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1、度华中师范大学英语口语完全版1.A. With the development of urbanization, we become more and more far away from the nature. What kind of life do you prefer to live, the life in city or in the countryside?B. I believe that man and nature are one group, so man is an animal, naturally should include human. In nature th

2、ere is a rule that the fittest survive, the weak perish.C. I think, nowdays the human is change the natural environment and the destruction of the natural environment seriously! Just like deforestation, building to enlarge the big cities ,which occupy the animals home. What do you think that too man

3、y people want to go to city for live ?D. I think the former offers more excitement and convenience while the latter offers a cleaner, quieter and often friendlier place to live.E. Yes, but , despite the advantages of small town life, I prefer to live in a big city for several reasons. I believe! lif

4、e in the city is more convenient. More goods are available and stores are open later.A. Ok, there is better public transportation so it is easier to get around.B. I can find almost anything I want easily in the city. There are more ways to spend leisure time in the city. There are many places I can

5、go to meet friends and have fun.C. For all of these reasons, I think I prefer to live in the city. Although I sometimes miss the fresh air and quiet life of a small town, nothing can make up for the opportunities that the city offers me. If one wants to be successful, I believe the best place to liv

6、e is the city.D. yeah .My ideal house is one located in the countryside, and it would be just like an average house, nothing too fancy. I want to live close to the nature, I can enjoy fresh air and feel relaxed in that environment. Inside, there are a couple of cozy(舒适的) bedrooms, a bright living ro

7、om, a well-furnished kitchen, and some bathrooms. In the living room, there are some armchairs, a sofa ,a table and something like that. And TV is a must in the living room.E. That sounds perfect!2 Nowadays, cosmetic surgery(整容) is very popular around the world. What are the advantages and disadvant

8、ages of cosmetic surgery? A . Goodafternoon everyone. Wewillholdadebateaboutwhetherweshouldhavecosmeticsurgery. Cosmetic surgery can change someone appearance , and enhance self-confidence, but at the same time there are a lot of harm to people,. Everyone have different opinions, so lets discuss abo

9、ut the cosmetic surgery, who agree with it ?B.yeah.Ithinkweshouldrespectcosmeticsurgery.cosmeticsurgerycanincreaseself-confidenceand possibilityofsuccess.,I believe you everyone love become a beautiful girl or handsome boy, I want be more beautiful, too. C. Cosmetic surgery is usually performed to c

10、orrect a physical abnormality or to enhance an otherwise normal physical feature and thus improve appearance. Nowadays, Cosmetic surgery has become so popular in the world. With the development of technology, the risks and costs of cosmetic surgery can be minimized. But should we have cosmetic surge

11、ry? It is a controversial topic.D. But I think ,its bad for our body! The biggest threat hidden behind the cosmetic surgery is its insecurity. Many tragic incidents have been reported recent years that one gets hurt or blind or even dead when she adopts a cosmetic surgery. A person only has one chan

12、ce of life. Nothing in the world is more important than life. Who can guarantee the cosmetic surgery will not have after-effects. E. Besides the biggest threat, another disadvantage in the cosmetic surgery is its untruthfulness. Many girls pay too much more attention to her face than her heart. Ones

13、 inner world is much more important than her face. As time passes, the most beautiful face in the world will become old, unlovely, but the experience and inner character will last forever. As everyone will become old, outer beauty is temporary. What we should do is to improve our inner beauty.A. Eve

14、ry coin has two sides. After we discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery, a realistic choice appear before us, that is, what will you do if one day you get the chance to do a cosmetic surgery? Personally, I will not attempt. I think it is unnecessary. I love my face, my legs

15、 and any part in my body. B. I couldnt agree with you more. Our appearance is a gift of nature; everyone should have his own personality.D. Anyway, I still cant accept cosmetic surgery. We can get what we want by improving our inner qualities, such as our personality and ability3.Is higher education

16、 in China an elite education? What are the indispensable factors leading to future success?A. Good afternoon,everyone. nowdays the great change has taken place in the Chinese Higher education.Now, we are going to talk about higher education. Is higher education in China an elite education?B. I dont

17、think so. I dont think higher education should be an elite education, but should be available to all students no matter where they come from. It shouldnt just belong to any limited group of people or any privileged class. 我不这么认为。 我不认为高等教育应该是精英教育,但应该向所有学生提供,无论他们来自哪里。 它不应该只属于任何有限的人群或任何特权阶级C. OK, I als

18、o want to say NO! what makes people lose trust in higher education is that our countryshighereducationhas entered the popular stage. Higher education is now not an elite education. I believe higher education should be an elite education and just be provided for elite the elites.我认为让人们失去对高等教育的信任的是,我国

19、的高等教育已经进入了流行舞台。 高等教育现在不是精英教育。 我认为高等教育应该是精英教育,只是为精英们提供D. B: I dont think higher education should be an elite education, either. If higher education is only available to elites or good students, it will lose its original purpose and meaning. Only when higher education reaches more people, can it culti

20、vate more useful talents to shoulder the heavy task of building the country and to help make the world a better place to live in. 我不认为高等教育应该是精英教育。 如果高等教育只适用于精英或好学生,它将失去其原有的目的和意义。 只有高等教育达到更多的人,才能培养更有用的人才,肩负起建设国家的重任,使世界成为更美好的居住地。E. I know what you just say. But I want to say the aim of higher educatio

21、n is to train specialists for all the sectors of the countrys development. That is to say, high education is to train elite people for the country. But now the education in college is like a kind of common education, and the quality is bad. Thus many graduates cant find a good job when they graduate

22、 from college. So I think higher education should be for elite people. E. 我知道你们刚才说的话。 但我想说的是,高等教育的目的是培训该国所有部门的发展专家。 也就是说,高等教育是为国家培养精英人才。 但现在大学的教育就像一种普通教育,质量不好。 因此,许多毕业生从大学毕业后就找不到好工作。 所以我认为高等教育应该是精英人士。A: Besides, if you overemphasize that higher education should be for the elites, it will make you fa

23、ll into the wrong region where an elite education inculcates a false sense of self-worth. Getting to an elite college, being an elite college, and going on from an elite college, which are not good a persons development.However,What are the indispensable factors leading to future success? A:此外,如果你过分

24、强调高等教育应该是精英,那么它会让你陷入错误的地区,精英教育灌输错误的自我价值感。 进入精英学院,成为一所精英大学,并从精英大学毕业,这不是一个人的发展。但是,导致未来成功的不可或缺的因素是什么?B. Higher education should be available to all students who want to master skills and knowledge. Thus all man can get the qualified skills to get a good job and live a good life. B.高等教育应该提供给所有想要掌握技能和知识的

25、学生。 因此,所有的人都可以得到合格的技能,以获得一个好的工作,过上美好的生活。C.Right. Let me say. Higher education in undergraduate stage is the education provided for all students, but higher education in postgraduate stage is the education provided for elite students. 本科阶段的高等教育是为所有学生提供的教育,但研究生阶段的高等教育是为精英学生提供的教育。D.I am not sure about

26、the idea of a 9-year compulsory education is enough to have a bright future for teenergers. It would really depend on the childs emotional maturity, character, capacity, intellect and resilience to be able to have a bright future. 我不确定9年义务教育的理念是否足以为三代人带来光明的未来。 这将取决于孩子的情绪成熟度,性格,能力,智力和韧性,以能够有一个光明的未来。E

27、.I think ,A bright future is not only gauged on material gains, but on how much this individual has contributed for the benefit of those around him.So What are the indispensable factors leading to future success?Its depend on yourself! 我认为,光明的未来不仅仅是衡量物质收益,而是衡量这个人对他周围的人的利益有多大的贡献。 那么,导致未来成功的不可或缺的因素是什么

28、?这取决于你自己!4.What are the features of happy people? How to pursue happiness in modern society?A: When it comes to the happy people,I want to say Happy people like themselves. They see themselves as emotionally and physically healthy. They believe they are more ethical and intelligent. They believe the

29、y are less prejudiced and better able to get along with people. What about you?B: I think Happy people feel a sense of personal control. They feel empowered. Because of that, they tend do better at work and school and cope better with stress.C: Oh yes. Happy people are optimistic. They expect good t

30、hings to happen. They feel upbeat. The glass is half full. They try to make sense of events in an optimistic and positive way.D: I agree with you.I also think that Happy people are extroverted. We do not know if happiness makes people more extroverted or if extroversion causes happiness, but statist

31、ically, they correlate.E:OK! In my opinion, Happy people tend to have balanced lives. The time in their lives dedicated to work, play and spirituality is sufficient for each. They make time for reflection and relaxation.While, How to pursue happiness in modern society?A:WOW. The pursuit of happiness

32、 seems to be a big deal. Celebrate life! And TODAY is always the best time to do so.B: Well, thats the question. Happiness is a feeling, it does not depend on peoples living conditions, but it depends on the mentality of people.C: Yeah, There are too much we can get and there too much we may lose. In our whole lives, lots of things we shouldnt care so much have taken too much time, taking our happiness at the same time.D:Just have a think about it, if we really dont care what we got, what we lost, why are we still anxiety or angry?E: Maybe, I thin

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