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1、剑桥少儿英语一级上册之欧阳物创编4/91 Unit 1时间:2021.02.07命题人:欧阳物(1) nameneim名字(2)penpen钢笔(3)pencilpensl铅笔 (4)pencil-casepenslkeis 铅笔盒(5)ruler rul尺(6)book buk 书 (7)bag bg书包(8)eraserireiz橡皮(9)newnju新的(10)mymai; mi我的(11)yourj, ju你的(12)his hiz;iz他的(13)herh; h, 她的(14)our au我们的 (15)their , r他们的 (16)friend frend朋友(17)cousi

2、n kzn堂(表)兄弟姐妹(一)Hello,your name,please?你好,请问你叫什么名字?Im Sam. 我是萨姆。Wow!This is my new book! 哇!这是我的新书!This is my new pencil! 这是我的新铅笔!This is my new bag!这是我的新书包!Hi! Im Pat.嗨!我是帕特。 Im An Qi. 我是安齐Hi! Im Zhang Xin. 嗨!我是张新 Hello! Im Lucy.你好!我是露西。 My new book! 我的新书My new book!我的新书(七)Hello!您好! Im Sam. 我是萨姆。 Hi

3、s name is Bill. 他的名字叫比尔。Bill is my friend. 比尔是我的朋友。Hello!您好! Im An Qi. 我是安齐。 His name is Alex. 他的名字是亚力克斯。Alex is my friend.亚力克斯是我的朋友。Nice to see you ! 很高兴见到你! Nice to see you ,too! 我也很高兴见到你!(九)My friends are your friends.我的朋友是你的朋友。(九)Your friends are my friends. 你的朋友是我的朋友。His friends are her friends

4、. 他的朋友是她的朋友。Her friends are his friends. 她的朋友都是他的朋友。Our friends are their friends. 我们的朋友是他们的朋友。Their friends are our friends. 他们的朋友是我们的朋友。4/16 2Unit 2(1) long l长的(2)tail teil尾巴(3)smile smail微笑(4)animal niml动物(5)world wld世界 (6)please pliz请 (7)love lv 爱(8)horse hs 马(9)cow kau奶牛(10)rabbit rbit兔子(11)cat

5、 kt 猫(一)Its a long tail. 它是一条长尾巴Smile, please! 请微笑Whats this Mr.Li?这是什么,李先生?Its a goat. 这是一只山羊 Hello, friends! 你好,朋友们!This is our animal world. 这是我们的动物世界This is our animal world.这是我们的动物世界。Please love our animals!请爱我们的动物!(1)a horse一匹马(2) a cow 一头奶牛(3) a fish 一条鱼(4)a duck 一只鸭子 (5)a turtle 一只乌龟 (6)a ch

6、icken 一只鸡(7)a rabbit 一只兔子(8)a cat 一只猫 (9)a dog 一只狗(10)a frog 一只青蛙(11)a sheep 一只绵羊4/23 3Unit 2(1)dog dg狗(2)chicken tikin小鸡(3)sheepip绵羊(4)frog frg 青蛙(5) goatgut山羊(6)duck dk鸭子(7)turtlettl乌龟(8)fish fi鱼(9)elephant elifnt 大象 (10)lizard lizd 蜥蜴 (11)farm fm 农场(七)This is my cat.I loveit.这是我的猫。我爱它。Let me try!

7、让我试试!(九)Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O.老麦克唐纳有个农场, E-I-E-I-O.And on his farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O.他的农场有奶牛, E-I-E-I-O.With a moo,moo here; and a moo, moo there.随着哞,哞这里和哞那里。Here a moo,there a moo, every where a moo,moo.这里哞,那里哞,每一个地方都哞,哞。Old MacDonaid had a farm,E-I-E-I-O。老麦克唐纳有个农场, E-I-E-I-O.5/7

8、 4Unit 3(1)favourite feivrit 最喜爱(2)fruit frut 水果 (3)shop p商店 (4)apple pl 苹果(5)banana bnn香蕉(6)pearp梨(7)orangerind桔子(8)pineapplepainpl菠萝(9)watermelonwtmeln西瓜(10)grapegreip葡萄(11)mangomgu芒果(12)grapefruit greipfrut 柚子(13)peach pit 桃子(14)coconut kuknt 椰子(15)lemon lemn柠檬(16)some sm, sm, sm一些(17)want wnt 想要

9、(一)What would you like,Sir?你想要些什么先生? I want some apples.我想要些苹果. What would you like,Miss? 你想要些什么小姐? I want some coconuts,please!我想要些椰子. How many?你想要多少? Id like one,please.请给我一个.(二)Would you like an apple? 你喜欢苹果吗? Yse,please/No,thanks. 是的,请给我一个/不谢谢。An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。An

10、 apple a day thats what I say. 一天一个苹果,这就是我说的。(九)I like to eat apples and bananas. 我喜欢吃苹果和香蕉。 I like to eat lemon and coconut. 我喜欢吃柠檬和椰子(十一)Would you like an orange? 你喜欢桔子吗? Yse,please. 是的,请给我一个. Here you are! 给你 Whats your favourite fruit? 你最喜欢的水果是什么? I like bananas. 我喜欢香蕉. How about you ? 你呢 ? I do

11、nt like banana but I like peaches.我不喜欢香蕉但是我喜欢桃子. Me too. 我也喜欢桃子.5/14 5Unit 4(1)table teibl桌子(2)now nau 现在 (3)clock klk钟 (4)pig pig 猪 (5)today tde今天 (6)fun time fntaim 娱乐时间 (7)watch wt 看 (8)bird bd 小鸟 (9)baseball beisbl 棒球(10)hat ht 帽子 (11)carefullykeful仔细地(12)come km 来(13)get get 得到(14)happy hpi开心的(

12、15)childrentildrn孩子们(16)monkeymki猴子(17)there are 有 (18)only unli 只(19)them em 他们(20)roomrum房间(21)inside insaid里面(22)box bks盒子 (23)see si看见(24)very veri 非常(25)morningmni早上 (26)noon nu 正午、中午 (27)evening ivni晚上(一)Whats on the table now? 桌子上现在有什么?A turtle!一只乌龟A clock!一个钟!A pig!一个猪! An apple!一个苹果! A fish

13、!一条鱼!A baseball!一个棒球!Hello!This is my friend,Tong. 您好!这是我的朋友,托尼。Its our fun time today. 今天是我们的欢乐时光。 Hello! Good morning . 您好!早晨好。Please watch carefully ! 请仔细看!Whats in my hat? 是什么在我的帽子? A bird!一只鸟! A bird! 一只鸟! A bird! 一只鸟! A bird! 一只鸟! Two cars! Two birds! Two books!three pens!wow! 两辆车!两只鸟!两本书!三支钢笔

14、!哇!5/21 6Unit 4(1)deskdesk书桌(2)handhnd手(3)ballbl球(4)an erasernireiz一块橡皮(5)yourj你(们)的(6)flowerflau花(7)socksk袜子(8)whohu谁(9)cankn能够(10)makemeik做(11)ownun属于自己的(12)chanttnt快板(13)letlet让(14)memi我(15)trytrai试一试(16)manymeni许多(17)findfaind发现(18)toyti玩具(19)tootu也20)turtlettl龟(21)applepl苹果(22)fishfi鱼(23)thisis

15、这(24)mymai我的(25)friendfrend朋友(26)ourau我们的(27)cark小轿车(28)bookbuk书(29)penpen钢笔(六)Whats in my bag. 是什么在我的包里。A book.一本书。 Whats in my book? 是什么在我的书里? A pen and a ruler. 一支钢笔,一把尺子.Whats in my desk? 是什么在我的桌子里? A bag,A ball。一个书包,一个球. 。 whats in my hand? 是什么在我的手里? Its an eraser. 是一块橡皮擦。(九) Whats in the hat?

16、是什么在帽子里?Whats in the hat? 是什么在帽子里? Rulers,pens、book and pencils.尺、钢笔、书和铅笔。Whats in the hat? 是什么在帽子里? Whats in the hat? 是什么在帽子里? Flowers, socks, birds and cars.花、袜子、鸟和汽车。5/28 7Unit 5(1)monstermnst怪物(2)bodybdi身体(3)hairh头发(4)eyeai眼睛(5)eari耳朵(6)handhnd手(7)headhed头(8)footfut脚(9)nosenuz鼻子(10)mouthmau嘴巴(11

17、)armm手臂(12)legleg腿(13)necknek脖子(14)touchtt摸(15)put pt放(16)rightrait右边(17)wantwnt想要(18)trytrai试一试(19)clapklp拍(20)holdhuld握住(21)whohu谁(22)yourselfjself你自己(23)writerait写(24)catchkt捉(25)pickpik捡起(26)standstnd站立(27)runrn跑(28)kickkik踢(29)jumpdmp跳(30)hophp单脚跳(31)stampstmp跺(一)Who wants to try?谁愿意试一试?Hes got

18、 three eyes,four hands,four ears and three legs.他有三只眼,四只手,四只耳朵,三只脚。(二)Touch your head! 摸摸你的头! Touch your ears! 摸摸你的耳朵! Touch your nose! 摸摸你的鼻子! Touch your mouth! 摸摸你的嘴巴!(七)Hokey Pokey变戏法You put your righthand in, 伸出你的右手,You take your right hand out, 收起你的右手,You put your right hand in, 收起你的右手,And you

19、shake it all about. 到处摇摇你的手。You do the Hokey Pokey, 来做这些动作,And you turn yourself around,自己来回转一转,Thats what its all about. 就做这些动作。6/4 8Unit 5(1)giraffedirf长颈鹿(2)snakesneik蛇(3)frogfrg青蛙(4)duckdk鸭子(5)monkeymki猴子(6)elephantelifnt大象(7)hippohipu河马(8)horsehs马(9)zebrazibr斑马(10)cowkau奶牛(11)tigertaig老虎(12)rab

20、bitrbit兔子(13)crocodilekrkdail鳄鱼(14)turtlettl海龟(15)pandapnd熊猫(16)lizardlizd蜥蜴(17)chickentikin小鸡(18)fishfi鱼(19)pigpig猪(20)spiderspaid蜘蛛(21)goatgut山羊(22)sheepip绵羊(23)henhen母鸡(24)cockkk公鸡(25)kangaroo kgru袋鼠(36)antnt蚂蚁(27)beebi蜜蜂(28)lionlain狮子(29)eachit每个(30)havehv有(31)manymeni许多(32)or或者(33)drawdr画画(34)c

21、lassmateklsmet同学(35)seesi看见(36)smellsmel闻(37)hearhi听见(38)tasteteist品尝(39)withwi用(40)monster怪物。(八)What can you see?你看到了到什么?I can see a book. 我看到一本书What can you hear?你听到了见什么?I can hear a car.。我听到了汽车We can see with our eyes. 我们能用眼睛看东西。We can hear with our ears. 我们能用耳朵听东西。(十三)We each have two eyes,two e

22、ars,and one mouth.我们有2只眼睛2只耳朵1张嘴吧。But some monsters have many eyes or ears.但是一些怪物有许多眼睛和耳朵。They have three hands or four legs.它们有3只手4只脚。Can you draw a big monter and show it to your classmates?你能画一个大怪物并在班级里展示一下吗?Unit 6Lets play games!让我们一起做游戏。Which one do you want to play first?哪个是你最想做的游戏。Where is Sa

23、m.萨姆在那里。He must be in the lemon house.他可能在柠檬屋里。Pick an apple and put it under the chair,把苹果放在椅子下面,Do you understand?你明白了吗?Yes.是bounce the ball拍球kick the shuttlecocktlkk踢毽子draw the clowns klaun nose.画小丑的鼻子 catch the beanbag.抓豆包throw the beanbag.扔豆包hopscotchhpskt跳房子hide and seek捉迷藏pick and put捡起放下6/11

24、 9Unit 6(1)bounce the ball baunsb拍球 (2)play games pleigeims 玩游戏(3)whichwit哪个(4)firstfst第一(5)kick the shuttlecock kiktlkk踢毽子(6)draw the clowns nosedr klaunsnuz画小丑的鼻子(7)catch the beanbag ktbinbg抓豆包(8)throw the beanbag rubinbg丢豆包(9)hopscotchhpskt跳格子(10)hide and seek haidndsik捉迷藏(11)pick and put pikndpt

25、挑出来放到(12)understand ndstnd明白(13)mustmst必须(14)turn aroundtnraund转圈(15)touch the groundttgraund摸地面(16)show me your shoes umi jus 给我看你的鞋子(17)eat more fruitit mfrut多吃水果(18)go upstairsgupstz走上楼梯(19)wash your hair wj h洗头发(20)turn off the lightstnflaits关上灯(21)say good night seigudnait说晚安(22)somethingsmi一些东

26、西(23)colourkl涂色(24)parkpk公园(25)becausebikz因为(26)shapeeip形状(27)soonsun不久(28)greetgrit打招呼(29)circleskl圆形(30)ringri圆环(31)each other it相互(32)fromfrm从(四)Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,转身Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,触地。Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show me your shoes. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,

27、给我看你的鞋子。Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, eat more fruit. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,多吃水果。Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,上楼。Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, wash your hair. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,洗你的头发。Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn off the lights. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,关灯。Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say good night. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,说晚安。(五)Lets catch the big white c

28、at.让我们捉住哪只大白猫。(六)Yellow bee, 黄蜜蜂Yellow bee.黄蜜蜂I see something you dont see,and the colour of it is red. 我看到一些你没有看到的,它的颜色是红色。A car. 一辆汽车。A bag. 一个袋子。A book. 一书。(十)Many childrens come to play in the fruit park because the houses are fruit-shaped.许多儿童来到水果公园玩,因为房子都成水果形状。Soon Zhang Nan is in the peach house.很快张南在桃子屋。Linda is in the pear house.林达在生梨屋。Wang Hua is in the apple house.王华在苹果屋。LiMing is in the mango house.李明在芒果屋。 Lily is in the p

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