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1、全国职业院校技能大赛高职组2015年安徽省职业院校技能大赛高职组中餐主题宴会设计赛项(英语口语测试题库及参考答案) 题型一 中译英1.我想确认一下,贵公司在我们餐厅预订了两个宴会。Id like to confirm that your company has booked two banquets in our restaurant.2.我可以知道有多少人来参加宴会吗?May I know how many people will be at the banquet?3.您需要多少张餐台? How many tables would you like?4.您想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?Would

2、you like to try our house specialty?5.请问是在谁的名下做的预订?In whose name was the reservation made?6.我们晚餐开餐时间是下午5点到晚上10点。The time for dinner / the dinner is from 5 p.m. until 10 p.m.7.对不起,我们餐厅14日的餐位已经订满了。I am sorry, sir. Our restaurant is fully booked on 14th.8.盘装食物通常要从左侧服务。酒水通常从右侧服务。Plated food is usually s

3、erved from the left. Beverages are usually served from the right.9.有人均100元、150元和180元的标准,您想要订哪一种?There are charges of 100 yuan, 150 yuan and 180 yuan per head for set menus. Which would you prefer?10.三百人用餐的最低收费是15,000元,不含酒水饮料。The minimum charge for a 300-people-dinner party is 15,000 yuan, excluding

4、drinks.11.欢迎光临我们餐馆。您是参加约翰先生婚宴的嘉宾吗?Welcome to our restaurant. Are you here for the wedding banquet of Mr. John?12.现在可以上菜了吗?May I serve the dishes now?13.希望您用餐愉快。Please enjoy your meal.14.今天的特价菜是麻婆豆腐,6折优惠。Todays special is Mapo Tofu with a 40% discount.15.您的这瓶葡萄酒已经添完了。请问是否需要再加一瓶?Your bottle of wine is

5、 finished. Would you like one more bottle? 16.您需要把菜分一下吗?Excuse me, sir / madam. May I separate the dish for you?17.您要不要来点烈性酒呢?要是喜欢酒精度低的话,我们这还有米酒。 Do you care for something a little stronger? If you prefer something milder, there is some rice liquor available here.18.先生,您对我们的餐品还满意?Are you satisfied w

6、ith the meal, sir?19.打扰了,女士。我给您换一个骨碟好吗?Excuse me, madam. Can I change a new plate for you?20.菜已经上齐了,接下来还有甜点。This is the complete course. There is dessert to follow.21.我给你们的桌子再加一把椅子好吗?May I add one more chair to your table, please?22. 我在客人就坐前会把凉的开胃菜拜摆放在餐桌上。I will place the cold appetizers on the tabl

7、e before the guests are seated.23.您需要把宴会厅装饰一下吗?Would you like to have the banquet hall decorated?24.请问您需要一杯冰水吗?Excuse me, would you like a glass of cold water?25.愿为您效劳!At your service!26.您需要含糖还是不含糖的食物?Would you like your food with sugar or not?27. 这道菜色、香、味俱全。The dish looks good, smells good and tast

8、es good.28.这是我们赠送给您的果盘。This is complimentary fruit for you. 29.我们已经在总费用里加收了10%的服务费。A 10% service charge has been added to the total. 30.您想要炒茄子的调味品里放些辣椒吗? Would you like some pepper as seasoning in the stir-fried eggplant?31.这是我们最新的价目表。This is our latest price list.32.您使用维萨信用卡结账可以享受9折优惠。You have got

9、a 10% discount for your Visa Card.33.许多宾客对这款葡萄酒赞赏备至。Many guests speak highly of the wine.34.这是我们厨师长的推荐菜。This is our chefs recommendation.35.您对我们的服务有什么意见吗?What do you think of our service?36.请不要遗忘你的东西。Please dont leave anything behind. 37.您能告诉我事情的详细经过吗?Can you tell me/describe what happened in detail

10、?38.抱歉,我上错汤了。I do apologize for giving you the wrong soup. 39.感谢您让这件事引起我们的注意。Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.40.我们给您带来了这么多麻烦,为了表达歉意,特为您提供赠送甜点。 To express our regret for all the trouble, we offer you a complimentary dessert. 题型二 英译中 1.How many people is it for? 有多少位客人用餐?2.At the d

11、inner banquet Chinese food will be served and the minimum charge of RMB120 Yuan per head is required. 您的晚宴将是中餐宴会,最低消费每位120元。3.What drinks are you going to have for the banquet? 宴会需要什么酒水?4.We dont have any vacant tables by the windows at the moment. 目前靠窗的位子都已经订出去了。5.There is an increasing interest in

12、 and appreciation of Chinese food in the West.在西方国家,人们对中餐的兴趣和赞赏日益增加。6.Id like to cancel my reservation for Saturday night. 我想要取消周六晚上的订位。7.Id like a private room for 15 people at eight thirty tomorrow evening. 明晚我要订一个15人的包厢,时间是明晚八点半。8.We can only hold your private room till 7:30 p.m. because after th

13、at time it is the peak season. 您的预订我们只能为您保留到晚上7点30分,因为那段时间是高峰期。9.Is there anything I can do for you?还有什么需要我帮你的吗?10.We look forward to seeing you. 我们恭候您的光临。11.Could you give me some more napkins? 请多给我几张纸巾。12.Do you have vegetarian dishes? 餐厅是否有供应素食餐?13.What would you like to drink? 您要喝点什么?14.All serv

14、ers carry a clean napkin at all times so as to be able to wipe drips or spills immediately. 所有服务人员必须随身携带干净的餐巾或毛巾,以便抹去溢出或泼洒的食物。15. You might have a taste of Shaoxing liquor. 您不妨尝尝绍兴黄酒。16. We have fresh orange juice, apple juice and watermelon juice. 我们的鲜榨果汁有橙汁、苹果汁和西瓜汁。17.Can I bring any wine or liquo

15、r by myself? 我可以自带酒水吗?18.Could you give me a booster seat for my child? 可以给我的孩子拿个儿童餐椅吗?19.This dish is called “Mapo Tofu”. Enjoy it, please. 这道菜叫麻婆豆腐,请慢用。20.What size of birthday party are you going to order and how would you like us to arrange the tables? 您想在我们餐厅办一个多大的生日聚会?您希望我们怎样摆放桌子?21. Please ho

16、ld the food/Please put our order on hold,we still have one more friend coming. 请稍后上菜,我们还有一个朋友没到。22.What kind of tea would you prefer to begin/start with, black tea or green tea?您先喝什么茶,红茶还是绿茶?23.Make it two, please. 再给我来一杯。24.A seating plan is often made in advance,and cards with guests names should

17、be placed where each individuals will sit. 就座安排要事先确定好,每个客人的就座处都应放上标有客人名字的卡片。25.The Chinese cuisine has a long history, and is one of the Chinese cultural treasures. 中式菜历史悠久,是中国文化中的瑰宝。26.Huaiyang food is famous for its cutting technique. Sichuan dishes are hot and spicy. 淮扬菜以其精湛的刀工见长,四川菜则以辣著称27.How m

18、any steps are taken to cook these dishes? 做这些菜需要多少个步骤?28.What is the specialty of the house?餐厅最特别的菜式是什么?29.To cook Chinese food, knifing skills and matching of ingredients are of equal importance. 做中国菜,刀工和菜式的搭配都一样重要。30.A deposit of RMB 500 yuan is required to secure your booking. 您需预付500元人民币押金,以保证您的

19、预订。31.Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions with the payment arrangements. 如果您对结账方式有任何疑问,欢迎随时与我们联系。32.Let me make you a special offer. 我给您一个优惠价。33.Tables in a banquet will be formally set with an array of cutlery, glasses and table linen and with a floral table decoration at the c

20、enter. 宴会中的餐桌要正式摆放上餐具、玻璃杯、桌布以及中心位置的鲜花装饰。34.Here are some complimentary vouchers for you. You can pay with them next time when you have meals in our restaurant. 我们有一些赠券送给您,下次您在我们餐厅用餐时可以使用赠券。35.At the end of the banquet and after all guests have left, clear wine glasses, cups and saucers, and remove n

21、apkins and table cloths. 宴会结束所有客人离开后,清理酒杯、茶杯和盘碟,撤走餐巾和桌布。36.It would be on the house. 那是免费的。37.Any jugs of liquid (hot or cold) that are carried on trays must have their spouts facing inward so they do not spill onto guests. 放在托盘上的壶装液体(不论冷热),其壶口必须向内,以防溅洒到客人身上。38.Sorry to having kept you waiting. Ill

22、see to it right away. 让您久等,抱歉,我马上去处理。39.Our manager will get in touch with you soon. 我们经理将会尽快联系您.40.When a guest complains, the server should listen to them attentively with a good judgment. 当客人投诉时,服务员需要聚精会神地倾听并且要做出很好的判断。题型三、 情景对话When a guest walks into the Banquet Department and wants to reserve a

23、farewell banquet for his boss. What kind of information will you get from the guest? Answer: I need to get the information such as the time of the banquet, number of people, the price for each table, the guests name, telephone number and so on. According to regulations, wed better ask the guest to p

24、ay a sum of money as deposit.2Is the preparation work for a banquet important? Can you explain it with your own experience?Answer: Yes. It is very important to make a full preparation for a banquet. To prepare for a banquet, the staff should make sure of the food requirement, decorations, service re

25、quirement and set the table for the banquet. Thats a tough job. Banquet staff cannot provide good table service without these preparations.3How would you arrange the tables in a banquet for your guests?Answer: The layout of the tables depends on the size of the room and the purpose of the function.

26、For example, at weddings there is usually a “head table” for the bride and groom and their immediate family, and the rest of the tables will be of the same size, sitting approximately 8-10 people each.4. If a foreign guest comes to ask for suggestions about Chinese food, and he/she would like someth

27、ing light and fresh, what kind of dish would you recommend? Answer: There are four major Chinese cuisines, or say, four styles. Each cuisine is distinctive and has its own style and flavor. As the guest prefers something light and fresh, Id recommend Huaiyang dishes which are famous for their cuttin

28、g techniques and original flavor. Boiled tofu shreds and Yangzhou fried rice are worth trying.5. Which step in the table service is most important in your opinion? Why?Answer: I think waiting at the table, meeting all the needs of the diners is the most challenging. Firstly, the waiter/waitress shou

29、ld be very alert to the requests of the guests. Secondly, waiters and waitresses should be familiar with the dishes and environment of the restaurant. Thirdly, they should also be good at communicating with the guests as well as with the kitchen staff. 6. If a guest got drunk during a wedding banque

30、t and he broke a wine glass. What will you do?Answer: Firstly, I would persuade the guest to stop drinking alcoholics, and ask him if I can serve him a cup of tea. Then, I will inform the host of the banquet of the incident and ask him to add the damage to his total bill. If the host refuses to do s

31、o, or its difficult for me to handle the problem, I will ask the manager for help. 7. Can you give a definition for “Banquet”?Answer: A banquet is a very formal sit-down meal organized for special occasions such as weddings, fellowship reunions, business dinners, conventions or birthday parties. A b

32、anquet is usually attended by a large number of people. 8. Do you think the service of Chinese banquet is much simpler than that of a western one? Why ?Answer: No, I dont think the service of Chinese banquet is simpler. The Chinese are used to taking dinning as part of their culture, and while serving a Chi

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