.drain4.train40: We might cut the book to a little over a hundred pages.1.away2.out3.over4.dow n41: The firm s were taken over by the government.properties2.assets3.wealths4.well-be ings42: I was veryto Joh n for his kindn ess.l.grate2.grateful3.great4.graceful43: From then on,

27、I was committed losing the weight and getting into shape.1.to2.in3.o n4.at44: Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply 1.appealed2.approved3.appreciated4.applied45: The woman has made up her mind again to go on a diet to get rid of her weight, thought she failed several times in t

28、he past.1.excess2.access3.exceed4.success46: I was advised to arrange for in sura nee I n eeded medical treatme nt.1.n that47: This advertisement is directed mainly young people in their early twenties.1.in2.o n3.from4.at48: Evide nee came up specific sounds are re

29、cog ni zed by babies as young as 6 mon ths old.1.that2.what3.which4.why49: She was ill ease with strangers.1.i n2.with3.from1.in2.over3.away4.dow n1-5A B C C A6-10D A B B C11-15C D B C B16-20B B A A C21-25C C CAB26-30B A C B B31-35A C ABB36-40C B ADA41-45D B A A C46-50B A D D C1. His trai ninghim as a teacher of En glishA.qualifyB.qualityC.qualifiesD.qua ntity满分:4分C2. He showedin deali ng with a defeated enemyA.gen erousB.gen erosityC.gen erateD.gen erati on满分:4分B3.The World Trade Cen ter was destroyed on September 11,2001, whe n took over two largeairpla nes and drove t

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