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福建教育出版社四年级下册 英语课文译文.docx

1、福建教育出版社 四年级下册 英语课文译文福建教育出版社英语四年级下册英语教案闽教版四年级英语下册Unit 1 Days of the week课文朗读00:00.00Unit 1 Days of the Week一星期的七天00:06.33Part A00:08.381 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。00:12.49What do you often do every week?你们每个星期经常做什么?00:16.35On Monday we raise our national flag.我们星期一升国旗。00:20.55We have a class meeting o

2、n Tuesday.我们星期二有一个班会。00:24.82We dance in the playground on Wednesday.我们星期三在操场跳舞。00:29.132 Ask and answer.问答练习。00:56.483 Listen and learn the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。01:02.11m milk牛奶 monkey猴子 mouth嘴 swim游泳01:17.24Part B01:19.521 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。01:23.53What do you often do on Thursday?你们在星期四

3、常常做什么?01:27.21We have sports in the playground.我们在操场上做运动。01:30.51We clean our classroom on Friday.我们在星期五打扫我们的教室。01:34.37What do you often do on Saturday and Sunday?你们在周六日常常做什么?01:39.44I play the violin on Saturday.我在星期六拉小提琴。01:43.96I play football on Sunday.我在星期日踢足球。01:47.342 Ask and answer.问答练习。01:

4、51.35.02:21.673 Listen and learn the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。02:27.24n pen钢笔 run奔跑 noodles面条 nine九02:41.82Part C02:44.041 Sing a song.唱首歌。02:47.82There Are Seven Days有七天03:10.3702:56.94There are seven days.03:12.0702:58.68There are seven days.03:13.6503:00.37There are seven days in a week.03:16.8903

5、:03.66Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,03:20.5803:07.48Friday,Saturday.03:25.943 Lets chant.我们一起来唱歌。03:29.36The Week Song星期之歌03:34.20Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,03:37.15Wednesday is the middle day.03:40.09Thursday,Friday,Saturday,03:43.02Saturday is the last day.03:45.99We are happy we can say,03:

6、48.82The names of the seven days.03:56.114 Listen and connect.听录音并连线。04:00.50.闽教版四年级英语下册Unit 2 Cleaning Day课文朗读00:06.49Part A00:08.431 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。00:12.63It is Friday.Lets clean our classroom.今天是周五,让我们打扫我们的教室吧。00:17.31Yang Ming is standing on a chair.杨明正站在椅子上,00:20.42He is cleaning the

7、 blackboard.他正在擦黑板。00:23.87Lily is cleaning the desks.莉莉正在擦桌子,00:27.47Julia is cleaning the chairs.朱莉娅正在擦椅子。00:31.25Sally is cleaning the window.萨利正在擦窗户,00:34.85Wang Tao is cleaning the door.王涛正在擦门。00:38.512 Look and say.看图片并练习说00:43.03.01:05.563 Listen and learn the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。01:10.83

8、h hen母鸡 hand手 horse马 house房子01:27.29Part B01:29.411 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。01:33.39Well done, boys and girls!男孩儿们、女孩儿们,干得好!01:35.88Our classroom is clean and bright now.我们的教室现在干净明亮。01:39.74Please close the windows.请关上窗户。01:42.74Yes, Miss Gao.好的,高老师。01:45.41Please turn off the lights and fans.请关掉灯和

9、电扇。01:49.39All right.好的。01:51.23Please close the door.请关上门。01:54.00OK. Lets go home.好的,咱们回家吧。01:57.642 Look and say.看图片并练习说。02:02.36Please close the windows.请关上窗户。02:06.47Please close the door.请关上门。02:09.89Please turn off the fan.请关掉电扇。02:13.62Please turn off the light.请关掉灯。02:16.733 Listen and lear

10、n the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。02:22.32j jacket夹克衫 jump跳跃 juice果汁02:35.66Part C02:37.731 Sing a song.唱首歌。02:41.46Its Time to Clean UP大扫除的时间到了02:49.69Its time to clean up.02:52.55Its time to clean up.02:55.53Clean up,clean up.02:58.24Its time to clean up.03:01.23Clean up,clean up.03:04.10Its time to c

11、lean up.03:09.893 Lets chant.我们一起来唱歌。03:13.31Cleaning Day清洁日03:18.29Friday,Friday.03:20.91Its our cleaning day.03:23.93Clean the chairs.03:25.59Clean the blackboard.03:27.04Clean the windows.03:28.47Clean the door.03:34.494 Listen and number.听录音并标序号。03:40.34.闽教版四年级英语下册Unit 3 School subjects课文朗读00:00

12、.00Unit 3 School Subjects第三单元 学习科目00:06.92Part A00:08.991 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。00:13.26What day is today, Sally?萨利,今天星期几?00:16.62Its Wednesday.星期三。00:19.14We have a math class this morning.我们今天上午有一节数学课。00:22.61Thats right. I like math.对,我喜欢数学。00:26.14We have an English class, too.我们还有一节英语课。00:29

13、.47I like it. But Im not good at it.我喜欢英语,但是我学得不好。00:33.82Dont worry. I can help you.不要担心,我会帮助你。00:37.56Its very nice of you.你真是太好了。00:40.57math数学00:43.76music音乐00:46.83Chinese语文00:50.40art美术00:53.602 Ask and answer.问答练习。00:57.54.01:56.273 Listen and learn the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。02:01.48w windo

14、w窗户 we我们 winner胜利者02:14.80Part B02:16.741 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。02:20.71Do you have a science class this morning?你今天上午有科学课吗?02:24.64No, I dont.不,我没有。02:27.07May I use your science book?我能用你的科学书吗?02:30.21Sure. Here you are.当然可以,给你。02:33.28Thank you.谢谢。02:35.51I like science class.我喜欢科学课。02:38.27Me

15、, too. Its very interesting.我也是,它很有趣。02:41.35And our teacher Ms.Lin is very interesting,too.并且我们的老师林老师也很有趣。02:46.79Yes, I like her class.是的,我喜欢她的课。02:50.302 Ask and answer.问答练习。02:54.06.03:51.973 Listen and learn the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。03:57.92y yellow黄色的 you你(们) year年04:10.91Part C04:12.871 Si

16、ng a song.唱首歌。04:16.35The Music Room我的课程表04:23.95In the music room,theres a piano.04:29.79Whenever we sing,it will sing along.04:35.48Do ti la so mi so do ti la so.04:41.09Whenever we sing,it will sing along.04:49.933 Lets chant.我们一起来唱歌。04:53.13Do You Like English?你喜欢英语吗?04:58.68Do you like English?

17、Yes,I do.05:02.90Do you like Chinese?Yes,I do.05:07.21Do you like science? Yes,I do.05:17.144 Listen and tick.听录音并在正确答案处打对勾。05:25.76.闽教版四年级英语下册Unit 4 Transportation课文朗读00:00.00Unit 4 Transportation第四单元 交通00:06.88Part A00:09.051 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。00:13.50How do you go to school, Sally?萨利,你怎么去上

18、学?00:17.25By car.乘小汽车。00:19.50How do you go to school?你怎么去上学?00:22.35By school bus.乘校车。00:25.09How does Kate go to school?凯特怎么去上学?00:28.52She goes to school on foot.她步行去上学。00:31.90How does your mother go to work?你母亲怎么去上班?00:35.37She goes to work by bike.她骑自行车去上班。00:38.63by car乘小汽车00:42.68by school b

19、us乘校车00:46.66on foot步行00:50.34by bike骑自行车00:54.012 Ask and answer.问答练习。00:58.48How do you go to school?你怎么去上学?01:02.26By school bus.乘校车。01:05.69How does your father go to work?你父亲怎么去上班?01:09.26He goes to work by car.他开车去上班。01:13.39How does your mother go to work?你母亲怎么去上班?01:16.99She goes to work by

20、bus.她坐公交车去上班。01:20.703 Listen and learn the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。01:25.46y goodbye再见01:32.62fly a kite放风筝01:36.75my dog我的狗01:40.61Part B01:42.681 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。01:46.72Whos she?她是谁?01:49.10Shes my aunt.Shes from Taiwan.她是我的姑姑,她来自台湾。01:53.80Does she go to Taiwan by plane?她乘飞机去台湾吗?01:57.

21、61No, she doesnt.不,她不是。02:00.84She goes by ship.她乘轮船去吗?02:03.98Taiwan is a beautiful place.台湾是一个美丽的地方。02:07.59Yes, it is.是的,它是。02:10.45by ship乘轮船02:14.05by train乘火车02:17.58by plane乘飞机02:21.592 Ask and answer.问答练习。02:26.67.02:54.103 Listen and learn the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。02:59.56y happy快乐的 Sall

22、y萨利 story故事 library图书馆03:18.23Part C03:20.523 Lets chant.我们一起来唱歌。03:23.72To Shanghai去上海03:28.64Daddy goes to Shanghai by plane.03:31.53By plane, by plane.03:34.42Daddy goes to Shanghai by plane.03:37.58Daddy comes home by train.03:40.35By train, by train.03:43.41Daddy comes home by train.03:50.684 L

23、isten and connect.听录音并连线。03:54.86.闽教版四年级英语下册Review 1课文朗读00:00.00Review 1复习一00:04.291 Look, think and say.看着图片,动脑思考并练习说00:09.44.03:21.174. Fill in the missing words.根据图片所示填空。03:25.35From Monday to Friday,we go to school every day.从星期一到星期五,我们每天都去上学03:31.45.03:59.885. Listen and learn the English sound

24、s.听录音并学习发音。04:04.44m milk牛奶 swim游泳 mouth嘴 monkey猴子04:20.56n pen钢笔 run奔跑 nose鼻子 noodles面条04:36.73h hen母鸡 hand手 horse马 house房子04:53.29j job工作 jump跳跃 juice果汁 jacket夹克衫05:10.13w we我们 wear穿着;戴 winner胜利者 window窗户05:25.33y yes是的 you你(们) year年 yellow黄色(的)05:42.53y my我的 fly飞;飞行 sky天空 goodbye再见06:00.26y story

25、故事 party聚会;派对 happy快乐的06:13.99library图书馆闽教版四年级英语下册Unit 5 Shopping课文朗读00:00.00Unit 5 Shopping第五单元 购物00:06.25Part A00:08.281 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。00:12.79Sallys mother is in the kitchen.萨利的母亲在厨房里,00:16.35She is making a shopping list.她正在列一个购物清单。00:20.03I need some chicken,some fruits,我需要一些鸡肉,一些水果,

26、00:24.43tea and orange juice.茶叶和橘子汁。00:28.34Hi,kids.Im going to the supermarket.孩子们,你们好,我打算去超市,00:32.26Do you want to come with me?你们想跟我一起去吗?00:35.18Sure.当然了。00:37.28Sure.当然了。00:39.58Can we buy some toys?我们能买一些玩具吗?00:42.49Yes, you can.是的,你们可以。00:45.27Yeah!好呀!00:47.84Yeah!好呀!00:50.64supermarket超市00:5

27、4.54fruits水果00:57.87juice果汁01:01.32chicken鸡肉01:04.732 Look and say.看图说英语。01:09.15.01:40.953 Listen and learn the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。01:46.89s books书 grapes葡萄 desks书桌 bikes自行车02:03.87Part B02:06.001 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。02:10.57I like this Teddy Bear, Mom.妈妈,我喜欢这只泰迪熊。02:13.63How much is it?它

28、卖多少钱?02:15.96Its seventy yuan.70元。02:19.01I like this toy train, Mom.妈妈,我喜欢这个玩具火车。02:22.36How much is it?它卖多少钱?02:24.63Its a hundred yuan.100元。02:27.47These tomatoes are very good.这些西红柿很好。02:31.33Lets get some.我们拿一些吧。02:33.75How much is it?它卖多少钱?02:35.79Its two hundred yuan.200元。02:39.06Heres the mo

29、ney.给你钱。02:41.22Thank you.谢谢。02:43.4460 sixty六十02:47.2770 seventy七十02:51.1180 eighty八十02:54.7090 ninety九十02:58.68100 a hundred一百03:02.372 Ask and answer.问答练习。03:07.57.03:38.933 Listen and learn the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。03:44.76ts skirts短裙 shirts衬衫 rabbits兔子 robots机器人04:04.01Part C04:06.281 Sing a song.唱首歌。04:09.58The Toy Train玩具火车04:28.6804:17.18How much is the toy train,toy train,toy train?

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